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Everything posted by luminox™-

  1. my vote go to DH2 , i like it !
  2. Reduces Bad Cholesterol and Increases Good Cholesterol. A study found that the benefits of almonds can reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. This is of course very important to avoid health risks such as heart attack and stroke. Almonds can reduce cholesterol thanks to the content of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can protect blood cells against damage, as well as prevent clogged arteries due to cholesterol. Not only that, consuming almonds when eating unhealthy foods such as chips or candy can reduce bad cholesterol by up to 10%. Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease. The benefits of almonds are further related to heart health. Almonds are one type of nuts that can increase blood fats that are good for the heart. The content of almonds such as fiber, vitamin E, and omega 3 fatty acids can also benefit heart health. A study using almonds as a snack in certain diets found that almonds can reduce risk factors for coronary heart disease. To get the benefits for maximum heart health, try to consume almond shells too. Control Blood Sugar. The health benefits of almonds are also good for diabetics. Research conducted on people with type 2 diabetes reveals that someone who consumes almonds can reduce drugs, compared to those who do not eat them. The recommendation to consume almonds for diabetics can help sufferers of this disease feel full longer, so that blood sugar levels are stable, and ultimately the use of drugs to control blood sugar can be reduced. Help Lose Weight. Although almonds contain a lot of fat and calories, the benefits of almonds can help you lose weight. This is because almonds will make you feel fuller and thus help you avoid unhealthy foods. Body mass index will decrease by up to 18% in people who eat almonds, compared to those who do not eat almonds which only reduce 11%. This suggests that body fat represented by the ratio of height to weight is reduced by about 7 percent for people who consume almonds regularly. Healthy Digestion. Almond shells are a great source of prebiotics. This is useful for supporting the growth of good bacteria in our intestines. Good bacteria are responsible for the metabolism of nutrients from food and drugs. Recent research also shows that consuming prebiotics regularly can boost immunity and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Increase Brain Activity. The benefits of almonds are also useful for brain health. High intake of vitamin E can help prevent cognitive decline. The magnesium in almonds can also strengthen nerves in the brain. Protein also helps repair brain cells thereby improving cognitive function. Stronger and Shinier Hair. The next benefit of almonds is for hair. The magnesium and zinc content in almonds can trigger hair growth. Vitamin E in almonds can make hair stronger, and vitamin B makes hair more naturally shiny. Apart from being consumed, almond oil is also commonly used to prevent dandruff and smooth hair. Prevents Premature Aging. The benefits of almonds are also good for reducing wrinkles. One of the ways to prevent premature aging is the manganese and vitamin E in almonds. Manganese is a protein that can produce collagen. Collagen keeps skin firm and soft. Vitamin E is useful for protecting the skin from UV radiation from the sun which causes dark spots and wrinkles.
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  3. my voted go to DH2,i like it !
  4. Sea fish is very po[CENSORED]r with important nutrients such as protein, vitamin D, and the best source of omega-3. These contents are very important for the body and brain. Some fish have higher omega-3 nutrients than others, namely salmon and tuna. Reducing the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke. Heart attacks and strokes are the most common causes of death in the world. In research, it is said that consuming 1 or more serving of fish a week has a 15% lower risk of developing heart disease. This is believed because it has a high content of omega-3. Other studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of arrhythmias which can lead to sudden death. Omega-3 fatty acids can also lower triglyceride levels, plaque growth rate (atheroclerosis0, and lower blood pressure. Contains Essential Nutrients for Growth and Development. Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly known as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are essential for the development of the brain and eyes. However, because sea fish contains high mercury, pregnant women need to limit fish consumption to 340 grams per week. Pregnant women should also avoid raw fish because it may contain microorganisms that can harm the fetus. Prevents Decreased Brain Function Due To Aging. Brain function can decline with age. According to research, someone who consumes more sea fish has a slower decline in brain function. Reducing the Risk of Autoimmune Diseases Including Type 1 Diabetes. Autoimmune diseases occur when the body's immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. Examples such as type 1 diabetes which causes the immune system to attack the pancreas. Several studies have found that consumption of omega-3 or fish oil can reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes in children and adults. Maintain Vision Health in the Elderly. Several studies have shown that the omega-3 content in fish can maintain eye health. In one study, regular fish consumption reduced the risk of eye disorders by 42%. Improve Sleep Quality. In a study of 95 middle-aged men, eating salmon three times per week proved to improve sleep quality. The researchers concluded this was influenced by the vitamin D content in salmon. Efforts to Prevent Mercury Poisoning. Preventing mercury poisoning can be done by reducing the amount and selecting the types of sea fish to be consumed. In addition, efforts can also be made, such as: Eat large types of fish Avoid fish which then contain high mercury while pregnant Following new serving of fish and seafood for children. According to the FDA, a serving size for children under 3 years of age can consume 1 ounce of fish and children 4-7 years of age is 2 ounces. Make a selection of sushi or sushi restaurant before consuming it. Make sure the sushi is processed safely.
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  5. ajg bat dah gw heran gw punya akivitas bagus ampe 1k lebih malah,sedangkan grade yang diatas gw aktivitas kurang dari 1k malah sedikit doang kenapa si ajg bgst,udah gitu jarang bat aktif,tapi di upgrade tai kali otak otak,otak kntl kali 

    1. Zombie™


      mereka memang gak tahu diri cuk

    2. luminox™-


      kesel bat gw yan buset dah ga liat liat apa yang aktivitasnyaa banyakkk

  6. People often make the mistake of expecting other people to understand them without telling them how they feel. This is understandable because being honest about our feelings is not easy as a result, we begin to have difficulty expressing our emotions and intentions. To some extent, we even expect other people to read our minds and sometimes even get angry when they fail. Difficulty communicating can cause more problems in our relationship. When we hope to be understood without saying what is on our mind, we are disappointed. Since we failed to say something, it might avoid this problem. We could possibly become distant, pretending nothing was wrong when something was up. When things like this accumulate, we become too overwhelmed by the burdens we carry ourselves. It will be frustrating, and when it does, we will become too emotional to explain everything. When we can say everything calmly at the beginning. There is value in honesty. Just look how many proverbs were said and written about it. When we are honest, we are in control of our situations and our emotions. This will result in better communication and better relationships. Here are some ways to practice honesty in our lives. Be honest with yourself. Before even trying to be more honest with others, we should practice being honest with ourselves first. It's true when people say that no one knows you better than yourself. So, take a step back and check your emotions and intentions. By being honest with ourselves, we will know what to say and what to pay attention to. Understand What Makes You Want to Lie. When we talk to other people, it is not because of our intention to betray or hurt them. More often than not it disagrees, it's because we think it's the best way to avoid problems and arguments. What's complicated about this is that lies tend to lead to other lies. A bigger lie and you probably don't want that to happen. This can be said of hiding the truth or lies due to neglect. All that has to be done is to understand why yourself is in the first place, and to judge yourself right in that thought is compulsion. If you put yourself in someone else's shoes, you will know that they prefer the truth and be hurt according to the belief that they were betrayed. Be yourself. Now that you understand the intention and truth behind your lie, you must begin to acknowledge who you really are. This may be a bitter pill to swallow, but you have to admit that in the process of creating your web of lies, you may develop behaviors that please people. Most of the time, this comes at the expense of your true personality. Be wise. someone once said Honesty without wisdom is cruelty. " More often than not, we hurt others with the truth because we said it the wrong way. This is why wisdom is important. This is why we need to think about our words. Ask yourself whether the words you chose were sensitive, accurate and could be spoken from a place full of love. You can always be right about what you say, but wrong in the way you say it. So think twice, maybe even thrice before you tell that person the risky truth. Honesty has its consequences, but it's always better to err on the side of kindness. Compassionate, not accusing. Be nice, but also be prepared to accept their reactions. Learning to communicate honestly starts with removing the notion that we will only hurt people with the truth
  7. yan liat nama gw wkwkwkw

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. luminox™-


      lah lu bisa dapet bilang apa ajg

    3. Zombie™


      ya we kan orang jujur makanya liat youtube cara add/remove Admin

    4. luminox™-
  8. jadi gw co owner yan gw gantiin posisi lu anajy

    1. Zombie™
    2. Zombie™


      eh bro aku dah gak bisa we dah downgrade myself


    3. luminox™-


      atuh buka ts 3 dulu biar enak ngomongnya

  9. pro.
  10. Happy birthday to you @Dante ღ, hopefully what you want can be achieved. I wish you all the best.
  11. Actually, there are many ways to be able to maintain a healthy heart. Routine exercise and living a healthy lifestyle are some of them. One way to live a healthy lifestyle is to eat healthy foods every day, especially those that are good for the heart. Speaking of healthy foods that are good for the heart, phytonutrients are the answer. This compound is naturally contained in vegetables and fruit, which is useful for nourishing the heart and helping it work optimally. For plants, phytonutrients are useful to protect them from germs, fungi, and pests. Meanwhile, for humans, this compound can help the body work properly. 1. Nuts. Nuts are one of the foods with a high phytonutrient content. In addition, nuts are also rich in fiber and water, which makes you full quickly. This can prevent you from consuming a lot of calories. These foods also contain antioxidants, which can prevent cell damage from exposure to free radicals. 2. Whole Grains. Whole grains such as wheat, brown rice, and corn, which are consumed as the main source of carbohydrates, can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. This is because whole grains contain protein, fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, and minerals such as iron, zinc and magnesium. 3. Wine. Grapes can prevent heart disease and hypertension. This is because grapes contain fiber and flavonoids which are good for preventing heart damage. 4. Berries. Various berries, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, can be a healthy snack that is good for the heart. This benefit is obtained because the berries contain fiber and antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of heart attack. However, further research is needed on the effects of the berries on heart health. 5. Apples. Apples can reduce bad cholesterol in the body and help regulate blood sugar, so it can indirectly reduce the risk of heart disease. Apart from containing phytonutrients, apples also contain other compounds that are good for the heart, namely epicatechin. This compound is an antioxidant that can help lower high blood pressure. 6. Garlic. One way to maintain heart health is to maintain blood pressure so that it is not too high. This means you need to limit your salt intake, because it can increase blood pressure. Well, garlic might be a solution, because it can be used as a substitute for natural salt which can add a savory taste to food, without affecting blood pressure. If you want to know what other ingredients or foods can be used as a substitute for natural salt, which doesn't affect heart health, you can ask a nutritionist on the Halodoc application. Don't forget to always monitor your blood pressure by regularly carrying out health checks, which can also be ordered easily via the Halodoc application. 7. Green Tea. Regularly consuming green tea every day is said to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. However, do not consume green tea excessively either, because it can increase the risk of kidney stones. Consuming green tea every day is good, but you also need to consume more water, to avoid the risk of dehydration and the urinary system remains smooth. Those are some healthy foods that are good for the heart. Please note that eating lots of healthy foods does not guarantee that you are free from the risk of heart disease, you know. Especially if you don't balance it with regular exercise, adequate sleep, and managing stress. In addition, it is also important to avoid smoking, so that the heart and body as a whole remain healthy.
  12. pro.
  13. increasing your activity means the time you play on the server, play for 1 week as long as you can, minimum 30 hours of play according to your admin's request.You are allowed to make only one request per 7 days.
  14. increase your activity
  15. i vote v2 i like it
  16. pro
  17. In order to avoid various kinds of diseases, there are many ways to maintain a healthy body that can be done. By applying these methods, a healthy quality of life can be maintained. Actually applying various ways is difficult to maintain the health of things. It's just that, you have to be consistent in doing it. This needs to be used, starting from small things such as adequate and regular rest regularly. How to Maintain a Healthy Body Changing a lifestyle to be healthier is a recommended way of maintaining a healthy body. Some healthy lifestyles that you can live, are: Eat healthy foods You are advised to eat healthy foods every day, including foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. As a source of protein, you can consume lean meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, various types of marine fish, and freshwater fish. Meanwhile, to meet carbohydrate needs, you can get it from brown rice, oats, quinoa, and whole wheat bread. Eat a variety of vegetables, such as asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, kale, cucumber, cabbage, radishes, mushrooms, squash, eggplant, various types of nuts, and peppers. Vegetables contain various kinds of vitamins and nutrients that the body needs. Apart from vegetables, various types of fruit are also very good for health, such as apples, avocados, bananas, blueberries, oranges, strawberries, kiwi, mangoes, lemons, pineapples, pears and grapes. These fruits are also very good for those of you who are on a diet. Exercise regularly The next way to maintain a healthy body is to stay active and exercise regularly. Exercise is not only good for health, but also able to prevent and manage health problems suffered, such as stroke, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, arthritis, and cancer. To get the various benefits of exercise, it is advisable to exercise for 150 minutes a week. Or take the time for 20-30 minutes each day to exercise. Maintain ideal body weight Being overweight can increase the risk of various types of diseases. Diseases such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer, are susceptible to sufferers of obesity or overweight. To control your weight, you can check your body mass index (BMI). Quit smoking For smokers, it is advisable to stop smoking as early as possible. Cigarettes can harm your health. Apart from smoking, stop the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages for the sake of your health. Protect your skin You are advised to use sunscreen, so that the skin is well protected. In addition, wear long-sleeved clothing or a wide-brimmed hat when doing outdoor activities to keep your skin protected, because long-term sun exposure not only causes sunburn, it can also increase the risk of premature aging and skin cancer. Safe sex Healthy sex not only provides emotional satisfaction, but also brings benefits to the health of the body. Those of you who are already sexually active should avoid casual sex or have multiple partners. The goal is to avoid sexually transmitted diseases that can endanger the health of the body.
  18. my voted is DH1, i like !
  19. hello everyone I'm back, this is my second time back hhh, I've been back from out of town for 9 days, nice to be back and want to play with you again, I miss playing together on sv and now I'm back.
  20. my vote DH2 i like it !!!
  21. yan buset dah lu yan kenapa ege anjip dah

    1. luminox™-


      dia direpot juga ora biarin bae liat aja

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