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Everything posted by luminox™-

  1. my vote go to DH1 , i like it
  2. Extreme high blood pressure can trigger severe headaches, a symptom of a hypertensive crisis.High blood pressure is said to be extreme when the systolic pressure is above 180 mmHg and the diastolic pressure is above 120 mmHg.Extreme high blood pressure can damage blood vessels. Damaged blood vessels can bleed.Hypertensive crisis in the world of health is also known as malignant hypertension.Launching Healthline, during a hypertensive crisis, the patient's blood pressure rises to a critical level.This condition can put pressure on the skull and cause severe headaches or severe dizziness.According to the Mayo Clinic, untreated hypertensive crises can lead to strokes.Recognize the various causes and symptoms of a hypertensive crisis, marked by the main symptoms of high blood pressure to severe headaches. Causes of the hypertensive crisis There are several things that can be the cause of a hypertensive crisis, including: Forgetting to take high blood pressure medication Head hit or hit Heart attack Heart failure Kidney failure The aortic artery ruptures Certain drug side effects Seizures during pregnancy (eclampsia) Symptoms of a hypertensive crisis There are two types of hypertensive crises, namely urgent and emergency. Urgent hypertensive crisis types are generally not accompanied by organ damage. Meanwhile, in an emergency hypertensive crisis, blood pressure is very high and has been accompanied by organ damage.Signs and symptoms of a life-threatening hypertensive crisis include: Severe headache, confusion, and blurred vision Severe chest pain Nausea and vomiting Anxiety attacks appear Hard to breathe Seizures Does not respond when called or spoken to Beware of high blood pressure to cause severe headaches such as symptoms of a hypertensive crisis. Health problems like these cannot be cured by simply taking painkillers. If someone around you has a hypertensive crisis, seek medical attention immediately. Doctors usually recommend that the patient be treated in the hospital and the patient is given medication treatment.
  3. pro for helper
  4. lama banget marty buset

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zombie™


      We dah Contact Ama si boss

    3. luminox™-


      serius bre sip lah kalo begitu huehue dah gw tunggu juga

    4. luminox™-


      mang dia bilang apaan

  5. Video title: Mobile Legends WTF Funny Moments Episode 223 Content creator ( Youtuber ) : SuperHVH Official YT video:
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  6. • Your Nickname ( Must be same like teamspeak ) :Mr.Fammozy • Your Age :20 • Profile link : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/80554-mrfammozy/ • How much you can stay active in both forum & teamspeak ? :5-6 hours • How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? :make activity,help member and project • How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? :10 • Other information about your request ? : - • Last request link : first time
  7. Food can be an option for people with bipolar disorder (ODB) to reduce the risk of the disorder's symptoms getting worse. A healthy lifestyle including nutritious food intake is one of the suggestions recommended for people with bipolar disorder. Numerous studies have shown that a healthy diet can help manage bipolar disorder in the long term.However, this is not easy, because people with AIDS tend to have a poor diet and are not good at planning healthy nutritional intake. Melvin G. McInnis, author of the Journal of Psychiatric Research, also specifically mentions that fast food is often the main food source for a number of people with bipolar disorder. "It's convenient, cheap, and gives satisfaction even in the short term," he said. Meanwhile, Rachel Bergmans, PhD, MPH from the University of Michigan School of Medicine said, people with AIDS have a high prevalence for various chronic conditions. One of the signs is being overweight. or obesity."A healthy diet not only suppresses bipolar symptoms, but also keeps people away from various accompanying diseases," he said, as quoted from the Every Day Health page, Tuesday (30/3/2021). There are a number of foods that people with bipolar disorder should avoid based on expert recommendations, including: Caffeine The National Sleep Foundation suggests that caffeine can increase irritability and anxiety in addition to affecting sleep. It is advisable to avoid caffeine just before bedtime.Lack of sleep is one of the stimulants that can trigger episodes of mania for people with bipolar disorder. That's why food or drinks with this compound content should be avoided. Alcohol According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), alcohol can affect bipolar mood swings, and it can also interact negatively with medications such as lithium. Research on more than 11,000 people with bipolar disorder also shows that alcohol use can lead to premature death in people with bipolar disorder. Sugar High sugar intake and levels can interfere with the treatment being undertaken by people with bipolar disorder. In addition, this also has an impact on obesity and other diseases. Bipolar sufferers are advised to eat fruits as a source of natural sugar. Salt Lithium is a drug that is often prescribed by doctors to keep the mood swings of people with bipolar disorder. Therefore, pay attention to the intake of antrium to the body because the amount can affect lithium levels. It's good to consult a doctor to find out the amount of salt that is safe for consumption by the body. Fat Fats are also one of the foods that people with diabetes should avoid. Instead, they have to rebalance the types of fat in the diet to include more omega-3 fats and less omega-6 fats. Food choices that are low in saturated fat include almonds, sardines, salmon, anchovies, spinach, and pumpkin.
  8. Messy kitchen conditions are usually seen from pans, pans, or other cooking utensils that are placed carelessly. However, full kitchen cabinets can also make it difficult for the kitchen to look tidy because these cabinets are no longer able to store a lot of kitchen utensils. We recommend that we check whether the items stored in the kitchen cupboards are still fit for use or we really don't want to throw them away so they only take up space. Here are seven things that we can remove from the kitchen when they are no longer in use. 1. Plastic bottles Accustomed to collecting plastic bottles obtained from seminars or sports? Bottles or other plastic containers can cause your kitchen cabinets to fill up. Sort all the containers, keep the containers you still use, while those that are not used can be used to become pots or spices. 2. Extra mugs A mug is an easy container to fill a kitchen cabinet with because of its large handle. Start removing the mugs from the kitchen cupboards, save those that are actually used and the rest can be donated. If you don't want to throw away your mug collection, consider installing mug hooks under the cupboard. A design like this can provide additional space in the cupboard, as well as display a collection of mugs on the outside. 3. Incomplete plastic food containers Remove all plastic food containers from the kitchen cupboards and attach the containers to the lids. If there is a container that has lost its lid or vice versa, don't think twice about it. Discard the container or lid if it looks cracked or chipped. You can also use it as a place to store hobby equipment. 4. Cracked cups and plates Examine kitchen cabinets for cracked plates or teacups with cracked or broken handles. If there is, throw away the cutlery immediately. Apart from filling up kitchen cabinets, cracks in plates or cup handles can injure our hands. 5. Kitchen utensils that have not been used for a long time Kitchen utensils that have not been used once in the last 24 months, should be removed from the cupboard or stored in a warehouse. If it hasn't been used for years, just donate it to those who need it. Try checking the condition of the equipment such as a toaster, mixer, or blender, is it still working or not. 6. The sauce or chili sauce has expired Finally, try checking out expired spices, sauces, and chili bottles or plastic containers. If there is a spice that we haven't used for a long time, we can throw it away.
  9. Nickname : @Mr.Fammozy Tag your opponent : @Talha Anjum Music genre :R&B/rap Number of votes ( max 10 ) :9 Tag one leader to post your songs List: me
  10. Video title: Stupidity At Its Best | FailArmy Content creator ( Youtuber ) :FailArmy Official YT video:
  11. Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. These magnificent marine mammals rule the oceans at up to 100 feet long and upwards of 200 tons. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant. Their hearts, as much as an automobile. Diet of krill Blue whales reach these mind-boggling dimensions on a diet composed nearly exclusively of tiny shrimplike animals called krill. During certain times of the year, a single adult blue whale consumes about 4 tons of krill a day. Blue whales are baleen whales, which means they have fringed plates of fingernail-like material, called baleen, attached to their upper jaws. The giant animals feed by first gulping an enormous mouthful of water, expanding the pleated skin on their throat and belly to take it in. Then the whale's massive tongue forces the water out through the thin, overlapping baleen plates. Thousands of krill are left behind—and then swallowed. Coloring and appearance Blue whales look true blue underwater, but on the surface their coloring is more a mottled blue-gray. Their underbellies take on a yellowish hue from the millions of microorganisms that take up residence in their skin. The blue whale has a broad, flat head and a long, tapered body that ends in wide, triangular flukes. Vocalization and behavior Blue whales live in all the world's oceans, except the Arctic, occasionally swimming in small groups but usually alone or in pairs. They often spend summers feeding in polar waters and undertake lengthy migrations towards the Equator as winter arrives. These graceful swimmers cruise the ocean at more than five miles an hour, but accelerate to more than 20 miles an hour when they are agitated. Blue whales are among the loudest animals on the planet. They emit a series of pulses, groans, and moans, and it’s thought that, in good conditions, blue whales can hear each other up to 1,000 miles away. Scientists think they use these vocalizations not only to communicate, but, along with their excellent hearing, to sonar-navigate the lightless ocean depths. Blue whale calves Calves enter the world already ranking among the planet's largest creatures. After about a year inside its mother's womb, a baby blue whale emerges weighing up to 3 tons and stretching to 25 feet. It gorges on nothing but mother's milk and gains about 200 pounds every day for its first year. Longevity Blue whales are among Earth's longest-lived animals. Scientists have discovered that by counting the layers of a deceased whale's waxlike earplugs, they can get a close estimate of the animal's age. The oldest blue whale found using this method was determined to be around 110 years old. Average lifespan is estimated at around 80 to 90 years. Conservation Aggressive hunting in the 1900s by whalers seeking whale oil drove them to the brink of extinction. Between 1900 and the mid-1960s, some 360,000 blue whales were slaughtered. They finally came under protection with the 1966 International Whaling Commission, but they've managed only a minor recovery since then. Blue whales have few predators but are known to fall victim to attacks by sharks and killer whales, and many are injured or die each year from impacts with large ships.
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  12. sv kita dah dibeli orang ni ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zombie™
    3. Zombie™


      gua gak tau harus kemana

    4. luminox™-


      ett sama aku juga kemana lagi,cari-cari dulu dah

  13. Model Chrissy Teigen deleted her Twitter account due to frequent criticism that affected her mental health. This move was quite surprising for fans, especially since Chrissy is a figure who has been active on the platform for a long time. However, he was not alone. In fact, there are already several celebrities who have done it first. Pamela Anderson, for example, in January decided to stop posting content on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Meanwhile, Elon Musk said in February that he would take a break from Twitter and Alec Baldwin deactivated his Twutter account in early March because he felt that many people were roughing it, and there were many other figures.Social media does have many benefits. However, spending too much time on social media platforms has also been linked to depression, anxiety and stress. According to the chief medical officer of All Points North Lodge's addiction treatment center, Dr. Shahla Modir said this condition could make someone build an unhealthy relationship with social media Digital health expert Mark Ostach said social media can also cause digital trauma in some people due to intense exposure to certain information. Then, how do we know when is the right time to pause social media? Not everyone needs a social media break. However, for those who need it, social media breaks can make a person more present in real life so they can learn new hobbies and take better care of themselves. The quality of sleep may also improve due to reduced exposure to blue light at night.Launching Yahoo, here are the signs that someone needs a social media break: 1. Often compare yourself with others The fear of missing out (FOMO) can trigger anxiety in some people. These people are starting to feel the spotlight they are getting on social media is something real to them. Spending too much time online on social media can make it difficult for a person to distinguish between online and real-life perspectives. 2. Obsessed with constantly checking your cell phone Checking notifications all the time can also be a sign that digital activity is disrupting social relations in real life. "Likes" can be very addictive, causing dopamine, the feel-good hormone, in the brain that forces a person to keep checking their cell phones, " 3. Real-world interactions are disrupted This can be in the form of complaints from people around you that your use of social media interferes with social relations in the real world or decreases in interactions with people around you. Another indication that you are overusing social media is constantly receiving the same info from various social media platforms. "This almost jeopardizes our ability to think and develop our own casual conversation," 4. Disturbed sleep Another sign that you may need a social media break is when you wake up worried about what you saw on social media at night. "It's probably because you keep scrolling late into the night. It's a bad habit that often leads to restless or restless sleep," says Ostach. If the habit of accessing social media late at night is disrupting your sleep schedule, then maybe this is the time you should create boundaries with your electronic devices. 5. Start looking at yourself negatively Some people feel that their views are influenced by what they see on social media. Washington DC licensed clinical professional counselor, Jermaine Graves, said there are several signs that a person views himself negatively, as well as causing feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or depression. 6. An increased sense of anxiety, depression or loneliness Social media can trigger feelings of competitiveness, which in turn can lead to anxiety, making a person feel like he or she needs to meet the social expectations of the people they follow on social media. "This is unrealistic and based on fantasy," There's nothing wrong with using social media. We can actually get the benefits of social media if we can use it in a fair and balanced manner. For example, to market merchandise, share certain moments with relatives, get the latest information, and more. However, we need to pay attention to how the behavior of using social media affects us.
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  14. Every July, young common swifts leave their European roosts and migrate to western and central Africa. They’ll only be back in the following June, and they’ll spend the intervening 10 months almost continuously in the air. They might travel to Africa, but their feet never meet African soil. “They feed in the air, they mate in the air, they get nest material in the air,” says Susanne Åkesson from Lund University in Sweden. “They can land on nest boxes, branches, or houses, but they can’t really land on the ground.” That's because their wings are too long and their legs are too short to take off from a flat surface.As a result, common swifts are among nature’s greatest aeronauts, superbly adapted for a life spent largely in the skies.People have long suspected that swifts stay airborne for long stretches of time, but no one could confirm it. Åkesson and her husband, Anders Hedenström, both from Lund University, did so by fitting 19 of the birds with lightweight data loggers in 2013, and recapturing them one or two years later. The loggers had regularly recorded local light levels, which the duo could use to pinpoint the birds’ global position. And they had recorded the swifts’ acceleration, activity, and body positions, which revealed if they were flying or resting. The data revealed that some swifts were almost never inactive during their long migrations. For example, between September 2013 and April 2014, one of the birds rested for just four nights in February. The following year, it never rested for a full night; over the same period, it stopped for just two hours.A few other swifts did rest more often. Åkesson and Hedenström suspect that this was because they hadn’t finished replacing their wing and tail feathers during their annual molt. The old feathers might have compromised their ability to stay permanently aloft, or their inability to molt fully might reflect some underlying health problem that affected their flight. Either way, it’s not like they were actually grounded. If they rested, it was just for a few hours. At most, they spent just 0.64 percent of their migration on terra firma. Other scientists have found similar results. In 2013, Felix Liechti from the Swiss Ornithological Institute used similar data loggers to show that three alpine swifts probably flew nonstop for 200 days, on their long migration from Switzerland to Africa and back again. That was especially surprising because alpine swifts are twice the size of common swifts, with wingspans of up to 22 inches. Such long nonstop flights imply that swifts must be able to sleep while flying. This August, Niels Rattenborg of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Germany proved that frigate birds—large seabirds with piratical tendencies—do the same. He fitted brainwave sensors to 15 frigatebirds and showed that they sleep mid-flight, for about 40 minutes a day and just a few seconds at a time. There’s no brain sensor small enough to record their mental activity of a flying swift, but they surely must be taking midair naps too. Maybe they do what dolphins do, sending one half of their brains to sleep at a time so they can stay continuously alert.
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