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  1. Accepted! @Soldado 76 you are not allowed to be indifferent in these kind of situations! By what the other player did and by what you did(not fulfilling you duties), in this way you damage our game-play and players will start to lose interest in our server! This thing won't harm you or either your pockets! So next time think twice before doing something that you clearly know it's against our rules! @Soldado 76 suspended for 3 Days T/C
  2. The Passoword/Key is wrong and your Activity is low too! CONTRA
  3. Accepted! Send me Nick/PW/Tag in Discord, here in Forum or WhatsApp. T/C
  4. Dear NEWLIFEZM Staff/Players 20 February 2023 me @linko and @Ballantines took the Ownership of NewLifeZM Server! The first and the oldest Server of CSBD Community! For me it was a dream because I used to play in this server since I was young and some weeks ago I managed to make my dream true! Thanks for the help of @Ballantines too. We(staff members) absolutely had fights between us according to the new Ownership and sadly these people left our server and we decided to continue our long journey! I hope the best for this server and I hope all Staff to We created new Discord Channel and everyone is Welcomed to join in it!! Link: https://discord.gg/SAbeWjcq | https://discord.gg/SAbeWjcq We also welcome you guys in our New Official Group Chat! Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CWk2PzCMCtAAoxmcDGnm4j | https://chat.whatsapp.com/CWk2PzCMCtAAoxmcDGnm4j For these two New Updates I would like to thank you for their work @Casper_l1 @kukata @VollmeR Thank you for your time and you are Welcomed in NewLife Family Everytime!!
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  5. Rules respecting and good activity! PRO
  6. You joined to play in our server these days recently and you made no activity! And please stop COPY/PASTING other request!! Contra
  7. Rejected T/C
  8. Model request is not alright!!!!!!!!
  9. Probation time looks a lot to me. But we can do like this. Every manager who will accept admin, will ask the player about the commands/rules/different situations that may happen in server and what will they do! Like a quick test!! 10-15 Questions. So even tho if they will open the rules to answer the question at least they will be forced to read them and in this way it becomes beneficial to them and we take beneficial admins !! The Manager who will do the questioning will be rewarded and the new Admin will be rewarded too! Accepted! Topic Closed!
  10. So you bought the same mod in the same map right?
  11. I already said my reasons on WhatsApp Group why I want to you to be accepted! PRO!
  12. First of all, that's why that M4 is set only for VIPS! It could have been set for all to be bought by points or ammos! That's why M4 is only for VIPs and not for everyone. Who has it, he is going to make a lot of ammo, and kills at the same time. BUT don't forget, because it needs only 1 time for that item to be dropped and he can't get it back again. Only if he buys it again normally, but in some cases it costs a bunch of points to buy it! That's why that weapon makes a little bit difference between the player and VIP. I'm not trying to "destroy" the balance between player and VIP. But this is the only explanation that every Admin would've give you! These are just benefits of VIP. It is necessary to have them. TY
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  14. You said that you understand English right? What is this then? Talking about your activity.. when you read the rules it was clearly said that you need 30 Hours + 2 Weeks of daily activity. Then why you request when you know that you are wrong on it? Why?
  15. Accepted! @lock pick3r. didn't answered in this Report or even in my PM. Suspended 1 week for this report and lack of interest in server! T/C Topic Closed!


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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