Firstly the mod was not given by the sv he bought it with his ammo : [ZP] -MMF bought Assassin
Secondly the players kept on serching for admin to slay him and cuz i was AFK i asked them why and these what i got :
*Dead* Rabbit -=AnGeL=- : 2 mods ?
*Dead* Rabbit -=AnGeL=- :are u sure ?
ALIVE champagnepapi : yes this is the 2 mod
ALIVE champagnepapi : change name
-.Chinuit-. DrazoX : and this is two
ALIVE -.Chinuit-. DrazoX : yes two mods
ALIVE champagnepapi : [ZP] -MMf. bought Nemesis
ALIVE champagnepapi : you see
And because all players said so and MMF didnt deny it : ALIVE -MMF : So ? So i slayed him .
That is all what i have