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About DANI S. @ FUN

  • Birthday April 21


  • [Banned by Mr.Love ] - 150 euro unban tax


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    Să arunc cu banii .

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DANI S. @ FUN's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. NOMINALIZARI STAFF (Emblema de profil) Administrator of the Year ➤ @Mr.Love @Roselina ♣ flowers @The GodFather @vagabond. Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @#Steeven.™ Moderator of the Year ➤ @SKYFALL NOMINALIZARI PROIECTE (Emblema de profil + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @ROVEN Gambler of the Year ➤ @The GodFather Dealer Of the Year ➤ @vagabond. Journalist of the Year ➤ @Agent 47' Guardians Of Gaming of the Year ➤ @AL_MAOT VGame Reviewer of the Year ➤ - Devil Harmony of the Year ➤ - NOMINALIZARI MANAGERI (Emblema de profil + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @BMW e63 Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ - NOMINALIZARI GRUPE SPECIALE (Emblema de profil + 2500 CSBD Points) Cel mai vechi Ex-Staff ➤ @#PREDATOR Best V.I.P. ➤ @Ares NOMINALIZARI TEAMSPEAK 3 (Iconita TS3 speciala + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ @Dean Ambrose™ Cel mai activ TS3 user ➤ @King_of_lion Userul care a cerut cel mai mult grad ➤ - The best TS3 Server Admin ➤ @Mr.Love The best TS3 Administrator ➤ @vagabond. Cel mai AFK user ➤ - NOMINALIZARI SERVERE (Semnatura speciala cu numele serverului) Server of the Year ➤ RSX.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Cel mai activ (32/32) server ➤ CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Cel mai tare Zombie server ➤ THUNDERZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Cel mai tare Classic server ➤ CS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Cel mai tare Respawn server ➤ RSX.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM NOMINALIZARI MEMBRII (2000 CSBD Points) Cel mai activ membru CsBlackDevil (+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ @Loenex Banned of the Year ➤ - Loser of the year ➤ - Visatorul la grade ➤ @BulaNikeSSS Spammer of the Year ➤ - Cel mai social membru ➤ @vagabond. @Mr.Love @Roselina ♣ flowers Cel mai frumos membru ➤ @Roselina ♣ flowers Cel mai apreciat membru ➤ @XZoro™ Cel mai enervant membru ➤ @#nuţu.XD Cel mai iubit membru ➤ @Mr.Love Cel mai bogat membru ➤ - Membrul care a ajutat cel mai mult ➤ @Amaranth Membrul cu cele mai bune topicuri/posturi ➤ - Cel mai prietenos membru ➤ -

  3. alo, poliția română ?

  4. Hi can I ask why this guy MariusR is banning me again and again for no reason, when im not cheater , IS he right to do this ?

    ""You have been permanently banned from our server my friend. Don`t come again with another request you`re doing them for nothing .

    And just to let you know i did ban you this time so will be a definitely a permanent one .""



    P.S.: Don`t bother us again !!

  5. hi I send u a messege can u terurn me answer please?

  6. fermier , caut nevastă

  7. De mic copil am aruncat cu  banii 

  8. Congratulations for VIP 


  10. ¤ Nume[/nickname]: DANI S. @ FUN ¤ Vârsta:¤ Știu majoritatea ¤ Țară: Romania ¤ Ocupatie: Inginer ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: sunt un om ca oricare altul ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: Știam de ea demult ¤ Jocuri preferate: Fifa, Metin2 ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): fun.csblackdevil.com ¤ O poză cu tine (optional): -
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