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Everything posted by -INTOX-

  1. ¤ Your name: -INTOXICADOS- ¤ Claimed Admin name: MALI ¤ Date and time: 21/sep/2019 he did this right now ¤ Reason of complaint: when player rr he dont give him ban or slay and when player block others he dont give him slay and he broke rule there was less players but he break rule he buy sniper its not allowed as in rules owners says: rr-zm, if zombie is the last, 2 slay sequentially in 2 rounds. ,Slay direct: these who are trying to bug the map in any way and block intentionally , important rule (CAREFULLY: It's forbidden to buy sniper/survivor from admins and player , if there's not more than 15 players, without counting the spectators(will be followed by slay). there were 13 players online with bots in spectators and he buy sniper must be punished! ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://imgur.com/JNED732 , https://imgur.com/Te63pzk if you need more proof he did it right now in other map asking player to give him free dont kill him https://imgur.com/lYL9hLS and again he buy sniper mod he buy it last map and this map again he did it https://imgur.com/Z3HWZTs
  2. A lot of games make a big deal out of player choice, but few in recent memory offer so many intricate, meaningful ways of approaching any given situation. You fulfill or dash the spiritual hopes of an idyllic society, side with slavers or their slaves, and decide the fate of more than one city over the course of your postapocalyptic journey through the Washington, DC wasteland. Your actions have far-reaching consequences that affect not just the world around you but also the way you play, and it's this freedom that makes Fallout 3 worth playing--and replaying. It's deep and mesmerizing, and though not as staggeringly broad as the developer's previous games, it's more focused and vividly realized. This focus is obvious from the first hour of the game, in which character creation and story exposition are beautifully woven together. It's an introduction best experienced on your own rather than described in detail here, but it does set up Fallout 3's framework: It's the year 2277, and you and your father are residents of Vault 101, one of many such constructs that shelter the earth's po[CENSORED]tion from the dangers of postnuclear destruction. When dad escapes the vault without so much as a goodbye, you go off in search of him, only to find yourself snagged in a political and scientific tug of war that lets you change the course of the future. As you make your way through the decaying remnants of the District and its surrounding areas (you'll visit Arlington, Chevy Chase, and other suburban locales), you encounter passive-aggressive ghouls, a bumbling scientist, and an old Fallout friend named Harold who has, well, a lot on his mind. Another highlight is a diminutive collective of Lord of the Flies-esque refugees who reluctantly welcome you into their society, assuming that you play your cards right. The city is also one of Fallout 3's stars. It's a somber world out there, in which a crumbling Washington Monument stands watch over murky green puddles and lurching beasts called mirelurks. You'll discover new quests and characters while exploring, of course, but traversing the city is rewarding on its own, whether you decide to explore the back rooms of a cola factory or approach the heavily guarded steps of the Capitol building. In fact, though occasional silly asides and amusing dialogue provide some humorous respite, it's more serious than previous Fallout games. It even occasionally feels a bit stiff and sterile, thus diminishing the sense of emotional connection that would give some late-game decisions more poignancy. Additionally, the franchise's black humor is present but not nearly as prevalent, though Fallout 3 is still keenly aware of its roots. The haughty pseudogovernment called the Enclave and the freedom fighters known as the Brotherhood of Steel are still powerful forces, and the main story centers around concepts and objectives that Fallout purists will be familiar with. Although some of that trademark Bethesda brittleness hangs in the air, the mature dialogue (it's a bit unnerving but wholly authentic the first time you hear 8-year-olds muttering expletives) and pockets of backstory make for a compelling trek. There are more tidbits than you could possibly discover on a single play-through. For example, a skill perk (more on these later) will enable you to extract information from a lady of the evening, information that in turn sheds new light on a few characters--and lets you complete a story quest in an unexpected way. A mission to find a self-realized android may initiate a fascinating look at a futuristic Underground Railroad, but a little side gossiping might let you lie your way to quest completion. There aren't as many quests as you may expect, but their complexity can be astonishing. Just be sure to explore them fully before pushing the story forward: Once it ends, the game is over, which means that you'll need to revert to an earlier saved game if you intend to explore once you finishe the main quest. Thus choices are ruled only by your own sense of propriety and the impending results. For every "bad" decision you make (break into someone's room, sacrifice a soldier to save your own hide), your karma goes down; if you do something "good" (find a home for an orphan, give water to a beggar), your karma goes up. These situations trigger more consequences: Dialogue choices open up, others close off, and your reputation will delight some while antagonizing others. For example, a mutant with a heart of gold will join you as a party member, but only if your karma is high enough, whereas a brigand requires you to be on the heartless side. Even in the last moments of the game, you are making important choices that will be recounted to you during the ending scene, similar to the endings in the previous Fallout games. There are loads of different ending sequences depending on how you completed various quests, and the way they are patched together into a cohesive epilogue is pretty clever. Fallout 3 remains true to the series’ character development system, using a similar system of attributes, skills, and perks, including the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system from previous games for your attributes, such as strength, perception, and endurance. From there, you can specialize in a number of skills, from heavy weapons and lock-picking to item repairing and terminal hacking. You will further invest in these skills each time you level, and you'll also choose an additional perk. Perks offer a number of varied enhancements that can be both incredibly helpful and a bit creepy. You could go for the ladykiller perk, which opens up dialogue options with some women and makes others easier to slay. Or the cannibal perk, which lets you feed off of fallen enemies to regain health at the risk of grossing out anyone who glimpses this particularly nasty habit. Not all of them are so dramatic, but they're important aspects of character development that can create fascinating new options. The VATS system makes for some awesome-looking battles. Although you can play from an odd-looking third-person perspective (your avatar looks like he or she is skating over the terrain), Fallout 3 is best played from a first-person view. Where combat is concerned, you will play much of the game as if it is a first-person shooter, though awkwardly slow movement and camera speeds mean that you'll never confuse it for a true FPS. Armed with any number of ranged and melee weapons, you can bash and shoot attacking dogs and random raiders in a traditional manner. Yet even with its slight clunkiness, combat is satisfying. Shotguns (including the awesome sawed-off variant) have a lot of oomph, plasma rifles leave behind a nice pile of goo, and hammering a mutant's head with the giant and cumbersome supersledge feels momentously brutal. Just be prepared to maintain these implements of death: Weapons and armor will gradually lose effectiveness and need repairing. You can take them to a specialist for fixing, but you can also repair them yourself, as long as you have another of the same item. It's heartbreaking to break a favored weapon while fending off supermutants, but it reinforces the notion that everything you do in Fallout 3, even shooting your laser pistol, has consequences. These aspects keep Fallout 3 from being a run-and-gun affair, and you shouldn't expect to play it as one. This is because the most satisfying and gory moments of battle are products of the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or VATS. This system is a throwback to the action-point system of previous Fallout games, in that it lets you pause the action, spend action points by targeting a specific limb on your enemy, and watch the bloody results unfold in slow motion. You aren't guaranteed a hit, though you can see how likely you are to strike any given limb and how much damage your attack might do. But landing a hit in VATS is immensely gratifying: The camera swoops in for a dramatic view, your bullet will zoom toward its target, and your foe's head might burst in a shocking explosion of blood and brains. Or perhaps you will blow his limb completely off, sending an arm flying into the distance--or launch his entire body into oblivion. This anatomically based damage is implemented well. Shooting an Enclave soldier's arm may cause him to drop his weapon, shooting his leg will cause him to limp, and a headshot will disorient him. But you aren't immune to these effects, either. If your head takes enough damage, you'll need to deal with disorienting aftereffects; crippled arms mean reduced aiming ability. Fortunately, you can apply healing stimpacks locally to heal the injury; likewise, a little sleep will help ease your troubles. You can also temporarily adjust your stats using any number of aids and healing items. Yet these, too, come with consequences. A little scotch or wine sounds delicious and offers temporary stat boosts, but you can become addicted if you drink them enough, which results in its own disorienting visual effects. And, of course, you will need to deal with the occasional effects of radiation, which is a problem when you drink from dirty water sources or eat irradiated food. Radiation poisoning can be cured, but you'll still need to weigh the healing benefits of certain items versus the resultant increase in radiation levels. This all makes for a remarkably complex game that's further deepened by other elements that add some gameplay variety and help the world feel more lived-in. Lock-picking initiates a decent, if odd, minigame that simulates applying torque to the lock with a screwdriver while twisting a bobby pin. The hacking minigame is an interesting word puzzle that requires a little bit of brainpower. Or if you fancy yourself more of a blacksmith than a wordsmith, you can earn and purchase schematics to help you create weapons using the various components scattered around the land. More of an interior decorator? No matter: Should you acquire the deed to an apartment, you can decorate it and even outfit it with a few helpful appliances. The jokester robot comes free. Although you'll be spending much of your time wandering alone out in the wastes, or perhaps with a companion or two, there are some memorable cinematic sequences. You will join soldiers as they take on a giant boss mutant, spearhead an assault on a famous DC landmark, and escape from a doomed citadel while robots and soldiers fill the air with laser fire. It's a good mix, paying off the atmospheric tension with an occasional explosive release. Your enemies put up a good fight--often too good, considering that enemies that were a challenge early on can still be tough cookies 5 or 10 levels later. This scaling difficulty makes your sense of progression feel a bit more limited than in other role-playing games, but it feels somewhat appropriate, considering the game's open-ended nature and inhospitable world. After all, if skulking mutants weren't a constant threat, you wouldn't be afraid to peek into the dark corners of the Fallout world. It should be noted that unlike previous games in the series, you can’t take a completely peaceful approach to solving your quest. In order to complete the game, you will have to get into combat and kill off some enemies, but since the combat system is generally pretty satisfying, this shouldn’t be a serious problem for most players. Fallout 3 takes place in a bombed-out, futuristic version of Washington DC, and in the game, the area is bleak but oddly serene. Crumbling overpasses loom overhead and optimistic 1950's-style billboards advertise their products with sunny catchphrases. It looks impressive, and you move around the wide-open wasteland with nary a loading time, though you will encounter loads when entering and exiting buildings or quick-jumping to areas you've already visited. Numerous set-piece landmarks are particularly ominous, such as a giant aircraft carrier that serves as a self-contained city, or the decrepit interiors of the National Air and Space Museum. But the small touches are just as terrific, such as explosions that produce mushroom-like clouds of flame and smoke, evoking the nuclear tragedy at the heart of Fallout 3's concept. Character models are more lifelike than in the developer's prior efforts but still move somewhat stiffly, lacking the expressiveness of the models in games such as Mass Effect. It's a shame, in light of these impressive design elements, that the PlayStation 3 version is shockingly inferior to the others from a technical perspective. Although the Xbox 360 and PC versions display the occasional visual oddity and bland texture, these nitpicks are easy to overlook. Sadly, the jagged edges, washed-out lighting, and slightly diminished draw distance of the PS3 release aren't so easy to dismiss. We also experienced a number of visual bugs on the PS3. Character faces disappeared several times, leaving only eyeballs and hair; limbs on robots went missing; some character models had an odd outline around them as if they were cel-shaded; and the day-to-night transition may cause odd streaks on the screen as you move the camera around. This version doesn't even offer trophies, whereas the Xbox 360 and PC versions offer Xbox Live/Windows Live achievements. While there is plenty of somber exploration, you'll still find lots of action. Quests are often more than meets the eye.
      • 2
      • I love it
  3. ah nano I need name of tse csbd how can I join what is server name?

    1. NANO



    2. -INTOX-


      can I be journalist here? I have access to forum+ts3

    3. Love Pulse

      Love Pulse

      Hello Here you Can know how to Be journalist,


  4. Nickname: -INTOXICADOS- ¤ Name: -INTOX- ¤ Age: 21 ¤ Country: Albania ¤ City: Tirana ¤ Favorite Games:Counter strike 1.6 ¤ Favorite Shows: Dbz , black clover,attack on titan , my hero amcademia,death note,one punch man ¤ Favorite Movies:dont have any ¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre: Mc kresha - lej flleshat ¤ What would you like to do in life: waste time ¤ Favorite actor - why ?: Johnny sins he is inspiring ¤ Favorite actress - why ?: Alexis texas ¤ You Smoke? / What brand of cigarette smoke:I dont smoke ¤ What alcoholic drink frequently: i dont drink ¤ Favorite juice: apple and orange ¤ In what country would you like to live: Japan ¤ Favorite football team: barcelona ¤ Car models: Audi r8 ¤ A brief description about you: a disappointment ¤ How did you find NewLifeZm?: ¤ If you win 1 million dollars, which would be the first thing you do?:
  5. welcome
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  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. hey bro are you here?

    1. RafaeL G.

      RafaeL G.

      Listen, instead of spamming all the GFX Staff members maybe you could use pms to the available one ? (Just a friendly advice ? )

    2. -INTOX-


      @- Draco - @CSBD did i ask you? mind your own business kid 

    3. Hellwalks


      Hey watch your mouth, kid

  9. hello dear Designers from where i can download the images with transparent background for what i can edit it i need it for PS

    1. Hellwalks


      There's no such image, having a "transparent" background means that there is actually no background at the back of a text or a render.

  10. i vote v2 good blur & text
  11. @Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔ @NANO @-Dark I NEED UR HELP HERE!

    hay i have buyed profile video but now its not working i mean its not showing the video check in my profile and now i want to edit it but there is no option of edit profile video in my profile can you fix it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -INTOX-


      ohh ty bhai thank you so much bro

    3. Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      Next time make post of ur ploblems on the section / F.A.Q

    4. -INTOX-


      Mr espin I don't have enough time like you to make topics for fun or for simple problems I am free to ask for help to my Pakistani brothers thanks to nano for helping me you were also active at that time you could help me but you didn't 

      GL try to help others not to make posts on their profiles I know rules better then you I am old member here you should must remember INTOX that's me with new access

  12. Audi A1 Sportback In the autumn of 2018 Audi will start selling the new Audi A1. It is the second generation of this model, a premium utility that arrives to replace the first generation Audi A1 that has been on sale between 2010 and 2018. The main novelty of this model is that it will only be available with the five-door body or Sportback. The three-door version disappears, therefore. This is something that had already happened in the Seat Ibiza and in the Volkswagen Polo. Another aspect that differentiates this model is that from now on it is manufactured at the Seat plant in Martorell. This is because this factory stops making the Audi Q3, which now faces the second generation, and, therefore, that gap that remains, is used by the brand of four rings to manufacture the new Audi A1 of 2019. The arrival of this model happens after two previous releases very important for the Volkswagen Group and that have a lot to do with this Audi A1 second generation. We are talking about the Seat Ibiza of 2017 and the Volkswagen Polo, also of 2017. The three cars have quite a few elements in common since they share the 'reduced' version of the modular MQB platform. We are talking about the MQB-A0 platform that premiered the Seat Ibiza in 2017 and has subsequently been introduced in the Volkswagen Polo. The arrival of this new platform has allowed the new Audi A1 to grow in size and habitability. For example, now its distance grows up to 2.56 meters and its length also increases by 5.6 centimeters, up to 4.03 meters. What does not vary is its width, which remains at 1.74 meters; and it also does not change the height, which is 1.41 meters. The section where there will be more differences will be in the wheelbase or battle as compared to the Audi A1 first generation would be talking about 9 inches more. Another section that improves this new Audi A1 is the boot, since the arrival of the platform MQB-A0 allows you to increase the load capacity by 65 liters which will provide the luggage compartment with 335 liters of capacity. In the case of folding the backrest of the rear seats then we will have In terms of design, this new Audi A1 of 2019 draws attention to two main elements of the exterior. The first one is the grill that now occupies a large part of the front. It is a hexagonal grill that draws attention for its size and horizontality. According to Audi this vehicle has allowed to have a front surface of more than two square meters (2.07 m2) and a coefficient of aerodynamic penetration of 0.31. The rear is also striking. Especially because of the design that emit the optical diode groups of LEDs and the diffusers of the skirt. Finally in the design section we see that the C pillar, the last one, has some reminiscences to Q2. Once inside, other noteworthy details are, for example, that the instrument panel is completely digital with the virtual cockpit - it will be necessary to see if in all the versions it is like this - with 10.25 inches. And also the screen located in the center of the console stands out. It stands out because it has a high size and because it has haptic feedback, that is to say that when we touch it, it will return a vibration that will make our sense of touch receive new sensations. In addition, this screen that has several sizes (8.8 or 10.1 inches), recognizes handwriting. Another novelty of this model is that it also incorporates two USB connections. One is USB-A and the other is USB-C, which allows you to charge the device more quickly. In addition, and how could it be otherwise, given the trend of the sector, this new Audi A1 of 2019 offers compatibility with Android Auto and Apple Car Play. In addition, it will offer mobile phone charging by induction. As for the engines, this new Audi A1 will incorporate, for the moment, only gasoline variants. The first one is the three 1.0 TFSI petrol cylinders with two power levels: 95 and 115 HP. It will also feature the 1.5 TFSI four-cylinder gasoline engine of 150 hp and the four-cylinder engine and two liters of 200 hp. Below are the engines and versions that the new Audi A1 will have: Audi A1 25 TFSI - 3 cylinders - 1.0 - 95 HP - 175 Nm - Manual / S tronic 7 Audi A1 30 TFSI - 3 cylinders - 1.0 - 116 HP - 200 Nm - Manual / S tronic 7 Audi A1 35 TFSI - 4 cylinders - 1.5 - 150 HP - 250 Nm- Manual / S tronic 7 Audi A1 40 TFSI - 4 cylinders - 2.0 - 200 HP - 320 Nm - S tronic 6 In addition, Audi also gives the opportunity that this new A1 of 2019 can have a sporting approach. For this, it will commercialize more dynamic versions with the S Line finish and will put as an option available the possibility of incorporating a sports suspension. Another remarkable aspect is the possibility of customizing it since this model is available in 10 colors and, in addition, the roof can be painted in a different color from the body. In the launching there is available a version, well-known like Epic Edition, that is characterized by a wheels of great size -18 inches- that can be in color bronze, white or black. In addition, the LED headlights are darkened and the name of the model is black. In addition, this new Audi A1 2019, although it is a small model, can actually incorporate the same safety elements and driving aids that a higher category Audi. We speak, for example, of the radar with adaptive speed, which keeps the speed constant and the same distance with the vehicle that precedes us. A function, moreover, that in traffic circumstances can stop the vehicle and restart, as long as the user has opted for an automatic change. For the first time, too, the Audi A1 can incorporate the rear camera. Likewise, it can also include semi-automatic parking functionalities both in parallel and in battery.
  13. Guys to night or maybe in few hours I will upload my gaming cover photo I have created it for first time for my self I have created much but normal not my logo and a gaming cover InshaAllah I will upload it in few hours when I reach home I am out of town for some reason 


    1. Twinkle



  14. Nice name yar mujko bohot pasand aya 


    1. Mark-x


      Mujhe avatar bana do

    2. NANO


      phir choice kis ki thi ? 

    3. -INTOX-


      Sure q nahi bhai bass mujko picture PM kardo

  15. Mine was a white Countach Quattrovalvole. Depending on the era in which you came of automotive age, yours could have been a Miura, an LP400 Countach, a Diablo or even a Murcielago, but if you possess the soul of an auto enthusiast, at some point around age 13, you had a poster of a Lamborghini pinned to your bedroom wall. It’s been that way for decades, and it’ll probably be that way for decades to come That appeal -- Lamborghini’s appeal -- to enthusiast youth has been in full force since the Countach stormed car magazines worldwide starting in the 1970s. The pure extremes, the shock value, of that Bertone design (and of every Lamborghini since) seems to burn its way through adolescent boys as predictably as puberty. But then one of three things typically happens: 1) Adult responsibilities and financial realities gradually wear away the appeal of exotic cars; 2) performance specs give way to actual driving impressions, revealing there are more satisfying sports cars for the same price or less; or 3) your trust fund matures and you buy one in every color. Our subject here, the Huracan Performante, exists to challenge assumption number 2, the notion among those of means that a Lamborghini is merely a plaything for the ostentatiously wealthy, a noisemaker for late-night boulevard runs after the clubs close rather than a track-focused supercar for the serious driver. This car is here to prove a point: That while still outrageous-looking and demanding, Lamborghini can build an honest-to-God sports car to challenge the world’s best. Yes, there’s more power --always more power -- but Lamborghini achieves its goal primarily through weight savings and aerodynamic enhancements. Performante models shed 88 pounds over the standard Huracán, while Aerodinamica Lamborghini Attiva (ALA), the company’s name for its active aero system, helps keep things pointed in the right direction. ALA is pretty trick stuff, so let’s take a closer look at what it does. Electrically actuated flaps in the front and rear spoilers can adjust airflow on the fly, based on the car's needs at that moment. Need high downforce for high-speed cornering and maximum braking? The car closes the flaps in the front spoiler. For top speed runs and maximum acceleration, the flaps open, sending air along special channels under the car to reduce drag. Things in back are a bit more complicated: To cool the 640-hp V10 and its accessories, two central ducts are always open. Two other flap-operated ducts connect to the rear wing; when they’re closed, the wing works in conventional fashion, but the design boosts downforce by 750 percent over the standard Huracán. When it detects the car is running wide open, ALA opens the flaps and admits air through ridges underneath the wing, reducing drag; the flaps can also open independently to boost downforce and, subsequently, traction on a particular rear wheel for a sort of aero torque vectoring. To make its 640 hp and 443 lb-ft of torque, Lamborghini’s V10 engine gets titanium valves and refined intake and exhaust systems; you’ll be able to distinguish a Performante from the bronze manifold visible through the engine cover. The power is sent through a seven-speed dual-clutch transmission, then out to the wheels via a Haldex-based AWD system. In the event you skipped all the tech stuff above, here are the Cliffs Notes: Lambo got a camo-clad test car to run a stunning 6:52 Nurbürgring time, beating the Porsche 918 Spyder to become (briefly) the fastest production car ever to circle the Green Hell. The Execution We're testing at Imola -- more accurately, Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari. It's an intimidating racetrack, not only for its remarkable (and tragic) history, but also because of its layout: multiple long straights plus a 640-hp car means the potential for serious speed, and the Lamborghini folks have wisely put prominent BRAKE signs indicating when it’s time to stand on the binders. Setting the drive mode to Corsa — maximum performance and minimum intervention from the electronic controls -- preps the ALA system, opens the exhaust and recalibrates the steering and magnetic suspension settings, when equipped. The Huracan Performante is also offered with a conventional steel spring suspension and nonadaptive electric steering system, but you don’t want that, do you? Best to just get the works. Moving out onto Imola’s front straight and accelerating slight right toward Tamburello, two things are immediately apparent: First, in Corsa, the Performante’s steering response is insanely quick and direct, but not disconcerting –- after a moment of recalibration it feels perfectly natural and makes short work of Imola’s multiple sharp corners. Second, we’re all going to miss naturally aspirated engines once they’re gone: The V10 is magic, with gobs of power across the rev range. As one of my colleagues remarked, “I took a turn in fourth gear on one lap and it felt great; I tried it in third the next lap, and that felt great, too. No idea which one was ‘right’ since the car just powered out onto the straight no matter what.” Then there’s the sound: The new exhaust looks menacing, snarls on startup and shrieks like an F1 car at full tilt on the straights. No matter the performance, a turbocharged engine simply can’t sound as good as the Huracán’s naturally aspirated V10. It’s a thing of beauty visually, aurally and in terms of throttle response. Switching between the more benign Sport mode, which also deactivates ALA, and aggressive Corsa settings shows the effect Lamborghini’s dynamic aero has in hard driving: Corsa lets the driver brake even later than those massive carbon discs already allow, and brings the car around more precisely while still letting the tail slide around a little. There’s just an immense sense of control -- the car feels like it’s on your side and allows for minor correct/pause/recover mistakes without major punishment. On the Italian country roads around Imola, drive mode system set to the softest Strada setting, the Huracán Performante does a remarkable impression of a daily driver. The exhaust is unobtrusive, ride is more than acceptable for a sports car and the seating position remains comfortable even after an hour or two. Oh, you’ll get stares, especially in central Italy where EVERYONE seems to enjoy rooting for the home team (either of them), but there’s no reason you couldn’t use a Huracán Performante to run to Ace for a bag of bolts. On your way to the track, of course The Verdict Reviews be damned, Lamborghinis will continue to haunt the subconscious of tween boys around the globe. But the Huracán Performante is so much more than just dramatic angles and flashy colors. It’s a car that deserves attention from the surprisingly broad range of buyers who might be eyeballing a McLaren 720S, Ferrari 488 orPorsche 911 GT3. The mere fact there’s another legitimate sports car challenger within those ranks is good news for everyone who loves cars, track days and the art of driving. Start saving your lawnmowing money now.
  16. Healthy diet, physical and intellectual exercise and sleep control, recommendations on World Health Day World Health Day is an excellent occasion to remember the benefits of a lifestyle and habits that favor a better physical and psychological well-being. Specialists of the Hospitalario Quirón Group offer some recommendations aimed at improving our daily life. Its main advice is to lead a healthy existence, which combines physical exercise, a balanced diet and attention to the signals that our body sends us, because it will contribute to "regenerate the state of health and increase the quality of day to day " Although stress is one of the great evils of our time, it is linked to the human being from the beginning of its existence. To control it and improve our emotional and physical health, it is convenient to do without the stimulating substances (coffee, alcohol, tobacco), to practice physical exercise, to sleep well, to enjoy relaxing music, to breathe in a calm way and to eat well, reducing fats, sugar and salt. In addition, it is shown that people with greater intellectual activity are better protected against brain deterioration, even in the case of suffering, for example, Alzheimer's. How to stimulate our mind so that it is active? Professionals advise: avoid routine and passive activities such as watching television; cultivate hobbies such as gardening, DIY, painting or music; read and write daily; learn to play an instrument or dare with a language to delay our neuronal aging; make hobbies or participate in strategy and table games or video games; take part in artistic, cultural and intellectual activities, such as visiting museums, exhibitions or attending conferences; and complete exercises specifically designed to improve memory, attention and other mental functions. On the other hand, contrary to what one might think, the dream has a vital function. In addition, getting enough sleep and a good quality sleep is essential for a healthy day to day life. Doing it little or badly influences negatively, since it increases the risk of suffering some diseases (cardiovascular, infectious, metabolic, etc.), besides causing fatigue, drowsiness, memory problems, depression, etc. Likewise, it is "vital" to help our body recover the water it loses through urine, sweat or breath. We must drink about two liters a day and consume foods rich in it, such as fruits and vegetables. Finally, bad dietary habits, lack of sports activity and stress aggravate back pain, so common among the po[CENSORED]tion and cause of sick leave. "There is no better prevention than keeping our vital tone, both physical and psychosocial, high: being physically active and moving away from sedentary lifestyle and overweight." It is important that the sport adapts to age and enhances the abdominal and thoracolumbar muscles and flexibility. only 10 minutes a day of exercise is enough to prevent pain, as long as it is not done in an abusive manner or causes discomfort, "the specialists of Quirón recommend.
  17. Nvidia's NVLink interface in IBM's new server gives a five-fold speed boost to communications between CPUs and GPUs IBM is making headlines with its quantum computing research and brain-like chip called TrueNorth, but it also is bringing interesting technologies to its current Power server lineup. Inside IBM's new S822LC server for high-performance computing is a new interconnect that gives a five-fold speed boost to communication between a CPU and graphics processor. The interconnect is based on Nvidia's homegrown NVLink technology, which has been in the works for years. IBM's two-socket server, which is based on Power8 CPUs, is among the first available with the interconnect. NVLink is essentially an upgrade to PCI-Express 3.0, which has been used for communication between a GPU and other components in a system. Nvidia has built GPUs based on its new Pascal architecture that support NVLink, while IBM has added support for the NVLink I/O bus, called NVBus, in its chip. IBM is among the first hardware vendors to ship an NVLink-compatible server. Nvidia has said x86 servers from companies like Dell, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Cray will ship next year. Nvidia is already shipping a homegrown server called DGX-1 -- which has eight Tesla P100 GPUs -- with the NVLink interface. It is priced at a whopping US$129,000. Servers are using GPUs as co-processors to speed up applications, and a faster pipe to the CPU speeds up processing. Faster processing helps run databases, as well as fraud detection and engineering-related applications, said Dylan Boday, senior offering manager for Linux on Power infrastructures at IBM. A good example of an application that will benefit is Kinetica, an in-memory database application that harnesses the computing power of GPUs. The application is designed to work with the NVLink interconnect, Boday said. For now, only the Tesla P100 GPU will take advantage of the screaming NVLink data transfer speeds, and up to four GPUs can be plugged in the 2U server. The Linux server also has a PCI-Express 3.0 interconnect for other GPUs. The two-socket Power server supports up to 20 CPU cores and 1TB of memory, and it has storage slots for hard drives and SSDs. It also has three PCI-Express slots. It has another interface called CAPI (coherent accelerator processor interface) for attaching custom chips like FPGAs (field programmable gate arrays) and custom chips. IBM didn't provide a price for the server. The server will ship worldwide this month. The Power8 server has the first version of NVLink. IBM plans to release Power9 chips and servers next year with support for NVLink 2.0, which will be significantly faster. IBM on Thursday also announced the two-socket S822LC for Big Data server, which doesn't have the NVLink interface, but supports up to Nvidia K80 GPUs based on the older Kepler architecture. It supports up to 20 CPU cores, up to 512GB of memory, and 96TB storage in multiple slots. It also has five PCI-Express 3.0 and four CAPI slots.
  18. Photoshop is the most relevant software to edit photographs of all times, and now it is almost essential requirement to know how to use this program to improve the photos that you later share on social networks or create your own photomontages. But, where can a person learn Photoshop? In the video tutorials is the answer. Until relatively recently, Photoshop was a photo editing tool reserved only for professional photographers due to its high price, which could easily exceed 1,000 euros. Luckily, this changed when this program became a subscription service in which you can pay a small amount each month and use Photoshop legally. Although it may seem incredible, 28 years after his birth, there are still many people who have never dared to use this program to improve their photos. Not to mention the usefulness that knowledge of this tool can have when making a career in a digital profession. If you want to start taking your first steps in Photoshop now, we recommend learning from the best professionals and, in that, the Photoshop tutorials will be incredibly useful as they allow you to learn how to use this photo editing program in a simple way. rhythm. There are millions of free Photoshop tutorials, but a large majority of them are in English, like the official Adobe tutorials, or use old versions of the program such as Photoshop CS5 or Photoshop CS6, when the latest version is Photoshop CC at the moment. The most horrific Photoshop errors seen in advertising We know that dealing with a new tool as complex as Photoshop is always complicated, so we want to make it a little easier by recommending the 10 best free Photoshop tutorials in Spanish. That way, you can concentrate only on learning how to handle this incredible photo editing tool, forgetting about the language barrier. 1.First steps with Photoshop It's never too late to start learning how to use Photoshop. However, the Adobe photo editing program is so extensive that it is convenient to go step by step to know more in detail some basic concepts and tools in its use. The first may be the approach proposed by youtuber Cherru with his Photoshop course for beginners. In this course, divided into several videos, you will learn the basics so that you can become familiar with the tools, with the location of the different menus and have an initial view of what each thing is for. If you have never played this image editing program before, the video that we propose and the following that form the course are almost obligatory visits. With them you will be able to establish the necessary knowledge bases to be able to follow other free Photoshop tutorials with which to advance in your knowledge of this incredible program. 2. Learn to use the basic tools In Photoshop, nothing is what it seems and something as simple as a brush can become a powerful tool in the right hands. Therefore, in our selection of the 10 best free tutorials in Spanish we want to recommend some of the videos about the use of some of the most basic Photoshop tools. In the YouTube channel Aprende con Nekodificador we found a video in which Carlos Ramírez shows all the potential behind the brush tool. As in the case of the video that we recommended in the first section, this video will be very useful to discover the secrets that are hidden behind one of the most used tools in Photoshop. Also interesting is the video on how to use the Photoshop Pen tool, which you will find in this same channel, in which the author shows how to use this basic tool for selecting areas in Photoshop. 3. Improve the quality of your photos Once you have placed yourself in the interface and have learned to use some of its basic tools, it is time to learn some tricks in the many tutorials of Photoshop in Spanish that you will find on the Internet. Photo editing is one of the strengths of this Adobe tool. With this program you can improve the quality of your photos by altering the values of lighting, color and sharpness that you could not get in the original photo. In the YouTube channel of Socialarte you will find some videos like this one that we recommend, in which the author shows how to edit a photograph and go from having flat colors, to achieving a photo with bright and vibrant colors that substantially improve its final quality. In the tutorials of Photoshop made by Arturo Maseda you will find many tips and explanations with which to improve the digital development of your photos and achieve to maximize the enormous potential that this program offers in this area. 4. Photoshop tricks for your photos Another of the tutorial channels on YouTube that you should not miss is Kike Arnaiz. This professional photographer uses his channel to share some of his best tricks. His specialty is professional digital photography, so Kike Arnaiz offers Photoshop tutorials in which he shows how to apply filters and effects to photos to achieve professional results. In the tutorial that we recommend, Kike Arnaiz shows how to soften the skin in a portrait, something that will be very useful to show your best face in the selfies before uploading it to social networks, as the most influential Instagramers do. But there are more alternatives: The best pages to edit photos online 5. Change the lighting of your photos The lighting effects are another of the basic pillars in the digital development of your photos. Photoshop allows you to create new points and lighting effects for your photos with which you will create an atmosphere in which light takes a leading role in the scene. In the channel of Photoshopeando we have found a tutorial in which they show you how to get spectacular lighting effects from gradients. These types of effects have gained much po[CENSORED]rity thanks to some Instagram filters and other apps that add brightness and lighting effects. With this tutorial in Spanish you will get to personalize these effects in your photos. Creating your own lighting effects with Photoshop will give you a warmer touch your summer photos, or a nostalgic point to your winter portraits. A useful tutorial, free and in Spanish, what more could you ask for! How to focus blurry photos with Photoshop and Octave Sharpening 6. Photomontages are not limited to cutting and pasting If something has become famous Photoshop is for its ability to change reality creating photographic photomontages of incredible realism whose only limit is the imagination of the author and his skill in the use of tools. One of the most typical actions in any photomontage is to integrate the photo of a person, animal or object into a new background scene. The greater complexity of this process is to achieve that both images are integrated perfectly because it is not enough to cut a silhouette and paste it into the new background without further ado, it is necessary to adjust colors and illuminations so that everything is integrated. In Tripiyon's YouTube channel, dedicated to creating Photoshop tutorials in Spanish, we have found an excellent example of how to cut an element in a photo, to integrate it in another and fit colors and lights so that it does not clash with the environment. With this tutorial you will learn some techniques of trimming, adjusting colors and modifying the lighting characteristics of the photos that will help you to give more realism to your photomontages. 7. The most creative photomontages Following in the same line of photomontages, our next recommendation is a tutorial in Spanish made by AreaPSD. With it you will get a really attractive photomontage since it is a portrait that mixes the sinuous shapes of the ink when falling into the water. In addition, so that you can follow the tutorial exactly and learn all the steps, the author has included a download link in the description of the video from where you can download the same images you are using in the tutorial. Undoubtedly, this is one of the free Photoshop tutorials channels in Spanish that you should visit frequently to improve your photomontage technique with Photoshop. First steps with GIMP, the free alternative 8. Your photos will be the envy of museums With Photoshop you can convert your photos and portraits into authentic oil paintings worthy of the great masters of painting. You do not believe it? Maybe our next recommendation convinces you of it. This free Photoshop tutorial published on the NowPhotoshop channel shows how to turn a portrait into a masterpiece painted in oil thanks to the application of brushstrokes that simulate the characteristic texture of this pictorial technique. The results are simply spectacular. 9. Successfully mix two realities One of the virtues of this editing program is that it allows you to modify the images to achieve that, two photos taken in totally different circumstances and environments, fit into a new image with the precision of a Swiss watch. In the PSDBox YouTube channel we have found an interesting tutorial with which you can literally swim through the streets of your city. In this tutorial the image of a girl who is taking a peaceful bath in the sea, with a nocturnal photo of a busy street in a city, is mixed. The result obtained by PSDBox surprises by the impact and unreal of the image, but even more so by the simple thing that is to mix both images to make it seem that the streets of the city have become channels to be able to swim. How to transform the GIMP interface into the Photoshop interface 10. How to restore old photos The old photos of our grandparents or relatives are part of our own history. However, the inexorable passage of time takes its toll on all those old photos with wrinkles, tears, scratches or spots. Photoshop unleashes its full potential to successfully restore old photos. The process of restoring an old or damaged photo is not something simple that the program does automatically by choosing one of its options. To carry it out you need a good command of the tools and some talent in drawing because, in many cases, the photo is so deteriorated that you must create parts of the photo from scratch. In the tutorial we recommend, Photoshop Tutorials Claudia shows you how to successfully restore an old photo that is really damaged. Surprising that allows to successfully rebuild parts of the protagonist of the photo that, literally, had disappeared. With this free Photoshop tutorial you will get your old family photos back to the same look they had when they were taken, or at least very similar.
  19. Asa, sa incepem. Intram pe: https://t.co/Oj9RLaDOoP Facem free vps de la gugal dupa scriem node -v, daca apare Version : 0.12.7 scriem Dupa dam node -v si ar trebui sa apara v4.2.1 Bun acum ca am rezolvat cu versiunea de node.js Cream un nou folder instalam dupa facem un nou fisier cu dupa scriem acum in fisier scriem acum dam CTRL + X / save / save dupa scriem Si bot-ul ar trebui sa mearga bot.js -> http://pastebin.com/fS4aJzcf
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