kikeShitoo's Achievements
hey lil bro u still playin ? im back in newlife 🙂 9pm +
-The wise man does not say everything he thinks, but always thinks everything he says.
Que dice la legend de tzm los mocosos de ahorita te ven y no saben quien eres :,v si supieran que fuiste mi teacher en tzm :d
Let me see this... ?
treat friends and enemies alike and wait to see which is which.
Kike bro how are you still alive :v
¨From the Ground we come and to the Sky we go¨ Happy Start to the week Guys...!
Happy year to all and again greetings to all my friends.!!
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gracias bro dile que le mando muchos saludos y que se cuide por donde esta
y suerte en su trabajo que hace mucha falta <3
aunque ustedes 2 son los que mas falta hacen en el sv ya que ustedes me vieron crecer y me apoyaron en todos amigos como ustedes muy pocos ahy <3
ojala volvamos a jugar los mismo de antes en el sv,
What sadness gives me to see this, as the server of all my life since 2012, on this server to which he devotes a lot of time to see how it falls apart due to bad administration, it's a bad thing that at this moment I do not have enough tools to return and work again in the server, hope that this will change next year, the good administrators in the server that I know still remain do their best not to surrender. sooner or later it will be resolved I hope to return soon!!!
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@kikeShitoo chup* el perro jajajjaja xD
@kikeShitoo ya deja el drama, nuestra ciclo ya terminó y es dar paso a la nueva generación xD
hablame kike todo bien :v estas perdio feo ya ni te conectas V:
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