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Zach -ĊSBD-™

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Zach -ĊSBD-™ last won the day on February 1 2019

Zach -ĊSBD-™ had the most liked content!

About Zach -ĊSBD-™

  • Birthday 03/12/2000


  • DoNT! PlaY WiTH Me



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    Albania ,Durrës

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Congrats bro You are done??


    #Special Grade

  2. Hello Guys

    Im in Holiday For a Long Time.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ntgthegamer


      U create multi-account and spam to get points

      That's what bots do

      Anyway G/L

    3. Zach -ĊSBD-™
    4. LofarMalang


      bye bye see you never on this forum

  3. this error usually occurs on -bit systems. Register the shortcut properties. autoconfig -d3d, then go to Counter-Strike 1.6 and adjust the video settings as you wish. Exit CS, remove from the properties “-autoconfig -32bit -sw -noipx -d3d” and play safely. 1 Go to Counter Strike 1.6 directory 2 Now open Half life 3 Go to the options 4 Go to video tab 5 Change from software on D3D 6 Click Apply 7 Now you need to exit from Half Life 8 Now play Counter Strike 1.6 Do not forget, when you change CS 1.6 video settings from D3D on OpenGl, you also need to change the color quality to 16-bit from 32-bit. I Hope Your Problem Solved G/L
  4. With the help of @NA-NO I figured out who was the kid that was keep making multi accounts and spam 300 topics and then donate himself the points and keep them in bank. This is your last chance to remain with your account on CSBD, next time I'll find out you did that again, you'll get banned. For what you did you'll get your reputation and points on 0, all of them. You can't lie now, I checked the IPs of the accounts. From your fault now I have to stay to delete 300 topics.

  5. your multi account is https://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/profile/72806-by-bln/ by which you are spaming and ganning points from that account i see last some minutes before you have 300 points and by bln has 100 so after some minutes you got 400.I report you you will be banned soon.Enjoy your small time in csbd.


    1. Zach -ĊSBD-™
    2. NANO


      ok administration will check what's the matter from now ?

    3. NANO


      where the points are of 400?

      @pulse.exe @Mr.Love @Sethhh.  @REVAN @G.O.G @*bLn*@CSBD

      please check report and also this member account history from admin cp.

  6. Welcome
  7. Congratulation bro   ?

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