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Everything posted by Nyx.

  1. ¤ Name: Nyx ¤ Date & time: 08/06/2024 - 08:32 ¤ Screenshoot:
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  3. you literally played 26min only and u want to be admin? you gotta at least play 30 hours, join our dc sv and also not staying afk only, you gotta play so we can recognize ur actual behavior CONTRA
  4. gatito was inside nd knd was closer to the outside they were hiding in that tiny place in the corner of the map, i explained it all in my 1st reply
  5. my screenshots doesnt say too much?? the first one is to prove that ur a liar cuz i was literally watching, the second one is only to prove that i was dead also about that lms u were talking about why u showed us a screenshot of it health after knd nd u died its obv someone gonna shoot it so its not that powerful proof like i can see it health that time
  6. well for what i saw you were safe inside nd u put ur lm and all then knd came in and putted his lm, but u didnt let him even tho he was also safe idk what you talking about when u said he shoots ur lm i was literally spectating u both nd everything was clear, and what u mean here by saying he blocks u when u were literally safe while i was watching
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