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Everything posted by KEPY™

  1. The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, participated on Monday in the 70th Anniversary of the Foundation of the People's Republic of China where he emphasized on Monday that China is envisioned in the 21st century as the nation with the greatest economy and technological development of the world. “Today, China sees in this 21st century as the greatest economic and technological power. China has turned history around, ”Maduro said. The National President stressed that thanks to the relations between both nations - strengthened after the arrival of Commander Hugo Chávez to power, in 1999 - cooperation agreements could be established in all branches of the economy, which has allowed the economic, financial blockade to be overcome and commercial imposed from the US. “There are many things we are doing in the field of economic, technological, financial, energy, cultural, political and diplomatic cooperation. We fully share the concept of common destiny of President Xi Jinping, ”said the head of state from the Citic Construction Company Theater, during the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Asian nation. In this regard, he highlighted the work done by the governments of China for 70 years, which managed to turn the Asian nation into an economic power. The National President instructed the Minister for Communication and Information, Jorge Rodríguez, and the Minister for Culture, Ernesto Villegas, to carry out the work of spreading the historical deeds of China. “It would be interesting, if through our media, as part of the commemoration, we could expose documentaries, films, that show youth how the‘ Grand Helmsman ’was a political, military genius. It was the great Mao Tse Tung who knew how to understand the reality of the Chinese people, who knew how to collect the history of the Chinese values, of the humility and greatness of the Chinese people, of the work capacity of invention and perseverance of the Chinese people, ”said the Head of State from the Citic Construction Company Theater. “We could organize a set of cinematographic events that show you that whole process. We would draw great lessons of strategic, political wisdom. How much the Bolivarian Revolution needs to continue its march, ”said the Venezuelan president. This Tuesday, China will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the proclamation of the People's Republic with important commercial advances after its Reform and Opening process started in 1978, with the initiative of La Franja and La Ruta, which since 2013 has added more than 64 thousand million dollars in commercial exchange with countries in Asia, Europe, America and Oceania.
  2. Good Night All ❤️ 

  3. Bonitas horas que ando conectado>:V

    1. EltonGjata ♛

      EltonGjata ♛

      I dont think so for some people :v 

    2. Jeenyuhs


      Suele pasar jajaja

  4. Facebook has fulfilled its promise, which started with Instagram when it decided to hide the number of likes that users' posts received. And we are talking about bigger words because there is no more powerful fuel in social networks that drives us to keep going up and up things that celebrities like. But perhaps because of this danger of living hanging on them, the people in charge of the social network have decided to start hiding them. Surely you continue to see in your profile a number of people who like what you have uploaded, but in the coming times that message will be replaced by a "Pepito Pérez and others". For now, in tests From Facebook they have made it clear that these changes in the elimination of the number of likes is a test that will allow them to measure how much the way users use the application changes. Specifically, they have said that "we are doing a limited test in which the likes, reaction and viewing of videos are made private on Facebook. We will collect comments to understand if this change will improve people's experiences." Facebook already hides the number of likes. Translation: if the consumption of the social network decreases a lot and the users stop entering ... do you think they will remove that I like counter? We are afraid that we will not.
  5. This Sunday, the vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Psuv), Diosdado Cabello, reported that Venezuela is boosting the agricultural and productive projects it has with Vietnam. During a tour of a field in the Rural Agricultural Development Center run by the Ministry of Agriculture in Hai Duong Province, Vietnam, Cabello recalled that both nations signed an agreement with the purpose of helping each other “in the generation of new seeds for cultivation of rice in Venezuela and overcome what is necessary in products that our people require ”. In that regard, he stressed that Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest rice production in the world, with excellent quality. “We know that they come from scratch, and from scratch they have achieved great development in the agricultural field, in the agricultural field and it is a town that has also organized it, with the fundamental base of their communes (…) We have much to learn but We also want to do it, ”said the president of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC). Finally, the first vice president of Psuv thanked the Vietnamese Government and the Communist Party for their support and contributions in the different areas of binational cooperation.
  6. good night

    1. Dark


      entra al ts3 ante que me vaya loca 

    2. Akrapovic


      Ni se te ocurra

  7. me amas bbcita?

  8. Who for ts3?

    I'm too bored ? 

  9. A handful of guerrillas and a group of children play in a circle. It is one of the images contained in the report that Colombian President Iván Duque delivered on Thursday to the United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres, with the purpose of demonstrating the protection of the Venezuelan Government to illegal armed groups. "Penetration of the ELN in rural schools of the Táchira State for indoctrination purposes - April 2018". This is how the photograph is titled, presented as proof of the presence of the National Liberation Army, the last guerrilla in Colombia, on the other side of the border. Hours later, however, came the first denial. The newspaper El Colombiano said that the snapshot was not taken in the neighboring country but in the department of Cauca, on the Pacific coast. "The president is wrong, because this image does not correspond to that place or date," writes the Medellín newspaper. The photo was leaked to a journalist in 2015 by Military Intelligence and published to illustrate a report on child recruitment. The statement unleashed a new political storm and triggered criticism from the opposition by sowing doubts about the large 128-page dossier, delivered on the occasion of the UN General Assembly in New York. These observations, however, do not diminish the substance of the matter, since almost no one in the Colombian political spectrum questions the presence of these groups in Venezuelan territory. The president spoke on Friday from Miami and explained that it is a scene included in a report published by the Venezuelan NGO Fundaredes in April 2018. "Why is it there? Because it is a context photo. And the dossier has so much context photographs as photographs of Colombian intelligence, "he said. Asked during an interview with the journalist Andrés Oppenheimer if he is in a position to affirm that the image corresponds to Venezuela, he added: "This is what the foundation from which the photograph that was contextually included in the report is derived. It is important that it be clarified. But beyond the photo I think is anecdotal within the dossier, what is really showing with information is the location of the [ELN] leaders in Venezuela. " Our documentation team on the performance of Colombian irregular armed groups in Venezuela received in June 2013 photographs about the presence of the guerrillas in schools in the Táchira state, "said a statement from the director of the Foundation, Javier Tarazona Sánchez. He adds that the image in question it is one of the "evidence" contributed from that year in a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office. According to Duke, "between January and September 158 minors have been captured in military operations, were recruited by these groups "and have been made available to the Colombian Family Welfare Institute. The controversy, in any case, gave arguments to Duque's adversaries to recriminate a kind of instrumentalization of the very serious crisis that Venezuela is suffering, which has forced millions of people to flee in search of opportunities, from which around one million and Medium have been established in Colombia. "For not facing the discussion of national problems, they try desperately to replace the role of the FARC in their speech with Venezuela," opposition leader Gustavo Petro launched on social media. "It was not enough to lie at the UN about his commitment to the protection of the environment (when he wants fracking and glyphosate in Colombia), but now he presented false and outdated information to Secretary Guterres," said Antonio Sanguino, senator and spokesman for the Green Alliance The Government of Duque has always remained faithful to an open-door policy and the president took advantage of his trip in the United States to try to redouble the diplomatic siege to Chavism in alliance, mainly with the Donald Trump Administration.
  10. El sonido que ofrece su computadora con Windows 10 puede no ser lo que desea. Bueno, hay empresas que trabajan para mejorarlo sin tener que invertir en nuevo hardware, como DTS. Esta firma ha desarrollado Sound Unbound que tiene la intención de optimizar tanto la decisión como la ubicación que se logra. Específicamente, de lo que estamos hablando de una nueva aplicación que se combina con la tecnología Spatial Sound de Microsoft que se incluye en el sistema operativo de la compañía Redmond y que mejora el sonido en tres dimensiones, algo que beneficia tanto a la música como a la música. la reproducción de películas (y, por supuesto, los juegos). Por lo tanto, no es una opción sin importancia, ya que en los casos que hemos comentado, si el sonido es de buena calidad, la experiencia gana muchos enteros. Cómo se mejora el sonido en Windows 10 Para obtener su trabajo, además de combinarlo con la tecnología antes mencionada, también se usa el códec llamado DTS: X, que si no está disponible en la computadora con Windows 10, deberá instalarse antes de tomar ventaja de Sound Unbound. Uno de los buenos detalles de este nuevo desarrollo es que la compatibilidad es muy amplia, ya que es posible aprovecharla tanto con los altavoces (siempre que sean 2.1 o superiores) como incluso con los auriculares avanzados que existen actualmente, como los Que están destinados a los juegos. El caso es que es difícil no tener un hardware que permita utilizar este nuevo trabajo. Como lo indica el propio DTS, las mejoras logradas con su nueva aplicación para Windows 10 es lograr un efecto más inmersivo al escuchar algo que proviene de las computadoras, como los efectos de una película o juegos, aumentando así el realismo. Por cierto, el desarrollo en sí hace todos los ajustes necesarios automáticamente en la salida de audio para que todo encaje y sea perfecto.
  11. The Chavez minority bench of the Venezuelan National Assembly, elected in December 2015, decided to rejoin the debate of the Federal Legislative Palace in Caracas after a withdrawal of more than two years. The decision is part of the package of agreements announced a few days ago by the political operators of Nicolás Maduro with opposition politicians of moderate line, of little presence in the legislature and detached from the leadership of Juan Guaidó. They are grouped on the Concertación por el Cambio platform. This pact has been categorically unknown by Guaidó and the bulk of the country's opposition universe Maduro's pact with these opponents, which has been criticized very harshly, was presented once the talks with Juan Guaidó's delegation were shipwrecked on the island of Barbados. In addition to the return to the Legislative, the agreement sti[CENSORED]tes that Maduro would retain the presidency; Chavismo would allow the election of a new National Electoral Council (CNE) to work hurriedly on the election of a new National Assembly; Solutions to the economic crisis would be explored and a common front against international sanctions would be established. The controversial Constituent Assembly of Chavism, meanwhile, would remain in office. Maduro does so with this handful of opposition leaders to try to decompress his internal front and obtain oxygen, while international pressures continue to increase and his unpo[CENSORED]rity exceeds 80% in recent opinion polls. Deputy Pedro Carreño took the floor on behalf of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), and, in an unusually moderate tone, said that the Chavistas return to seek agreements that stabilize the country's situation. Carreño told Juan Guaidó, present at the debate, "the time has come for you to get in the way of legality." Like other Chavez speakers, Carreño whipped international sanctions, and blamed "right-wing deputies" for promoting the country's economic suffocation. Only 38 of the 55 deputies of Chavismo, in front of more than 100 opposition deputies, occupied their seats. The Chavista leaders could not help hearing a long downpour of accusations from the deputies of the opposition, in which they were entrusted with their responsibility in the exchange crisis of 2014; in the overflowed corruption in Petróleos de Venezuela and Social Security, the currency bleeding of the Republic and the prevailing economic chaos. The ruse of Chavismo with its calls for peace was returned by Guaidó, as a boomerang. “The return of the PSUV is the recognition of the strength of Parliament, the country's only legitimate power. If there is recognition to this National Assembly, then you are recognizing, as Europe does, that the political solution to the crisis passes through Parliament. ” The opposition exercised its majority and approved an agreement that legitimizes the National Assembly as the sole legal power of the country. Since its election, the Venezuelan parliament has not been able to enforce a single law: 97 vetoes have been placed by the Venezuelan Supreme Court, controlled by Maduro, which decided in this way to de facto cease its powers in 2017, and open the floodgates of the serious political crisis of that year. The problems of the opposition National Assembly with the Chavez political power were gestated in its seminal phase. Before being installed, in January 2016, the outgoing Chavismo Parliament hurriedly chose the new magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice who had the mission of torpedoing all the newly elected decisions, and preventing the use of the opposition majority to elect the new members of the Supreme and the National Electoral Council. The agreement of the day also includes the interpretation of the content of article 191 of the Constitution, which took part of the discussion, on the reinstatement of Chavez parliamentarians after two years in which many of them held public office and even held seats in the Constituent elected in 2017 and designated as fraudulent and unknown by the international community. Francisco Torrealba, from PSUV, said: “We come to help you solve the contempt they entered. The Constituent Assembly remains plenipotentiary and nothing prevents a constituent from being a parliamentarian. ” The first vice-president of the National Assembly, Edgar Zambrano, of Democratic Action, also returned to his functions after being accused of being involved in a military attempt against Maduro on May 30, who received a probation after the agreements signed by Maduro
  12. ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Que en este día tan especial, Dios te bendiga con mucha felicidad. Que en la vida siempre encuentres razones para sonreír y dar gracias. ❤️ Y que en los momentos de dificultad no te falte la esperanza y la fe en Dios. Lucha siempre por tus sueños, pero no te desanimes con los fracasos. Dios tiene un plan para ti, así que ten paciencia y confía en el. Muchas gracias por llegar ami vida papi,no me arrepiento en ningun momento de a verte conocido ❤️
  13. @[N]audy @#Ace quien lo viera confirmamos que ace es gay ??

    <13:25:58> "KEPY™✘,": y como vas en thunder?>:V
    <13:26:20> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": yo no conocer
    <13:26:22> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": nada en thunder
    <13:26:27> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": donde es ace
    <13:26:31> "KEPY™✘,": >:V
    <13:26:36> "KEPY™✘,": ace is gay men e.e
    <13:26:41> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": si
    <13:26:43> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": tambien yo
    <13:26:47> "KEPY™✘,": 
    <13:26:58> "KEPY™✘,": claro tu siempre lo fuiste
    <13:27:10> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": 
    yo y él tenemos un niño llamado naudy
    <13:27:17> "KEPY™✘,": >:V
    <13:27:18> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": gracias google traduction
    <13:27:23> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": por la N
    <13:27:31> "KEPY™✘,": claro y naudy tiene un niño q se llama kepy :0 
    <13:27:51> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": si
    <13:27:57> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": naudy y su nino
    <13:27:58> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": son gays
    <13:28:01> "KEPY™✘,": nep
    <13:28:07> "KEPY™✘,": tu eres gay>:V
    <13:28:11> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": pero
    <13:28:15> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": todo hispanos son gay
    <13:28:24> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": maduro tambien
    <13:28:27> "KEPY™✘,": como tu?
    <13:28:29> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": muerta maduro muerta
    <13:28:37> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": no no
    <13:28:37> "KEPY™✘,": claro para maduro muerte
    <13:28:41> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": soy el
    <13:28:45> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": lord del hispanos
    <13:29:01> "KEPY™✘,": lord gay?
    <13:29:04> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": obvio y ace tambien
    <13:29:16> "KEPY™✘,": lord q?
    <13:29:28> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": lord espanol
    <13:29:32> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": de espana
    <13:29:41> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": cerca de portgual
    <13:29:44> "[_L0rd_] _L0rd_": portugal

  14. Good Afternoon All ❤️ 

  15. Surely before going to a place where he has stayed, and possibly not known, you want to see how exactly this is. One of the tools that allows to achieve this is Google Maps, specifically thanks to Street View. We show how to access the desired information as easily and quickly as possible from a mobile terminal. Until recently, the Google Maps client for smartphones and tablets was not exactly very intuitive when accessing Street View, but this is something that has changed and, the truth is that for the better. It is now possible to access a location quickly since you only need to press once on the screen of the device, so it is even a viable option when driving. That is, the complex use with complete addresses to access what the development function of the Mountain View company or having to be very precise with the PIN in a specific place has ended. Good news, therefore. Steps to quickly access Street View on Google Maps The first, obviously, is to open the Google application for Android (no, at the moment this option is not available for the client of the terminals with Apple's iOS ... patience). Now look for the desired place and, when you have it in front, you must press the button in the upper right that is shaped like two overlapping squares (below the search bar). When doing this several options appear that are available as visualization, such as satellite or bicycle. The one you have to select is Street View (which is the last of them all). Now you can see the areas that are available with this function in the desired place and simply click on the street or space you want to see in particular. You will see the selection and in the lower right the image of the place (which you can increase in size by clicking on it). It's that simple is everything. By the way, if you close the Google Maps application the selection is not remembered, so the preview will be the traditional one and not the Street View itself. The truth is that this tool that has not been used much to date, is ideal to know exactly how someone's portal is, the place where a store is or, simply, if you can park well or not where you have to go
  16. The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, said Thursday that the visit to the Russian Federation served to ratify economic, industrial and military cooperation between the two countries. Upon his return from Russia, he explained, "I have been arriving from Moscow, taking stock with the Government team of the total success of this official visit that I made at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin," he said. He said, "We have agreed to have the best possible year in financial, economic and military cooperation and prepare for a successful 2020 and 2021 year." He explained that part of his team stayed in Russia coordinating details about the agreements. From the Simón Bolívar International Airport, he said that it was also agreed to create a new cooperation map, which emphasizes the development and recovery of the Venezuelan economy, despite the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the US. "We talk about all the cooperations that are going to be developed in different fields, gold, aluminum, carbon, nickel, and we have agreed to advance in all the fields that need investment, production and economic development." He described the visit as successful, “we were talking about all the new investments for Russian technology to carry out development projects in Venezuela, in different fields of mining, agribusiness and advancing in all the fields that Venezuela needs in support of cash from productive experience, ”he said. He explained that during the meeting, emphasis was placed on the fields of military technical cooperation, the arms defense system and Russia's total support for the political dialogue carried out by the Venezuelan government was highlighted.
  17. Geyyyyyyyy

    Resultado de imagen para meme que diga gay

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KEPY™


      No porque tu eres homogay y trifasicamente gay>:V

    3. #Ace


      SI tu eres homogay y feo y trifcasicamente :v tu eres el mejor :v

    4. KEPY™


      tu eres el king de los gays y homogay >:V

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