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Dil Dhaknaydo
  • Dil Dhaknaydo
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About Viceroy

  • Birthday 02/15/1995


  • Banned 30 days / disrespect an administrator (Ares)


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    In IBA University, 22 years old. Doing chartered accountant. Living in pakistan, karachi
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    I don't know, you tell me

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  1. THIS IS WILL BE IN THE HISTORY OF BEST PRANKS ahahahahahhahahahahaha

    <21:05:52> "Viceroy #The Shield": I just become the moderator of whole steam
    <21:05:53> "Lock": hyahah*
    <21:06:01> "Flenn": <17:09:31> "The Ga[M]er.": i can buy i car with 150 euro
    <21:06:02> "Viceroy #The Shield": I can ban accounts
    <21:06:06> "Flenn": techri lgron
    <21:06:12> "Otman": hhhhhh
    <21:06:13> "Hossam Taibi": hhhh
    <21:06:23> "The Ga[M]er.": i can go on vacation to ibiza
    <21:06:34> "Blackfire": https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971918754/friends/ see this
    <21:06:37> "Blackfire": its mine
    <21:06:37> "Viceroy #The Shield": The founders
    <21:06:41> "Viceroy #The Shield": took me
    <21:06:42> "Blackfire": 150 euro
    <21:06:44> "[N]yx": https://store.steampowered.com/app/730/CounterStrike_Global_Offensive/
    <21:06:49> "[N]yx": 15$ dolar
    <21:06:56> "The Ga[M]er.": 1 euro = 230 DA
    <21:06:57> "Viceroy #The Shield": they offered me 200 wallet card
    <21:07:03> "Viceroy #The Shield": THEY GAVE*
    <21:07:08> "Viceroy #The Shield": For service
    <21:07:14> "Viceroy #The Shield": of the community
    <21:07:16> "The Ga[M]er.": 150x230=34500DA
    <21:07:20> "The Ga[M]er.": 34 500 DA
    <21:07:25> "Blackfire": viceroy you father work for valve ?
    <21:07:27> "[N]yx": 9aly
    <21:07:29> "Blackfire": so shhh
    <21:07:38> "Viceroy #The Shield": yea black yea
    <21:07:39> "Otman": hhhh 3 million
    <21:07:41> "The Ga[M]er.": 34 500 Da = 3 millions
    <21:07:41> "Blackfire": <18:10:45> "Viceroy #The Shield": they offered me 200 wallet card
    <21:07:42> "Viceroy #The Shield": U ARE RIGHT!
    <21:07:43> "Blackfire": loool
    <21:07:44> "Blackfire": :vvv
    <21:07:51> "Viceroy #The Shield": I am moderator
    <21:07:55> "Viceroy #The Shield": I got paid
    <21:07:57> "Blackfire": good D
    <21:07:59> "Viceroy #The Shield": by that card
    <21:08:24> "Viceroy #The Shield": so yea
    <21:08:27> "[N]yx": who have counter strike completed ?
    <21:08:31> "Viceroy #The Shield": i have
    <21:08:36> "Viceroy #The Shield": Free from steam
    <21:08:41> "[N]yx": in steam
    <21:08:42> "Hossam Taibi": how
    <21:08:43> "Otman": freee ?
    <21:08:44> "Viceroy #The Shield": By developers
    <21:08:52> "Blackfire": hmm...
    <21:08:55> "[N]yx": o.O
    <21:08:57> "[N]yx": wtf
    <21:08:59> "Cleytom": Viceroy
    <21:09:00> "Viceroy #The Shield": yep
    <21:09:06> "Blackfire": this impossible dude
    <21:09:07> "[N]yx": is this true ?
    <21:09:09> "Viceroy #The Shield": yes
    <21:09:13> "Blackfire": how you do this ?
    <21:09:30> "Blackfire": steam is best Store games in world
    <21:09:32> "Viceroy #The Shield": i became moderator...active on steam, reporting
    <21:09:34> "Cleytom": Follow me xd
    <21:09:37> "Cleytom": Jaja
    <21:09:37> "Blackfire": how they dealing with you ?
    <21:09:40> "Viceroy #The Shield": took me 2 years
    <21:09:44> "Viceroy #The Shield": 2 YEARS
    <21:09:50> "Blackfire": aha ok
    <21:09:54> "Blackfire": this is insane
    <21:09:54> "Viceroy #The Shield": srsly
    <21:09:56> "Blackfire": but okj
    <21:10:01> "[N]yx": let us believe you
    <21:10:02> "Otman": and they offers to u cs go free ?
    <21:10:04> "Lock": -,- rly,
    <21:10:05> "Blackfire": at least you active
    <21:10:11> "Blackfire": so that is reason
    <21:10:15> "Blackfire": D
    <21:10:22> "Viceroy #The Shield": i get paid by money and sometimes wallets
    <21:10:23> "[N]yx": give me link acc steam :P<21:10:48> "Viceroy #The Shield": if i ask developers to cancle my month payment
    <21:10:56> "Viceroy #The Shield": they cancel and give wallet
    <21:11:04> "Viceroy #The Shield": Wait
    <21:11:05> "[N]yx": lets stop talk about steam
    <21:11:29> "Lock": https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198843279392/
    <21:11:34> "Lock": here my account :v
    <21:11:34> "Viceroy #The Shield": i will give u my acc link
    <21:11:40> "Blackfire": guys any one want helper ?
    <21:11:42> "Lock": paladins ❤️
    <21:11:45> "Blackfire": this is answer
    <21:11:48> "Blackfire": <18:14:50> "Hossam Taibi": can you tell mme how i got helper
    <18:15:13> "Blackfire": activity activity activity ts3 forums
    <21:11:52> "Blackfire": easy
    <21:11:57> "Blackfire": so dont ask or ban
    <21:12:22> "Blackfire": verox & gabi !!
    <21:13:37> "Viceroy #The Shield": https://steamcommunity.com/id/OfficialChiLi/
    <21:13:44> "Viceroy #The Shield": ?
    <21:14:00> "Lock": omfg?
    <21:14:04> "Lock": lvl 800?
    <21:14:16> "Blackfire": WTF
    <21:14:22> "Blackfire": HOLLY SHIT
    <21:14:28> "Lock": u are god if these is ur acc
    <21:14:42> "Viceroy #The Shield": yes
    <21:15:08> "Lock": u have 2000 friends :v
    <21:15:17> "Viceroy #The Shield": yes
    <21:15:21> "Viceroy #The Shield": I keep getting req
    <21:15:30> "Blackfire": lol
    <21:15:33> "Blackfire": you are boss
    <21:15:35> "Blackfire": man
    <21:15:44> "Blackfire": imoa
    <21:15:49> "Lock": u have a friend lvl 3500 :vvvvvvvvv
    <21:16:06> "Blackfire": no wow
    <21:16:21> "Blackfire": viceroy is devoloper
    <21:16:24> "Blackfire": lol
    <21:16:25> "Blackfire": D
    <21:16:37> "Viceroy #The Shield": nn
    <21:16:44> "[N]yx": I'm legend ?
    <21:16:44> "Viceroy #The Shield": I tiried very hard
    <21:16:51> "Viceroy #The Shield": tried
    <21:16:56> "Viceroy #The Shield": to get moderator
    <21:16:57> "Blackfire": he have freinds have 3500 lvl
    <21:16:59> "Blackfire": Looooooooool
    <21:17:00> "Blackfire": :v
    <21:17:06> "Lock": yea :v
    <21:17:09> "Flenn": can u stop talking about that SHIT !
    <21:17:12> "Flenn": pls
    <21:17:16> "[N]yx": i cant add any friends ?
    <21:17:19> "[N]yx": in steam
    <21:17:21> "Blackfire": this is first time i see those lvl
    <21:17:29> "Blackfire": fleen this is insane
    <21:17:32> "Viceroy #The Shield": lol
    <21:17:41> "Lock": u need to download steam nyx
    <21:17:47> "Lock": for add friends
    <21:18:50> "Viceroy #The Shield": alright guys, lets change the topic
    <21:18:54> "Blackfire": k
    <21:18:56> "Viceroy #The Shield": how are u all
    <21:18:57> "Viceroy #The Shield": ?
    <21:18:58> "Viceroy #The Shield": xd
    <21:18:58> "Otman": flenn
    <21:19:02> "Blackfire": ask gamer
    <21:19:23> "Viceroy #The Shield": alright guys
    <21:19:29> "Viceroy #The Shield": U guys need to hear the truth now
    <21:19:39> "Viceroy #The Shield": I dont have any of that account hahahaHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
    <21:19:46> "Viceroy #The Shield": EPIC FOOOOLLLLLLLLINGGGGGGGGGG!
    <21:19:51> "Blackfire": hahahhahahhahhahahah
    <21:19:54> "Blackfire": i was know
    <21:19:54> "Hossam Taibi": hhahahhahhha
    <21:20:00> "Lock": ---------------------------------------------------------,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,---------------------------------------------------
    <21:20:03> "Lock": rly?
    <21:20:06> "Blackfire": you lie you littile lier
    <21:20:06> "Viceroy #The Shield": HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAAHHAHA
    <21:20:10> "Viceroy #The Shield": HAHAHAHAHAH
    <21:20:19> "Blackfire": i socked
    <21:20:20> "Lock": are u f**in* kidding with me right now ?
    <21:20:20> "Viceroy #The Shield": I WAS SUPRISED
    <21:20:32> "Viceroy #The Shield": SO I KEEP MAKING STORIES
    <21:20:33> "Viceroy #The Shield": xd
    <21:20:37> "Blackfire": those who have this lvl
    <21:20:37> "Viceroy #The Shield": HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
    <21:20:40> "Lock": :vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    <21:20:42> "Blackfire": they are devolpers
    <21:20:45> "Blackfire": xDDD
    <21:20:48> "Blackfire": HAHHAHAAHHA
    <21:21:04> "Viceroy #The Shield": I copy paste link xd
    <21:21:08> "Lock": so if u have dat acc i got that :v
    <21:21:09> "Lock": https://steamcommunity.com/id/St4ck
    <21:21:10> "Viceroy #The Shield": I WASNT MY ACC
    <21:21:15> "Viceroy #The Shield": YEA YEA LOCK
    <21:21:18> "Blackfire": HHHH
    <21:21:30> "Blackfire": ST4AKE OWNER STEAM
    <21:21:32> "Blackfire": HHH
    <21:21:33> "Viceroy #The Shield": THIS WAS MY BEST FOOLING EVER!
    <21:21:34> "Blackfire": ;v
    <21:21:44> "Lock": rly xD
    <21:21:45> "Blackfire": rlly viceroy
    <21:21:49> "Blackfire": this is best prank
    <21:21:50> "Blackfire": :v
    <21:21:53> "Blackfire": in ts3
    <21:21:57> "Lock": he have the most lvl in steam
    <21:22:22> "Blackfire": Bouchaboucha
    <21:22:31> "Blackfire": welcome
    <21:22:35> "Blackfire": !v


    ahhaahhaahahhahahaha, my biggest and BEST! prank ever hahahaha

    1. Blackfire


      hhh best prank . we all get raped xD


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