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  • Banned- other account of Amaterasu


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    Other account of Amaterasu. Banned

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  1. Does any one have link of Amxmodx 1.8.3 version Please ? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. # Ret-H@CKer

      # Ret-H@CKer

      If you need help . i will try to help u

    3. Berlin▼



      i have sma file & its works perfectly .. but when i want to compiler it to amxx 
      its says that i must have the amxmodx 1.8.3  version!

      so :/

    4. # Ret-H@CKer

      # Ret-H@CKer

      sent me prof or come pm to talk

  2. shame on you .. 
    you are from palestine & you forget that the only reason u are alive now 
    just because ur brothers from Algeria side .. what the different between u & Jewish about what u r doing now! 

    Really SHAME ON YOU!

    1. Berlin▼


      well ... do u think we just remove u after u have give us a big favor ? 
      No ofc not ... we have made a des between us .. we sow that u have own 2 another sv 
      so why u should be stay on our team & after add another guys we dont even them .. For rly ? 

    2. Berlin▼


      we had make u as #Legend cuz we will nevr forget ur work on our sv ! 


    3. Berlin▼


      u didnt even ask for it ... u say that u will destroy sv .. & dont even telk about it! 

  3. Love this Song ;) !! 



  4. Welcome Back to ur family .. Hope u stay longer then before
  5. R.I.P. #Design Section . 
    Rest in peace :'o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flenn.


      men bkri xd

      w bach ykoun fi 3almek 

      When you make a request, it is open within 2 days (48 hours), doens't matter the posts in the topic.

      so designers have 2 days to reply

    3. Berlin▼
    4. Berlin▼


      Flenn .. 
      reply to my Topic please *-* !! 

  6. Sometimes its Okay to give up !

    1. Murad


      Never give up :25r30wi::25r30wi::25r30wi:

    2. Berlin▼


      i said sometimes xd

  7. Welcome Back to the Community .. Enjoy staying with us ^^ !
  8. Welcome Back Legend!
    im glad to see you here .. we missed u & CSBD forum Else ;) !!

  9. #Hala_Madrid
    #Super_Hattrick #RONALDO!! xD

  10. Hello Dear #Love 
    cheak ur pm please!

  11. Hello Ali , 
    cheak ur pm .. i want to ask u something !

  12. Any one can dance Like this xd !?


  13. Happy Birthday .. all my wish in ur life


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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