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  • Birthday July 21


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  1. I thought you are a serious guy with your server comming here at us, but you tried to steal Members, nice try!! But guess what, you got a big gift, Banned

  2. Can you check instagram

  3. Back with new sv

  4. StreetZM @ Searching Helper to Co-owner who want admin make request here


  5. Nickname : @StarriX Age: 24 Profile Link: @StarriX How much time you can be active in Forum & TS3: 5 or 6 Link of Reviews you have posted recently: 3 or 4 How much you rate VGame Reviewers Team 1-15: 14 Why do you want be part of the Reviewer's team: help to all and I seen here no have acitiv staff Any suggest you want to make for your Request: notting
  6. The computer is often loaded with some juicy and pricey software, so it seems a great deal on the surface. But there's an underlying gotcha just waiting to rear its ugly head, and that's the matter of replacing the software in the event of a system failure or hardware upgrade. Even if the computer still has the old recovery partition, the best you can do is restore Windows and that's about it.If you had things like Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat they were likely added by the business after they purchased the computer. For many businesses, the software is volume licensed to the company for use on company owned hardware and is not intended for use on a personally owned PC. The fact that they left the software installed when they sold or gave away the PC is actually a violation of the licensing agreement the company has with the software vendor. It's common, though. Most people don't think about it, or, if they do, simply don't care. When the unthinkable happens, your budget PC can get very expensive to get up and running again because those applications will have to be purchased if you want to use them again. I am not a fan of buying second-hand computer, and I recommend that if you plan to do so, just know what you're getting yourself into
  7. Do not adjust your set, that is a CPU air cooler sitting on top of a normal sized ATX motherboard. That is not, I repeat, that is not a mini-ITX mobo. Yeah, the IceGiant ProSiphon Elite is not only an object lesson in camelcase or interCaps, but is also one of the biggest chip-chillers I've ever seen jammed on top of a processor. And I've tested that chonky ol' boi, the CoolerMaster V8. The ProSiphon Elite actually looks like someone lopped the tubes off an AIO liquid cooler and just screwed the whole radiator atop a CPU. But the IceGiant design uses a vapor chamber inside that rad, similar to what you'll find on top of many a graphics card these days. The heat from the chip boils a little liquid in the chamber into vapor, pulling the heat away from the processor, which then travels around the condenser, turning back into cooled liquid and dropping back down to the CPU. Thanks to the fact there is a long way for the vapor to travel, and a whole lot of push/pull fans in operation either side of the condenser, this thing is rated to cool anything up to an AMD Threadripper chip or those big high-end Intel beasts. And has the fat thermal plate to prove it. It also costs $170 and weighs in at 4.4 lbs (2kg) so you've got to feel like you're really getting a lot of solid aluminium for your money, and you've got to then hope your motherboard is built to last too. To put that into some context, that's the same weight as the Gigabyte Aorus 15G gaming laptop. But why not just use an equivalently priced AIO liquid cooler? IceGiant says that, because it's just one big, single component (apart from the fans), there are fewer points of failure. Which basically means: No pump, no problems. Then it also points out that it's using dielectric fluid, not water, so there's no danger of dripping all over your expensive kit. To be fair, I've been lucky enough to not have had a pump fail on me in fifteen years, and the only time I sprayed water on my PC while liquid cooling was when I tried to build my own custom loop back in 2006 by bolting an entire discrete radiator onto the side panel of my chassis. The ProSiphon Elite has actually only come to my attention after reading HardwareLuxx reviewing it and the damned thing just dominated my browser for a long while. I have to say I'm in no rush to see it in person, however; not just because I am physically intimidated by its sheer size and weight, but also because it's reportedly rather loud and can't really compete with AIO chip chillers around the same price.
  8. Title: Battlefield 4 Developer: DICE Publisher: Electronic Arts Players: 1-24 players (online) Platform: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Genre: First Person Shooter. It is not for less because one of the most impressive FPS that has been seen is already on sale, which launches a new graphics engine and gives us a taste of what we can see in the new generation of consoles. Battlefield 4 is the sequel to Battlefield 3, but as has always been the case, the stories are not related. On this occasion, history will take us to China, the great empire that is in chaos. We will take the role of Sergeant Daniel Recker, a member of a group of elite soldiers belonging to the Tombstone Squad made up of Clayton Pakowski (Pac, Marine Combat Rescue), Kimble Graves (Irish, Sergeant Major) and William Dunn. This squad will be in charge of stopping Chinese Admiral Chang who is planning a coup in China, if not, the Russians will back him and a bigger war could start. With this information, the USS Valkyrie (the ship where our factions are housed) heads to Shanghai. The Tombstone squad is sent on a covert mission in the city to extract a group of VIPs. Relations with China are somewhat strained after the US has been implicated in the assassination of Jin Jie, the future leader and voice for China's peace. Chang has canceled the elections and martial law has been declared. Both the US and Russia are positioned off the coast of China and the situation is rapidly escalating like a powder keg about to explode. Will we be able to stop this catastrophe? BF4 Many people have had the bad taste of the campaign in the last installment, but this time I assure you that the linearity of the story mode has ended up giving us more freedom to make decisions. A short but concise story where they show us from how to play to how to drive various vehicles, one of the most attractive points of this game. In addition to leaving behind the coldness of characters giving them representative features, surely you will fall in love with one of them. In the campaign we will no longer be a soldier, now we can give orders for attacks and although artificial intelligence is not entirely good, the truth is that they will help us kill enemies while we shoot or advance. This point gives it a bit of freshness with respect to the previous one where we had to do everything ourselves and our teammates did nothing about it. The version we are reviewing is the PlayStation 3, so the graphics are not as impressive as those of PC or the new generation. But despite this it looks improved. The effects of lights and textures give us an impressive view in open stages such as in the forest and even in the sea with the solar flares that blind our view, in addition to that thanks to the new Frosbite 3 engine it allowed them to take the next step with the destruction of objects in the environment. Everything is practically destructible (with some errors such as indestructible cars) but if in Battlefield 3 we were excited about a building falling, in this fourth installment we will be stunned to be killed because a structure was destroyed with a grenade in places that before we could be within except. Battlefield-4 I have always said that Battlefield is a purely multiplayer game and the campaign they added to it will not let me lie as it helps us a lot to practice for the online mode that is full of players from all over the world ready to fire the trigger. In multiplayer there are different modes, which we will explain below: Conquest The conquest mode is the classic mode where we must control territories, the more we control the greater chance of winning we will have, everything is based on working as a team and not letting the enemy take our already captured bases or take away the bases that they have already captured. TCT: Extermination One of my favorites is the extermination mode where basically you just have to kill and kill enemies, the team that has achieved the most casualties is the winner. Eradication The funniest and most hectic mode DICE has ever invented. This is a new mode where we have large maps, each team has its base and a bomb appears randomly on the map. The teams will compete to get hold of the bomb and install it in the enemy barracks. Assault A beastly mode where large maps are used to the maximum, where we will see all kinds of vehicles and wholesale destruction. The objective is for the attacking team to destroy two MCOM stations using bombs in two different places on the map. The defending team has to prevent this from happening before running out of comebacks. If the attacking team is successful, two more MCOM stations will appear farther away on the map. Assault Mode continues until the attacking team has destroyed six enemy MCOM stations or when the defending team has finished with the enemy's respawn tickets.
  9. Welcome Back !!!

  10. shield is back

  11. Dude send me your Facebook name link

  12. Welcome


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