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Everything posted by Wolf.17

  1. good morning :):)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DrayeN-


      my ts3 error, but how i contact you here?

    3. maykel.


      good morning sir

    4. JS BieBer
  2. <16:28:27> Vous avez été banni pour 30 minutes du serveur par "[Renix [Spport ME]] Renix" (spam pm)

    Renix ؟؟؟ 

    why ؟؟؟

    1. 【Ж】ℜєηιχ ツ

      【Ж】ℜєηιχ ツ

      u spam me bro ! idont like that :237:

    2. #king 0F DARK
  3. LOL score 135k


    1. -Sn!PeR-


      my best score is 80k


    2. Sw@R's #psycho

      Sw@R's #psycho

      -1 folower hbltni -_-

  4. PLaY Now agar.io , alis.io , gota.io 

    come join =)))

  5. good morning S!di =))))

    1. S!di.


      Good morning have a nice day 

  6. LOL :)))))

    <07:28:20> "~ Xavi ~": lol
    <07:28:33> "Love more": ?
    <07:28:33> "~ Xavi ~": Ctrl + d
    <07:28:38> Partenaire de discussion déconnecté et masqué.
    <07:28:38> "DarkNight1" a rejoint la discussion.
    <07:28:38> "DarkNight1" connecté au canal "WALKINGDEADZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM (ZP 6.2)"

    1. #Farouk Messi

      #Farouk Messi

      mergolha les member 

      walat jya 7a hadi il3afsa :v

  7. Weclome back =)

  8. Rank server 4 =)


    1. Fagar



      good Plyers and Good server 

    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      servers of csbd down there was problem in krond and server was 

      heck players but i sloved this problem and boost server was 4 player of mu internetcafe 


  9. Come back Soon Bro We Will miss u
  10. rank server 6  =))


    1. MaTr!!x


      Noce broo rank 1 commomg soon

    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      just join server bcz it not full now 

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