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#king 0F DARK

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Everything posted by #king 0F DARK

  1. I have some info that you gave Your accese to someone from Egypt and I asked you about this you told me no Be careful you have high grade
  2. ACCEPTED As Helper contact me via om or ts3 T/C
  3. i found him somtimes afk in servers with at night but i didnt check his english well pro
  4. <10:28:20> "king of dark": hi
    <10:28:33> "King_of_lion": hay i want back
    <10:29:15> "king of dark": press ctrl+Q
    <10:29:43> Chat partner has closed the conversation

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PranKk.


      <11:06:56> "King_of_lion": hay prankk
      <11:08:34> Chat partner has closed the conversation
      <13:25:10> "PranKk": hi
      <13:25:51> "King_of_lion": hay i want back eldar
      <13:26:02> "PranKk": press Ctrl+Q
      <13:26:17> "King_of_lion": no
      <13:26:19> Chat partner has closed the conversation

    3. Drosel


      delete admin ty all

    4. !!EvnGeR!!


      <10:28:20> "King of Darkness": Hello
      <10:28:33> "King_of_lion": Hey I want to go back
      <10:29:15> "King of Darkness": Press ctrl + Q
      <10:29:43> The chat partner has closed the conversation
  5. read rules of server here well then make new request but respect this model here T.C
  6. <08:43:39> "king of dark": !buy level
    <08:43:39> "CSBD Guard": Your level now 5
    <08:43:40> "CSBD Guard": Congratulations, you bought Level 10.


  7. i pro for helper if he not fake !!
  8. welcome!
  9. how many time i told you , you are admin make report in admin only !! Sloved T/C
  10. Accepted Send me info in pm or contact me in ts3 T/C
  11. assissan not attack how ? in minute 3:08 and you slayed a player from counter-strike team ! do you think that we are stupid!!!!!??
  12. can you check ftp what he doing in all player he gave slaying to all player without reason !! look mr.master!! he destory server with slayed players without reason i hope from you take a serious action about this report !!
  13. you are admin here post report in admin only !! T/C
  14. ¤ Nickname: King OF DARK ¤ Name: hassan ¤ Age: 19 ¤ Country: egypt ¤ City: sohag ¤ Favorite Games: -chess ¤ Favorite Shows: ¤ Favorite Movies:- ¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre: - ¤ What would you like to do in life:- ¤ Favorite actor - why ?: - ¤ Favorite actress - why ?: - ¤ You Smoke? / What brand of cigarette smoke:-i dont smoke ¤ What alcoholic drink frequently: -milk ¤ Favorite juice: -limon ¤ In what country would you like to live: palstine ¤ Favorite football team: -alahly/real madread ¤ Car models: Idk :bmw ¤ A brief description about you: - ¤ How did you find NewLifeZm?: I want help. since 3 years ¤ If you win 1 million dollars, which would be the first thing you do?: i will give it to poor ?
  15. If someone have codes of community, Facebook or team speak  emotions  send me it pls ???

  16. How many members from Egypt ?? 

    Take ban per day i need number ??

  17. You will not receive rank here even if you have 866755679 likes 

    with 866755679 posts so stop

    Use fake likes pls 


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