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  1. The president of the Council of Ministers, Guido Bellido, threatened this Sunday with the nationalization of the Camisea natural gas field in Cusco, if the concession company, in charge of the exploitation and commercialization of the resource, does not agree to renegotiate with the Peruvian State the distribution of utilities. "We summoned the Camisea gas operator and marketer to renegotiate the distribution of profits in favor of the State, otherwise, we will opt for the recovery or nationalization of our field," Bellido wrote on his Twitter account. The Camisea project is in charge of the consortium made up of the companies Pluspetrol Peru, Hunt Oil Company of Peru LLC, Tecpetrol del Peru SAC, SK Corporation, Sonatrach Peru Corporation SAC and Repsol Exploración Perú. The Peruvian State granted the license in February 2020 to exploit the field (extraction of natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons) for 40 years. "Pluspetrol is in charge of carrying out the activities of exploration and exploitation of the natural gas reserves in Camisea and its processing in the Fractionation Plant of Las Malvinas, in Cusco, where liquids and dry gas are separated", details the Supervisory Body of Investment in Energy and Mining (Osinergmin) on its website. Contradictions in the Executive Bellido's expressions contrast with President Pedro Castillo's message to the international community on his first tour outside the country a week ago. "We are not communists, we have not come to expropriate anyone, we have not come to scare away investments, on the contrary we call on large investors, businessmen to go to Peru, to reach Peru," said the last one. Monday before the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington. "A government without private investment is nothing, we take advantage of the space to call for private companies," the president emphasized. However, in the week before his trip, Castillo reiterated his campaign promise to "recover" the Camisea gas field. "We are going to buy the lawsuit to recover Camisea gas for all Peruvians," he said in a brief speech in the Plaza de Armas in Chota, although without specifying the procedure for that measure. At the beginning of August, the Minister of Economy, Pedro Francke, had assured that the Pedro Castillo government was not going to expropriate Camisea. "Private companies will continue to exploit it. We want to ensure that it helps Peruvians have cheaper gas at home," he said in dialogue with Canal N. Francke was thus responding to previous statements by Bellido in which he pointed out that part of the energy sector "has to be in the hands of the government," giving the case of Camisea as an example. The Minister of Economy pointed out that when Bellido referred to the fact that the sector should be "in the hands of the State," he was talking about the country's participation in the construction of the Gasoducto del Sur. Guido Bellido arrived in Arequipa this morning to participate in the first Peru Libre youth congress and so far he has not made any further statements after his statement on Twitter. Reactions against Bellido The expressions of the president of the Council of Ministers are criticized on social networks by political figures, who point out the danger of driving away private investments. The former Minister of Economy, María Antonieta Alva, described Bellido's statements as irresponsible. "They affect the perception of investors about Peru. It drives away private investment when what we need most is reactivation and job creation," she said in a thread posted on Twitter. For his part, Congressman Daniel Abugattas affirmed that "these messages are absolutely counterproductive for legal security in the country" and described the expressions of the PCM leader as "a shot in the air." The mayor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz also expressed his concern with Bellido's message and said that "you cannot play with the legal stability of our country" while asking President Pedro Castillo to show that he is the one who governs the country. . "President @PedroCastilloTe, it is unheard of that recently you told foreign investors not to have mistrust or doubts about investing in Peru, and today your premier threatens to nationalize gas, which is not only contradictory, but it would be disastrous" he tweeted. https://rpp.pe/politica/gobierno/guido-bellido-advierte-que-se-nacionalizara-camisea-si-empresa-no-acepta-renegociar-reparto-de-utilidades-noticia-1359684
  2. Accepted As helper. Remember to respect the rules and use your commands
  3. Many times we have talked to you about the importance of correct ergonomics when using the PC, since it is the best way to avoid incorrect postures that later lead to pain and health problems; In this regard, the monitor is one of the most important components since, depending on its position, the ergonomics can be severely modified. In this article we are going to talk about the ergonomics of the monitor, and how it affects the possibility of modifying its height, rotation, rotation and inclination. Not all monitors on the market (in fact, only a handful of them) have options to completely modify their ergonomics; As a general rule, "cheap" monitors only allow you to modify the tilt of the screen, while more advanced models have a base that allows total ergonomics by allowing us to also modify its height, rotation and rotation. We are going to see all these parameters and what each one of them influences. Monitor ergonomics explained Ergonomics monitor positions As we have mentioned before, there are four monitor ergonomics parameters that we can find in the most advanced models, so we are going to see each of them individually and explain what each one influences. In this regard, even monitors that do not have a base capable of making these ergonomic modifications usually have a VESA anchor that will allow us to install them on an articulated arm or support that will provide them with this extra ergonomics. Screen tilt Tilt monitor ergonomics The tilt of the screen refers to the ability to move at an angle from the vertical to the horizontal (the table, generally), that is, when we modify the tilt of the screen we can make it be placed at an angle or another. Generally, the ergonomics of the monitor will allow modifying up to 15º with respect to the horizontal upwards and 5º downwards nothing more. Being able to modify the inclination is something that almost all monitors incorporate, and that is extremely useful to be able to make the screen completely straight with respect to us, so that we do not see the image distorted by looking at it at an angle. If you have the monitor positioned exactly at the same height as your face, it would not be necessary to modify the inclination, but this is often not possible, so being able to modify it is essential. Modify the height of the monitor, essential for good ergonomics Monitor height In order to have a comfortable posture in the chair and that it does not cause us pain and discomfort when we spend a lot of time using the PC, having the monitor screen located at a suitable height is essential. Unfortunately, only a handful of monitors have a height adjustment built into their base, and this is usually at most between 10 and 14 centimeters (more than enough in most cases), so many times we will be forced to use stands or stands to raise the height of the monitor. The height adjustment of the monitor implies, therefore, the ability to be able to raise the screen with respect to the base in such a way that we can, forgive the redundancy, adjust the height to which the display area of the screen is. This ability is extremely important to be able to adapt the position of the screen with respect to that of our head, so that we can sit in the chair in a more comfortable position (you can see it, a bit exaggerated, in the image above) .
  4. The secretary general of the ruling Peru Libre party, Vladimir Cerrón, reported that the former president of Bolivia Evo Morales will participate in an event of his political group that will take place this Saturday, September 25 in Arequipa. "Welcome comrade Evo Morales to the First National Youth Congress of our Peru Libre Party, tomorrow Saturday 25 in Arequipa," wrote the former governor of Junín. According to the poster shared by Cerrón, the national youth congress is organized by Peru Libre and its Arequipa Youth Secretariat. Evo Morales will be giving a presentation entitled "Youth and the construction of the plurinational state in the Bolivia of the XXI century." The former Bolivian president was also participating in various events that took place in Peru during the first days of Pedro Castillo's government, between the end of July and the first two weeks of August. These events included an invitation to speak to the teachers' union founded by Pedro Castillo in 2017 (National Federation of Workers in Education of Peru - Fenatep). https://gestion.pe/peru/politica/evo-morales-participara-en-evento-organizado-por-peru-libre-en-arequipa-este-sabado-25-vladimir-cerron-nndc-noticia/
  5. Did you know that the high intensity sounds of seismic vessels reduce sightings of mammals such as humpback whales? In a new episode of #MongabayExplica, we will talk about the impacts of noise pollution on the ocean. Experts note that since the industrial revolution, humans have bombarded the sea with a wide range of sound frequencies, severely affecting marine species. Since much of the sounds in the ocean overlap with frequencies within the auditory band of marine animals, the noise that comes from human activities is disturbing the environment and the behavior of these animals. Now you can also receive our stories, videos and infographics on WhatsApp. Follow us through the number +57 3208726154 or click on the image. For example, dolphins have been found to change their direction of travel in response to maritime traffic, and even swim erratically and increase their swimming speed when boats approach them. These mammals also spend less time resting and socializing in noisy waters. Sometimes their calls change. It's like having to shout over the music in a restaurant. https://elcomercio.pe/tecnologia/ecologia/en-video-como-impacta-la-contaminacion-acustica-en-el-oceano-a-las-especies-marinas-mongabayexplica-noticia/
  6. Follow the last minute news of the coronavirus in Peru LIVE and LIVE, the current number of confirmed cases and the number of deaths until today, September 25, 2021. The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported that the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Peru rose to 2,171,374. In addition, the death of 199,182 people was confirmed and 2,147,047 people recovered from COVID-19. Minsa: cases of the Delta variant increased to 721 nationwide The head of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), Hernando Cevallos, announced this Saturday that the cases of the Delta variant continue to rise. From the Human Settlement Integración Virgen de Fátima, in the Nueva Jerusalem II sector, in San Juan de Lurigancho (SJL), the representative of the Executive said that, "worryingly", they have detected that 721 patients tested positive for this lineage of SARS- Minsa confirmed the appearance of the Delta Plus variant "We are at a time that although the number of COVID-19 cases has not increased, what has risen is the Delta variant and the appearance of three cases of Delta Plus in the Ate sector. We have already taken precautions necessary, "said the Deputy Minister of Health. https://larepublica.pe/sociedad/2021/09/25/coronavirus-en-peru-en-vivo-hoy-25-septiembre-2021-ultimas-noticias-casos-y-cifras-mdga/
  7. Very pro! good activity and good person
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