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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Want to have V.I.P in our community? Participate here and have the opportunity !!! WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU.


    You can send your work privately to @-Dark or @Stussy Designs



  2. If we look back we will remember the rumors of delay of the Z690 boards due to the also rumored delay of the Intel Core 12 CPUs. Finally this did not happen, but the reason for these rumors came true: there would be no DDR5 in stock after the launch. To avoid this and seeing the controversy, ASUS has created a system that allows installing DDR4 memory on a motherboard with only DDR5. How have they done it? With no plentiful DDR5 stock, with the few units and kits priced sky high, ingenuity has to prevail if you want the best without being able to buy it as such. Having a Z690 board is not too complicated these days, although the faster memory for it is, but what if we could install DDR4 in its slots? Said and done, well, at least it is in the process of it, because ASUS has seen how they filtered an adapter for this purpose. ASUS DDR5 to DDR4, why wasn't it released earlier? Well, we suppose that the great comparative offense between DDR4 and DDR5 was precisely that, its higher overall performance and launching something like that in principle could be a mistake that memory manufacturers could not tolerate. The prophecies were fulfilled and now it is the plate manufacturers who are upset by the null availability, so since the situation is not going to change for a few months, the ingenuity pays off. What we have on the screen is nothing more than a prototype in revision 1.0, although it is perfectly functional and in fact you can see it in the demo video. This adapter has a high vertical size that makes it impossible to install it with certain heatsinks, but this is only a revision that tries to achieve what nobody has done by taking advantage of the double BMI of the Core 12. The height is set by the power system itself. PCB of the same that manages the delivery of power from the slot to the DDR4, since DDR5 not only uses less voltage, but its management system is regulated in the module itself with a PMIC. Possible problems with the BIOS Logically this is an ASUS ROG accessory that in principle should only arrive for said brand name plates. Not because it is not compatible with all the others of its competition, since the slot is the same for all, but because apparently it has to be supported by the motherboard and its BIOS. This would exclude it from the rest, making a very interesting difference at the moment for the user who does not know which plate model to buy. In addition, and if we look closely, the PCB has four holes enabled where, presumably, a molex or 4-pin SATA would be connected, which although it should not finally be seen in the model that is launched on the market, it is interesting that ASUS has already thought in this for the prototype. Logically there is not even confirmation that this is going to be launched in stores, nor if it will arrive with certain models of motherboards, if it can be bought alone, there is nothing about it. We'll see if they reveal something else at CES 2022.
  3. Last night, the journalist Willy Melgarejo was preparing to withdraw money from an ATM located on Avenida Aviación, in San Borja, when after carrying out the respective operation he realized that after several minutes the requested amount did not appear through the slot of machine. READ ALSO | The year of the cyberattack: all forms of computer theft that emerged in 2021 | VIDEOS The press man managed to take out his cell phone to record and narrate what happened. Moments later, he received the help of members of the National Police, who verified the fact and informed him that he had been the victim of an attempted robbery, under the modality known as a “strip”. Finally, Willy thanked the agents for helping him get the money back from him. Through the video, they recommended users to be very careful when carrying out operations at an ATM, especially around the end of the year, since these days robbers are looking for different ways to steal. But, what is this modality called "strip" about and what others do criminals use to appropriate large sums of money from ATMs? Gustavo Vallejo, an expert in security issues, told El Comercio that the forms of theft such as the "strip", the "change" and the cloning of cards by obtaining the key, are the most common that exist and continue registering in the country. He pointed out that cases increase on dates where people tend to withdraw cash from ATMs, such as Christmas and New Years. “The modalities are still the same, but they are more in old ATMs. The new ones have better security options. Most of the theft revolves around the cloning of the magnetic stripe, ”he explained. Cybercrime: the new email trap that seeks to steal your accounts In recent weeks, the Serpost website has warned about sending fake emails. Thieves seek to seize personal data through doctored pages. Most used modalities The Change: It occurs after the user has entered his card and password at the ATM. At that time, the offender causes some kind of distraction to change the card and place a new one. The main characteristic of this type of fraud is that it usually requires two people to be successful. ADVERTISING MORE IN PERU | Replacement of cell phone chips: the new way for cybercriminals to empty bank accounts This modality is also carried out when a criminal identifies the victim, while another approaches to talk with the client to offer or request alleged help. In this way, in a matter of seconds they are made with the card and the secret key. Lebanese bow: This modality consists of manipulating the ATM reader, installing a false ticket and adding a tape that retains the card. When the victim gives up and leaves, the thief returns to the cashier to retrieve it. The strip: The offender places a metal or plastic ruler to block the slot that dispenses the cashier's bills. In this way the money will be retained and cannot be withdrawn by the victim. A variant of this method is to adhere a stick with glue to the same slot so that the cash remains rolled up. https://elcomercio.pe/lima/sucesos/robos-en-cajeros-sepa-las-modalidades-usadas-para-apropiarse-de-fuertes-sumas-de-dinero-y-que-hacer-en-caso-resulte-victima-regleta-cambiazo-cajero-automatico-lazo-libanes-clonacion-de-tarjetas-adulteracion-de-teclado-noticia/
  4. MY BEST FRIEND @WALKER亗 ; today is a special day for you brother !!! Later I'll call you on Facebook to bother you ahhh, I hope you have a good time and today we wish you a happy birthday !!! and all the members of CSBD
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