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Everything posted by Dark

  1. With the arrival of the Intel Core 12 has appeared a new concept related to the CPU of the company founded by Gordon Moore, Maximum Turbo Power. Due to this, many questions arise: what is behind such a sonorous name? What does it mean inside the processors? Is it a new technology or, instead, we are facing a simple name change of an old technology that was already available? With the release of the Intel Core 12 for desktop under the Alder Lake architecture, the PC CPU manufacturer and designer has made some changes in naming some of the technologies that surround the brand's PC processors. The Maximum Turbo Power is one of these cases, an already veteran technology under a more attractive name for marketing. What is the Maximum Turbo Power? Intel Core 12 Maximum Turbo Power Intel's definition of MTP is as follows: the maximum sustained power dissipation of a processor compared to TDP, which is the base power consumption. So we are referring to the maximum heat generated measured in watts that a processor can generate when it temporarily increases its clock speed. So we are facing a significant change by Intel for something that already existed previously, and that is that under the name of Maximum Turbo Power Intel refers to the PL2 mode of its CPUs with Alder Lake-S architecture. Instead, the PL1 mode is now called Processor Base Power or PBP. In other words, we are not seeing a new technology that the creator of the ISA x86 has added in its 12th generation Intel Core. PL1 mode refers to the standard maximum speed that an Intel Core processor can sustain 100% of the time. Although due to consumption issues the CPU clock speed may have occasional drops, Processor Base Power can maintain it 100% of the time. On the other hand, in PL2, MTP or Maximum Turbo Power mode it is only maintained at said clock speed for a limited time, normally in the TAU described for each architecture. Higher yield, temporary There is no doubt that Intel CPUs have higher consumption peaks than AMD's, but this is because for Ryzen the brand in red has chosen to limit the maximum TDP that its processors can generate. Most likely haunted by ghosts of a past in which the processors of the company now run by Lisa Su had problems in that regard. Intel on the other hand gives its processors the ability to boost their clock speeds much more by having a higher margin. Since many of the benchmarks run tests over a very short period of time this allows the CPU to be activated in Maximum Turbo Power mode in order to achieve the maximum possible performance of the CPU. In any case, it must be borne in mind that on very few occasions the Intel Core will go into MTP mode, since the processor adjusts its clock speed according to the workload that it has to execute at all times. That is, it will not work all the time in said mode and it will only do so at very specific moments. Is MTP the same on all CPUs? Intel Core 12 PL1 PL2 No, each of them has its own assigned MTP and not individually, but by processor model. In this case, we must bear in mind that there will be variants where the TDP in Maximum Turbo Power or PL2 mode and the Processor Base Power will be the same, especially in models that are designed for low-power computers or with reduced overclocking capabilities. . So as we go up in the range we find that the MTP is going up. So an i9 will have a larger value than an i7, which in turn will have a larger value than an i3. Let's not forget that if we are interested in mounting a high-capacity gaming PC with good liquid cooling, we will be interested in the CPU being able to maintain high clock speeds and for this it is necessary that the maximum TDP value is higher. The duration of the Maximum Turbo Power is defined by a TAU variable defined at the factory by Intel itself, but it is not a constant, but a variable, so we can change the time that the MTP mode lasts. This is important, since if we have good cooling we can make the processor maintain its highest clock speed for as long as possible (it is not possible to change the TAU except for overclocking). Is Maximum Turbo Power adjustable? Clock Speed The clock speed is totally related to the voltage that the processor consumes, so if we reduce the amount of volts that feeds the central CPU then the maximum GHz that it can reach in MTP mode ends up falling. In any case, although it is assumed that this value is the maximum value that can be achieved without being detrimental to the health of the Intel Core.
  2. The citizen Ysabel Rodríguez Chipana, a woman from Ayacucho who denounced Daniel Urresti for having raped her, faces impunity again. On December 20, the First Provincial Criminal Prosecutor's Office Specialized in Human Rights of Ayacucho decided to archive the preliminary investigation that is being carried out against the former presidential candidate Daniel Urresti for the alleged crimes of rape and abuse of authority. Since February 26, 2018, the First Supraprovincial Criminal Prosecutor's Office Specialized in Human Rights, Interculturality and Terrorism Crimes of Ayacucho, in charge of the prosecutor Yuber Alarcón Quispe, initiated an investigation against Daniel Urresti for the alleged crimes of sexual violation in tort of Ysabel Rodríguez, and injuries and abuse of authority to the detriment of Jesús Galvez Ruiz. Ysabel Rodríguez Chipana, a woman from Ayacucho who denounced Daniel Urresti for rape. Since then, the prosecutor Yuber Alarcón has carried out a preliminary investigation into the complaint of Ysabel Rodríguez, who is also a witness in another prosecutor's investigation against Daniel Urresti for the alleged murder of journalist Hugo Bustios in November 1988 in the province from Huanta (Ayacucho). Ysabel Rodríguez reported to the Prosecutor's Office that “Captain Arturo”, the alias that Danie Urresti would have received at that time, sexually raped her on two occasions. The first, according to the complaint, would have occurred on November 26, 1988, when Rodríguez was taken to the Castropampa Barracks (now Counter-terrorist Battalion No. 51, Los Cabitos - Huanta). The second, on December 1 of the same year, "Captain Arturo" would have broken into her house to sexually abuse her. Rodríguez pointed out that on that occasion she was threatened with death by Urresti so that she would not reveal information about the murder of journalist Hugo Bustíos. Careo. On the left, the complainant Ysabel Rodríguez. On the right, former presidential candidate Daniel Urresti. The preliminary investigation also included Jesús Gálvez Ruiz's complaint against Urresti for the alleged crimes of injuries and abuse of authority also suffered on November 26, 1988 at the Castropampa Barracks, the same day and place that "Captain Arturo" allegedly Ysabel Rodríguez sexually abused. In that place, Gálvez maintains, he was hung by his arms, submerged in a cylinder of water and electrocuted until he was unconscious. For the Prosecutor's Office, however, there are not enough indications to formalize the complaint and initiate a preparatory investigation against Daniel Urresti. https://wayka.pe/ysabel-rodriguez-la-mujer-que-denuncio-a-daniel-urresti-por-violacion-sexual-resiste-a-la-impunidad/
  3. 2021 leaves us a Parliament quite far from the steep aspiration of being the executor of the great reforms, the reactivator of the economy, the unlocking of the paralyzed works ... the bicentennial Congress. Doing a very brief review of its elementary functions, we can see that there are more pending than achievements. With 972 bills presented (49 approved), 19 have become laws aimed at sectors such as Education, Agriculture and the Economy. However, only 129 opinions have been produced. It is a considerably lower figure than that of the last Congress (2016-2021), which achieved 432 out of a universe of 844 bills in the same period. The effective work of Parliament should be measured not by the number of laws passed, but rather by the number of opinions produced on legislative initiatives. These constitute in practice the written document that brings together the conclusions reached, after the technical opinions of the sectors involved and the citizens themselves, and the debate in committee. It is what legitimizes the work done. The coming legislature should demand more proactive commissions and parliamentary groups, a better evaluation and development of the legislative agenda within, with the purpose of achieving majority or bloc positions, in order to reduce the high political and economic cost that it produces. uncertainty, in addition to avoiding the presentation and approval of declarative laws and seeking to put issues on the agenda. To date, there are more than 160 bills that are declarative or that aim to prioritize the creation of districts or the execution of works, for example. Regarding political control, nine motions to interpellate ministers were registered; three reached the plenary session and one ended in censorship. That, without stopping counting the more than 150 occasions in which Congress received different authorities and officials. However, several constitutional accusations inherited from the previous Congress are pending, which should be addressed before, due to the passage of time, the prerogative to accuse expires. In the same sense, based on the new obligation of parliamentarians to present their sworn declaration of conflicts of interest to the comptroller, the Board of Directors and the Ethics Commission, within the scope of their own functions, have the challenge of devising some mechanism for the timely identification and assessment of risks due to conflicts of interest, promoting the greatest possible transparency from the portal itself. Finally, the main pending issues have to do with the structural reforms that have not yet been reviewed. The economic reactivation, the return to classes, the stoppage of works and the problems of institutional management in regional and local governments have been topics mentioned in almost all parliamentary debates because they are urgent, but there are also others of longer duration such as reform. politics (preferential voting, financing, congressional reelection, etc.) and the health reform itself that are still awaiting. The straitjacket and the fainthearted Ruben Vargas Former Minister of the Interior, former executive president of Devida The most efficient state action that allowed us to prevent the coca leaf from turning into cocaine is, by far, eradication. In total, 25 thousand hectares of eradicated coca were equivalent to 245 fewer tons of cocaine. From the current management of the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (Devida), they are acting with suspicious naivety. They announced that, to avoid the ‘vicious circle of replanting’ they will propose solemn “citizen social pacts”. This pact is supposed to provoke a kind of liberating exorcism that will immunize the peasant from narcococa. I have the impression that we are dealing with a misunderstood copy of the so-called ‘social control’ that was applied in Bolivia. Empirical evidence tells us that only sustained eradication, accompanied by alternative development and investment in road infrastructure, could break the economic matrix of illegal coca. This was done in Alto Huallaga. Result: the rule of law was recovered, terrorism was defeated and drug trafficking was significantly reduced. In the valley of the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro (Vraem) rivers it was never eradicated. An important part of their economy is drugged with the 500 tons of cocaine that they process annually. What is the Government's proposal? Defend and legalize that coca. There are three bills for this purpose. Unfortunately, in Devida they put a straitjacket on the fight against drugs, reducing eradication only to some areas without major importance for drug trafficking. We do not need to do much analysis to foresee that in the next two years we will exceed 100,000 hectares of coca, which in turn will produce more than 1,000 tons of cocaine. https://elcomercio.pe/politica/actualidad/escenarios-y-pronosticos-para-el-2022-agenda-pendiente-y-metas-urgentes-noticia/
  4. Happy birthday to our CSBD members @AngeL MahnO @adel @XAMI!!!, I hope you have a good time at the beginning of the year and that all the luck is in you, I wish you a happy birthday and a happy new year !!
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