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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Do you want to get V.I.P in foroum (2 Week)  by participating in design contests? You can look at this post and send your design privately to @luisbeqiri.AK.A.suarez, @Beckenbauer, @itan.mx


  2. Welcome back xd

    1. King_of_lion


      Welcome back beckenbauer :3

  3. New design tutorial - Ty @itan.mx


  4. Accepted. remember you must have activity here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/88-requests/ Here you can watch tutorials and be a design professional in the project! https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/86-tutorials/
  5. Hello, I don't see any comments from you in the avatar requests, for the moment I will leave you a task here: Avatar: Text: Beckenbauer Other Informations: have focus and try to put effects. (You have 24 hours)
  6. IP:

    We need 3 semi-elder in WARNIGHTZM, if you are interested apply here:




    1. 007.


      Helper pls hahahahaha 


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