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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Hello csbd!

    1. Pansher-™


      Hello my friend

    2. Doge Full4k

      Doge Full4k

      Hello my broda.

    3. #J E E I P H ♕

      #J E E I P H ♕

      Hi Bro, how are you :=

  2. The forward Paolo Guerrero had the support of the captains of : Denmark, Simon Kjaer, together with that of France, Hugo Lloris, and Australia, Mile Jedinak, in order that the Peruvian informs in World Russia 2018. Nevertheless, the Center of Danish Antidoping affected ignorance of the support that Kjaer offered and other captains to the 'Predator' The director of the Center of Antidoping of Denmark, Michael Ask, expressed Sports to BT that " I do not understand that players simply believe in Paolo Guerrero. I do not understand that you do not respect the system of which they themselves form a part and are designed to protect them as pure athletes ". Good luck !!!
  3. A few days ago ... the best player of our selection .... it was not playing in the world one ... after the Arbitral Court of the Sport (TAS) has announced this Monday that extends his sanction for doping from 6 to 14 months. In Sport we explain the failure it dies: 1. The TAS decided to increase the Warrior's suspension from 6 to 14 months, from today, with the period of provisional suspension of 6 months already fulfilled by Warrior. 2. The panel of the TAS confirmed the existence of an infraction committed by Paolo Guerrero, but also he accepted that it did not try to improve his performance consuming the prohibited sustancie. 3. Nevertheless, the panel thought that the player had a fault or negligence, even if it was not significant and that it could have taken some measurements to prevent it from committing the infraction. The whole people of peru support you paolo ....
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  5. Ahora si me quedo bien el perfil gracias @#Jeeiph™ diseñas bien ! 


    1. #J E E I P H ♕

      #J E E I P H ♕

      de nada bro i love :D

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  7. Dark

    Bye CSBD <3

    Bye.. Good Luck
  8. The warrior of Confirms Paolo Guerrero whom the Best player of Peru should play in the world one and this time ojala does not give him a warning that did not do for our selection According to others " that consumed drug " is innocent and they confirmed it 1 week ago Behind ... now do not import this it was playing for our.... Peruvian selection! We go Peru!

  10. Dios!!!! Bro Felicidades !!! Que hermosa niña <3 Que dios la bendiga y la cuide en su futuro y por toda la vida! Suerte Brooo!!! Te Deseo lo mejor Del mundo!!!
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. OMG.... Rip administrator  bye :(   

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