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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Congratulation ! bro 

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  4. Dark

    Problem ? help

    Good morning isco.. It does not have solution is the problem of valve of cs this problem already comes from time and ojala has solution like that all servers.. Good luck.
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  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. 2LfP3xK.png 

    somos machos xd 

      @ KEPY √  @Daniel ♔♔♔ :v 

    1. KEPY™
    2. #Wittels-


      Jajajaja puros fakes

    1. KEPY™


      obvio feo si no hay mas nada que hacer? que se hace e.e

      asi que siga la musica hasta el amanecer:291:>:V

    2. #Wittels-


      Jajajajaja que más queda :v

    3. Dark


      Daniel a la ultima hora vino xdxd 

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  9. Good morning.. It can be caused by the mistake of the photo of screen can format, can help also unload this application https://app.prntscr.com/es/download.html like that can take good photos for example: https://imgur.com/a/ADT7Pfx It can cut the parts away what you want need to take the whole screen I it suggest this application .. Good Luck .
  10. New name? really Xd 

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  12. omg.. congratulation! That his family is happy and has many benedictions to his son.
  13. <21:46:13> "[zeus] Zeus": se llama blonda
    <21:46:14> "[zeus] Zeus": >:|
    <21:46:17> "#-Dark": ahhahaha xdxdxd
    <21:46:19> "#-Dark": cual tu prra
    <21:46:22> "#-Dark": o prro? :v
    <21:46:25> "[zeus] Zeus": prra
    <21:46:28> "[zeus] Zeus": no tiene pito
    <21:46:29> "[zeus] Zeus": :v
    <21:46:56> "#-Dark": AJHHAHAH
    <21:46:59> "#-Dark": ES UN PRRITA
    <21:471> "#-Dark": BIEN CACHONDA
    <21:472> "#-Dark": RIKO :V
    <21:47:12> "[zeus] Zeus": kieto puto no me stes pikotenado
    <21:47:14> "[zeus] Zeus": ando
    <21:47:53> "#-Dark": JAJAJAJAJA
    <21:47:54> "#-Dark": ay amor
    <21:480> "#-Dark": estas arrecha o khe? :V
    <21:481> "[zeus] Zeus": como que amor
    <21:484> "[zeus] Zeus": cabron
    <21:489> "[zeus] Zeus": a mi no me vengas con tus puterias
    <21:48:10> "[zeus] Zeus": ;v

    ahhaha ste men @✖ KEPY √ @Zeus™ @[N]audy @Enmanuel♔♔♔ @Ace.

    1. KEPY™
    2. Zeus™


      Les juro que mi mascota se llama blonda :ac:

    3. ~ManuelAriza**
  14. It should install mas probably or to go to configuration to go to the folder of cs and to see the files and to restart everything previous and it solves ojala that serves my better comment to install again his cs ... Good luck..
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