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  1. Leading a healthy life is closely related to a way of life that includes the usual practice of physical activity accompanied by a healthy diet. Sports and health are closely linked. A balanced diet and sports are effective in slowing down health problems when both are a regular part of your routine. The adequate consumption of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and proteins is essential for the normal functioning of the organism. Take a look at our selection of recipes to start building your healthy diet plan. It is recommended to follow a balanced and varied diet to lead a healthy life, although it is not always easy. Some nutrients such as proteins, calcium, vitamin C and vitamin D are key to the maintenance of good muscle, bone and joint health. Accepting life means recognizing and assuming the changes of our body and the different perspectives of it. Knowing the aspects that contribute to a good state of health and being open to discover new approaches and new habits can help us get the most out of life. After water, the body is composed mainly of proteins. In fact, proteins are the main component of cells and are essential for life. Proteins are complex structures: they are formed by several smaller units called amino acids, which are linked together by chemical bonds that form a long chain. Some of these amino acids are called "essential", because being fundamental to life the human body can not produce them by itself and must be ingested with food. Our body is not able to store amino acids in the same way as carbohydrates and fats, so we need a daily intake of these that we get thanks to the proteins present in our diet. Functions of vitamins and minerals THE FUNCTION OF SOME VITAMINS AND MINERALS IN A HEALTHY LIFE Magnesium contributes to reduce tiredness and fatigue, normal energy metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles and normal protein synthesis, among other functions. Potassium helps maintain normal muscle function and normal blood pressure, and it is especially recommended if you exercise regularly. Zinc is an element that helps protect cells from oxidative stress. Selenium, in addition to being known for its properties as a protector of cells against oxidative damage, contributes to the functioning of the muscles. Iron, vitamin C, riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12 and pantothenic acid all help the metabolism to produce normal levels of energy and fight fatigue. Calcium is a basic element of our skeleton, and contributes to the normal development of bones. The supplementary intake of calcium can contribute to maintain adequate bone health, especially in people with an intake below the optimal level. Phosphorus is responsible, among other things, for healthy bone formation.
  2. Martín Vizcarra, President of the Republic, inaugurated works to expand water and sanitation services in the Annex 22 Scheme of Jicamarca, in San Antonio de Huarochirí. During his speech, the president referred again to the struggle of his government against acts of corruption and called for the support of the po[CENSORED]tion to eradicate these practices in the public sector. "We are committed to fighting corruption and improving the lives of Peruvians, and now we are working on it, although it is not easy, because corruption resists leaving public institutions but with the support of you. We are going to defeat corruption, "he said. On the other hand, Vizcarra said that it is necessary for the po[CENSORED]tion to regain confidence in its authorities and that its government aims to achieve a better relationship. "Today we are fulfilling our word, we started the water project for Jicamarca, we have to recover the trust of the people and its authorities, which is only achieved by complying with our word," he said. LEE: Pedro Chávarry: they order an impediment to leave the country against the ex-prosecutor of the Nation LEE: Attorney of the Nation announces investigation against Pedro Chávarry
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  4. Drive AutoPilot, the platform with artificial intelligence of "level 2+" for vehicles of automated driving of Nvidia, would begin to work from 2020, according to announced the company the past Monday 7 of January. The chipmaker said German automakers Continental AG and ZF Friedrichshafen AG will use the platform in their automatic driving systems. ZF will also offer the option of using a chip created by rival Xilinx together with Nvidia for the first time. This technology, according to the company, would add greater automation capabilities to advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). "A level 2+ system requires more computational power and more sophisticated software than today so that all its features work to the maximum," said the vice president of Autonomous Machines, Rob Csongor, through a statement on his page official. Nvidia said the platform integrates its Xavier system-on-chip (SoC) processors and the Drive software to process sensor data outside the vehicle and inside the cab. This, as explained by the company, allows autonomous vehicles to change lanes and move through curves or hills on the road. It would also offer a monitoring system for auxiliary drivers, such as smart co-pilots or a computerized view of the vehicle. Drive AutoPilot is part of the Nvidia Drive platform, currently used by hundreds of companies involved in autonomous driving cars, including Uber Technologies and Volkswagen AG, and also by software developers, car suppliers, sensor companies and cartography. The NVIDIA DRIVE autopilot will be presented within the framework of CES 2019, held at the Las Vegas Convention Center from January 8 to 11.
  5. During the week our day starts from 8 in the morning, which means getting up between 5:30 and 6:30 a.m., giving hard to the activities of the day and at the end of the day, arriving home to sleep and opening the eyes for a new day to start. Every time I listen to the alarm I think it's part of my dreams, which is the music of a good party, but suddenly it makes me known and I realize it's a familiar sound ... boom! It's the alarm clock! And I try to put it out asleep, but I can not. From one moment to the next I am with my eyes open, nothing to do, it's time to get out of bed and start a new day. Well, here between us, there are days that instead of getting up I fall or I stumble, but I try to take it easy and smile The first thing I think is that I fell asleep 20 minutes more, so I have to run to not be late. Oh! I wanted some eggs with arepa ... but it will touch to eat a piece of bread and incredibly pass it with soda. Not that I like the soda and less in the morning hours, but with the eagerness of yesterday and the day before yesterday I did not have time to buy anything for breakfast, except for lunch. The soda that was left was from a meeting a week ago ... I see that at noon I will have to ask for a new address, and the saddest thing is that probably if the day is extended, that address will also be my food. I think about this topic constantly because it persecutes me. I think that eating well is essential to gain the energy I need to keep myself upright, to feel vital, to perform as I should and to think clearly! Sometimes I enter a marathon routine that leaves me little free time, time that I use to see my family and when I can, my friends. But… When do I take a space to take care of myself and be more aware of my diet and my health? Definitely eating healthy is a challenge, but it is a challenge that I decided to take, not only because I got tired of asking for fast food, but I realized that I was taking away quality of life. Junk food is a temptation that haunts me, but I also know that it is time to take action and make a change. This is my moment of truth.
  6. The Supreme Court of Investigation Preparatory, in charge of the magistrate Hugo Nunez Julca, ordered impediment of exit of the country by nine months against the ex-attorney of the Nation, Pedro Gonzalo Chávarry Vallejos. Chávarry Vallejos is investigated for the alleged crimes of real concealment and others, as reported by the Judiciary through his Twitter account. As it is remembered, the newspaper El Comercio broadcast images from the security cameras of the Office of the Prosecutor that revealed that on Saturday, January 5, Pedro Chávarry was in his office during the entrance to the lacred offices. The images of the security cameras recorded the exit of Chávarry from the corridor where his office is, along with Rosa Venegas and PNP non-commissioned officers James Rodríguez and Juan Arias, minutes after the removal of documents by Venegas from Juan's office. Duarte, ex-adviser to the supreme prosecutor. LEE: Pedro Chávarry ordered his escort to enter a sealed office, according to MP security LEE: Pedro Chávarry: prosecutor was close to workers during theft of documents.
  7. Hello CSBD!

  8. Dark


    Welcome to CSBD!
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  10. Congratulation bro! 

    1. pulse.exe


      Thanks ❤️ 

  11. Vehicle insurance is in the process of expansion in the country. Data provided by Fasecolda in the first half of the year, showed that only 38.7 percent of automobiles in Colombia are insured against all types of risks. The organization also warned that almost a third of the cars that circulate in the country do so without SOAT, a factor that constitutes a danger to the lives of people and public finances. When buying insurance, the following points must be analyzed that contribute to increase or decrease the quota, according to the characteristics of the person who acquires it: Age: insurers perform calculations with which they determine the price of insurance. "In general, the lowest prices can be found in people older than 33 years, due to the calculation of insurers with respect to the driver's experience," says Inês Neves, Country Manager of ComparaOnline in Colombia. City where the vehicle circulates: another of the calculations that are made has to do with the average number of accidents and thefts that are recorded in the city where the vehicle normally transits. To give an example, insurance can be up to 30 percent more expensive in Cali than in Bogotá. Although the coverage of the policies is national, some insurers cancel them if they detect that the main city of circulation that the car owner reported is false. The sex of the owner: although it is generally believed that women are the ones who pay a higher price for insurance, the truth is that they are the ones who do the least. This is because, although their frequency of accidents is greater, the price of these is lower than that of men's claims. The final value of insurance can vary up to 5 percent in favor of women. The history of accidents: insurers can reduce the price of insurance of the vehicle by half if the driver who wishes to acquire it does not have any type of claims for accidents in recent years. It is advisable to quote the insurance with the real number of the card, so that this record can be checked. It is important not to trust the price offered to an acquaintance, because the profile between the two drivers can be different and affect the final value of the insurance. On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that compulsory insurance does not cover material damages that are caused by traffic accidents, since these must be assumed by the person involved. The damages caused by earthquakes, fires or attacks are not part of that coverage either. Only damages to people up to a limit approved by law. While voluntary insurance is extended, SOAT coverage is timely.
  12. The same rhythm of work sometimes forces us to have a life with less physical activity than we would like, so it is necessary to take maximum care of our diet to lead a healthy life and be less prone to suffer diseases. The nutritionist and teacher of the Catholic University Sedes Sapientiae, Roxana Fernandez Condori, proposes five eating habits to lead a healthy life. 1. Time to eat. A healthy diet consists of five meals a day, (three main meals and two snacks). Establish schedules to do it, ideally to have breakfast before 7:30 in the morning, lunch between noon and before 2 in the afternoon, and dinner at 6 or 7 at night. Refreshments should be at 10:30 in the morning and mid afternoon at 4:30. Finally, keep in mind the time you spend eating: the ideal is 30 to 45 minutes, the environment also counts and especially the company. 2. Chew well. When you consume your food try to chew for about 2 minutes, which will allow to crush 30 to 50 times the food. An adequate chewing will make the nutrients reach the blood stream more efficiently, favoring the hormonal secretion of the intestine, the digestive and absorption processes. 3. Drink water. Suggested for adults who spend time in offices is 12 and a half cups for women and 16 cups for men. In the case of being 50% of the time in the office and 50% in the street, drink at least one cup per hour. 4. Take care of the sugar. Consume it with moderation to the extent just and necessary. We know that you can make a sweet in the afternoon, but you can replace it with fruit or vegetable snack (chopped celery). 5. Include vegetables and lean meats in your meals. Meats like chicken or turkey, and at least three times a week blue fish.
  13. The outlook for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean is stable, given that growth and debt structures remain favorable, but there are greater political risks, Moody's Investors Service said in a report released on Wednesday. "Our stable outlook reflects economic growth that continues to be supportive, better debt structures that mitigate liquidity risks and moderate risks for balance of payments," said Ariane Ortiz-Bollin, assistant vice president of the agency. ► Fitch would revise China's rating in the face of excess Beijing stimulus ► Moody's warns of recessions in Turkey and Argentina after crisis ► Moody's: Peru will reach US $ 6 billion in investments under PPP in 2020 "The biggest downside risks to the picture come from national challenges related to changes in each country's economic policies driven by political dynamics," he added. During the year, specific domestic factors will have the greatest impact on the prospects of Latin America's credit rating and not so much the weakness in global growth, according to Moody's. The firm expects domestic growth conditions to continue to be a support factor for the notes, with economic growth expected to be higher in 2019 than in 2018. Moody's also said that while the level of indebtedness of Latin American countries remains high, vulnerability to tighter external financing conditions due to better debt structures in the region and a relatively low dependence on external capital flows is contained. The greatest risk to the region's ratings are the potential destabilizing events of the national policy. Domestic political conditions could move policy priorities in the short term and affect confidence and financing conditions, with a potential impact on fiscal performance and economic growth.
  14. The members of Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r withdrew from the plenary session due to Daniel Salaverry's refusal to vote on the previous question they proposed to discuss the formation of new caucuses, as well as the refusal of legislator Alberto de Belaunde to withdraw a word that they considered offensive. The conflict began when the spokesman of Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r, Carlos Tubino, insisted on his request to convene, before the Plenary, the Board of Directors to analyze the resolution of the presidency of the Parliament that allows the formation of new groups. LEE: From Belaunde to Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r: They continue to shield Chávarry in a shameful way However, Congressman Alberto de Belaúnde interpreted this request as a maneuver to delay the discussion of the bill that declares the Public Prosecutor's Office in emergency and that removes Pedro Chávarry from the office of prosecutor of the Nation. "Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r has a pact with impunity," De Belaunde said. The phrase generated the rejection of the Fujimorista legislators who demanded that De Belaunde withdraw the word. De Belaunde refused to withdraw the word because he considered that he was not lacking in truth when he affirmed that Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r intends to keep Chávarry in his position for political interests. "Judge Carhuancho's sentence, his dialogues at La Botica and the indignation of the street back me up. I do not withdraw anything, "he stressed. READ: Chacón a Salaverry: The Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r bench put him where he is Congressman De Belaunde's position was supported by several congressmen, among them Yhony Lescano, Indira Huilca, Richard Arce, Humberto Morales, Maria Foronda, among others, who emphasized that Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r does not want to process the accusations against Chávarry. The impasse in the Hemicycle was aggravated when Fujimorista legislator Mario Mantilla used an inappropriate phrase to criticize those who accuse Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r of "shielding" Chávarry, but they say nothing against other politicians investigated for corruption. Likewise, the Fujimorista congressmen lined up their batteries against the head of the Congress, Daniel Salaverry, who was criticized for not putting the previous question on the formation of new caucuses to a vote. Even Salaverry reported being the victim of insults and adjectives as a "traitor" by members of Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r. LEE: Carlos Tubino: The only one that obstructs the debate is Daniel Salaverry When failing to achieve their objectives, the Fujimorista caucus decided to withdraw from the Hemicycle and the debate continues at this time without the presence of that caucus.
  15. Ford GT: The GT proved to be one of the best and most capable production vehicles on the track in years. He is a speedmaster, and one of the most intriguing cars of the last decade. Honda Accord Sport 2.0T: It is a sports car for daily use with a lot of interior space and a wide load capacity. It is also comfortable and fun to drive, which classifies as one of the big ones. Once again Automobile, one of the most prestigious car magazines in the United States, took advantage of the showcase of the Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance to make the best cars of 2018 known through its "2018 All-Stars" cast. After an extensive evaluation of 26 new or modernized cars on the SpeedVegas circuit, as well as the climb of the Mount Charleston road in Nevada with a maximum elevation of 8,437 feet, the jury of this year's selection cast its vote to choose from to the best eight vehicles. Something to highlight the Automobile All-Stars, is that the contenders of these awards are purely sports cars ranging from an accessible Mazda MX-5 RF to the Lamborghini Huracan Performante.
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  17. Hoy día descubrí  varias cosas... uno de ellos fue que nunca te importe.. me dolió mucho aunque no tengas cuenta ni veas esto pero si me dolió mucho :') ? Hoy no fue mi día.

  18. The Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC) has added a new base to the pyramid of classic healthy eating that includes recommendations to maintain a healthy lifestyle "because eating is not just a dish", has indicated the president of the scientific committee of the SENC, the professor Javier Aranceta. The new base of the food pyramid, recommends society without exception walk 10,000 daily steps, since "health is 50 percent what we move," said Aranceta. In addition, it advises paying attention to the emotional balance, "fundamental for the food process", has valued the expert. "If we are low in spirit, we do not buy the same, we do not cook the same and we do not eat the same," he added, noting that "the body asks us for food that elevates serotonin, but that generates depression and enters into a wheel". The new base of the food pyramid also calls for concern about the energy balance, which means that if a person ingests more food he has to exercise more, and cook with healthy culinary techniques, such as steaming. Finally, it includes eating between four and six glasses of water daily as a means of hydration. On the other hand, the pyramid has another novelty: a sustainability bar that refers to the environment. "We first proposed not only individual health, but also the health of the planet, the impact that the food process has on the environment," said Professor Aranceta, who has qualified as "barbaric". In this context, foods that are at the tip of the pyramid, such as ultra-processed foods, red meats, sausages and complex dairy products, have a high environmental impact, while those below are more environmentally-friendly. limited. In addition, all local products, local products, seasonal products and traditional agriculture also have less impact.
  19. A bank account and a pension fund with funds, between both, of 446,068 pesos, about US $ 23,000 It is, virtually, the only good of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who on Friday published his patrimonial declaration. A 12,000 square-meter farm in Palenque, Chiapas appears on its property list, but it is in the name of its four children. The house where he lives is owned by his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, who also owns the family cars. AMLO, as the president is known, declared not having debts or a credit card. His only income is the salary as president: 108,744 pesos, about US $ 5,600. The sobriety in its list of assets sparked controversy. In social networks many questioned how it is that a politician who has toured the country several times, as López Obrador did, can live in this way. Alexandra Zapata, of the Mexican Institute of Competitiveness (IMCO), questioned, for example, the president saying that he does not have furniture or books. "I am surprised that a person of his age, and knowing that he has a collection of books, declares this item in zeros," Zapata told journalist Carmen Aristegui. One of the most critical was the former president Vicente Fox. "What his grandmother believes," he posted on his Twitter account. At the media conference where he announced the presentation of his patrimonial declaration, López Obrador declared that his interest is not to accumulate a fortune. "I have never been interested in money, I fight for ideals, for principles, although I also clarify, so as not to offend anyone, that not everyone who has is evil." The controversy It is not the first time that López Obrador causes controversy in this issue. In 2016, for example, he assured that he had no property. This time he presented the same list of assets that he now published as president, although that year he declared a salary of 50,000 pesos per month, about US $ 2,600 according to the quotation at that time. He also said that he obtained other income for the royalties of his books and lectures that he taught.
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  21. Dark


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  23. Congratulation! 

    1. Supremache


      Ty a lot bro!

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