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  1. After almost three years of the entry into effect of the peak and plate measure in Armenia, the municipal administration decided to extend the perimeter of the restriction to the city center. The new decree will apply from next Friday, March 1. According to decree 059 of February 2019, the restriction quadrant was established between streets 11 and 25 and between runs 13 and 22. "The municipality of Armenia has been characterized by the increase in the circulating vehicle fleet, which makes use of the city's roads and has increased by 358.84 percent, from 17,566 vehicles to 80,600 vehicles in general. motorcycles the increase has been 644.59 percent, from 5,407 to 40,260 in the last 10 years, while in cars growth has been 195.04 percent, from 8,826 to 26,020 vehicles, "says the decree. In addition, the decree explains that the city center has high levels of emissions of particulate matter, as evidenced by the 2008 Autonomous Regional Corporation of Quindío (CRQ), an entity that has since recommended the expansion of the peak quadrant and plate until race 22 and until street 2 north. The secretary of the Government and Coexistence of Armenia, José J. Domínguez, said that "although traffic has always been respected by race 13 for all kinds of vehicles, until now. Before they had that gabela but no longer, it's just that. This is a city that has been growing and have not had enough roads and that has affected a bit. " The restriction schedule will continue to be between 7:30 a.m., and 7:30 p.m., and there will be no numerical rotation for private vehicles and motorcycles. According to the municipal administration, the zone of the center of Armenia is the sector that more congestion presents / displays reason why alternative measures are looked for to improve the mobility.
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  2. A strong earthquake of 7 degrees of magnitude awakened several regions of southern Peru and other countries such as Bolivia and Chile, at 3:50 am on Friday. The natural phenomenon that was thought to have had no material or personal damage, claimed its first victim. A 56-year-old woman would not have resisted the panic. Of the fact it was known when averaging 6:30 hours. Nicolasa Chambi Miranda would have suffered a cardiac arrest during the earthquake, which had as its epicenter the province of Azángaro, in Puno. She was quickly taken by her relatives from her home located in the young town of Miguel Grau, in the district of Paucarpata to the Goyeneche hospital, but unfortunately there was nothing to do. Hospital doctors only certified his death and warned of the serious consequences that telluric movements can generate in people suffering from pressure. In addition, two injured were reported, including a girl who was taken to Honorio Delgado Hospital. Meanwhile, it was learned that the earthquake left two injured in the Tacna region. Authorities carry out the damage assessment in the other sectors.
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  3. Back in 1992, the cinema, which at least in the twentieth century was the artistic seism that cracked minds to germinate ideas, gave birth to one of the most powerful sequences in its history. Signed the septuagenarian who has now broken the curse of maridar movies and video games with other capital works for narrative as is Ready Player One, blockbuster and critically showing that the King Midas of Hollywood popcorn seasoning still like nobody else. Steven Spielberg, through the paleontologist Alan Grant, and taking all the time in the world, faced millions and millions of eyes with the impossible vision of a living dinosaur. A colossal brachiosaurus, thirty meters tall, stood on its hind legs to eat the fronds of a spruce tree. And as exciting as the impossibility of seeing him alive was the human look of Sam Neill. The wide-eyed, almost unreal blue, and the childish tears, the broken voice, when he observed, overwhelmed, that his theories about the movement of the dinos like birds - "They go in packs. They go in packs »- it was true. Now, in this 21st century, which is terribly difficult to dream new horizons of amazement, Jurassic Park is still alive as a brand capable of breaking the box office in two. But it represents no longer the colonization of the impossible, but the capitalist over-exploitation of the nostalgia. Colin Trevorwood's film, even if it is not a classic, was more than intelligent in reflecting this memory pornography in a couple of intelligent sequences. And from here we come to the new video game of Jurassic Park. Frontier Developments, a brand that has been alive since 1995 thanks to the perseverance of its founder, David Braven, is the unusual interactive partner of the next film of the franchise, Jurassic world. Fallen kingdom that will direct the Spanish filmmaker Juan Antonio Bayona, a historical fact for the national cinematography. And it is an unusual companion because this study tends to bet on more sophisticated and cerebral experiences than the adrenaline rush that is usually associated with this movie saga.
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  4. With the release of the Nintendo Switch in March of last year, the video game console market has once again been shaken. Even though its advantage is still overwhelming, the supremacy of the PlayStation 4 has been slowing down with the appearance of the Nintendo Switch and in a way due to the impact on the revised versions such as the Xbox One X and the PS4 Pro. An ideal situation is that of the player who has the resources to buy the 3 consoles, but the reality is that sometimes having other priorities - adult life - limits us to having to choose, be it a console for us or for our children or nephews These parties that are approaching take us again to face that question: what console should I choose? In Progamer we will make an updated comparison, in which we will provide some information to be able to guide your decision and choose the most convenient one according to your needs. At first glance, the technical superiority of the Xbox One X is more than evident, being able to move several of its titles both "console exclusives" and some cross-platform to impressive native 4K, something we will talk about later in the corresponding section. In essence, it has the same SoC as those of the PlayStation 4 Slim and Pro, and in addition to the One S, but with a CPU (processing core) carried at a frequency of 2.3 GHz, as well as its GPU (graphics core), that reaches the 6 TFLOP, that in simple language is an indicator to measure the capacity of a CPU and GPU to do mathematical calculations. And all this with a design smaller in size than a PS4 Pro and even slightly smaller than that of the One S. That yes, weighing a little more. For its part, the PS4 Pro is also a powerful machine, but at a cost: greater size, sound and energy consumption.
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  5. nostalgia is an engine that moves the world of hobbies today, and that present in television and film. Video games are not unrelated to this, being the retrogames a genre with demand from a certain audience. The problem is in finding the perfect formula between nostalgia and playability. Know how to detect the problems of past generations and not replicate them in new deliveries. 'Thimbleweed Park' is a game that travels in time and transports us in the late eighties. It is not only because his story happens at that time, but because his genre and mechanics appeal to a retro style present in each pixel of a different time. However, it does not feel old-fashioned, creating an easy-to-recommend gaming experience. A nostalgic pleasure for lovers of adventure games. An amazing challenge for those who until now are thrown head to the genre. Why is an adventure game in the style of the 80s coming in 2017? To understand it, it is necessary to know where 'Thimbleweed Park' comes from. Its creators are Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, both recognized for their work on LucasArts, which resulted in 'Maniac Mansion' and 'The Secret of Monkey Island'. Gilbert and Winnick started this project through Kickstarter with the aim of delivering a 'spiritual sequel'. They wanted to achieve a game for fans of the genre. And if you are someone who experienced one of those titles, most likely 'Thimbleweed Park' is for you. It is a classic and close experience that brings back the best elements of the genre almost 30 years later: humor, references, history, the environment, challenges ... it's like going back in time. And yet, the experience feels improved, thanks to certain elements that have been integrated into the game mechanics. An example is a list of tasks for each of the characters that facilitates knowing what puzzles are missing to complete. Of course, one of the elements that most remember those who played 'The Secret of Monkey Island' are their puzzles. 'Thimbleweed Park' preserves the mechanics of the genre: spaces full of objects to interact, use of 'point and click' to solve puzzles, handling different characters each with an inventory, etc.
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  6. There are cases in competitive video games where having worse graphics is a good thing. This is because, reaching certain limits of low visual quality, some elements such as bushes or shadows are no longer visible, which makes it much easier to detect enemies, who, from their own point of view, think they are totally hidden. Battlefield V players have managed to adjust the level of "LoD Bias" below the lower limit proposed by the game and have made this title look as basic as a Minecraft map. After doing this, the players indeed have a clear advantage over their opponents and apparently, DICE or Electronic Arts have realized this abuse of the system and has "banned" (revoked access to the game) some players who dramatically improved your scores after using this configuration. The terms and conditions of Battlefield V mention penalties for traps, but not for changing the configuration of your computer. These changes are sometimes made in other games by professional players to "optimize" their performance, without falling into the trap category, for example, Fortnite pro-gamers configure their resolution to a 4: 3 format for that reason. At the moment, neither EA Games nor the DICE study have manifested.
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  7. Bandai Namco has announced the release of Dark Souls Trilogy for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, a compilation of videogames of the saga in the same pack and in physical format. Along with the announcement, they have distributed new images of the statue of the collector version, an extremely limited edition that includes various extras for 500 euros and that will arrive next May. The collector's edition will arrive in May This edition, the dark souls of the collectors' editions, will be limited to 2000 copies worldwide and will include the videogames Dark Souls Remastered, Dark Souls II: Scholar of The First Sin, Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades. It will offer a special presentation and a statue of the elite knight at the stake, a symbol of the license, as well as the 460-page Dark Souls Trilogy Compendium in English, considered the definitive book of the game's Lore and edited by Futre Press. In the same pack, the special collector's edition will offer a compilation of 6 Dark Souls soundtrack CDs. Dark Souls Trilogy is a collection that includes Dark Souls: Remastered, Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin and Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition, that is, the three games - two remastered - with their expansions. Dark Souls is the most influential role-playing saga of the last decade, and this trilogy allows players who do not know their stories to enjoy an adventure full of dangers.
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  8. Welcome to CSBD!
  9. two feet ❤️ 

  10. New Song ❤️ 

  11. Dark

    HI ALL

    Welcome to CSBD!
  12. welcome to CSBD!
  13. An interesting strategic turn-based game in which we participate in a futuristic cold war as chief of espionage, in a duel dull for knowledge, influence, power and control over our rivals all over the world. The years go by and Tropico manages to remain relevant, grow and evolve. The game of construction and management in a banana republic still has that freshness and originality that has kept it in the limelight while other series with more po[CENSORED]rity have fallen. The key to the interest of At the Gates is in its developer: Jon Shafer, who was the chief designer of Civilization V. At the Gates is a 4X based on dark ages, with the effective fall of the Romanian empire and the reordering of power that It occurred in the old continent. Not everyone was satisfied with Fates, with some fans considering that he had gone too deep into the elements that (let's not forget either) had resuscitated the sales of the saga. Three Houses, apart from looking really good, also points to a rebalance of the different aspects that come together in the current version of the great strategy game.
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  14. Milestone brings the new Ride 2 on October 7 that will be available for PS4, XOne and PC, and comes loaded with speed and improvements that will turn it into a unique game, in addition Milestone has announced that this new saga will include more than 1200 different components to customize and more than 170 totally different models of motorcycles, now we can customize everything, helmets and suits of our pilots, the accessories of our two-wheel machines and much more. In case it was not enough now we can also choose between the sex of our pilot and choose among the best known brands in this world.
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  15. There is a saying in architecture that ensures that there are no buildings impossible to build, only buildings not built. Structures may be impossible in the current era, but they have the potential to be built once time has passed and technology has advanced enough: a futuristic urban landscape, a megastructure in space, the ruins of an alien civilization. However, there are buildings that defy the laws of physics. The problem is not that they can not exist, it is that they should not exist. Their forms twist and distort in ways impossible to imagine; we speak of dream structures that put the spatial logic to the limit. The Porsenna Mausoleum is a legendary monument built to house the remains of an Etruscan king. 400 years after its construction, the Roman scholar Varro described in detail the ancient structure. A gigantic stone base rises 15 meters, under which lies an "inextricable labyrinth" and above it is crowned by five pyramids. Above it was a bronze sphere, four more pyramids, a platform and then five other pyramids. The image that Varrón painted, with volumes stacked on other volumes, seems an exaggeration. Despite this, the fantastic description of Varro has stimulated the imagination of countless architects throughout the centuries. The mausoleum was an enigma, but the difficulty of imagining it and the vision that had inspired it were fascinating. On paper artists were free to fulfill their potential. If the paper released the minds, surely the screens can open even more possibilities. There are no shortage of visionary structures in the virtual space of videogames. They are strange buildings that invite us to imagine worlds radically different from ours. Even though many impossible ideas are oriented towards the future, there are also many from the past. The castle of Ico is an example of this. During the Renaissance the obsession of Europe was not the future utopias, but the ancient Greece and Rome. Although the illustration of Ico's cover is inspired by Giorgio de Chirico, the long shadows and sun-bleached stone are only part of the setting of the game. The engravings of Giovanni Piranesi are the ones that best capture the experience of exploring the spiral staircases and the bridges of the castle. The imaginary reconstructions of Rome that Piranesi made are absurdly gigantic, so colossal that you could lose yourself in its foundations. Similarly, the castle of Ico is impossibly large and the camera moves away to overwhelm you and create a sense of unknowable mystery around its origin and purpose. Piranesi is famous for his "Imaginary Prisons". These engravings show an extensive underground network of footbridges, bridges, arches and stairs. A labyrinthic catacomb replete with all kinds of ingernal-looking machines: wheels, cables, pulleys, levers. These were the Gothic nightmares that the Romantics imagined in their dreams induced by opium. Although Fumito Ueda from Team Ico has recognized Piranesi as an influence, the architect's visions go further. It is not difficult to trace the similarities between Piranesi's oppressive prisons and a typical FromSoftware dungeon. With its traps and elevators powered by old machinery and labyrinthine areas where platforms intersect and intersect in a cavernous space, FromSoft's environments hypnotize and disorient in recognizable ways.
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  16. Microsoft and Nintendo are working together for the Xbox Game Pass service to offer support for the Nintendo Switch, reports Direct Feed Games. This could be a rumor more emerged from a YouTube channel, but gains strength when Game Informer, a veteran and prestigious US magazine, echoes this and claims by its own sources that the announcement could take place this year. Also, it makes sense. Rumor has it that Microsoft will take advantage of the streaming service Project xCloud to bring the Xbox One games to Nintendo Switch via Xbox Game Pass. The hybrid console is not capable of natively running titles like Crackdown 3 or the next Gears 5, but it could with an application access the Xbox Game Pass catalog to play via streaming. It is unknown for now what would happen to the third-party titles, where the wishes of a third party would come into play. That Microsoft seeks to expand the reach of Xbox Game Pass is not at all strange. At the end of last year Phil Spencer said that the goal was to bring the service to "all devices", the same goal that the executive has with Project xCloud. Microsoft recently paved this way by announcing its intention to bring Xbox Live to any Switch game. As for Nintendo, we must not forget that in Japan it is possible to play Resident Evil 7 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey in Switch through the game in the cloud. In addition, it is said that Microsoft would be interested in editing some of its own games on Nintendo Switch. This initiative would not be at all surprising. Minecraft is a first-party of Xbox Game Studios that is already available on the Nintendo console and during the spring Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice of Ninja Theory will follow the same path. It is said that the next one could be Ori and the Blind Forest, the well-known platform game by Moon Studios.
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  17. The digital PC sales platform of Valve, Steam, presents its winter offers these days and we bring you a review of its best titles. We all like to live a good adventure and if it is loaded with action it is even better. Therefore, we have made a selection of various titles that are included in this category and that can be found in Steam winter sales, as we previously presented a list with various games with a limit of € 10 of total, being great gems. We remind you that they last until January 3, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. (CET), being at 6:00 p.m. in the Canary Islands and 12:00 p.m. in Mexico. The best games with discount Entering the Steam page these days can be an odyssey. Although we have clear some titles marked for a while in our wish list, we may need some guidance to find those titles that surprise us and with which to spend a Christmas full of virtual adventures. Therefore, below we show you a Top 10 of best action games with a significant discount, so that your pockets do not suffer for the desires of your hearts of players. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - € 29.99 (before € 59.99) Assassin's Creed Odyssey - € 29.99 (before € 59.99) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - € 14.99 (before € 29.99) Kingdom Come: Deliverance -24.99 € (before 49.99 euros) Shadow of War (Definitive Edition) - € 14.99 (before € 44.99) Rocket League - € 9.99 (before € 19.99) Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy- € 25.99 (before € 39.99) Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age - € 35.99 (before € 59.99) Yakuza 0 - € 13.39 (before € 19.99) GTA V - € 14.99 (previously € 29.99) Some of them are new and others have a time, but without a doubt they are all essential, each in its own way, for any player who loves adventures and action titles.
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  18. It may not sound that strong anymore, but one of the most talked about characteristics of Pokémon GO in its launch was to choose between the teams of Valor, Instinct and Wisdom, the "factions" played in the game. If you have been with the same team for a while and you would like to swear your allegiance to another, you will be pleased to know that Niantic will introduce this possibility very soon with an object: the Team Medallion. This item can be purchased in the internal shop of Pokémon GO in exchange for 1,000 Pokémon, and allows us to change equipment once a year, to another of our choice. It will be available next February 26. When activated, we simply follow the instructions that will appear on the screen to choose a new side for the following 365 days. "All your Pokémon that are in gyms when you change teams will return without having won Pokémonds once they are defeated" they explain in the game blog. "You can not fight your own Pokémon either, so if you go back to a Gym that is defending one of your Pokémon, your Pokémon will come back to you without having won Pokémon." Niantic does not stop adding functions to its successful (and profitable) free to play: recently, it incorporated a function of photo mode.
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  19. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the sequel to the action adventure Red Dead Redemption by Rockstar Games for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One that brings us an epic story about life in the merciless heart of America. Its vast and evocative world will, in turn, lay the foundations for a totally new online multiplayer experience. America, 1899. With the representatives of the law hunting down the last bands of outlaws, the end of the Wild West is now a reality. Those who do not surrender or succumb are eliminated. After a robbery is ruined in the city of Blackwater, Arthur Morgan and Van der Linde's gang are forced to flee. With the federal agents and the nation's best bounty hunters on their heels, they must rob, steal and force their way through the implacable heart of America to survive.
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  20. One of the novelties of the last Nintendo Direct program was the formal announcement of Deltarune, the sequel to the incombustible Undertale. At that time, it was indicated that its launch would occur on February 28 on Nintendo Switch, although later Toby Fox indicated that there was also a 'port' for PS4 in development. He did not give dates at that time. Today we know, thanks to the Japanese account of Undertale on Twitter, that in reality the launch of Deltarune on PS4 is very close: it will coincide with Switch's at the end of the month. The official page of the game has not yet been updated to reflect this novelty, so we understand that there is a certain margin of error in the information. If you do not want to risk losing the game, you can download the first episode on PC right now. With Deltarune, Toby Fox recovers one of the role adventures with the style and style of the last years, but far from the Undertale characters and universe. The first demo of Deltarune is now available for free on the computer, showing a first preview of what it will offer its users at its premiere.
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  21. the video will help you luck!
  22. The first vice president of Peru, Mercedes Aráoz, spoke about the leaking of chats of the National Executive Committee (CEN) of the Peruanos party for the Kambio and showed its concern because, if certain, they would show an intention to "make fall" Martín Vizcarra. "If they are true, I do worry because they really show an intentionality to make the president fall, weaken him politically and make his participation in the government delegitimize. Unfortunately if that is true, we have to mark distances clearly, "he said. Mercedes Aráoz stressed that the filtered chats belong to the CEN of Peruanos by the Kambio and reaffirmed that the position of the bench is to support the management of Martín Vizcarra. "Our caucus has clearly stated and we have gone (9 of the 11) to be with the president, led by our spokesman Jorge Meléndez. It's the CEN, I do not know who the CEN members are, we owe it to our constituents and our decision as a bench is to continue supporting the president, "he said. "The bench is composed of eleven congressmen, two who think differently - we have not had the opportunity to meet with them - but nine of us are totally determined to remain committed and supporting President Vizcarra," he added.
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