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"An ad with the potential to change the future of videogames, the game on consoles and how we play." This was how Gaikai, a company dedicated to the game in streaming, promoted the announcement that it was going to make in the E3 of 2012. Everything pointed to what months later ended up happening: Sony bought it for 380 million dollars. Seven years later the prophecy has been fulfilled: the games have changed, as has Gaikai herself, whose service now has another name: PlayStation Now. In Spain, this change has been slow to be reflected. It has been justified in a questionable way that the quality of the necessary internet connections did not measure up. At least that's how it was until last week when Now landed in Spain allowing enjoy Sony brand titles on both PlayStation 4 and computers. It arrives, yes, in better shape than ever. With 600 available titles that include a catalog of exclusive and multiplatform of PlayStation 2, 3 and 4 (250 in its case). A varied and extensive offer for all types of public. The digital library to which it gives access adapts to the preferences of each user, either someone who has a pending game or who wants to introduce themselves in this. Those who saw the purchase of a console as an impediment or who opted for competitive systems have it on a platter. There are no excuses to play exclusive jewelry like The Last of Us or timeless works like Red Dead Redemption, obligatory even for the less usual. With a PlayStation 4 or, instead, a PC and a compatible controller, games like those in the Uncharted or Bloodborne saga are more accessible. Currently the game in the cloud and the traditional coexist. And when you talk about the game in streaming, as with the recently announced Google Stadia, you tend to talk about the novelty will eat the past, when there are no real reasons to think that it will be. A book reader can have a library card and still go to the library to purchase the latest publications. In fact, at present, PlayStation reserves the launching of novelties for the physical and digital sale. What you get with Now is to diversify, offer an alternative, not substitute but complement. It remains to be seen how the service evolves in the coming years. The catalog, however, will continue to increase with regular updates every month. At the technical level, Now is easy to use for the user with an intuitive system. It is easy to register (includes a seven-day trial period) and start playing in a short time. After the 'boom' of its launch, with many users playing at the same time, there have been waiting periods of a few minutes for some games. It takes a little more time to assess whether this will be a constant or not. In general, there are no delays that significantly hinder the gaming experience, although the most demanding in this section can see deficiencies. PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 2 games can be downloaded in case Now is run on PlayStation 4, improving its operation. Thanks to Now, PlayStation partially solves a problem that it had in the current generation: the one of the retrocompatibility. Many of the best titles of its predecessor are available with this system. Something important in a sector that seems to live in the moment and often forgets to take a necessary look back. A look that now seems more interesting than ever. The industry, its games and its business models have changed a lot in these seven years. And it does not seem that the ball will stop rolling or that the changes will stop in the coming years. When Sony bought Gaikai, seven years ago, PlayStation 4 had not yet been announced and PlayStation 3 was the protagonist. It was not until January 2014 when it was announced as such and in July of that year began its beta phase. Five years later, after leaving his childhood behind, the service is available in Spain. He has time left to continue maturing, optimizing and adapting to an environment that does not conform and still offers alternatives to achieve the most important thing: that everyone enjoys video games.
In the last hours Microsoft leaked by mistake the date of launch of Control, and the team of Remedy Entertainment has finished confirming the news. His new and anticipated action video game will be released on PC, Xbox One and PS4 next August 27. Starring the special agent Jesse Fadens, Control proposes to explore a dark and twisted game scenario that presents elements of the metroidvania adventures, giving great importance to exploration without losing its focus on combat. Faced with supernatural forces, the authors of Alan Wake and Quantum Break promise to surprise with Control's narrative. Recently the development team also showed a technical demonstration of Control taking advantage of the ray tracing technology of GeForce RTX.
The League of Legends Pro League 2019 is currently being held in its Spring Split stage. Amid criticism of some people about the performance that once had Royal Never Give Up, team that won the last edition of this competition, today announced the return of the Chinese player Zz1tai to strengthen their lineup. Through Twitter, the official account of Royal Never Give Up announced that they reached an agreement with the professional player and that they will soon be able to see it again with them. "We have talked to Zz1tai about his wishes and we reached a consensus. Zz1tai is ready to fight with us again as Top laner of RNG. Together we will become stronger and we will go beyond our limits! ", Reported the squad. In case you were not aware, the Chinese player in his last period in the professional field was in the ranks of Royal Never Give Up and left the competitive scene at the end of last year after the defeat of his team at the 2018 World Championship. inRead invented by Teads Zz1tai had been part of Royal Never Give Up since the beginning of last year and it was this same period when the team showed supremacy in the League of Legends Pro League, as they won the Spring and Summer Split in addition to triumph in the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational. Only one more weekend remains in the LPL Spring Split before the elimination rounds begin. So this could mean that we see Zz1tai in these phases, and that Royal Never Give Up needs to detail the position that Zz1tai will have in its player rotation. How do you receive the return of this player to RNG? Do you think it will revitalize the team? Tell us in the comments. In related information, he recently started a Gran Turismo tournament in Paris. On the other hand, Electronic Arts showed its center of transmission of events dedicated to electronic sports. For his part, the singer Snoop Dogg opened a league of esports. You can find more information related to electronic sports in our mini-site. Keep informed with us, in LEVEL UP.
The Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Vicente Zeballos, assured that the Peruvian State has hired a law firm to follow the process of extradition of Alejandro Toledo in the United States since February 2 of this year. This, as part of his presentation before the plenary session of the Congress to answer the interpellation motion that included, for the most part, questions related to the effective collaboration agreement signed by the Public Ministry with Odebrecht. "Supreme Resolution 033-2019-JUS of February 2, 2019 authorized the hiring of the law firm Foley-Hoag to provide advice and assistance in the extradition proceedings against Alejandro Toledo, Mariella Huerta and Gustavo Salazar Delgado ", The minister specified. Vicente Zeballos commented that, according to the norms of the judicial system of the United States, a prosecutor of that country is in charge of representing the interests of the Peruvian State before the judges who will evaluate the extradition booklet against Alejandro Toledo. "When the federal judge receives the request (for extradition), it will decide in a hearing whether or not it is appropriate [...] The prosecutor appointed by the Department of Justice is the only one who can support the case. Public prosecutors are able to seek advice from a lawyer or lawyers to facilitate the work of monitoring the process or to clarify some aspects of the extradition process, "said the minister. Vicente Zeballos indicated that currently the request to extradite Alejandro Toledo is in the Department of Justice of the United States after having received the approval of the Department of State. "The Department of Justice starts a more rigorous evaluation process, because here the so-called probable cause is verified. This analysis is done by a prosecutor appointed to assume the defense of the interests of the Peruvian State before the federal jurisdiction, "he said. Alejandro Toledo remains a fugitive from the Peruvian justice system since 2017, when 18 months of preventive detention were ordered against him as part of the investigation into the alleged payments of Odebrecht bribes to obtain tenders for the Southern Interoceanic Highway.
Nintendo (Switch) Release: To be determined After several years of waiting, fans can enjoy Luigi's Mansion 3, the new episode of this funny series starring Mario's brother, Luigi, who on Nintendo Switch proposes users to explore a tenebrous haunted mansion inhabited by ghosts. that Luigi must hunt while solving ingenious puzzles.
As you probably know, STADIA was revealed yesterday, the new Google project focused on the game without the need for hardware. With this announcement, Google announced that only one control will be needed to interact with the games. In addition to presenting its own peripheral, the giant company reported that several existing controls can be used and among them is the Xbox Adaptive Controller. The information was then confirmed by Bryce Johnson, head of Microsoft's inclusive division. Through Twitter he celebrated that STADIA made the decision to allow users to use this control. "It's great to see Google supporting devices like the Xbox Adaptive Controller on STADIA," said Bryce. "Please, consider enabling the co-pilot mode of these peripherals. This will greatly help players with limited mobility. " As you remember, Microsoft announced this peripheral in the middle of last year, and represents an excellent alternative for people with some type of physical impairment that does not allow them to enjoy games with a conventional command.
The most recent survey of Ipsos published by El Comercio reveals that the mayor of La Victoria, George Forsyth, is the character that generates the most sympathy among citizens, with 13% support. In response to this figure, George Forsyth published a tweet in which he said that he is only doing his job. "I only do the job I promised," said the district mayor. In the list published today by the newspaper El Comercio, Forsyth follows other political figures such as Keiko Fujimori (9%), Julio Guzmán (8%) and the mayor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz (7%). The Ipsos survey reveals that in March, 31% of citizens do not feel identified with any character included in the survey. This figure reveals a decrease of 48% recorded in February. The survey was conducted between March 13 and 15, 2019 and has a margin of error of 2.8%, as well as a confidence level of 95%.
The Public Ministry expressed its "total and energetic" rejection of the attacks suffered by the prosecutors of the special team of the Lava Jato case, José Domingo Pérez and Magaly Ponce de León in the annexed prison of Mujeres de Chorrillos. Through a statement, the institution invoked citizens to respect their authority and that of prosecutors, who, he said, are required a transparent, professional and effective work, which must be developed in a framework of mutual respect between parts. The Public Ministry reported that it will continue with its policy in the frontal fight against corruption throughout the country, in strict compliance with the Constitution. The prosecutors of the Special Team Lava Jato, José Domingo Pérez and Magaly Ponce de León were attacked after leaving the prison of Mujeres de Chorrillos, where they arrived to take the statement of the Po[CENSORED]r Force leader, Keiko Fujimori, in the framework of the investigations of the electoral campaign contributions for 2011 and 2016.
As in many online multiplayer experiences, Apex Legends has not been free of problems related to the presence of cheats and although Respawn has taken action on the matter from the start, it is necessary that the strategy remains active and this weekend The new measure that the study is taking to combat the cheaters was discovered. According to a report by Daily eSports, after Respawn confirmed that it has banned more than 355,000 players from Apex Legends on PC after detecting that they use cheat software in the Battle Royale, this weekend the users discovered that more measures have been taken. drastic for these cases. In that sense, testimonies of Battle Royale players refer that, in recent days, Respawn began to bang definitively the PCs of those who cheat, which represents a punishment more severe than those that had been made so far. According to the information, since the bank is not directly related to the account, which is also punished, in case the user makes another to play, it will be signaled by the system and will be suspended in 30 minutes. indefinite. On the other hand, the report indicates that players whose teams were banned permanently for cheating in Apex Legends, have expressed their annoyance, not with Respawn, but with the sites that sold them software to alter the gaming experience, programs that oscillate between $ 60 and $ 150 USD and they are promoted as "undetectable".
The president of the Council of Ministers, Salvador del Solar, said that President Martín Vizcarra is looking for a new stage of his government with his appointment to the post, following the resignation of César Villanueva. According to an interview with El Comercio, the president communicated with him on Thursday, March 7, and proposed that it be part of his administration. "I do not remember the time of Thursday [March 7], but since then there was a conversation: 'What are you looking for, president? What do you expect from me? ' The president has it clear. He said: "Look, here begins a new stage," said the prime minister. He said that this new stage "is quite organic", and that its objective is to demonstrate that the Executive has other ambitions, in addition to the fight against corruption. "The discussion about corruption has consumed us and now there is a general feeling that we have to move on to something else. It must be noted that the Executive has other ambitions besides fighting against corruption, "said Salvador del Solar. In addition, he highlighted that there is government work in justice and policy reforms; efforts are made to achieve economic growth; however, the effective application of the law has been abandoned, so they will focus their efforts in this area. "The president says: 'What country do we want to leave? What country do we want to deliver in the bicentennial? There is a job to reform justice in process, a job to reform the policy in process. We are focused on economic growth. But there is another heritage in which we are not so focused and it is the effective application of the law. Where the law is fulfilled, the rights of each person become real, "he said. Dialogue with benches Salvador del Solar said he will hold a round of dialogue with the different congressional groups in the coming days. However, he stressed that this is not enough to reach agreements.
Here I leave a video that I found hopefully can help you in your problem! good luck.
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If you are a fan of Overwatch and you think you have good artistic skills, you may be interested in seeing the new Blizzard art contest. It is a competition where you can take several prizes, including Battle.net balance. Blizzard will publish certain themes every 15th of the month until September of this year. Participants can share their paintings, sketches, art, sculptures or 3D images related to the team shooter. The best works of each month will take $ 100 USD in balance to Battle.net. There will also be a grand prize with a statue of the game and a copy of the book Art of Overwatch. The company explained that participants can only win once and that the works must be original, so they should not include part of other works created previously. The theme of this month will be Veloz and all the works can be shared with the hashtag #concursodearteow. The contest is intended for Latin American players. If you want to participate, we recommend that you read all the rules well. The contest will have a total of 6 themes, the last of them will be published in mid-August, so the competition will end on September 14. Blizzard clarified that it is necessary that the submitted works be in JPEG format in high resolution and with a size that does not exceed 5 MB. We remind you that very soon you will be able to play with Baptiste, the new hero of Overwatch who is a combat doctor of Haitian origin. On the other hand, the Overwatch League continues to increase its audience levels, so it is consolidated in the esports scene.
During this dawn, the inspection staff of the Municipality of San Martín de Porres and the National Police (PNP) of the police station of the sector, performed an operation in a bar-karaoke, located on Av. Canta Callao. According to América Noticias, during the inspection of the establishment, Supervising and Police personnel intervened to five foreign citizens, four of them of Venezuelan and one Ecuadorian nationality. Apparently, they practiced prostitution inside the premises. They also intervened two Venezuelan citizens, José Manuel Castillo Oviedo (21) and Ángel José Ovando Ochoa (24), who work as administrators in the premises. Both were transferred to the police station of the sector. "Two people who served as administrators of this place have been intervened. They will be investigated for the alleged crime of procuring or trafficking in persons, "Colonel Max García, chief of the Desconcertada Criminal Investigation Division of Lima. This operation was carried out after the constant complaints of the neighbors, who pointed out that the assistants to this bar-karaoke carried out disturbances in the streets. "People attend to get drunk until they get high and then they go out to attack the life, the physical integrity and the patrimony of the neighbors", explained Colonel Max García. The premises were closed definitively for violating the rules established by the commune, detailed the authorities.
We are used to the challenges in video games. The motivation to overcome a new phase, to achieve a new victory against the villain of the day. But, and if instead of fighting alien hordes or uncovering a conspiracy of the Templars, our goal was something as morally indisputable as achieving peace, peace in the real world. This utopia is what 'Peacemaker' presents to us. In the form of a real-time strategy game, 'Peacemaker' puts us in front of the most challenging scenario with roots in the real world that any strategist can face, the eternal conflict in Palestine. Acting as the State of Israel or the ANP, in 'Peacemaker' the ultimate goal will not be to decimate the adversary but to achieve through the use of strategy and diplomacy the final solution for the long awaited peace in that piece of land in conflict during centuries. Developed by Impact Games, its development began as a university project at Carnegie Mellon University. Given the good reception of the preliminary version, two of its members founded a study to finalize it in a final commercial version that can be purchased for 20 dollars, via digital download. Whether you choose to represent the leader of the state of Israel or the Palestinian National Authority, the player must deal with multiple events that are supported by photographs and material from the actual conflict. Your decisions will cover the full arc of the situation in the area, having to make decisions of a social, political or military nature. The final resolution of the game is to get both entities to acquire the status of 2 independent nations. Well received by the players due to its playability and fidelity to the real scenario, it is considered a prime example for the movement of serious games. Based on a visual presentation reminiscent of titles such as 'Civilization', 'Peacemaker' presents the whole area on a map, including the Gaza Strip, the Galilee and the West Bank. During each turn of action, numerous events will be represented on the map. By clicking on these events, the player will be able to watch informative pieces about the state in the area. Within one week of the game, the player will have to make a decision related to safety, construction or politics. Both leaders will be able to seek the advice of two consultants with conflicting opinions. The Palestinian president will be assisted by a national and a foreign consultant, while the Israeli Prime Minister will have at his disposal a "Falcon" who will give a favorable opinion to repressive measures and another who will be in favor of collaborating with the Palestinians. Through a panel of decisions, we can give a speech, start a negotiation or start a military operation.
Monster Hunter Generations (Monster Hunter X in Japan), exclusive video game of Nintendo 3DS, was announced in May 2015. This installment of the Monster Hunter saga leaves on November 28, 2015 on sale in Japan, while arriving in Europe on July 15, 2016. Developed by Capcom, Monster Hunter Generations is a third-person ARPG composed of a series of missions in which we have to hunt down dangerous creatures. This installment of the Monster Hunter saga features new combat styles, special moves and the possibility of playing as Felynes, previously only available as companions of our character. Monster Hunter Generations has local and online multiplayer mode for up to four players. In this way, we can face the fighters in company to carry out group combat strategies. Each creature has its own pattern and its particular characteristics, which is why the Monster Hunter Generations and the saga as a whole require strategy and tactical decisions in real time to achieve victory. Monster Hunter Generations can be purchased in physical format or in digital format, through the eShop, for the Nintendo laptop.
Microsoft has made debut a renewed and improved version of the application Wireless Display for Xbox One, that allows to transmit of direct form and wireless the content of a device with Windows to the console. Users can stream their Steam games (or any other digital store) to play from the TV or monitor on which the console is connected using an Xbox One controller. The Wireless Display application uses Miracast technology to create a wireless connection between the computer and the Xbox One, which can be launched on the screen using the Windows + P key combination. The transmission allows you to display any content that appears on the computer (laptop or desktop) including games and videos, but it is not possible to stream protected content such as that offered by streaming services including Netflix or HBO. The Windows Central team has already been able to test Wireless Display and consider it a useful application but that presents the same problems as others of its kind. Wireless connections are still not perfect and latency can be a problem in case the goal is to make intensive use of Wireless Display. The application only allows to control the transmission by means of the control of Xbox One. Nevertheless, the console admits keyboard and mouse, so it should not be discarded a future support for both peripherals.
The Coalition (Xbox One and PC)) Release: To be determined Gears 5 brings us back to the fight between the humans that inhabit the planet Sera and the threatening creatures that move in its bowels. Developed by The Coalition, Gears 5 is a video game that maintains the identity of the action in the third person with a strong tactical component and, in addition, incorporates interesting novelties into the saga.
A game type GTA with a very good technical finish and acceptable requirements that will undoubtedly make you pass very good times, as it offers a bombproof gameplay. Within APB Reloaded we will have to choose our faction between Delinquentes and Vigilantes, sides that pose different objectives and that will directly confront us that we have not chosen. The customization options offered by this game are enormous and bring freshness and interest, while its focus clearly focused on the PVP will keep you hooked for a long time. Undoubtedly a highly recommended option that you should not miss the chance to try, especially if you like GTA-type games and competitive multiplayer.
The WiiU home was turbulent throughout the world. Sales, although they have had a break with the release of Mario Kart 8, have been disappointing for a long time in many markets. The former Director of marketing for Nintendo in France, Mathieu Minel, has been interviewed on The Game, a magazine specialized in video games in French lands, and wanted to talk about it. "Nintendo wasn't that easy and accessible game that shows perfectly the essence of the Gamepad" Dispensed with the first days of the WiiU in the market and the general confusion among the public before the new platform: "I think that Nintendo Japan did not have the game ready yet. I mean that he didn't have that easy and accessible game that shows perfectly the essence of the Gamepad, the game similar to Wii Sports with the Wiimote which meant". Minel considers that this absence ended up being final in the first steps of the machine on the market: "Unlike 90% of our competitors and their premieres in the market of hardware, Nintendo always tries to find fun, immediacy and a strong concept. None was ready for the launch of the WiiU".