For the elderly, feeding correctly is an essential requirement to reduce the possibility of suffering from diseases and health problems.
When we reach adulthood there are several factors that affect our health. To the decrease of the physical activity are added alterations in the senses, the decrease of the digestive capacity and the appearance of diseases that force to take many medicines.
However, to the problems of age we can face them from the nutritional point of view. Our health depends in large part on our eating habits, which, if they are healthy, allow the possibility of living longer years with a better quality of life.
Among the many difficulties faced by the elderly are muscle aches, which force many people to reduce their mobility and stay at home. Many older people are of the opinion that, now that they have their years, they can enjoy a well-deserved rest. And although it is very tempting, a sedentary lifestyle ends up taking its toll.
Unlike! If we want to increase our quality of life we must do the opposite of sitting down watching television. How can we keep our muscles healthy? You may have heard that exercise is a fundamental part, although for many older adults, doing some type of physical exercise can sometimes cause insecurity. There are exercises of all types and forms, and they can be arranged according to what each one wants.
But not only exercise is essential for a good quality of life. A balanced diet, always eating three times a day and with a moderate consumption of salt, sugar and fats, will help the body to be prepared for exercise, then it will be evident how all this greatly benefits the state of mind and body, and will be noticed an increase in energy and vitality.
1. Physical activity to stay active
It is advisable to perform aerobic exercise (walking fast, running, dancing, swimming, cycling ...), because it involves repetitive movements that use a lot of muscles. These practices increase heart and respiratory rates, as well as body temperature, thereby maintaining and improving cardiovascular health.
It is recommended to do it at least three days a week, with a total of two and a half hours a week if the intensity is moderate, or one and a quarter hours a week if the intensity is more vigorous.
2. Hydration: source of life
With age, the body's ability to conserve water deteriorates: the sensation of thirst decreases, there may be difficulty swallowing fluids, and the kidney's ability to concentrate urine is lower. It also tends to drink little liquid for fear of increasing urinary incontinence.
That is why it is important to maintain the water balance (the relationship between the liquids that are drunk and those that are lost), because if you lose more liquid than you have consumed it is possible to suffer dehydration.
3. Eating habits
It is important to follow a varied diet, eat what is necessary to maintain the recommended weight according to height. In this way there will be no future problems of overweight or obesity. It is important that if you plan to follow a special diet, always advise and follow the recommendations of an expert.
Another recommendation is not skip meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), although it is advisable to include three snacks in the daily diet, so that there are six meals a day.
4. The best foods
There are three foods that help maintain muscle mass, to avoid problems. Egg whites: The best quality proteins are found in egg whites, because they contain the highest amount of amino acids. Chicken breast: The bird contains a lot of protein and little fat, and its flavor is pleasant for most.
Asparagus: For the development the vegetables are fundamental, beyond the amount of antioxidant. If we talk about green, we can offer many meals.
5. Stretching and power
Flexibility exercises maintain the ability to move the joints and prevent them from atrophying. Improve functional capacity and decrease the risk of falls.
On the other hand, muscle strengthening exercises are beneficial to maintain or improve muscle mass, strength and power. They can be done using weights, elastic bands, ballasts, climbing stairs, etc. It is advisable to perform these exercises two or three times a week, involving all the large muscle groups with an average intensity depending on the state of form.