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  1. <16:08:20> "[Mr.Love] Mr.Love" ha agregado a "#-Dark" al grupo de servidores "Administrator".
    <16:08:23> "[Mr.Love] Mr.Love" ha agregado a "#-Dark" al grupo de servidores "Global Moderators". 

    Thanks u @- hNk  @Playboy™  @Mr.Love


  2. The Ministry of the Interior reported that the National Police captured between March and April of 2019 to 19 alleged murderers of women, increased to 36 the number of defendants for femicides that have been arrested so far this year. Of the 19 arrests, 12 were made in March and seven in April, the most regrettable being that of Wilfredo Rodríguez Quispe (23), who had murdered a 27-year-old woman, whom he quartered and subsequently ingested part of his remains , in Puno. The subject, who is nine months in custody, confessed the crime when he was arrested on March 18. To this femicide is added Preidi Chullo Méndez (28), also with nine months of preventive detention for allegedly stabbing her partner in Lima. He was arrested by the police when he tried to commit suicide with the same weapon. Likewise, the Mininter highlights the detention of Alberto Quispe Castilla (23), registered on April 8, in Ica, after being accused as the killer of Nickoll Arrasco and putting his body in a cylinder in February. Today he has 18 months of preventive detention. Of the 36 presumed femicides captured in 2019, 14 were arrested in Lima and three in Callao, Arequipa and Puno, respectively. Additionally, two interventions were carried out in Junín, as well as two others in Piura. In addition, Huánuco, Ica, Tumbes, Cajamarca, Lambayeque, Huancavelica, Amazonas, Ayacucho and Tacna recorded one catch per region.
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  3. Walcome To CSBD Enjoy & Have Fun! Read rules T/C
  4. Welcome bro!
  5. Iván Paredes, lawyer of the former mayor of Lima Susana Villarán considered that the order of 18 months of preventive detention against his patron is "illegal and contradictory," and regretted that Judge Jorge Chávez Tamariz has taken into account "elements of conviction that have already been valued previously. " "We are surprised because it seems an illegal, contradictory resolution. He himself when in the audience I said that those elements had already been presented before and he says in his resolution that it has not been presented before, when that is totally false. [...] If this is a variation, it has to be with new elements. All the elements that the judge has valued have been valued previously, "he said in a conversation with the press. "The same judge when he starts says that the sayings of the effective collaborators must be corroborated and when he bases them he takes them into account. He contradicts himself, "he said. Also, the lawyer noted that Susana Villarán "in no time" will welcome effective collaboration or sincere confession, but said he does want to "tell all their truth." Finally, he questioned that the magistrate has evaluated in his resolution an audio presented by the former municipal official Gabriel Prado, in spite of not being incorporated in the fiscal folder or having been subjected to an expert opinion.
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  6. Dark


    #PRO For helper Good luck..
  7. v2, text and blur
  8. Welcome To CSBD Read rules Enjoy & have fun . T/C
  9. The resources of the Border Patrol to respond to emergencies in the desert are increasingly limited because they have to attend the time the massive arrival of Central Americans seeking asylum. Migrants crossing the Arizona border risk their lives, suffer fractures from falls on steep hills, severe dehydration or snake bites, and not everyone is lucky enough to be rescued. This was what Univision Noticias found on a tour of the area. NOGALES, Mexico.- The desert that the Guerrero of Octavio Pastrana met 28 years ago, when he crossed illegally to the United States for the first time, is no longer the same. Two weeks ago, he received a harder, more guarded border trying to reunite with his family in California after deportation. He walked three days and two nights through the arid roads and mountains of Arizona. His feet could not stand it anymore, he ran out of water and no food. The 'coyotes' did not care and left him there. "The guides left me, I could not walk any more," says Pastrana, who lived more than two decades in Los Angeles, where his wife and two children, ages 13 and 26, are. "I was able to walk little by little until I hit a road, I went to bed, I dialed 911 and Migration came." When removing his shoes, this man saw the severity of his injuries: his socks were stuck a layer of skin from the soles of his feet. "I looked closely at the death," says who in the US kept his family working as a carpenter, until a traffic violation left him facing an expulsion process. He thought it would be easy to get back to his people, but he was wrong. In the custody of the Border Patrol, after his rescue in the desert, he found no relief. He says he did not receive medical attention until he arrived at the general hospital in Nogales, Mexico, where he now recovers using crutches and taking antibiotics. "I showed them how I was and 'La Migra' did not listen to me (...) It feels like an animal," he claims in a choked voice. "At night they give me nightmares, like I'm dying, like I'm drowning." Pastrana shares her experience in front of the dining room of the nonprofit organization Kino Border Initiative, whose director, priest Sean Carroll, says he has heard several similar complaints. "What this migrant says is consistent with what has happened in recent years," says Carroll. "There is a pattern of medical neglect of both the Border Patrol and ICE (Immigration and Customs Service), for several years," the father insists.
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  10. #CONTRA Low activity u not respect rules! Good Luck
  11. Welcome to Newlifezm!
  12. Welcome To CSBD Read rules Enjoy & have fun . T/C
  13. #CONTRA Low activity Good luck!
  14. Welcome To CSBD Enjoy & have fun. T/C
  15. José Miguel Castro, former municipal manager during the management of Susana Villarán as mayor of Lima, did not attend the summons of the Consumer Defense Commission, in which an interrogation was scheduled to answer for alleged irregularities in the tenders of the Línea Amarilla and Vías Nuevas de Lima projects. The parliamentary working group also did not have the necessary quorum, since the only legislator present was Richard Arce, from New Peru, who presided over a brief session with him as the only member present. "I leave evidence that Mr. (José Miguel) Castro Gutiérrez has not appeared in the session room and that I received a phone call a few minutes ago, informing that today he is receiving the documentary package of the request for preventive detention against him", Arce said to the press. Prosecutor Carlos Puma, of the Lava Jato special team, officially presented a 36-month pre-trial detention order against Susana Villarán, José Miguel Castro and others implicated in alleged irregularities in the contributions to the No campaign to be overturned by Odebrecht and OAS. "(José Miguel Castro) believes that it is necessary to receive this document, and has mentioned that on Monday the session is scheduled in the Judiciary (to evaluate) the preventive detention," added the legislator from New Peru. Another person who had been cited was the former mayor Luis Castañeda Lossio, who supported his absence through a document in which he requested a reprogramming for personal reasons.
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  16. Congratulation! 

    1. #nuţu.XD


      Thanks man<3

  17. Welcome back brother!! ❤️ 

    1. Suarez™


      Thank you my bro ❤️❤️❤️?

  18. l08cW34.jpg

    More more more !!!!  Every time we are more! ? 

    1. lonut gfx

      lonut gfx

      yeah baby:

    2. Desire-


      Yeah Baby =)))

  19. Welcome to CSBD!
  20. Welcome to CSBD!!
  21. Vice President and Congresswoman Mercedes Araoz, of Peruvians for the Kambio, considered that both the Executive and the Legislative should maintain calm and not "light the meadow" after questioning the Constitution Committee on the prioritization of political reform projects . Araoz highlighted the request made to the president of this working group, Rosa Bartra (Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r), to prioritize the Executive's projects in this area. "We have invoked congresswoman [Rosa] Bartra to prioritize the issues of political reform, as she did also with judicial reform. I understand that they are already working [...] So let's hope that we advance and we do not light one side or the other, I think we should have peace of mind, "he told the press. As recalled, the president of the Council of Ministers, Salvador del Solar, considered that the Congress will "bury the political reform" if it does not give priority to the debate of the 12 projects on the subject that the Executive presented almost a month ago. For the pro-government legislator, it corresponds to both powers of the State to generate an environment of "coherence and social peace" that allows to continue with the development of the country. "We need to generate that environment and I think it is also up to both sides, the Executive and the Legislative, to work and seek coherence and social peace because that is what we need, a political peace to generate more social tranquility and to continue advancing in our development, "he said. Finally, Mercedes Araoz said she hopes that the projects can reach the bicentennial approved, so she reminded that they have "until April 2020 to get these reforms".
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  22. ¤ Apodo: -Dark ¤ Nombre: Jesus ¤ Edad: 17 ¤ País: Perú ¤ Ciudad: Lima ¤ Juegos favoritos: Cs.go ¤ Shows favoritos: - ¤ Películas favoritas: - ¤ Canciones favoritas / Género favorito: Electro ¤ ¿Qué te gustaría hacer en la vida? : abogado ¤ Actor favorito - ¿por qué? - ¤ Actriz favorita - ¿por qué? - ¤ usted fuma? / Que marca de humo de cigarrillo:- ¤ Qué bebida alcohólica con frecuencia: - ¤ jugo favorito: Fresa ¤ ¿En qué país te gustaría vivir? Italia ¤ equipo de fútbol favorito: - ¤ modelos de coches: - ¤ Una breve descripción de ti: Soy sexy XD ¤ ¿Cómo encontraste NewLifeZm ?: Jugando ¤ Si ganas 1 millón de dólares, ¿qué sería lo primero que harías ?: Ayudas a las personas necesitadas
  23. Welcome to CSBD!
  24. welcome to CSBD!
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