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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Accepted As Elder. Always respecting the order of the rank. note: if you want direct rank owner you should pay for it and if you can talk to @Nicolas Zotan
  2. @知らせSralejan & @[Depo] - new project Co-Leaders Congratulations! Warning: @Inmortal™ do more daily activity or you will be demoted to member.
  3. Keep being active and you will go far as a moderator, respect the community rules and respect the rules of each project, good luck!
  4. Administrators and managers must enter this here when they enter the server.
  5. Accepted. Now with a new higher rank you must have 6-7 hours on the server, otherwise your rank will be removed
  6. Accepted. Note: remember to do 6-7 hours a day now, or the next request will be automatically rejected.
  7. + ONLY ALL INCLUSIVE VIP + VIP MENU ONLY VIP WITH 4 JUMPS + damage + 300 health + rays + vip scoreboard + 200 armor + VIP MODEL + 200 armor + rays ONLY VIP WITH 4 JUMPS + damage + 300 health + rays + vip scoreboard
  8. ZM - I need 2 experienced owners to help me recruit new administrators.

  9. Accepted. Note: remember to be active 4-5 hours a day (AFK or PLAYING) and read the rules repeatedly. RULES: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/20909-zm-rules/
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. I need 2 experienced owners for the "ZM" server, if you are interested, talk to me privately.

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