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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by [N]audy

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  2. como cuando te mudas a thunderzm but no saluda a tu amigo en ts3 :(

    1. #Wittels-


      Sí te salude, que no repondiste es otra cosa we :'c

  3. jablame bebe :v

    1. Askor lml

      Askor lml

      e.e enjaboname xdxdxd

  4. me fui por un rato y veo que vuelven todo un desastre me voy del sv  :|

  5. desde las 2 am hasta las 4 : 30 pm now  en la cola del banco con mi abuela pa cobrar una miseria de plata :'v

    que seddd :(

    1. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

      Para parto Humanizado nos pagan mejor :v

    2. JaEgArN


      can not it be paid online?

      here in Bulgaria can be paid online


  6. <16:36:02> "[Sk1ZzZ1z] Askor lml": que raro
    <16:36:07> "[Sk1ZzZ1z] Askor lml": que naudy no alla publicado
    <16:36:10> "[Sk1ZzZ1z] Askor lml": en csbd
    <16:36:11> "[Sk1ZzZ1z] Askor lml": :v

    haha hecho ya publice Askor lml@Enmanuel♔♔♔ :v

  7. Nada como tener problemas con la electricidad :|

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KEPY™


      x2 Naudy e.e

    3. Master[T]


      even though i odnt understand spanish i understand tha you have problems with electrician


    4. #Wittels-
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  10. Nada como que tu mejor amigo no se cambie el Cover que le regalaste <3 :7:

    1. Askor lml
    2. [N]audy


      ese men vere si te diseño otro but da pereza :v

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  12. Designers competition has started 

    Do not be shy and show us your Desings

    I wish you all luck  the participants.


  13. Only 2 days to start the competition of GFX DESIGNER

    I hope you in the registration of the day 04/14/2018 you will have a time of a week to register and add your work.

    do not forget to participate to be parte of The GFX DESIGNERS Team!!

    organizer : @Jùppiter

    good luck to all in  the competition :*


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  16. <22:04:16> "[Sk1ZzZ1z] Askor lml" abandonado (connection lost)

    te compro ese net tuyo :v

    Nota : me dejaste hablando solo :x

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  18. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  19. Welcome to CSBD. Enjoy and Have Fun.
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