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About Adem-

  • Birthday 06/02/2001


  • Always Ready



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    GettinG Money
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  1. Imagine contacting your banned account when you're an ex staff ? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. QeLi


      Yeah just steal it cuse ur avatar looks ugly 😂

    3. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      @Q e L I So u mean i look ugly ? 

    4. QeLi


      Just cuse its u in there ima be nice...






      Now it looks uglier than before i knew it was you ❤

  2. long time boi ! 
    Promise you'll back soon ! ... 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. H O L D F I R E 流

      H O L D F I R E 流

      hahahahaha ya weldi eb3athha l kol 3andek sa7beek m3aak w lbe9i l kol 3al 7it 

      ken jme3etna w bara

    3. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      Ntt tfol behi fiblk xD Snn rak khuya 

    4. H O L D F I R E 流

      H O L D F I R E 流

      wallah hata enty a khouya rabi ikhalik ❤️ 

  3. Loyal , Respectful , Friendly , Lovely , kindly , Carry ,

    My best friend for ever :) Adem ♡

    1. Adem-


      Thank You Dear

  4. Adem-

    Congrats Man 

    im So Glad to See This Grade

    Enjoy your Time And dont forget to be always patient

    1. Fir3


      Thanks bro 

  5. Congrats Man

  6. https://m.imgur.com/a/0qCl2

    Big Thanks To my Best Gfx In This Community @T3K

  7. Congratulations Man 

    Enjoy your Time

  8. 3 People From Tunisia Are Global-Moderators

    @_L0rd_ @BlasTerJaxX-. @Ze Tvv(I)n

    We Are The Legends of This Community 

    We Are The Legends Of The Word

    We are The tunisian People

  9. Congrats Frre <3

  10. v1 Text, Blur
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