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- !el Catire *O*

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Everything posted by - !el Catire *O*

  1. the one who falls in love loses???
    I already lost 2 times???

    1. [N]audy


      que tenes mano hablo español :V 

    2. MouS'CSBD


      por eso los hombre somos lo que somos ?? 





    mrk ya no tienes fama quedate asi como estas iluso?

  4. I ask for absence because I will go on a trip

    I'm going to miss you all??

    it hurts me so much to leave the community because of the situation in the country????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Inkriql
    3. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

      te estrañare mano ? 

      sabes te quiero burda y quiero verte de rojito pronto ❤️

    4. Askor lml
  5. Welcome To CSBD
  6. ¤ Apodo: - !el Catire *O* ¤ Nombre: jesus daniel ¤ Edad: 19 ¤ País: venezuela ¤ Ciudad: barquisimeto ¤ Juegos favoritos:counter strike y residente evil 4 ¤ Shows favoritos: .quelocura ¤ Películas favoritas: alfer ¤ Canciones favoritas / Género favorito: tusa ¤ ¿Qué te gustaría hacer en la vida? agente del cicpc ¤ Actor favorito - ¿por qué? sebastian vegas porque es el campeon de reto 4 elementos ¤ Actriz favorita - ¿por qué? - ¤ usted fuma? / Que marca de humo de cigarrillo: ninguna de esas cosa soy sano ¤ Qué bebida alcohólica con frecuencia: cocoy jajjajajajjajaja ¤ jugo favorito: parchita ¤ ¿En qué país te gustaría vivir? siempre en venezuela ¤ equipo de fútbol favorito: real madrid ¤ modelos de coches: - ¤ Una breve descripción de ti: soy una persona amorosa ¤ ¿Cómo encontraste NewLifeZm ?: jajaj soy global y ppue por axel -.- ¤ Si ganas 1 millón de dólares, ¿qué sería lo primero que harías ?: nada si eso es coba jajajaajaj
  7. The Bolivarian mayors of Miranda and Vargas evaluated priority development plans in their locations, during a meeting held in Los Teques, this Friday. Mayor Wisely Álvarez, delegated by Miranda to the Council of Bolivarian Mayors, said the initiative, announced by President Nicolás Maduro, is important because it will allow defining priorities and creating development plans, through better political coordination. Álvarez said that “on the instructions of President Nicolás Maduro we have been forming this Council of Bolivarian Mayors, given the need we had to create a space for meeting and exchanging experiences and support in the midst of this terrible economic war of which we are all victims ”He asserted. He informed that in Miranda 45 mayors of capital cities that have tourism potentials, economic development and significant productive links participate. The mayor of Vargas, José Alejandro Terán, as representative of the promoter team, announced that one of the planned activities is the holding of the First International Bolivarian Congress of Mayors and Mayors to improve the methods of government.
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  8. Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA increased fuel shipments to Cuba this month, which is suffering from a shortage of crude oil due to the stricter sanctions the United States is applying, according to company sources and documents seen by Reuters. Six ships, the majority owned by the PDVSA maritime unit, have exported an average of 173,000 barrels per day (bpd) of Venezuelan crude and fuel to Cuba so far this month, according to Refinitiv Eikon data and PDVSA documents. In January, PDVSA exports to Cuba fell to their lowest level since mid-2019, to just 56,600 bpd. "More ships are leaving Cuba for two weeks," said a shipping supervisor from a port on the west coast of Venezuela. "They come and go very fast," he added. The sanctions imposed on PDVSA in 2019 with the objective of overthrowing Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro have slowed oil shipments to the island and contributed to the intermittent shortage of fuels. The energy crisis in Cuba hit its sugar industry this month, with two mills that interrupted operations during the high harvest season. It has also caused lines of more than an hour at service stations, while supply at the east end of the country is delayed. “You don't see cars in the streets. There is no transport. This is the first time this is seen so critical here in Santiago, ”said private taxi driver Fidel Gonzalez, 37, by phone from Santiago de Cuba. The service stations received some supplies on Wednesday for the first time in a week, he added, although gasoline lasted a few hours. A similar shortage in September led PDVSA to send a fleet with emergency fuel charges and other refined products to Cuba. However, the aid was short-lived as the sanctions cut the number of ships available to transport oil from PDVSA to Cuba. Havana has tried to diversify its imports in recent weeks with ships arriving from Argentina, Algeria and Curaçao, according to Eikon data. But since the arrivals have been insufficient, the island seems to prioritize energy generation over the supply of engine fuel and fuel for industrial customers, said analyst Jorge Piñón, of the University of Texas, Austin. It was not immediately possible to obtain data on the national fuel production of Cuba. "There are still many things we don't know about how they handle their supply levels and inventory of crude and products," Piñón said. "What is very clear is his continued dependence on Venezuela," he added. Broader economic crisis The fuel crisis in Cuba last week affected the tourism sector, one of the main sources of foreign exchange. The agencies could only rent cars with a limited fuel quota that was barely enough to move around Havana, although the situation had returned to normal on Thursday. "Life is getting more complicated here every day," said Virginia Montes de Oca, after waiting two hours to fill her gas tank. There were still a dozen cars in front of her. During the last year, Cuba has faced a shortage of everything, not just fuel, after the US sanctions aggravated a liquidity crisis that began with the decrease in Venezuelan aid four years ago. The director general for the United States of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Carlos Fernández de Cossío, said on Twitter that Washington's sanctions were "brutal and immoral." "They do not hide the desired objective of punishing the entire po[CENSORED]tion to extract political concessions," he said. "It is a miracle that the situation is not worse and that the country still enjoys peace and stability," he said. Washington accuses the Cuban government of providing security assistance to shore up Maduro.
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  9. Happy Valentine day
  10. First of all I thank all the members and staff of csbd my family thank you very much ❤️ T/C


    the boss remembered my birthday??



      Feliz Cumple Catire que sigas cumpliendo muchos? mas

    2. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

       muchas gracias manito

    3. walker™


      happy bday brother ❤️ 

  12. thank you my god for another year of life
    and join my CSBD family which I will continue to Work Always??????❤❤❤

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  13. tomorrow is my birthday? February 13th?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nikhel Nice

      Nikhel Nice

      Advance wishes xd .

      Happy Birthday ❤️

    3. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

      tomorrow tomorrow?❤️?❤️?❤️

    4. robila


      @600 PS Bandolero- i've already bought the lambo for him, please change gift

  14. mañana mi cumpleaños?

    1. FΛNTΛNSI'.™


      Bien mano que culpas muchos mas ??


    2. Dark


      mañana el cumpleaños de mi puta;) que felicidades, tu regalo sera... UMMMMMMMMM ya lo veras XD ❤️

    3. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

      awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww? me das webi vvaaaaaa ❤️

  15. welcome to CSBD
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