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TN ;x

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  4. We shouldn’t be surprised that somebody is trying to sell the Queen’s former Bentley Mulsanne for a substantial markup. Vendors often try to extract a sizable premium for cars that have been owned by somebody famous, and celebrities don’t get much bigger than HRM. So if you’re in the market for a right-hand-drive Mulsanne and dig the fact that Her Maj once sat on the back seat, then you can buy this one, currently listed on the British Auto Trader website (unrelated to the U.S.–based autotrader.com), for £199,850, or $283,000 at current exchange rates. You’d be as mad as King George III to do so, of course. Although gently used to convey Queen Elizabeth to and from her various castles and palaces and with just 5000 miles recorded, this 2012 Mulsanne is, by our reckoning, nearly twice the price of a similar car in the U.K. without a royal pedigree. Alternatively it could be a canny investment, depending on how much value the market places on its royal connection—the former Cardinal Ratzinger’s Mark IV Volkswagen Golf sold for a dizzying $244,000 after he became Pope Benedict XVI. The Mulsanne itself was first registered by Bentley Motors in 2012, suggesting it was loaned to the royal household rather than sold, and it’s finished in an appropriately regal shade of Barnato Green with magnolia trim. There’s no mention of any security upgrades in the online listing suggesting that, if fitted, they have subsequently been removed, but the car does have fold-down walnut picnic tables that could well have been used for the occasional royal snack. The car was used for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations and for a visit to the Prime Minister at No.10 Downing Street. Short of Morris dancing while drinking warm beer through a mouthful of bad teeth, it doesn’t get much more British than that. The advertisement also says that the car’s satellite navigation system has been programmed to have Windsor Castle as its home location, a suitably regal touch. There’s stiff competition between British carmakers to be seen chauffeuring the Queen about, with Range Rovers often used as well as the far more elaborate Bentley State Limousine. Yet she has more modest tastes when she takes the wheel herself, having recently been photographed driving a decade-old Jaguar X-type wagon. Janis Joplin’s Custom-Painted Porsche 356 Sold for a Huge Amount of Money Stand—and Ride—in Johnny Cash’s Shadow with His 1970 Rolls-Royce As Range Rover Turns 45, the Considerably Older Queen Elizabeth Gets a New One If you’re not convinced by the royal connection but still want a British-registered Mulsanne at a substantial savings, we also found this 10,000-mile example for £120,000 on the Auto Trader site. See the original listing for the royal car here.
  5. India is the world’s largest producer of mangoes, and, according to the National Horticulture Board, we account for around half of the world’s mango production. The number of varieties of mango we cultivate is believed to be over 500. But each summer, talk mostly revolves around the Alphonso. Now, the Alphonso has its merits, but across the country there are varieties that deserve to be savoured. We take a look at some of them. (Text: Team Express FOODie; Image source: Thinkstock Images) Mankurad:The Mankurad is grown in Goa, and, thanks to the demand for it within the state, it is rarely seen in other parts of India. The name is a corruption of the Portuguese Malcorado (poor in colour), but the mangoes themselves have an intense aroma, are full of flavour and very fleshy. Many mango connoisseurs rate it to be even better than the Alphonso. (Source: A R Barve/Instagram) Imam Pasand:This large mango, also known as the Himayat, is grown mainly in Andhra Pradesh and is believed to have been a favourite of the Nawabs. Hyderabadis often insist that it can beat the Alphonso hands down when it comes to aroma and flavour. (Source: Asit K Ghosh/Wikimedia Commons) Himsagar: The Himsagar hails from West Bengal, and comes to season for a very short while (from June to July). It is known to be pleasantly sweet, and its skin is thinner than comparable varieties. (Source: Asit K Ghosh/Wikimedia Commons) Mallika: The Mallika is what you get when you introduce the Neelam to Dasheri. The fruit is fairly large, and fibreless, and, according to connoisseurs, has citrusy notes. (Source: Asit K Ghosh/Wikimedia Commons) Chinna Rasam: Andhra Pradesh produces many varieties of mangoes, and among the most po[CENSORED]r is Chinna Rasam. The Chinna Rasam is a sweet, juicy treat, and is also used to make pickles. (Source: Srisivaparvathinursery)
  6. India is the world’s largest producer of mangoes, and, according to the National Horticulture Board, we account for around half of the world’s mango production. The number of varieties of mango we cultivate is believed to be over 500. But each summer, talk mostly revolves around the Alphonso. Now, the Alphonso has its merits, but across the country there are varieties that deserve to be savoured. We take a look at some of them. (Text: Team Express FOODie; Image source: Thinkstock Images) Mankurad:The Mankurad is grown in Goa, and, thanks to the demand for it within the state, it is rarely seen in other parts of India. The name is a corruption of the Portuguese Malcorado (poor in colour), but the mangoes themselves have an intense aroma, are full of flavour and very fleshy. Many mango connoisseurs rate it to be even better than the Alphonso. (Source: A R Barve/Instagram) Imam Pasand:This large mango, also known as the Himayat, is grown mainly in Andhra Pradesh and is believed to have been a favourite of the Nawabs. Hyderabadis often insist that it can beat the Alphonso hands down when it comes to aroma and flavour. (Source: Asit K Ghosh/Wikimedia Commons) Himsagar: The Himsagar hails from West Bengal, and comes to season for a very short while (from June to July). It is known to be pleasantly sweet, and its skin is thinner than comparable varieties. (Source: Asit K Ghosh/Wikimedia Commons) Mallika: The Mallika is what you get when you introduce the Neelam to Dasheri. The fruit is fairly large, and fibreless, and, according to connoisseurs, has citrusy notes. (Source: Asit K Ghosh/Wikimedia Commons) Chinna Rasam: Andhra Pradesh produces many varieties of mangoes, and among the most po[CENSORED]r is Chinna Rasam. The Chinna Rasam is a sweet, juicy treat, and is also used to make pickles. (Source: Srisivaparvathinursery)
  7. Welcome To CsBlackDevil Have fun
  8. A increasingly po[CENSORED]r technique for rootkits is to install malicious drivers that start very early in the boot process. Malware launching in this manner makes it very hard to detect or remove infections without using specialized tools and techniques. To combat this, Microsoft has added a new feature to Windows 8 called Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection. This feature allows certified antivirus programs that support early launch to load their own driver before almost all Windows boot drivers. This antivirus driver will then scan each and every boot driver that attempts to load and depending on how early launch is configured and whether the driver was detected as malware, will block it from loading. If these malware boot-start drivers are unable to load, then the rest of the malware infection does not become activated and it is much easier for your antivirus software to remove the infection. If a driver is classified as malware by Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection because it is malicious or because of a false positive, the driver may not be allowed to load. If this is a necessary driver for Windows to start properly, then we could have a problem where Windows is unable to boot up properly. To protect Windows from a situation like this, Microsoft added a method for you to disable Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection during a boot so that you can resolve your issues by either updating your virus detections or removing the problematic malware driver. Then the next time you reboot your computer, Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection will automatically start again and continue protecting your computer. This tutorial will walk you through disabling the Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection so that you can resolve any issues that may be causing Windows to not start properly. To do this please follow these steps to access the Startup Settings screen. Please type Advanced on the Windows 8 Start Screen. When the search results appear click on the Settings category as shown in the image below. Now click on the option labeled Advanced startup options and you will be brought to the General PC Settings screen. Scroll down to the bottom until you see an option labeled Advanced startup. Click on the Restart now button and Windows 8 will restart your computer and go directly into the Advanced Startup options menu. Now click on the Troubleshoot button and then the Advanced options button. You will now be at the Advanced options screen where you should click on the Startup settings option. At the Startup Settings screen, click on the Restart button. Your computer will be restarted and brought into the Startup Settings menu as shown below. Now press the number 8 on your keyboard. This will launch Windows, but with the early launch anti-malware protection disabled. You can now login to Windows and update your virus definitions or perform further scans for malicious programs that may be causing Windows to not start properly. The next time you reboot, Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection will be enabled again automatically.
  9. Encryption can be used to secure your personal communication from prying eyes, keep your banking details secure, and plenty of other great things. However, it’s also the key to an increasingly common form of malware called ransomware. When a computer is hit by a piece of ransomware, the user’s files are encrypted, and only paying a ransom in Bitcoin will get you the key to unlock. There’s a new variant of ransomware floating around, and it takes things to the extreme. Rather than just encrypting files, the Petya malware encrypts your entire hard drive. Petya is actually very clever with the way it goes about locking up a computer. After it is installed, the system will spontaneously reboot. Instead of booting normally, the computer loads what appears to be a system CHKDSK. As one would expect, this screen makes it very clear that shutting off the PC in the middle of this operation would be a very bad idea. That’s all just a smokescreen, though. In reality, Petya is using disk-level encryption to lock the system down. The PC’s master boot record has already been compromised at this point, so shutting down won’t do any good. When the process is complete, the user gets the classic ransomware sales pitch: your files are encrypted — pay up if you ever want to see that data again. In this case, the hard drive itself (including the OS) is inaccessible until the proper decryption key is entered. A number of German businesses have been targeted by Petya already, but the amount requested is surprisingly low at just 0.9 Bitcoins (about $380). The payment must be submitted to a Tor hidden service, which then provides the necessary key. This approach to ransomware is especially devious in a few ways. With the system disabled, there’s little to no chance for the user to retrieve additional data from the drive. The PC’s original master boot record is also encrypted, so there’s no way to restore it to normal working order without the decryption key. Many pieces of ransomware have to pick and choose what to encrypt, usually going for files in the user’s personal directory. However, it’s possible the important things are elsewhere on the hard drive. That’s not a problem for Petya as it just locks down the whole disk. The good news is that Petya can’t install itself silently. Because it’s making changes to the boot environment, Windows will pop up a security warning. Users have to click through that in order for Petya to gain control of the system. People will still do that, but at least you have a chance to stop Petya before it’s too late.
  10. Once upon a time (read: 20 years ago, when yours truly had more hair), Intel and AMD microprocessors used the same CPU socket standard and motherboard vendors supported multiple chip families with the same platform. If you owned a high-end Socket 7 motherboard, you could use an Intel Pentium, AMD K6, K6-2, K6-3 (as well as the K6-2+/K6-3+), Cyrix 6×86, 6x86MX, IDT Winchip, and the Rise Technology mP6. It was a golden, halcyon time — and MSI’s engineers have found a way to resurrect the concept with a lot of hard work and a little bit of Taiwanese magic. Introducing The One: The first motherboard platform in 19 years to give end-users the freedom they want to upgrade components as they please No invention springs into existence from nothing and sharp-eyed readers will realize we’ve seen companies iterating on plans like this for several years. AMD’s upcoming Zen CPU shares many design elements with the ARM-based K12 (we covered AMD’s work to blend the two architectures well before the company went public, though the implementation details are still unknown.) AMD’s now-canceled Project Skybridge was originally intended to create a common platform for ARM and x86 CPUs, while the Boltzmann initiative allows CUDA code to run on GCN graphics cards. Just this week, Microsoft announced that Windows 10 would ship with Linux command line support thanks to a prominent partnership with Ubuntu. The effort to create a universal computing platform goes beyond the component level. Several years ago the boutique OEM Razer debuted a customized PC system that would allow for individual component swapouts and custom liquid cooling combinations not dreamed of by gods or men. While Project Christine never formally launched, the recent Razer Core is the product of a similar effort — this time to combine the capabilities of desktop graphics cards with the svelte form factor of a modern ultrabook. Even Google’s Project Ara is an example of this profound new design concept, which gives users what they want, when they want it. So, what does The One offer? I’m glad you asked. The One is designed to be backwards compatible with a wide range of AMD and Intel CPUs. MSI is still working out the details, but trusted sources have told ExtremeTech that the company intends to offer board modules to support first-generation Core i7 CPUs (Nehalem) and AMD chips as far back as the Phenom II. By subdividing the motherboard into specific zones (shown above), MSI can offer upgrade modules to customize your motherboard rather than requiring you to select between whatever features other companies see fit to offer. DDR2 slots for an old CPU? No problem. Upgrading to a Core i7-5820K and wanting some hot DDR4 action? MSI has you covered. Planning to break overclocking records with AMD’s FX-9590, but needing a low-profile cooler around the CPU to ensure your LN2 rig can mount properly? Baby, it’s all here. There are a few platform consistencies. MSI plans to standardize on Intel’s gigabit ethernet controllers, all versions of The One will support SLI and Crossfire (up to and including four-way SLI and CrossfireX), and every version of the board will use MSI’s Nahimic Audio solution. Extensive overclocking options and titanium chokes are also standard across the board. Finally, while MSI isn’t making any public promises, we have it on good authority that the company is investigating whether or not it can make the board design forward compatible as well. Forward compatibility is extremely tricky — each module slots into a specific connection port on the board, and those connection points have to be capable of handling the exact power requirements of the CPU. Those of you who were computer enthusiasts 20 years ago will likely remember that while Socket 7 was technically compatible with a wide range of CPUs across multiple product generations and different manufacturers, practical compatibility was often limited by the motherboard’s voltage range and multiplier maps. AMD actually released a K6-2 400 with a hidden 2x/6x multiplier remap so that Socket 7 owners with systems limited to a 66MHz bus could still upgrade to a 400MHz CPU. MSI isn’t saying anything formally yet, but here’s hoping they can pull it off. If they do, The One could truly be THE ONE — the last and only motherboard you’ll ever need to own.
  11. Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk personally unveiled his company’s latest electric vehicle, the Model 3 sedan, at an event tonight in California, where he doubled down on his company’s pledge that the new model will be affordable. How affordable? Musk insists it will start at $35,000 before any federal and local tax incentives are factored into the final purchase price; he also claims that 115,000 Model 3s were reserved globally in the previous 24 hours, at $1000 a pop. The event also provided us with our first photos of the Model 3, which is smaller than Tesla’s Model S hatchback sedan and Model X crossover, as well as early details, which we’ve listed by topic below: Range: In its most basic form (which we assume to be the version with the smallest-capacity battery pack), the Model 3 will be capable of 215 miles of range per the EPA’s testing guidelines. Musk added that the number could be even higher upon final certification. Power: No output numbers were given during the reveal—let alone confirmation of drive layout, number of electric motors, etc.—but Tesla claims the slowest Model 3 will reach 60 mph from a rest in less than six seconds. Other versions are said to be much, much quicker. Batteries: Battery particulars also remain elusive. Even so, the Model 3 will use lithium-ion battery packs produced in Tesla’s new Gigafactory. The packs can be supercharged as a standard feature. Tesla Model S P90D Review: The First Sub-Three-Second Sedan We’ve Ever Tested Latest Tesla Model Is the Smallest and Least Expensive By Far Tesla Tests, Reviews, Specs, Pricing, and More Safety: Musk promises the Model 3 will net five-star safety ratings in every category, although it wasn’t specified whether the ratings would be on the scales of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety or NHTSA or both. Also on the topic of safety, every Model 3 will be equipped with Tesla’s “Autopilot” semi-autonomous technology, as well as unspecified Autopilot-related safety features that we assume include automatic emergency braking. Basic Car-ness: The Model 3 seats five people, can fit a seven-foot surfboard inside, and has both a front trunk (“frunk”) and a conventional rear cargo area.
  12. From Kundapur to Mangalore is about 91 km. But if you are ever in Mangalore, it makes eminent sense to stop whatever you are doing and drive down to Kundapur. That’s because, Kundapur is believed to be the place where the iconic Chicken Ghee Roast was invented. This fiery red, tangy and spicy preparation has an unmistakable flavour of clarified butter or ghee, in which the meat and the spices are roasted in. This is not a dish for the faint-hearted. I have reduced the number of chillies in this recipe to suit most palates. If you desire a more fiery dish increase the quantity of red chillies accordingly. Ingredients For Marination 1/2 kg- Chicken (cut into large pieces) ½ cup- Thick curd 1 tsp- White pepper powder 1/2 tsp- Turmeric powder 2tsp- Lime Juice Salt to taste For Roasting and Grinding (Spice Paste/ Ghee Roast Masala) 4- Kashmiri long red chillies 3- Small dried red chillies 3/4 tbsp- Coriander seeds 1/4 tsp- Fenugreek seeds 1 tsp- Cumin seeds 1tsp- Fennel seeds or saunf 3- Garlic flakes (large) Oil to fry 3 tsp- Pure Ghee Salt to taste Method *In a large bowl take marinade ingredients, mix well, then add the cleaned and slit chicken to it. Coat chicken well. Cover bowl with cling film. Keep in the fridge for 2-3 hours *In a pan heat a mixture of 2 tsp ghee and 3 tsp oil (or if you feel like indulging use 2 tbsp of ghee instead of oil) *When the oil is hot add the chicken pieces and fry for 5 mins on each side, allowing it to brown well. Then add 1 cup of water, cover and allow it to cook on a medium flame till 3/4th done *While the chicken is cooking prepare the spice paste *In a pan roast the spice paste/ masala ingredients in 1 tsp ghee in following order: sliced garlic first, then dried red chillies and coriander seeds, then add the rest. Roast together till fragrant *Grind the roasted ingredients to a smooth paste with a little water. Once the chicken is almost 3/4th cooked add the spice paste to same pan in which the chicken is cooking, to the bottom of the pan in the center *Let the spice paste fry in the oil in the bottom and centre of the pan for a couple of minutes before coating the chicken pieces in the ground and fried spice paste *Add another 1/2 cup water. Close the pan and let the chicken cook on a slow flame till done *Check for salt. Squeeze over 2 tsp lemon juice, serve hot with steamed basmati rice.


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