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  1. Welcome To CsBlackDevil Enjoy & Have Fun !
  2. ENG French right-wing leader felt Marie Le Pen, the Democratic candidate's victory in the US elections, Hillary Clinton would lead to a "global conflicts". Le Pen said in an interview with CNN "American:" I think electing Hillary Clinton means war. Hillary Clinton is the destruction and imbalance in the world, "reported AFP Thursday. She continued to beat Clinton: "mean devastating economic options for the happiness of my people, and geopolitical options lead to global conflict threatens to be high cost". Le Pen would take which leads the national front in France stand in favour of the Republican candidate Donald Trump and I expressed it in July. RO Franceză dreapta lider simţit Marie Le Pen, candidatul Democrat Victoria în alegerile din SUA, Hillary Clinton ar duce la o "conflicte globale". Le Pen a declarat într-un interviu cu CNN "American:" cred că alegerea Hillary Clinton înseamnă război. Hillary Clinton este distrugere şi dezechilibru în lume, "a raportat AFP joi. Ea a continuat să bată Clinton: "înseamnă devastatoare opţiuni economice pentru fericirea poporului meu, şi opţiuni geopolitice duce la global conflict ameninţă să fie costul ridicat". Le Pen va lua ceea ce conduce Frontul naţional în Franţa stand în favoarea candidatului Republican Donald Trump şi am exprimat-o în luna iulie.
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  5. The number of cases of HIV infection hepatitis "A" associated with Egyptian strawberries for more than 50 cases in 4 us States, according to alasositd. West Virginia Health official said that three confirmed cases in the State's Eastern Panhandle associated with frozen strawberries, martnsbergh Café, used in another case was put under observation. The representative of the series, that infected the entire ruled out strawberries, and now uses the Café Strawberry from California and Mexico. David said the Health Office Manager didn't Jefferson County, to cases relating to Internet cafes in Virginia and Maryland and North Carolina, also is investigating. Virginia health officials confirmed 40 cases of the virus at least.
  6. German Chancellor Merkel said Anguilla, in a German newspaper interview published Wednesday that Germany and other European Union States condoned the refugee crisis and is worsened by its external borders for long. And added Merkel-facing criticism in Germany because of the policy of welcoming the refugees a year ago-the daily htsaitong Germany and Deutsche Bank provided the EU embark to patience and fortitude in dealing with migration of people to Europe. She said: "there are political issues one can see it looming, but really not attached at a particular moment. In Germany we ignore the problem for a long time and we've eliminated the need for a solution at European level. " Merkel made the comments in image analysis holds self-criticism seems to coincide with the anniversary year on its famous "can do it", when asked by an upsurge in the influx of refugees. Merkel said that Germany had left Spain and other border European Nations deals with refugee crisis alone. Germany received most immigrants of more than a million refugees from the Middle East and Asia who reached the European Union last year. Germany had not backed models like the European border Security Agency Frontex which could affect the sovereignty of EU Member States. She continued: "we said we're going to deal with the problem at our airports because we do not have any external borders of the Union. But this wasn't helpful. "said Merkel that Germany Adviser took three periods that the refugee issue will remain a long term issue.
  7. V2 Text , Blur , Broder !
  8. Diligent doctors and experts such as the pilgrimage season each year in providing advice to pilgrims before going to Holy Mecca. Here are highlights of these tips that may help the Pilgrim to prepare well for the performance of rituals. Obtain necessary vaccinations of health centres against communicable diseases, such as influenza, as well as infectious diseases such as meningitis. Saudi Health Ministry has launched a campaign this year under the title "pilgrimage without vaccination." Experts advise to exercise, especially walking daily for at least half an hour, to accustom the body to activity during the Hajj, which require constant travel between the holy days. The elderly pilgrims, particularly those suffering from chronic diseases, as well as pregnant women, to present themselves at the gynaecologists to ensure physical ability to perform rituals during the Hajj. Take your umbrella keeps the Sun's heat and strikes, as this year's pilgrimage will coincide with the summer, where temperatures in Makkah during this season to mid-40s in the daytime, and landing at night to late thirties. To the pilgrims who suffer from diseases like diabetes and need for insulin, bring along a small fridge to put drugs in it, as they are advised and others who suffer from chronic illnesses, make sure to take enough medication for the entire journey. Some Muslim scholars also permits to women who expect menstruation during pilgrimage, take pills to adjourn the session until the completion of the pilgrimage, that don't have effects offenders. And advised to consult a doctor. Use sunglasses to keep the eyes from drying and dust, especially since the majority of the Holy, and preferably have a backup pair of glasses if Pilgrim first broke because of the crowds. Necessary to take powder and some ointments and moisturizers to prevent abrade skin between thighs, afflicting many pilgrims because of the inconvenience caused by long distance walk between emotions.
  9. Welcome To CsBlackDevil ! Have Fun !
  10. V2, Colors - 3D effect - Lacking a bit to text
  11. Medical study revealed that a "Mediterranean diet" more protection to the human heart, of lowering cholesterol pills. The study found displayed in Rome Cardiology Conference recently, that of a Mediterranean diet where worshipping of vegetables, nuts and fish oils, is three times less likely to risk an early death, compared with larger amounts of ate red meat and butter. Mediterranean diet refers to indigenous food habits of Mediterranean people, based on diversity and breeding of vegetables and fruits, and some food plants. According to the British newspaper the guardian, the study followed a sample of 1200 people had suffered seizures and heart problems, over seven years. The results indicated that of Nuke according to Mediterranean style, less vulnerable by 37 percent to the risk of premature death compared to eat normally. Many believed that lowering cholesterol prevention pills best way to face heart disease which is one of the leading causes of death, today, in Britain, while the food pattern may play a greater role, according to the study.
  12. The Sri report revealed that the FBI "FBI" advised election officials American security, having spotted the infiltrators indicators targeted electoral databases in two States in recent weeks. The warning was issued in a sudden alert of Internet section in "FBI", on August 18, Reuters reported. And speaking of Yahoo News, at first on the subject, citing law enforcement officials did not impress them, they said they believe the foreign infiltrators caused transgressions. Us intelligence officials concern is growing that the infiltrators trying to Russia or other countries sponsored, disable the presidential election in November. Officials and experts in the area of Internet security that recent breakthroughs for the Democratic National Committee's site and others in the Democratic Party, standing behind people inside the Russian Government, the Kremlin officials deny those charges. And had concerns about security for the elections, the Homeland Security Secretary, j Johnson, to hold a meeting over the phone with election officials in the US earlier this month, which he introduced to assist the Ministry in make in their voting systems more secure. Warning did not mention the "FBI" mandates the infiltrators, but Highway Yahoo News said sources familiar with the document said she mentioned Arizona, Illinois which were penetrating the voter registration system.
  13. Welcome To CSBD ! Enjoy your stay with us & good luck !
  14. What happens when you adore something so much you can't help but steal from it? According to the Chinese zodiac, it’s the Year of the Monkey. But in truth it's the Year of Pikachu. The release of Pokémon GO has created a fever not seen since the '90s when kids first shambled around playgrounds trading and capturing Pokémon. It's a fever so intense that even those who choose to play on PC can't escape the need to catch 'em all. For most of us, that Poké-mania is either an excuse to go outside and stare at a phone or an excuse to tease the people who do, but for two fans-turned-developers and the community they're a part of, it's placing their years of hard work precariously close to the edge of legal oblivion. "It was just a perfect storm of everything that people wanted exactly when they wanted it," a woman who goes by the handle 'Involuntary Twitch' tells me. She sounds just a bit tired. I would be too if I'd unexpectedly spent the last few weeks mothering an enthusiastic community numbering in the tens of thousands. Two weeks ago, Involuntary Twitch and her friend 'JV' released Pokémon Uranium, their fan-made take on a traditional Pokémon game. For nine years they had been working on it as a pet project, attracting a humble audience of hundreds who loved the idea of playing a Pokémon knock-off on PC. But in a post-Pokémon GO world, Uranium wasn't niche, it was the answer to a massive demand for more of Pokémon. With Pokémon Sun and Moon not due until November, Uranium became the Pokémon game of choice. Within weeks, it had tallied up over 1.5 million downloads. "It's a little bit stressful," Involuntary Twitch tells me over Skype. She explains that that on top of her day job she's been spending over three hours every evening dealing with the aftermath of the launch. "With the massive explosion of po[CENSORED]rity, we've had to deal with our sites going down. We've had this massive influx of people and to try and control these communities, to try to respond to everyone's feedback and questions, it's just a lot of work. It's really like a second job." That stress isn't only from the unexpected success of Uranium, but also from the controversy that soon followed. On August 13, Nintendo issued DMCA takedown notices to multiple sources where Uranium could be downloaded. Team Uranium, composed of just Involuntary Twitch and JV, the game's programmer, took down the links on their own website to “respect [Nintendo’s] wishes.” This effectively stopped it from being downloaded anywhere but on torrent sites, but the waves caused by the takedown have far from settled. In a week, Pokémon Uranium went from a game few people knew existed to one of the bigger games of the summer. We’ve already written about how fan games create an awkward catch-22 for both the fan-developers and the intellectual property owners like Nintendo. But the conflicts these fan-games create have deep roots in a niche community of amateur developers passionate about using Pokémon to tell their own stories. When countless indie games release every day on Steam, and when making and selling an original game has never been easier, why borrow someone else’s intellectual property and risk drawing the ire of a massive corporation with the means to sue you into the ground? For Involuntary Twitch, that answer is simple. Gotta hack ‘em all Pokémon Uranium might be the one fan game on everyone's lips, but it's only a small portion of a much larger Pokémon community. Right now, there are at least a dozen fan games being developed by people just like Involuntary Twitch and JV—each one with its own unique spin on the Pokémon universe. Pokémon Phoenix Rising, for example, incorporates a much more involved storyline with branching quests. Many of these projects owe their existence to the early Pokémon forum boards of the '90s. When the animated series and subsequent Game Boy games kicked off the first golden age of Pokémon, it captured the imagination of an entire generation. The premise of one day leaving behind the comforts of home to explore a world full of magical creatures wasn't just captivating, it was inspiring. "There's some kind of universal element to every kind of Pokémon game that's all about making your own stories," Involuntary Twitch says. "Every time you have a Pokémon adventure, it's totally different from every other time you play a game. The Pokémon you catch, the battles you fight, it always feel unique. That feeling of crafting your own narrative is something that fans of Pokémon carry with them outside of the games into their communities." For most, that meant roleplaying new adventures on forums or posting original fan art and custom Pokémon designs. When emulation made it possible to play Pokémon games on PC, it didn't take long before fans began hacking those roms, reassembling and modifying the bits and pieces to build their own version of a Pokémon game. Over the years, hundreds of these hacked roms circulated the internet—each one a unique perspective on what its creator loved about Pokémon. That's where Gavin Marshall, the game director on Pokémon Phoenix Rising, first began experimenting with building his own Pokémon game. "We came together in the sense that we love playing Pokémon games and we all want to put our stamp on what we'd want to see in the main series," he says. But hacked roms have serious limitations and are akin to trying to write a novel by reorganizing the pages of an already existing one. In 2007, a programmer by the username of 'Poccil' created a scriptbase for the lightweight game engine RPG Maker XP called Pokémon Essentials. With this software, even those without an advanced knowledge of programming could build their own version of Pokémon. Looking at the likes of Phoenix Rising or Uranium, it's hard to imagine that such ambitious games came from the idle tinkering of teenagers, but it's a common theme among many of the fan game developers I spoke with. But, almost miraculously, a few of those projects survived to near-completion. Marshall's Phoenix Rising has been in development for seven years and is slated to release its first episode later this year. But in light of the DMCA takedowns of Pokémon Uranium, and when years of your blood, sweat, and tears are on the line, why risk making a Pokémon game at all? "I don't think of it as borrowing Nintendo's [intellectual property]," Involuntary Twitch says. "I think we're working within an established universe because it's that universe that's inspiring to us. From a very young age, all of us have loved Pokémon. We're not interested in branching out, sawing off the serial codes, and making our own copy of Pokémon. We want to work within the Pokémon universe and make this tribute to a series that has really captivated our imaginations."
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  15. ENG In Nicaragua, officials confirmed that the first baby born with congenital microcephaly is born l Zika virus. Government spokeswoman and the country's first lady Rosario Murillo, on Friday evening, a child born in the capital Managua. Maternal health officials follows since confirmed in the fourth month of her pregnancy she had symptoms of rash and fever. And have not been tested for the virus at the time. Ultrasound images indicated later that the child has a small head and brains didn't grow. And the child is born and weighed less than normal where he weighed less than four pounds. Murillo said that mother and baby were in stable condition. Neighbouring Guatemala announced the first case of microcephaly associated with Zeca virus earlier this month. RO În Nicaragua, oficialii au confirmat că primul copil născut cu microcefalie congenitală este născut l florina virus. Purtatorul de cuvant al Guvernului şi din ţară prima doamna Rosario Murillo, vineri seara, un copil născut în capitala Managua. Sănătăţii materne funcţionari urmează încă a confirmat în a patra lună de sarcina ei ea a avut simptomele de erupţii cutanate si febra. Şi nu au fost testate pentru virusul în timp. Imagini cu ultrasunete indicate mai târziu că copilul are un cap mic si creierul nu cresc. Şi copilul este născut şi cântăresc mai puţin decât în mod normal în cazul în care el cântăreşte mai puţin de patru kilograme. Murillo a spus că mama şi copilul au fost în stare stabilă. Guatemala vecine a anunţat primul caz de microcefalie asociate anisoara virus de la începutul acestei luni.
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  16. ENG Iranian media quoted system saying Sunday that security check with one of the team that negotiated over Tehran's nuclear program, for allegedly spying. And Judiciary spokesman, Gholam-Hossein Mohseni boat people, in press statements published the official media, the authorities have arrested a member of the negotiating team. The judicial spokesman said that security authorities suspect freed on bail, after spending a few days in jail, but he is still under investigation. Mohseni said the boat people to the negotiator, who did not disclose his name, "spy penetrated the ranks of the nuclear group, which succeeded in concluding a historic agreement with the major powers. He spent the agreement oblige Iran to curtail its nuclear program in return for a gradual easing of international sanctions, prompting some hardcore to describe the deal as a surrender to the United States. RO Iranian media sistem citat spunând duminică că securitatea verifica cu unul din echipa care a negociat peste Teheran pe programul nuclear, pentru că ar fi spionaj. Şi purtătorul de cuvânt al sistemului judiciar, Angela-Hossein moldoveanu barca oamenii, în declaraţiile de presă publicat oficial mass-media, autorităţile au arestat un membru al echipei de negociere. Judiciare, purtătorul de cuvânt a declarat că autoritățile de securitate suspecta eliberaţi pe cauţiune, după ce a petrecut câteva zile în închisoare, dar el este încă în curs de investigare. Moldoveanu a spus oamenii barca negociator, care a făcut dezvăluie numele său, "spion pătruns în rândurile nucleare grup, care a reuşit să încheie un acord istoric cu marile puteri. El a petrecut acordul obliga Iranul să scurteze programul său nuclear în schimbul o ameliorare treptată de sancţiuni internaţionale, fapt care ia determinat unele hardcore a descrie afacerea ca pe o capitulare în Statele Unite.
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  19. Russian media reported Friday that President Vladimir Putin sacked eight generals in the police and Emergency Department and FTC investigations. Well come after the unexpected move, which Putin sacked earlier, head of the presidential administration, Sergei Ivanov, one of his closest and viewed the step as preparation for parliamentary and presidential elections. According to the Declaration issued by the Kremlin, the President's special representative appointed Ivanov on issues concerning the environment and transport. In a separate announcement, the Kremlin indicated that Anton Ivanov Väinö was appointed, which enjoys great influence in Russia. The unexpected announcement came two weeks after a series of appointments to officials in Russian provinces, which experts considered it for organizing rows before the battle in September elections, as well as the presidential election in 2018.
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  21. A new American study said that elderly people who follow the Mediterranean diet, could benefit from better brain health and declining risk of deterioration of cognition. Roberts said the major researchers in the Rosebud Centre for research of Alzheimer's disease at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester in Minnesota to Reuters Health via email "study indicates that following a healthy diet pattern and certain nutrients has an effect on biomarkers of brain pathology." The Mediterranean diet includes fish and fat-free meat, lentils, nuts and whole grains and fruits and vegetables and healthy fats. Roberts and her colleagues analyzed data from 672 participants in the Mayo study on aging. In the beginning it wasn't any participant suffers from dementia and none of them were residing in a nursing home or disease was cured of his recovery. Participants entered the study in 2004 aged 70 to 89 years. Participants described their diet in reconnaissance and tested on memory and executive functions and Visual-spatial skills and language cognitive deterioration. The researchers also used MRI to measure the thickness of the cerebral cortex in several areas of the brain. Roberts and her colleagues found that elderly patients who follow the Mediterranean diet have increased density of cerebral cortex in both lobes of the brain. The researchers said in the journal Alzheimer's and dementia increasing eating lentils and particularly fish were associated with increasing thickness of the cerebral cortex. But the study did not follow patients long enough to see if they were on any cognitive problems later.
  22. The White House said Thursday that four boats approached the Iranian intentions from a us warship in international waters in the Strait of Hormuz this week are unclear but like hezehaltsarvat could lead to an escalation of tensions. He said Josh earnest, a White House spokesman, in a press statement at this stage unclear intentions of the Iranian vessels, but the Act is unacceptable in the light of a us ship in international waters. " Reuters quoted Ernst as saying "this kind of behavior and disturbing incidents involving possible escalation of tensions."
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