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₩ăřņîñĞ replied to RenzO's topic in GFX Battles
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[Battle] The Ga[M]er - REVAN [The Winner The Ga[M]er ]
₩ăřņîñĞ replied to RenzO's topic in GFX Battles
Hello , If in two days the challenged user does not answer the challenge, the application will be closed! i think This Battle Should CLOSED -
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ENG German court to prevent a Muslim woman from wearing the Niqab in night school which dawn controversy about having government conservative pressure to prevent women from wearing it in schools, in the courts and while driving. Women complained Friday to the Administrative Court in the city of Osnabrück in the Northeast after a school decision to employ them for insisting on wearing the Niqab for religious reasons. Sophie Scholl school was in Osnabrück women was informed in April by accepting. She would be willing to reveal her face in front of an employee before the commencement of the study even recognizable but she wants to wear the Niqab during lessons. According to a statement from the Court, the school didn't find themselves in a position to employ women in these circumstances. The school refused to comment on the case when contacted by Reuters. He was scheduled to represent women in Court today but did not attend the meeting because of the widespread media attention to the case. Then the Court rejected the request. Tory calls come to enforce a partial ban on the Niqab at a time when Germans tension after two attacks from extremists. And many feel aidabalkolk the flow of more than a million immigrants, mostly Muslims at home last year. RO Tribunal german pentru a împiedica o femeie musulmană purtând Niqab în noapte şcoală care zori controverse despre care au guvernul conservator presiune pentru a împiedica femei poartă-l în şcoli, în instanţele de judecată şi în timp ce conduceţi. Femeile s-au plans vineri la Curtea administrativă din oraş în nord-est după o decizie de şcoală să îi angajează pentru insistând asupra purtând Niqab din motive religioase. Sophie Scholl şcoala a fost în Osnabrück femei a fost informat în aprilie prin acceptarea. Ea ar fi dispuşi să dezvăluie faţa ei în faţa unui angajat înainte de începerea studiului chiar şi de recunoscut, dar ea vrea sa poarte Niqab în lecţii. În conformitate cu o declaraţie de la curte, scoala nu se găsesc în poziţia de a angaja femei în aceste condiţii. Şcoala a refuzat să comenteze cazul când contactat de Reuters. El a fost programată să reprezinte femei în instanţa de judecată astăzi, dar nu au participat la întâlnirea din cauza atenţia mass-media pe scară largă în cazul. Apoi instanţa a respins cererea. Tory apeluri se impune o interdicţie parţială Niqab într-un moment când germanii tensiunea după două atacuri de extremişti. Şi mulţi se simt aidabalkolk fluxul de peste 1 milion de imigranti, majoritatea musulmani la domiciliu de anul trecut.
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Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite a adoptat, pentru prima dată, ea a fost implicat în introducerea holeră la Haiti, spune au nevoie de a face "mai mult" pentru a pune capăt suferinţei de cei afectaţi, şi mai mult de 800 de mii de oameni. Cercetatorii au confirmat existenţa unor dovezi ample că holeră a intrat cel mai mare râu din Haiti în octombrie, prin apele de canalizare netratate, de la baza Naţiunilor Unite pentru menţinerea păcii. Naţiunile Unite au refuzat la început să îşi asume responsabilitatea, şi a răspuns la procese din partea victimelor au fost ridicate în noi terenuri cu imunitate diplomatică, "associated press". Şi purtătorul de cuvânt adjunct al Organizației Națiunilor Unite, Farhan Haq, a emis o declaraţie care conţine referinţe pentru a accepta responsabilitatea cel puţin unele, care a fost salutată de avocaţi victimelor. A comentat Mario Joseph, un avocat pentru drepturile haitiană luat semnaturi de cinci mii de victime holeră, care poartă responsabilitatea de Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite intră boala, "aceasta este o victorie importantă pentru mii de Haitians care umblă pentru Justiţie, şi ei au scris la Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite, Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite şi adus în instanţă."
Palestinian security services continue to prosecute gun dealers and criminals and murderers fleeing justice in various cities, with security forces toll during attempts to arrest the most wanted. Residents in Nablus, one of the largest Palestinian cities, clashes are heard, Thursday night, between militants and security forces when they tried to enter the old city to set a group of wanted men. During this process enables wanted to kill two officers, bringing the death toll of security forces in two months since the start of operations to combat crime five, according to a spokesman of the security establishment. We the Palestinian Government officers, said in a statement: "the Prime Minister and members of the Government received news of a shootout. valiant security forces, assassinating two officers Shibley son Shams Mahmoud Al-taraireh with great pain and sadness." Agency "together" turned the two officers ' funeral, Friday, to the po[CENSORED]r mandate to combat rampant crime in the streets of the West Bank about two months ago, and varied between drugs, bullying and other crimes, killings and police have failed to catch the perpetrators. Re the Gaza experience. Governor of Nablus, said Akram Rajoub as saying: "no return of security chaos, we will experience the Gaza Strip (Hamas-controlled), this experiment will not be repeated in the West Bank." And take some of the outlaws in the West "occupation" as a justification for taking up arms, leading to its spread and non-existent mechanism to adjust. Within that institution's spokesman called for Palestinian security back conscientious both gun illegal to betray him, or shooting conditions if licensed, all wanted for Justice and sentenced to surrender himself. Conscientious stressed that "both tempted by cocking in the security services, the result will be harsh, and the whole in accordance with the law." In a statement, said Friday: "in the course of duty by the security forces in search and search for the group that carried out the shooting on Thursday, security forces, fire power and are trying to arrest them." According lldamiri security forces seized three weapon parts in place of the event (the old city of Nablus). Security forces also seized large quantities of shells "Energia" anti-armor, and live ammunition "hundreds" and homemade grenades into houses and stores in the old city of Nablus. Aldamri confirmed the official Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) said security was arrested 8 persons who assisted in sheltering outlaws. The Government believes that these kinds of crimes committed "by evil outlaw, ostracised from society, come under the serious challenges facing the issue and national project." The Palestinian Government insists, according to the statement, issued Thursday, to continue providing security through "stray elements stemming and outlaw and hostile to our people." The statement came as trying to arrest, which took place at dawn on Friday, killing two of the most wanted security devices that responded to the source of the fire.
[ENG] The control organization said race relations in Britain, Thursday, that the racists use vote the country out of the European Union to legitimize their hatred. British police figures showed high rates of hate crimes in the wake of a vote Britain out of the European Union, after a campaign focused heavily on disadvantages and benefits of migration. And the equality and Human Rights Commission said: "the reputation of Britain lives in greater dangers facing tolerance for decades, as those who spread hate using a" checkout "to legitimize their views", "associated press". She added that Britons from ethnic minorities face insecurity inherent equality in education, employment and housing, salaries, health and criminal justice. She said that the Government's attempts to improve this situation is "slow and stuttering," calling for further efforts in the fight against racism. [RO] Organizatia de control a declarat relaţiile rasiale în Marea Britanie, joi, că utilizarea rasisti vot țara din Uniunea Europeană pentru a legitima ura lor. Cifrele britanic de poliţie a arătat rate ridicate de crime de ură în urma unui vot Marii Britanii din Uniunea Europeană, după o campanie puternic axat pe dezavantajele si avantajele migraţiei. Şi egalitatea de şanse şi a Comisiei pentru drepturile omului a spus: "reputaţia de Marea Britanie trăieşte în mare de pericolele cu care se confruntă toleranţă de zeci de ani, ca cei care răspândit place folosind o" casă "pentru a legitima punctele lor de vedere", "associated press". Ea a adăugat că britanicii din minorităţile etnice se confrunta insecuritate inerente egalitatea de şanse în educaţie, ocuparea forţei de muncă şi locuinţe, salarii, sănătate şi justiţie penală. Ea a spus că Guvernul încearcă să îmbunătăţi această situaţie este "lent şi stuttering," apel pentru eforturi suplimentare în lupta împotriva rasismului.
Free-to-play games have been growing in po[CENSORED]rity on the PC for over a decade now, but it wasn’t until the last two or three years that the console makers started to take this business model seriously. Developers big and small are entering the fray here, and as such, we wanted to see exactly how these games stand up on the PS4. Since the early days of the PS4, we’ve been keeping an eye on each and every F2P release. While some of the games on the PlayStation Store aren’t even worth mentioning, there’s a variety of rock-solid titles. And thanks to the low barrier to entry, you can try anything that strikes your fancy. Now let’s jump in, and find something to play. Trans-Galactic Tournament It’s becoming a rarity to see true platform-exclusive titles these days. Usually, games come to the PC alongside a console release, but not Trans-Galactic Tournament. Developed by Kiz Studios, this accessible little MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) offers a handful of different modes and a rotating roster of free champions. You can unlock different champions outright with either “chips” (cash currency) or “coins” (earned currency), but boosts and bundles are only purchasable with chips. If you want to buy-in, you can drop anywhere from $4.99 to $69.99 at a time. Just remember that it’s still listed as a beta on the PlayStation store, so think twice before investing real money. Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 myClub Sports games are incredibly po[CENSORED]r, but they’re surprisingly underrepresented in the free-to-play market. Thankfully, the PS4 finally has a F2P sports game, and it’s actually pretty solid at its core. The latest version of PES 2016 is well reviewed, and this slimmed down version still offers a lot of what makes the full version work. If you just love playing virtual soccer, this release allows you to do that without paying a dime. You can simply play friendly matches against opponents locally and online if that’s your jam, but the big draw is the more involved myClub mode. By implementing a strategy element, myClub adds a lot of depth to what is otherwise a relatively straightforward experience. Sadly, there’s been some significant criticism of the micro-transaction model Konami has in place. And since you can spend up to $99.99 at a shot for the “myClub Coins” in-game currency in hope of making a better team, there’s definitely some pay-to-win accusations being hurled. But even if you never seriously interact with myClub, there’s still plenty of fun to be had with regular ol’ soccer. Smite Available on both PC and Xbox One for quite some time, Smite has finally made its way to the PlayStation 4. This colorful action-strategy game pits different deities against each other in an arena — making this the epitome of a behind-the-back MOBA designed to appeal to a crowd that isn’t sold on more traditional entries in the genre. A selection of free deities are always available to play, but you’ll need to spend either “gems” or “favor” to unlock characters permanently. You can dump an absurd amount of money into the system for skins, voice packs, and boosters, but none of that is necessary for a good time. And if you’re willing to make a one-time purchase of $29.99, you can unlock all current and future gods. If you end up spending dozens of hours playing Smite, that’s a very reasonable asking price. World of Tanks Many shooters in recent years are fast-paced games riding off the coattails of Call of Duty’s modern and futuristic themes, or sci-fi-tinged cover shooters in the model of Gears of War. However, the strategic historical shooter is seeing something of a renaissance in the free-to-play market. This 15-versus-15 tank warfare game from Wargaming.net delivers an experience that rewards tactical thinking and teamwork over pure reflexes. And with a wide selection of mid-1900s tanks on offer, enthusiasts of the real-world war machines have a lot to love. The gold in-game currency is being sold on the PlayStation Store in packs ranging from $4.99 to $99.99, and you can spend real money on consumable items like repair kits. Different tanks can be purchased with the earned currency (Silver), but you’ll need to spend gold if you want boosts and premium tanks. None of the purchases are strictly necessary, but you’re going to need to work pretty hard to be on equal footing with paying members.
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[ENG] The action-RPG Nier was released in 2010 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and it was fairly okay stuff: Reviews were “mixed,” as they say, although Eurogamer last year credited it as one of the rare games that seems to get better as it gets older. (Even there, it qualified that judgment by saying Nier was “always more interesting than it was 'good'.”) Despite that tepid response, Square Enix announced last year that a sequel, entitled Nier: Automata, is in development for the PlayStation 4 from developer Platinum Games and series mastermind Taro Yoko. And today, it revealed that the new game is coming to the PC as well. In Nier: Automata, humanity has been forced to flee the Earth by invading aliens and their devastating secret weapon, “the machines.” From a base on the moon, the surviving humans tried to stem the machine tide with their own army of androids, but were only able to slow the advance; now, in an effort to turn things around, a “new breed of android infantry” known as the YoRHa Squad is sent into the battle. “In the forsaken wasteland below, the war between the machines and the androids rages on,” the announcement says. “A war that is soon to unveil the long-forgotten truth of this world…” That truth may have something to do with how Nier and Nier: Automata are connected. The original was about a chap named Nier and his quest to find a cure for a devastating illness known as the Black Scrawl, while the sequel “tells the story of androids 2B, 9S and A2 and their battle to reclaim a machine-driven dystopia overrun by powerful weapons known as machine lifeforms.” Thematic connections, perhaps: “What can change the nature of a man” and all that, spread across a multi-title franchise? We'll find out soon enough, as Nier is slated to hit Steam sometime in early 2017. Until then, more information is up at nier-automata.com. [RO] De acţiune RPG Nier a fost lansat în 2010 pentru PlayStation 3 şi Xbox 360, şi a fost destul de bine lucrurile: clienţi s-au "amestecat," cum se spune, deşi Eurogamer anul trecut creditat ca unul dintre rare jocuri care pare a face mai bine ca acesta devine mai în vârstă. (Chiar şi acolo, s-a calificat ca judecata spunând Nier a fost "întotdeauna mai interesant decât a fost 'bun'.") În ciuda acestei încropit răspuns, Square Enix a anuntat anul trecut ca un sequel, intitulat Nier: automate, este în dezvoltare pentru PlayStation 4 la Platinum jocuri dezvoltator şi seria mastermind Taro Yoko. Şi astăzi, a dezvăluit că noul joc vine la PC. În Nier: Automate, umanitatea a fost forţat să fugă pământului prin invadarea străini şi lor arma secreta devastatoare, "masini". La o baza de pe lună, oamenii supravieţuitor a încercat să reducă valul de maşină cu propria armată de androizi, dar au fost doar posibilitatea de a încetini avansul; acum, în efortul de a transforma lucrurile în jurul, o "noua rasa de android infanterie" cunoscut ca YoRHa echipa este trimis în luptă. "În pustietatea parasit mai jos, războiul dintre maşinile şi androizi se dezlănţuie,", spune anunţul. "Un război, care este în curând pentru a dezvalui adevarul mult uitate de lumea aceasta..." Că adevărul ar putea avea ceva de a face cu modul Nier şi Nier: automate sunt conectate. Original a fost despre un tip pe nume Nier şi încercarea sa de a găsi un leac pentru o boala devastatoare cunoscut sub numele de zgâria negru, în timp ce continuarea "spune povestea lui androizi 2B, 9 şi A2 şi lupta lor pentru a recupera o distopie bazate pe maşină de arme puternice, cunoscut ca masina de forme de viata." Legături tematice, probabil: "Ce pot schimba caracterul de om" şi toate că, repartizate pe o franciza de multi-titlu? Vom afla destul de repede, ca Nier este slated pentru a lovi abur cândva la începutul anului 2017. Până atunci, mai multe informaţii este de până la nier-automata.com.
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[ENG] According to the report of the Committee on women and gender equality in the House of Commons that British Muslims suffer from higher unemployment rate compared to other ethnicities and religions, by 12.8% reached level of ethnicities, and 5.4% at the level of the United Kingdom. The report made 19 recommendations for the Government to address this phenomenon, mainly addressing discrimination in the workplace, and provide effective support to enterprises, and increase the opportunities for tertiary education, and to support the aspirations of Muslim women. The report recommended that the Government should work more to rebuild trust with the Muslim communities through "integration" approach, which focuses on improving the life chances of the disadvantaged groups of society, not only through the portal of combating extremism. Women and equality Committee called for the Government to address inequality faced by Muslims in Britain, especially in the area of employment. And women and equality Committee Chairwoman Maria Miller, "this report confirms the positive contributions of Muslims throughout the country, and the urgent need for action on equal opportunities regardless of religion and ethnicity." The Committee pointed out that the lack of comprehensive and accurate data for employment or education mechanisms makes it difficult to make any solutions. The Committee recommended that the Government improve data presentation to facilitate the recruitment process and universities among British Muslims to fulfill their wishes. [RO] Conform raportului Comitetului de femei şi Sex egalitatea în Camera Comunelor, britanici musulmani care sufera raa a şomajului mai mare faţă de alte etnii şi religii, 12,8 % a atins nivelul de etnii şi 5,4 % la nivelul Regatului Unit. Raportul făcut 19 recomandări pentru guvernul pentru a aborda acest fenomen, în principal, abordarea discriminarea la locul de muncă, şi oferă suport eficient pentru întreprinderile, şi de a creşte oportunităţile pentru învățământul, şi să sprijine aspiraţiile de femeile musulmane. Raportul recomandă că guvernul ar trebui să lucreze mai mult pentru a reconstrui încrederea cu comunităţile musulmane prin abordarea de "integrare", care se concentrează pe îmbunătăţirea şansele de viaţă a grupurilor dezavantajate ale societatii, nu doar prin intermediul portalului de combaterea extremismului. Femeilor şi egalitatea Comitetul a cerut Guvernului de a adresa inegalitatea de musulmani din Marea Britanie, în special în domeniul ocupării forţei de muncă. Şi femeilor şi egalitatea preşedinta Comitetului Maria Miller, "acest raport confirmă pozitiv contribuţiile de musulmani în întreaga ţară, precum şi nevoia urgentă de acţiuni privind şansele egale indiferent de religie şi etnie." Comitetul a subliniat că lipsa datelor complete şi exacte pentru ocuparea forţei de muncă sau mecanisme de educaţie este dificil de a face orice solutions. Comitetul a recomandat că guvernul îmbunătăţi prezentarea datelor pentru a facilita procesul de recrutare şi universităţi printre britanici musulmani să-şi îndeplinească dorinţele lor.
The Titanfall 2 “Open Multiplayer Tech Test,” which as far as I can tell is a fancy way of saying “beta,” begins on August 19 and runs until August 21, and then comes back for a second round over the weekend of August 26-28. PC gamers won't be playing it, because we are a complicated and inquisitive species, but at least we can watch the trailer. Unlike the single-player trailer, which teases a morally ambiguous tale of artificial intelligence and the unequal symbiosis of man and machine on the field of battle, this video is mainly just dudes and giant robots killing each other for kicks. My favorite moment is when the guy runs past the open door without checking and gets pasted for his trouble, which leads me to ask my standard Titanfall question yet again: Why would you ever get out of the robot? Seriously, you're in a tank that can punch things. Stay in it. Titanfall 2 comes out on October 28.
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One in four women living in a key platinum mining area in South Africa has been raped in her lifetime, a survey by medical charity MSF has said. About half of women in Rustenburg had been subject to sexual violence or intimate partner violence, it said. The charity said the findings of its survey were "shocking but not uncommon" in South Africa. South Africa has one of the highest incidences of rape in the world and a low prosecution rate. Africa Live: More on this and other stories Will South Africans ever be shocked by rape? Based on its survey of more than 800 women aged 18-49 in Rustenburg municipality, north-west of Johannesburg, MSF said only 5% of the approximately 11,000 women and girls raped each year reported the incident to a health worker. Stigma The research also suggested that a very low number of these women were aware of how to prevent HIV transmission and even pregnancy. MSF said survivors of sexual violence faced numerous other barriers to seeking care. "Stigma within communities is high and options are few for accessing well-resourced, dedicated sexual violence health services," it said. Despite lying at the centre of South Africa's platinum belt, Rustenburg is home to many poor communities. The area attracts both men hoping to work in the mines and women from across South Africa and abroad who hope to benefit from the local mining economy. MSF said unemployment was particularly high for migrant women "creating conditions that promote dependency on men who are more readily employed by mines in the area". Marikana anniversary The charity said there was a need to increase the number of staff trained in sexual healthcare in the area. The BBC's Pumza Fihlani in Johannesburg says the authorities hope ongoing awareness campaigns will encourage rape victims to seek medical attention and even legal recourse. The survey was published on the fourth anniversary of the shooting by police of striking workers at the Marikana mine in the Rustenburg municipality. Thirty-four people died in what was the worst violence in South Africa since the end of apartheid 20 years earlier. The incident led to intense scrutiny over the roles of the police, mining companies, unions and the government.
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Ghost infectious polio resurfaced again in Africa, two years later when the continent looked the brunette free of contagious disease. United Nations experts said Friday that the discovery of two cases of the disease in the troubled North-East Nigeria, Reuters reported. They said that in every case of polio there are 200 "silent" infections are not monitored, which means a setback for efforts to combat the disease. According to the World Health Organization, had dropped polio by 99 percent incidence of disease until 2014. Michel zfran polio Manager in the Organization in a press statement: "there may be more cases." Polio is spread among children quickly, especially with deteriorating health services in war zones and refugee camps, the disease invades the nervous system and can lead to incurable paralysis within hours.
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Sudanese Government negotiator in the talks aimed at reaching a permanent ceasefire agreement in three regions in Sudan under a roadmap for peace, the talks collapsed after less than a week. Rebels have been fighting the Sudanese army in southern Kordofan and Blue Nile since 2011 when South Sudan independence. The Darfur conflict began in the West in 2013 when non-Arab tribes, mostly carried arms against the Government in the capital Khartoum. The rebels and opposition groups agreed last week on a road map for ceasefire talks and political reconciliation, brokered by the African Union and the Government has already accepted-in the first agreement of its kind since the start of fighting in southern Sudan. The ceasefire talks began immediately thereafter. Ibrahim said the Government's main negotiator Mahmud at Khartoum airport after returning from peace talks in Addis Ababa that peace talks have failed because the absence of serious armed groups to reach a ceasefire agreement, adding that they guerrilla war leaders are all hum. He added that the main reason for the collapse of negotiations is the rebel demand that the ceasefire after delivering aid to rebel areas in southern Kordofan and Blue Nile by airlift from Ethiopia, southern Sudan and Kenya. He added that the Government delegation rejected it altogether. A spokesman for the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, the North said the talks failed because the Government did not want peace. We offered significant concessions but the Government remained determined to their positions and do not want to compromise on anything. He added that the rebels had asked for some assistance from outside Sudan to deprive the Government of the ability to isolate it like you did on previous occasions in Darfur. And define the road map process to achieve a permanent ceasefire and provide a national dialogue between the Government and the political opposition and armed. It also includes provisions for immediate humanitarian assistance. Among the signers are two of the most prominent rebel groups, the justice and equality movement and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, the North, as well as the Umma opposition political group. SLM rejected, a major rebel force in Darfur and the Sudanese Communist Party sign.
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CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 65k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.
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