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About Mr.PirattY

  • Birthday July 22


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  1. Thank you boysss 🫶🏻🫶🏻
  2. WE ARE BACK | Ev!l Zombie Rebuilt Mode



    It's already been more than 3 years & this gets me sad 😕 

  4. Yep but the problem is there are lots of VIPs on the game which causes lots of unbalance. I see people buy modes in the first 10 minutes of the game. I remember we used to suffer collecting packs to buy a mode,which usually happened at end of the map.
  5. My personal opinion.
  6. Find some zombie plague 4.3 / 5.0 to play as this is not your area. Rejected!
  7. Hi. It reminds me of the nostalgy of the good old days without unlimited clip. A stronger game with a lot more action rather than just aim at zombies and shoot. Complying to many other plugins i'm recently developing for newlifezm,i'm REMOVING unlimited clip for a week,combined with few other things,to balance the game out. Hope you agree, greetings!
  8. Happy Birthday bro :3 ❤️

    1. Mr.PirattY


      Thank you both!

  9. Hey! I hope you're all doing fine. I'm writing this topic to clarify some things between me and newlife players. For you that don't know, me, @myCro & @Aysha are having a small collaboration between servers [newlifezm & my server] , so in a pact we have,we want both servers to reach the top & we help each other with what we got.Since i got PAWN language knowledge,i help newlifezm with that part. I've had some health problems & haven't been able to top-up with my server,so meanwhile i've been here to give players some new experiences with some new plugins i'm devoting to newlife. Newlife is not my server,but i find it my home. I'm here with the full power to do things that players find interesting. I'm old enough in the game & surely know what players want. That way,i can say that my decisions should be respected. This is all i'm asking for,respect. I'm devoting all my freetime to give newlife players some new experience & i will allow noone to ask me stupid questions like "Why did you change the map without asking?" , "Don't give packs to players" or whatever bullshit some admins will say. If anyone doesn't comply to this,could just reply to this topic. Respect me & you get respected. Greetings!
  10. Alright,it's a good idea and with some struggle it can be done. I'll take care of that & see how it goes.
  11. Honestly,it will just be useless. Half of the players dropping from server will have timed out & the other half will have just dropped from the server. There's no other reason & it is of no interest for us.
  12. As suggested in the topic,server will automaticly every round give a random player 15-30 ammo packs. Happy hour time: 00-10 AM. Enjoy!
  13. Hi boys,i'm going to be short on this since you may all have seen the latest plugin on the server,which is ACTIVITY MENU -- /activity on chat. The minutes you play at night,are collected and can be used to receive multiple awards. A 5-digit random password is set on player & his setinfo _pw is already done automaticly. This is only the first version of the plugin & it exists only here and evilzm. @myCro @Aysha only,have the right to edit the topic. New players have a better idea of what they want. Makes Zombie Plague 6.2 more advanced. A bigger vision to the server. Compact & easy way. The minutes only count between 00-10 AM server time. Enjoy!
  14. You're either banned or you're typing the password incorrectly.


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