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Adm-™ last won the day on June 6 2015

Adm-™ had the most liked content!

About Adm-™

  • Birthday 08/03/1993


  • Your Worst Nightmare



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    your mom =)
  • City
    Manchester City

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  1. Come to teamspeak , i need to talk to you ?

    1. Adm-™


      send me a message then xd your messenger is full

  2. ¤ Name : Adm- ¤ Age : 22 ¤ Desired Tag : [NewlifeZM CEO] ¤ Link of your last request : - ¤ Link for hours played (minimum 10 hours) ( Click ) : https://www.gametracker.com/player/Adm-/
  3. whats wrong with being afk ? plus im not an admin lol
  4. ¤ Your name: Adm- ¤ Claimed Admin name: sniper inside ¤ Date and time: 11/06/2019 14h00 ¤ Reason of complaint: slaying a zombie directly for prolonging while i was first trying to slap him 3 times then slay , and insulting me ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://imgur.com/Gsxcre3 https://imgur.com/jIf9va4 https://imgur.com/M8lm6rA
  5. No More Room in Hell is a Source Engine mod. The beta was released on Halloween 2011, after nearly seven years in development. In October 2013, No More Room in Hell was released on Steam as a stand-alone game.The game is inspired by the Living Dead movies of George Romero. The title is a quote from the movie Dawn of the Dead, "When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth." The zombies in the game are computer-controlled. Up to eight players can play online as the survivors of the zombie apocalypse. There is no HUD display on the screen if you are playing and no indication of health or ammo. Other players can see it through the coloured username. If the colour is green, this means the player has 100-70 HP (health points), yellow means the player has 70-40 HP, red means 40-1 HP. However, when you enter spectate mode the game allows you to see the spectated player's health. Up to 8 players can join the game, depending on the server, for it is a co-op game. There are 2 map types in the game: Objective mode and Survival Objective: In mission/objective mode, players must follow the instructions given by the game. They must find the rescue vehicle. It could either be: a train/metro, a helicopter or a tank. These vehicle differs in each map. Survival : In Survival, players must survive a series of waves of zombies. The amount of zombies increase as the waves continue, making each wave harder. After to 8th-10th wave the game will bring in the rescue vehicle and the players must get to it in time. After every 2-3 rounds a supply helicopter comes around the players and drops a supply box where the players can unbox and use the items. PC Requirements : Minimum : OS: Windows® Vista Processor: Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or equivalent Memory: 1.5 GB RAM Graphics ATI Radeon 9600 or nVidia GeForce 8 series DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 5 GB HD space Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound Other Requirements: Broadband Internet connection Recomanded: OS: Windows® 7 or Windows® 8 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or equivalent Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: ATI X1600 or nVidia GeForce 9 or higher DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 8 GB HD space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound Other Requirements: Broadband Internet connection
      • 5
      • I love it
  6. Welcome To CsBlackDevil !
  7. Happy Birthday to the Founder and the Administrator and to the SuperModerator of CsBlackDevil ! Enjoy your day guys and i wish you the best of luck in your lives . La mulți ani Fondator și Administratorul și a SuperModerator de CsBlackDevil! Bucurați-vă de băieții tăi zi și vă doresc mult succes în viața voastră.
  8. Welcome Back To CsBlackDevil mr. Ahmad !
  9. Welcome To CsBlackDevil !
  10. Welcome To CSBD !
  11. For a Sub-Forum on CsBlackDevil as Affiliat (non krond user) make a ticket in this section (Click) and wait for an administrator's reply .
  12. v1 : its cleaner
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