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Everything posted by Afrodita.

  1. Sometimes I forget it is a game full of stupid people. Sometimes I forget, it is a space for underground boys.


    1. Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      Hey, moderate your vocabulary

    2. Afrodita.


      How old are you? Just to ask...

    3. Reus


      true story.


  2. Your new profile picture ROCKS!!

    1. YoU FoX.

      YoU FoX.

      cant understand ?

    2. Afrodita.


      It means that your new profile picture is awesome! 

    3. YoU FoX.

      YoU FoX.

      Yep .. thanks its my design

  3. WTF? ahhahahahahahaha Well, I won´t post anything else, let´s wait for an asnwer of the Managers ?
  4. First, do the REPORT ON ADMINS ONLY. Second, some minutes back you were not ADMIN, you were SLOT, YOU SPAMMED yesterday and today for grade: "Nyx, me prince ok?" "nyx, next me prince ok?" And Nyx can tell if I am lying. Today as well, all the rounds you spammed with the same, I advised you first multiple times to STOP asking for grades but you continue, so you received gag and after I giving you gag, in the next round you became admin, that´s why YOU could ungag yourself, but I GOT GAG to you when you were SLOT. REASON: SPAM SPAM SPAM. Check here: https://ibb.co/wwHjgSN And check here: https://ibb.co/GTRsMds
  5. I don´t know how could you be accepted as admin, but you won´t continue as one.    good bye GIF by Cheezburger

  6. If you could pay for this some years ago, you could have all the girls of the city, oh yeah, all the girls
  7. Why you don´t complete the models? It is not hard... It is stupid to do a model saying nothing about you. So, NO, you are not welcome for me.
  8. - I like sundays, it is a perfect day for killing my self

    - Me gustan los domingos, es un día perfecto para suicidarme

    oh my god omg GIF

    1. Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, estas de mente

  9. Happy Birthday dark guy
  10. Welcome to the Black ideas of the CS!
  11. Welcome to the real black ideas
  12. - Wish me luck xd

    - Deseenme suerte xd



    - "I'm the guy who sits at the end of the class with killer thoughts".

    - "Soy el tipo que se sienta al final de la clase con pensamientos de asesino".

                                  illustrate mental health GIF by Rebecca Hendin  

  14. Receta de arroz con leche:


    2 tazas de agua
    Canela al gusto
    1 taza de arroz
    2 tazas de Leche 
    1 taza de uvas pasas 



    Prepara el arroz en una olla de fondo alto,  pon el  agua sugerida, la canela y el arroz, deja que se cocine por 15 minutos o hasta que absorba todo el líquido. Agrega la leche y remueve por 10 minutos hasta que el arroz espese y se cocine un poco. Agrégale la LECHE CONDENSADA LA LECHERA® y la CREMA DE LECHE NESTLE®, remueve constantemente hasta que tome una consistencia cremosa y 
    luego mezcla las uvas pasas por 5 minutos más. Ponle un toque final con canela en polvo y sírvelo.

    1. Afrodita.


      Pa´ que te cocines un arroz bien perrón xdxdxd

    2. Amber.


      mmmm yo quiero ajajajaja

  15. Adiós compañero, que seas feliz en tu nueva vida lejos del Counter 

                       go away goodbye GIF

    1. Wilmer


      Del Counter y CSBD ? 

  16. ¿Dondé estás papuh?

    Se te echa de menos bb ?

                               sad spongebob squarepants GIF

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Afrodita.


      ah perro eres de romania, no me entiendes ni madres xdxd

    3. Afrodita.


      Dile que me siga xdxd

    4. Wilmer


      Dudo que te siga :V ese es otro que esta alejado de todo csbd :V

  17. "Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, to be content".

    "Todo tiene sus maravillas, incluso la oscuridad y el silencio, y yo aprendo, en cualquier estado en el que me encuentre, a estar contento".

                                                          the ocean dark GIF

  18. Guapa que eres ❤️

    1. Amber.


      jajajajajaja ❤️

  19. May I know why are you avoiding me? I thought we were a couple ? 

    ahahhaha xd

  20. Nice to hear that, I knew about this server cause I saw it was on top 1 years ago, I hope some new good players come with it. Congrats!
  21. ¤ Your name: BlancaNieveS-- (and asension) ¤ Claimed Admin name: Spirit.Dev ¤ Date and time: Yesterday and some days ago 30/07/2019 ¤ Reason of complaint: This guy is a pickpocket. The HELPER asension contacted me because he wanted to know if a manager can ask for the CSBD FORUM PASSWORD. And of course I said that NO, that any manager can´t ask for it. (asension thought Spirit.Dev was a manager) Spirit.Dev was asking for his forum password and other personal things. There are some guys like asension that are news here and they are learning about the forum and about the game, and they are dirty guys like Spirit.Dev that want to take advantage of this. It is really unacceptable. Think about this kind of admins you have, cause it was very dishonest from his part. ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): asension sent me Screenshots of his chat and he asked me for help in the report, cause he doesn´t know how to do one. (I am explaining it to him, but for now, I will help him with it). https://ibb.co/QN0My5C https://ibb.co/ChSd0B9 https://ibb.co/MhySyby
  22. Today is a perfect day for reporting admins, oh yeah

  23. ¤ Your name: BlancaNieveS-- ¤ Claimed Admin name: SpiriT.DeviL ¤ Date and time: 09:35 29/07/2019 (Colombian time) ¤ Reason of complaint: We were in NORMAL ROUND and only 1 human was alive and the admin said: "HIDE OR SLAY" ALL THE ROUND!!! Saying: "Hide or slay" And I told him that it is not a reason for slaying a player and he told me: "Stop Spam" and contine saying: "Hide or slay" So... WTF, does he really know the rules? ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://ibb.co/ZJLqJdq https://ibb.co/dMZ7KbL
  24. Antes eras más chévere 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Playboy™


      Yo no soy parte de algun servidor ahora chamo, además fue muy bueno contigo ? 

      O acaso te enamoraste de mi en ese tiempo? ?

    3. Afrodita.


      Que patético te has vuelto, lástima, ahora hay un solito 2.0 

    4. Playboy™


      Bueno, dejame decirte que sí he cambiado

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