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Status Updates posted by #SMOKE

  1. It's good to be back :') .

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. IceT


      Welcome back dude 

    3. Dev-☠


      welcome mate ❤️ 

    4. Viceroy




  2. i will remember u always , but clear ur inbox can't send u any message's .

    1. bloodychuck.


      We miss u scare :ac:

  3. Time to change !


    1. Mr.^_BKR_^


      so Nice Smoke 

    2. !laZa RoV

      !laZa RoV

      :D i like it :D 

    3. IceT


      Better don't change :party0030:

  4. congratulations welcome to the team . 

    ps: awesome prof song :) .

  5. u will still our evil trio leader , we will miss u . 

    i wish u could back as fast as possible !!! 

    wish u best of luck success , happy and peaceful life brother .

    take care , and we will always stay on touch .

    1. bloodychuck.


      We miss you so much bro, good luck in your life :/ 

  6. I need ur loooooooveeeeeee  .

    I need u by my side !!!!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wanted :x

      Wanted :x

      im here smoky :* 

    3. bloodychuck.


      Smoke kiss your husband <3 

    4. The Ga[M]er.

      The Ga[M]er.


      congra dude , i know im late , but congra , brohh , cya next time :D

  7. @_Klay_ , @Classy™ someone don't have words to get his revenge like @✖ CoMMaND0™ ✖  


  8. Impossible to forget the 1st love , Impossible to forget my best hommies , Impossible to forget the saddest the funniest moment in life 

    In short description Impossible to forget about memories that will last till the last breath of our souls . 

    And impossible to say i surrender to weakness . 


    1. SoRrY.


      rlly man its impossible to forget the first love :'(

    2. The Ga[M]er.

      The Ga[M]er.

       @RenzO our club moment's :emot-smugbert:

  9. Time for some changes x) 


  10. miss u mate :'(

  11. absent from cs for few months . 

    taking some rest . 


    1. Guest


      hehe lier 

      you told me this after 2 this :P 


    2. #SMOKE


      check wk section :v

  12. speaking of the devil , all things going well ? 

    wish u succes and t3al ts3 9beh ._. 

    1. ScareCrow


      hello , i m pretty good brother , how about you . i am already missing u alot :) i'll be back soon

    2. "HaMsIK"


      we are waiting you <3 hh :D

    3. bloodychuck.


      Waiting for the member of Evil Trio :D 

  13. 7 days left for 3 lucky members to get V.I.P 

    everyone is welcome , so hurry up !!

  14. delete messages from ur inbox dude !!!

  15. cograts mate , u deserve it .

    wish u best of luck :*

  16. are u dead :291: ? 

    come ts 9beh


    1. ScareCrow


      Hello Brother, Sorry i cant , meanwhile i m in another country , will be back soon

    2. Arcadiσиии™
  17. What are u waiting for , get's the highest prize witch is VIP , 

    every one is welcome .

    and let's :rambo:some zombie's !!


  18. come ts3 ugly :3 

    1. bloodychuck.


      Scare i'm waiting you ! 

  19. ninja welcome back 

    ps:start work out u become fatter xD

    1. maykel.


      Hahahah xd

      Thanks ugly :bad_boys_20:

  20. Congrats hommie ^^ 

    1. ScareCrow


      haha Thanks Hommie <3 :D

  21. come ts3 ugly we are waiting classic and i for u :164:

    1. #SMOKE


      we are waiting for u , classic and ice * 

    2. ScareCrow


      Ah Mah Niggas (Uglies) Are Waiting . I m Coming Right a way


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