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  1. Many of you may not remember the legendary Iso Rivolta brand. This small vehicle manufacturer, with an Italian passport, remained in business between 1953 and 1978 of the last century. Its main activity was focused on scooters and two-stroke motorcycles. However, over the years and the evolution of the sector, it began to develop and manufacture luxury sports cars that were very well received in the market. However, the model that catapulted them to world fame was the po[CENSORED]r Isetta. Yes, the same one that BMW sold in Germany and that was also available in France under the Velam banner or Brazil with Romi. However, one of the models that represented a before and after in the brand was the Iso A3 / C of the 1960s. Now comes the Zagato IsoRivolta GTZ, a modern reinterpretation of this mythical model. Zagato IsoRivolta GTZ production will be limited to 19 units On an aesthetic level, the Zagato IsoRivolta GTZ perfectly combines the lines of the classic model with other more modern ones. We can appreciate them in the integration of the alloy wheels or the rear diffuser format. All in all, it maintains the proportions of classic sports cars, with a long front hood and a very short and powerful rear overhang. However, its stamp is sporty and powerful thanks to its optical groups or air intakes. For now the technical details of the Zagato IsoRivolta GTZ are very limited. However, its creator points out that it will have a chassis made entirely of carbon fiber. Regarding its technical approach, Zagato has remained faithful to the dictates of the brand. That is, under its hood we find a V8 inherited from Chevrolet. Specifically, it is the same unit that the Corvette Z06 mounts and that offers a displacement of 6.8 liters. The presentation of this modern classic will take place next October. It will be then when we have all, or almost all, its details. For now, a production of 19 units is planned, although 9 would have already been sold. We will have to be attentive to the possible novelties that come from Zagato, because we are sure that this model will raise passions. Of course, if you want one, be very attentive, because cheap, what is said cheap, will not be.
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  2. Quirónsalud emphasizes that the main causes for which patients come at this time of year are usually acute-onset external otitis and gastrointestinal problems Depending on the time of year in which we are, it is more common to contract certain diseases. In summer, for example, factors such as the sun, high temperatures, changes in diet and humidity, among others, influence and can be the cause of numerous health problems. The contagion of some of the most frequent pathologies is common to occur in swimming pools, by being in contact with bacteria or viruses that may be in the water. For this reason, good hygiene is recommended, dry yourself well after bathing and use diving goggles to avoid contagion and, of course, always wash your hands. The person in charge of the emergencies of Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja, doctor Juan Costell, points out that "the most frequent pathologies for which patients come are usually acute-onset external otitis and gastrointestinal problems." Although there are some more: Gastrointestinal diseases / Food poisoning The summer season is one of the times of the year when more digestive problems occur. "Acute gastroenteritis is usually accompanied by vomiting, increased number of stools, diarrhea, high fever and oral intolerance. Most of these complications in summer are caused by food poisoning. The main danger is severe dehydration, especially in children and the elderly ", emphasizes the doctor. Caused by the ingestion of poorly preserved or poorly handled food, secondary to high temperatures, which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, skin reactions. To prevent these pictures from occurring, food must be in good condition and hand washing before handling is essential. It is also important that food is well preserved away from insects and other animals and properly refrigerated. Otitis Otitis occurs due to the entry of water into the external auditory canal and if it is contaminated it will cause an ear infection. If we have contracted the disease, the most important thing is to avoid the entry of water, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and the evaluation by a doctor who can prescribe a topical antibiotic treatment. José Luis Lasaga, head of emergencies at Quirónsalud Alicante, "Ear pain with a recent bathing history is usually the cause that causes the most medical consultation. They are external otitis secondary to immersion in swimming pools or in the sea, as is usual at this time of year ". This type of ear infection occurs most often in the summer months. The action of moisture produces an alteration in the epithelium of the external auditory canal, which in turn causes the germs that are usually in the canal to penetrate, causing infection. "The main symptom is severe pain in the area and, if the disease progresses, suppuration and narrowing of the ear canal occur along with temporary hearing loss, since the inflammation does not let air pass," says Dr. Lasaga. Dr. Costell explains that "in addition to on-site treatment, which consists of topical antibiotic therapy, at Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja the patient undergoes a check-up in external otolaryngology consultations within two to four days after the emergency visit, and that this pathology causes many problems after the fact and should be controlled ". Cystitis Inflammation of the urinary bladder, better known as cystitis, is more common in women and is related to prolonged use of a wet bathing suit and sudden changes in temperature. Once contracted, it is very important to increase the water intake to eliminate the bacteria by entrainment and to go to the doctor to prescribe an antibiotic. It can be prevented with proper intimate hygiene and changing the wet swimsuit for a dry one at the end of the bath. Dermatological infections Among these, the most frequent are fungal infections and especially the so-called athlete's foot, they can be acquired in any place where you walk barefoot on a wet floor and previously contaminated by other people who already have the infection. The most common is the so-called athlete's foot. To prevent this, it is important to wear flip flops both in the pools and in the showers and to dry our feet very well. In case of contagion, it will be necessary to use a topical antifungal treatment. Heat-related illnesses These types of pathologies are produced by prolonged exposure to high temperatures without adequate ventilation or hydration. Symptoms can range from muscle cramps, dizziness, loss of consciousness, to hyperthermia, hypotension, dehydration, and death. It is very important to prevent peak hours of sun, proper hydration and keep the body cool. It is necessary to contact medical personnel if any of the above symptoms are noted. Sexually transmitted diseases During the summer the possibility of isolated sexual contact increases without the use of adequate protective measures. The use of a condom is necessary to minimize the risk of contracting these diseases. If this happens, it is important to see your doctor to carry out the appropriate complementary tests and establish the appropriate treatment. Stings In summer the bites of insects and other animals such as sea urchins or jellyfish are more common. In most cases they cause mild symptoms that are usually controlled with physical and anti-inflammatory measures. We must not forget to consult with your doctor or go to the emergency services without having symptoms such as dizziness, loss of consciousness, uncontrolled fever, dyspnea, chest pain or if we have doubts. Sunburn Sunburn is caused by prolonged exposure to the sun without the use of sunscreen. To prevent it is as simple as the use of sunscreen and moisturizers for after exposure. To have a good summer without scares, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids, avoid the hours of greatest sun exposure, use appropriate sunscreen, a balanced diet, wash your hands frequently, and if we travel, do not forget about medication if necessary and health reports, and in case of doubt consult with our usual doctors or go to the emergency services. Quirónsalud receives the Applus + Safe Protocol certification against Covid-19 The Quirónsalud hospitals have received the Safe Protocol certification against Covid-19 issued by Applus +, after confirming that both centers are protected spaces, controlled and aligned with the most demanding standards against the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, minimizing the risk of infection in your facilities for both your staff and patients. To obtain this certification - which recognizes and accredits the work and commitment of both hospitals in their fight against Covid-19 - the management of both centers has worked on the planning, implementation and monitoring of an Operational Plan of determination and control of the risk of contagion by Covid-19, the result of an exhaustive analysis of all the protocols, procedures and measures implemented to minimize the risk of contagion by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes the Covid disease -19. With this certification issued by Applus +, the Quirónsalud hospitals become pioneers in the Valencian Community in obtaining this distinction as "Safe Protocol against Covid-19". To achieve this, the de-escalation process in which both centers have been working for several weeks has been taken into account, endorses the trust of their patients and confirms the commitment of both hospitals in their fight against Covid-19 with the safety in health care that it demands a new, more demanding context.
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  3. If you do a little memory, you must remember the problem that Jaguar Land Rover had with the Landwind X7. This model, with a Chinese passport, boldly copied the design lines that gave life to the previous Range Rover Evoque. This situation, of course, was denounced by the English firm and although it has emerged victorious in the dispute, the Asians kept it for sale as long as they wanted. Well, Land Rover has once again been immersed in a similar situation. In this case, the contender is European and is none other than Ineos Automotive. This firm has worked very hard to resurrect the Defender that stopped selling a few years ago. What's more, they have taken advantage of the fact that their design had not been registered to copy many of its elements. The problem is that they needed the approval of the courts to be able to use it. Land Rover is not resigned to the Grenadier copying the design of the Defender According to various sources, including Autocar, Jaguar Land Rover would have lost all rights to the design of the original Defender. Apparently, the UK court handling the case would have given Ineos Automotive permission to freely use this design. In this way, they will be able to continue with their development, which according to the brand's plans should be on the market by 2021. After this ruling was made public, the English firm would have issued an official statement. In it, he would advise that the Defender design is registered in several markets and, in addition, it is an iconic vehicle that is part of the history of the brand. Therefore, it makes it clear that, although it has lost the dispute, they are not willing to let Ineos Automotive take over a legacy that they consider their own. For its part, Ineos Automotive responded by saying that the Defender design is not a banner for Land Rover products. Therefore, he confirmed that he will continue with the plans he has for its launch. Now, we will have to see how this project ends. For now they do not have a place for their manufacture, although locations such as Portugal, the United Kingdom or the factory that Daimler has in Hambach (France) are being considered.
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  4. These foods could, in addition to flavoring, make a high-fat meal healthier Adding a variety of spices to food is a sure way to make it more palatable, but new research from Penn State University (USA) suggests that it may also increase health benefits. The researchers used a blend of basil, bay leaf, black pepper, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, ginger, oregano, parsley, red pepper, rosemary, thyme, and turmeric for their work. In a randomized, controlled feeding study, researchers found that when participants ate a meal high in fat and carbohydrates with six grams of an added spice mix, participants had lower inflammation markers compared to when they ate a meal with less or without spices. "If spices are pleasing to you, they could be a way to make a high-fat or carbohydrate meal healthier. We can't tell from this study whether it was a particular spice, but this specific blend seemed to be beneficial, "explains Connie Rogers, lead author of the paper, which has been published in the Journal of Nutrition. According to Rogers, previous research has linked a variety of different spices, such as ginger and turmeric, with anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, chronic inflammation has previously been associated with poor health outcomes such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and overweight and obesity, affecting approximately 72 percent of the United States po[CENSORED]tion. In more recent years, researchers have found that inflammation can increase after a person eats a meal high in fat or sugar. Although it is not clear whether these short bursts, called acute inflammation, can cause chronic inflammation, Rogers notes that they are suspected to play a role, especially in people who are overweight or obese. "Ultimately the ideal would be to get people to eat healthier and lose weight and exercise, but those behavior changes are difficult and time consuming. So in the meantime, we wanted to explore whether a combination of spices with what people are already familiar with and that could fit into one meal could have a positive effect, "adds Rogers. For the study, the researchers recruited twelve men between the ages of 40 and 65, overweight or obese, and at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The sample was chosen because people in these demographic groups tend to have a higher risk of developing poorer health outcomes. In random order, each participant ate three versions of a meal high in saturated fat and carbohydrates on three different days: one without spices, one with two grams of the spice mix, and one with six grams of the spice mix. The researchers drew blood samples before and after each meal every hour for four hours to measure inflammation markers. "In addition, we grow white blood cells and stimulate them to make cells respond to an inflammatory stimulus, similar to what would happen while the body is fighting an infection. We think that's important because it's representative of what would happen in the The cells would encounter a pathogen and produce inflammatory cytokines, "adds the researcher. After analyzing the data, the researchers found that the inflammatory cytokines decreased after the meal containing six grams of spices compared to the meal containing two grams of spices or none at all. Six grams translates to roughly between a teaspoon and a tablespoon, depending on how spices are dehydrated. Although researchers cannot be sure what spice or spices are contributing to the effect, or the precise mechanism in which the effect is created, Rogers notes that the results suggest that spices have anti-inflammatory properties that help counteract inflammation caused by food rich in carbohydrates and fats. A second study with the same subjects, conducted by the Penn State researchers, found that six grams of spices resulted in a minor reduction after meal of "flow-mediated dilation" in the blood vessels, a measure of flexibility. of blood vessels and a marker of blood vessel health.
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  5. The commercial launch of the Kia Stonic has brought many joys to the Asian firm. It arrived on the market in 2017 and did so at a difficult time, since the atomization of the B-SUV segment was already high. All in all, he has managed to win the heart, and respect, of the European public, since in this time he has managed to reach the garage of more than 150 thousand people. Now, he faces the middle of his business cycle receiving a subtle restyling. With him, those responsible for the brand and model want to underpin their sales success. To do this, they have worked on those aspects that they have not liked or have been overcome by their rivals. In this way they can offer a very competitive and complete product that stands out mainly for offering an excellent price-product ratio. If you are interested in an attentive Kia Stonic, because it changes more than meets the eye. The exterior aesthetics of the Kia Stonic receives nuanced changes At the aesthetic level, the Kia Stonic is a very successful product. To update it, the design team of the South Korean firm has had to modify very few areas. Specifically, they have focused on adding newly designed light groups with included LED technology. The interior pattern is unprecedented, offering a more sporty and dynamic imprint. The rest of the body lines are kept fresh, so they do not receive changes. Another aspect that is also updated is the color palette. After restyling, the range is enriched with two new shades: Perennial Gray and Sporty Blue. Thanks to its arrival, new options and color combinations emerge, focusing on aspects such as the roof or the rearview mirror caps. Nor can we ignore the alloy wheels, which modify their design to provide greater freshness to the set. Inside comes more technology and improves connectivity From behind the scenes, evolution is measured to the millimeter. The managers of the Kia Stonic have opted to offer what young people most demand: total connectivity. Thus, through an 8-inch central touch screen they offer an infotainment system compatible with the Apple CarPlay and Android Auto protocols. Along with it, the driver can access services such as real-time traffic information or weather forecasting. Another novelty has to do with voice recognition. Through profiles, the driver will be able to indicate orders to the infotainment system to assist in driving. Finally, and in the absence of design changes, we must highlight the evolution in driving aids. Now there is no shortage of lane keeping, blind spot control or emergency braking with pedestrian and bicycle detection. Regarding the quality of materials and adjustments, Kia ensures that the Stonic 2021 has improved. For this they have introduced more careful materials in all the areas that are closest to the hand. In addition, they have taken the opportunity to introduce new customization packs in blue and yellow tones. Four options are now available that, as before, span areas such as the dashboard, center tunnel, or seat covers. Generous mechanical offer and with DGT Eco label With all the great evolution of the Kia Stonic 2021 is under your skin. On its platform there are no major changes since all the prominence has been taken by the mechanical offer. As in the restyling of the Kia Rio, the EcoDynamics + technology is incorporated into the offer. Thanks to gentle hybridization, the South Korean B-SUV can homologate lower consumption and emission averages, earning the DGT Eco label. This ecological family has been built around the new 1.0 T-GDi Smartstream. Its power level has not been altered, with 100 CV and 120 CV. In both cases we have a 48 volt electrical network that allows sailing up to 125 kilometers per hour. For management, trust a 6-ratio manual transmission or a 7DCT 7-speed dual-clutch automatic. In this case, the maximum torque reaches 200 Nm. For those who want to get away from mechanical complexity, the 1.0 T-GDi motor is also available with 100 hp and 12-volt mains power. The only improvement it receives, over its predecessor, has to do with the addition of a 6-ratio manual transmission. In addition, the access version associated with the 1.2-liter four-cylinder engine with 84 HP is maintained.
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  6. The Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC) has added a new base to the classic healthy eating pyramid that includes recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle "because eating is not just a dish," said the president of the scientific committee of SENC, Professor Javier Aranceta. The new base of the food pyramid, recommends society without exception to walk 10,000 steps a day, since "health is 50 percent what we move," said Aranceta. In addition, he advises paying attention to emotional balance, "essential for the eating process", the expert has assessed. "If we are in low spirits, we do not buy the same thing, we do not cook the same and we do not eat the same," he added, at the same time that he pointed out that "the body asks us for foods that raise serotonin, but that generates depression and we enter into a wheel". Energy balance The new base of the food pyramid also encourages concern about energy balance, which means that if a person eats more food, they must exercise more, and cook with healthy culinary techniques, such as steaming. Lastly, it includes drinking between four and six glasses of water daily as a means of hydration. On the other hand, the pyramid has another novelty: a sustainability bar that refers to that of the environment. "We are considering for the first time not only individual health, but also the health of the planet, the impact that the food process has on the environment," said Professor Aranceta, who has qualified that he is "barbaric". In this context, the foods that are at the top of the pyramid, such as ultra-processed, red meat, sausages and complex dairy products, have a high environmental impact, while those lower down have a more environmental impact. limited. In addition, all local, local, seasonal and traditional agriculture products also have less impact.
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  7. The electrification of the automobile sector has sparked the proliferation of new car manufacturers. Among the multitude of examples we have firms such as Tesla, Sono Motors or Aiways. However, its industrial and commercial journey is uneven, with the banner created by Elon Musk being the only one that has managed to savor the honeys of success. Most curious of all, China has become a gold mine for these companies. One of the last to arrive is Kandi Technologies Group. This company, which curiously sounds like the appliance manufacturer, has its business focused on the manufacture of small electric vehicles. The main radius of use is the big city, since by size, qualities and development of its electrical mechanics it is at a medium low level. All in all, he has big expansion plans, so much so that he wants to land in the United States. Kandi wants to start its global activity in the United States The proliferation of Chinese manufacturers has caused the total number of brands to reach two hundred. It is true that the Asian country is very large, but the volume of the po[CENSORED]tion is not enough for everyone to survive. That is why Kandi Technologies Group has decided to expand its operations to third countries. The United States is one of the most complex, but for now they only want the public to know them and know they exist. To carry out this maneuver, they have created their own subsidiary: Kandi America. At first they will carry two models: the K23 and K27. Both products are of contained size and their technological level is rather fair. The smallest is the K27, a compact that according to the brand will reach 160 kilometers of autonomy thanks to its 17.69 kWh battery. For its part, the K23 is an SUV with 41.4 kWh and almost 300 kilometers of autonomy. “Electric vehicles have been valued for years for their efficiency, sustainability and innovation. However, owning the 'it' car often eluded consumers who wanted a great EV along with all the other conveniences of modern life. Kandi is changing that by revolutionizing the EV shopping experience for many. "[...]" Kandi's mission is to make electric cars accessible to everyone. With these first two models, we are starting an Auto EVolution that will allow anyone, regardless of financial status, to afford a reliable, high-tech EV. ” According to the firm, the commercialization of both models will start before 2020 comes to an end. For now, next August 18 they have scheduled an event to present them to the public. It will be then when we know its details, but we do not believe that its success is imminent. Of course, their prices are very attractive, since they are below 30 thousand dollars, a figure that is greatly reduced if we apply government discounts.
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  8. Respect the model of the request of admins. Minimum 30 hours played to make your admin request. You are allowed to make only one request per 7 days. ¤ Your Nickname (same as in forum): ¤ Your Address Skype, facebook: ¤ Age: ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: ¤ Your Location: ¤ Experience As Admin (last server GT link): ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server (Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname):¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin:¤ Password/key for admin[ Read The Rules to find it] :
  9. Products that can help you eliminate excess calories while your body rests Losing weight is one of the most widespread challenges in today's society. In search of a healthier life, many people seek to reach their optimal weight. To achieve this, it is important to eat a healthy diet and lead an active lifestyle. A good exercise routine is essential to lead a lifestyle beneficial to our body. In addition, rest is a fundamental part, so we have to sleep the recommended hours to avoid getting irritable or sleepy. The key to losing weight is none other than living a healthy lifestyle, although there are some complementary tricks that can help us. Thus, you can drink the following drinks, which activate your metabolism while you sleep and, in addition, they are delicious! Chamomile infusion The chamomile infusion, widely used to combat stomach pain, is one of the best drinks that we can drink before going to bed because it is very easy to digest and, thanks to its antioxidant and purifying properties, contributes to cleaning the body. In addition, chamomile is known for its ability to help relax the body and help you fall asleep. Its high levels of glycine act as a muscle relaxant, which contributes to a better rest. Infusion of ginger and lemon Ginger and lemon, separately, activate metabolism, so the union of both ingredients results in an excellent drink to drink every night before going to bed. It is a good option to speed up our metabolism while we sleep while strengthening our immune system. To prepare this infusion you must add lemon juice and a few slices of fresh ginger to a cup of hot water. Let it rest for a few minutes and we would have our drink ready. Milk Although it is one of the most consumed drinks before going to sleep, perhaps not many people know that, despite facilitating rest due to its calcium and tryptophan content, milk also facilitates fat loss while sleeping. . This product contains casein, a nutritious protein that is slowly absorbed by the body, forcing the metabolism to remain active. It also helps prevent muscle loss. Kefir Kefir is a dairy product similar to liquid yogurt that comes from the fermentation of milk through a specific fungus. Its flavor is more sour than that of yogurt and contains high levels of probiotics that improve intestinal flora and nutrient absorption. A glass of this protein-rich product before going to bed will be an optimal food that will help us burn fat. Cranberry infusion Due to its properties, blueberries reduce blood glucose levels, preventing the body from storing sugars that could be converted into fat. These small berries have an exceptional nutritional value, in which its high content of antioxidant compounds stands out. To prepare it you must crush the leaves and the blueberries and place them in a teapot. Heat water until it boils and pour it into the kettle. Let stand ten minutes and strain the infusion with a strainer.
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  10. The launch of the Mazda MX-30 has marked a turning point in the Hiroshima home. With its development they entered fully into electrification, the paradigm that will rewrite the history of the automotive sector. But also, they do it by entering their style, which has nothing to do with what their competitors wear. Thus, the MX-30 presents a series of peculiarities and characteristics that make it an exclusive as well as innovative product. The downside that perhaps could be put has to do with its autonomy. Still, when you understand its approach, the 200 kilometers it offers are justified. Also, we were all looking forward to the birth of the range extender version with a rotary generator. However, we have found an unexpected surprise in the form of a mild hybrid version: with all of you, we present to you the new Mazda MX-30 e-SKYACTIV-G. The technique of the Mazda MX-30 e-SKYACTIV-G is shared with the "3" Yes, yes, you have not misread: Mazda MX-30 e-SKYACTIV-G. This model debuted yesterday afternoon at an event called the Automobile Council that took place in Tokyo. As announced by the brand, this version is presented as part of a multi-solution strategy to apply a different type of energy in each region of the world. This is included in the "Sustainable Zoom-Zoom 2030 Declaration" and seeks to reduce CO2 emissions. And you will wonder how is the technique of the Mazda MX-30 e-SKYACTIV-G? The answer is simple and you already know it. Specifically, it makes use of the SKYACTIV-G 2.0 block, allied to the mild hybrid M HYBRID system. The electrical part is carried out by a 7 CV motor that is powered by a 24 V lithium ion battery with a 0.17 kWh capacity. To steal the least space, the firm's engineers have installed it under the rear seats. For now we do not know the final performance that this combination will offer. Mazda has limited itself to announcing that this powertrain will offer a smooth and quiet start in addition to offering a high-quality driving feel. All in all, and although we expected an electric version with a higher level of autonomy, this is the logical step. When we have more data we will tell you, because we still do not know if it will arrive, or not, in Europe.
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  11. You can have the necessary hours but not enough activity.
  12. Eating this type of food therefore increases the risk of heart disease in old age. Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder (United States) have shown that a compound produced in the intestine when eating red meat damages the arteries and, therefore, increases the risk of heart disease in old age. The study, published in the journal 'Hypertension of the American Heart Association', suggests that people can prevent or even reverse such an age-related decline through dietary changes and targeted therapies, such as with supplements nutritional. "Our work shows for the first time that this compound not only directly impairs artery function, but may also help explain the damage to the cardiovascular system that occurs naturally with age," the researchers explained. By eating a piece of steak or a plate of scrambled eggs the resident gut bacteria immediately go to work to break it down. As they metabolize the amino acids L-carnitine and choline, they produce a metabolic by-product called trimethylamine, which the liver converts to trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) and sends it through the bloodstream. Previous studies have shown that people with higher levels of TMAO in their blood are more than twice as likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke as well as die, although the reasons have not been known until now. Given this scenario, the researchers measured the blood and arterial health of 101 older adults and 22 young adults, discovering they found that TMAO levels increase significantly with age. This coincides with a previous study in mice that shows that the intestinal microbiome changes with age, generating more bacteria that help to produce TMAO. When the researchers fed TMAO directly to young mice, their blood vessels rapidly aged. And it is that, the 12-month-old mice (the human equivalent of about 35 years old) looked more like the 27-month-old mice (80 years old in people) after eating TMAO for several months. Preliminary data also shows that mice with higher levels of TMAO exhibit declines in learning and memory, suggesting that the compound may also play a role in age-related cognitive decline. On the other hand, old mice that ate a compound called dimethylbutanol (found in small amounts in olive oil, vinegar, and red wine) saw that their vascular dysfunction was reversing, so scientists believe this compound prevents the production of TMAO. "The more red meat you eat, the more you feed the bacteria that produce it. The study is an important advance because it sheds light on why our arteries erode with age, even in the healthiest of people," the researchers said. experts.
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  13. Since its appearance, the Mazda CX-5 has been a best seller. The Japanese SUV has managed to conquer the hearts of the public by offering a very successful design, more than convincing quality and really high reliability. However, the number of all roads in the brand has been increasing and they have had to find a place. The proof is in the new CX-30, which gains a zero and is positioned between the small CX-3 and the CX-5. Well, to reorganize this structure of nomenclatures and models, Mazda could be thinking something. Some time ago we learned that they had registered in Europe all the declinations «CX-X» from number 10 to 90. The fact is that there is one that is raising rivers of ink in the last weeks. We refer to the CX-50, which could be the basis to cement the future of the SUV range of the house of Hiroshima. Is it true or not? The Mazda CX-5 could keep its name, but also receive a coupe version called the CX-50 According to several sources, including Spyder7, Mazda could use the CX-50 designation to replace the CX-5. Reviewing the US Patent and Trademark Office we have verified that the registration of this name has also been filed there by the brand. It took place last year, and coincidentally it is still pending adjudication. Therefore, they would be waiting to receive the approval to give, or not, the expected surprise. However, this theory could have another reading. If we review the positioning of the CX-3 and CX-30 we can see differences. In the first place, that one and the other militate in different segments, but also present different lines. The first is more "round" and the second seeks to offer a coupe imprint. Therefore, Mazda could propose this same strategy with the replacement of the CX-5, that is, offer two different versions. Thus, we would have the Mazda CX-5 and a second model with a more streamlined design called the CX-50. It would be a similar path to the one used by BMW with the X2, X4 and X6, doubling its offer depending on the audience to which they are directed. However, we will have to wait for news, because until 2021 or 2022 it does not touch a complete generational relay. It could be the right time, especially since the new SkyActiv platform and powertrains would debut.
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  16. Aimed at 2.6 million young people The new image offers financial and non-financial products, including digital content and experiences. CaixaBank transforms imagin, the leading mobile-only bank in Spain among young people, into a digital platform dedicated to creating digital services for young people, financial and non-financial. The objective is to promote the growth and loyalty of younger clients, especially interested in using new technologies in their daily lives and in their future projects. The financial institution chaired by Jordi Gual and whose CEO is Gonzalo Gortázar has today presented the new stage of imagin, embodied in a groundbreaking corporate image, a new model of customer relations and an offer of three new mobile applications, which multiply the service proposal: imaginKids (aimed at children from 0 to 11 years old and very focused on financial education through games), imaginTeens (designed for adolescents from 12 to 17 years old, with content and services designed for young people who are beginning to need solutions for their first purchases and to start managing their personal finances) and imagin (with a complete financial and non-financial offer for users over 18 years of age), as reported by the entity. A 2.6 million user base The imagin business will be developed through imaginTech, a new digital business subsidiary 100% owned by CaixaBank that is chaired by Juan Antonio Alcaraz, CEO of the entity, and who has Benjamí Puigdevall as CEO. imagin starts its activity with 2.6 million clients, including both the users of the imaginBank mobile-only bank and the clients of the children's and youth segment of CaixaBank. The prospects for expanding the customer base in the short term are high, thanks to the growth in the offer of services and the creation of various levels of linkage, which, unlike traditional banks, do not necessarily imply registration as a financial customer. From mobile only bank to lifestyle community In the presentation, Puigdevall explained the keys to the new model: "imagin takes a step forward to evolve into something far beyond a financial app. From being the leading bank in the young segment, we became a user community, with a focus on lifestyle. In this way, our relationship with customers does not start with registering with a bank account, as with any bank, but when the user decides to register with the platform by registering with their email and By downloading the application, the client will no longer only come to imagin in search of financial products, but also because of their interest in valuable content and unique experiences. " For Benjamí Puigdevall, this radical transformation means reinforcing the commitment to innovation that has characterized imagin since its launch: "imagin first appeared in 2016 as the first mobile-only bank in Spain and the market immediately recognized it as an absolutely innovative project. During This time, Imagin has been the first bank to apply such advanced services as the customer service chatbot, at a time when there were practically no chatbots in the financial sector, or artificial intelligence to help customers finance their purchases. We believe the time has come to go one step further and bring innovation to the very heart of the business model. " From the user's point of view, the transformation of imagin is especially visible in three aspects: the offer of products, which includes financial and non-financial services and which may vary depending on the relationship of the client; the relationship model, given that to register, it will only be necessary to download the application and register with the email; and the range of mobile applications available, which has been expanded to accompany customers since childhood with three completely new apps (imaginKids, imaginTeens and imagin), reports the entity. All imagin applications are designed so that users are children and young people, which fundamentally determines both the user experience and the range of services and content, financial and non-financial. Hence, the imaginKids app, aimed at the youngest age group, is designed so that parents can decide when and how to use it, and it offers all its content for free, even if the family is not a CaixaBank customer. The main axis of imaginKids is financial education. The app uses gamification techniques, aimed at promoting savings and basic financial education concepts. For example, imaginKids has a digital challenge service, through which parents can set tasks for their children to complete, with the possibility of associating rewards within the same app (for example, unlocking episodes of their favorite series, new stickers, etc.) The app also offers entertainment resources ranging from drawing templates to mini-games, to digital "avatars" that users can customize by choosing a character, a costume, gestures or colors. Similarly, imaginBank has developed agreements with partners such as Super 3, Boing, Hiru3 and La Banda, who will collaborate by providing content and offering imaginKids users events and experiences. imaginTeens: young people's first shopping experiences The imaginTeens app for teens is also intended for direct use by young people, with resources, games and content adapted to the age group of 12 to 17 years. They include, for example, memes to share with parents or friends, craft ideas, puzzles or quizzes, as well as news and digital resources related to music or gaming and offers of experiences in collaboration with brands such as Rakuten, Meller or Original Gift. Much of this content can be enjoyed simply by registering as a user, without the need for further links. As for financial services, the basic modality has a free family pay management tool. Parents can periodically or punctually make a transfer to the "virtual piggy bank" that their children have in the application. The child can also open savings challenges to share with their relatives or, directly, ask for money for some purpose. The imaginTeens contractable financial offer consists of a prepaid card with activated parental control function so that parents can have full knowledge and control of the operations carried out by their child. Due to its characteristics, in no case could the minor make purchases for an amount greater than the balance of the prepaid card, but, even so, parents have the option of establishing weekly or monthly spending limits. In the case of young holders of an imagin checking account contracted by their parents, there is the option of linking to the imaginTeens application exclusively so that the teenager can see the balance, without the possibility of carrying out operations. imagin: accompanying the lifestyle and projects of young people From being a purely banking app, the imagin application, aimed at those over 18 years of age, becomes a platform that includes financial and non-financial services, such as digital content and experiences. Part of this offer is available to any user registered on the platform, regardless of their degree of banking. Specifically, depending on their degree of connection to imagin, three user profiles are distinguished.
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  17. Subaru is not a brand with a high volume of sales in Europe. It is a niche brand, for a very particular client. However, the data shows that whoever buys a Subaru has a good chance of repeating the brand when it is time to renew their vehicle. At least in North America. According to the J.D. Power, the Japanese brand is the one with the highest loyalty index in the North American market. Data from the annual study says 60.5% of Subaru customers are loyal to the company when it comes time to change cars. That is, when they decide to sell or dispose of their Subaru model, they buy another car from the brand. Subaru's strength in North America is important. During the first half of 2020, which you already know has been very convulsed by the Covid-19, Subaru of America has sold more than 250,000 units. These sales have allowed it to position itself in that market with a 4.18% share, which is not bad at all. The brand says that, among other things, customers are attracted by the reliability and versatility of their products. Subaru is the first but what are the next ones? If we take a look at the list of the study, we find that it is very persecuted by another Japanese firm. Toyota has a loyalty index of 60.3%, that is, practically traced. Honda appears in third position, with 58.7%. Outside the podium, in fourth and fifth position in this ranking we have the American RAM and Ford, achieving rates of 57.3 and 54.3%. On the other hand, there are hardly any European brands in the top20 when we talk about general companies, with Volkswagen appearing in tenth position, MINI in sixteenth and Fiat in nineteenth. If we look at the automobile firms considered as luxurious or premium, we see that Lexus leads with 48%, closely followed by Mercedes with 47.8%. The third place within these more sophisticated brands is BMW, which reflects a brand loyalty rate of 45.1%.
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  18. Minimum 30 hours played to make your admin request. You are allowed to make only one request per 7 days. Remember that you cannot use multiple names, you must have a specific one.
  19. Study finds modifiable lifestyle factors, along with treatments, may be beneficial A new study, which analyzed 40 years of data from the Framingham Heart Study, has found an association between decreased rates of hip fractures and decreased smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Although some experts attribute this change primarily to improved bone health treatments, a new study supported by the National Institutes of Health in the United States suggests other factors. These results, published in the journal 'JAMA Internal Medicine', indicate that modifiable lifestyle factors, along with treatments, may be beneficial for bone health. The analysis included information from 4,918 men and 5,634 women who participated in the Framingham Study. These individuals were followed by a first hip fracture between January 1, 1970 and December 31, 2010. Hip fracture rates, which were adjusted for age, decreased by 4.4 percent each year to throughout the 40 years of the study period. The decrease was observed in both men and women. In this group, the smoking rate decreased from 38 in the 1970s to 15 percent in the period from 2006 to 2010. During the same period, excessive alcohol consumption (defined as three or more drinks per day) fell from 7 to 4.5 percent. Rates of other hip fracture risk factors, such as low weight and early menopause, did not change during the study period. "This study points to the continuing need for public health interventions to address modifiable lifestyle factors, such as smoking and drinking, in addition to considering osteoporosis treatments in individuals at risk for hip fracture," explains the leader. from the investigation, Timothy Bhattacharyya. The Framingham Cardiac Study was started in 1948 to determine the factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute assumed responsibility for the project in 1949. Although many of the original participants have died, the study continues to examine two other generations of residents in and around Framingham, Massachusetts. The study authors note that since the data came exclusively from white individuals, it is unclear whether other po[CENSORED]tions could show a similar correlation based on lifestyle factors. Another limiting factor was that the Framingham participants had lower obesity rates than the national average. Furthermore, the study did not include measurements of bone mineral density, because those tests were not available until the 1990s.
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  20. A few days ago we presented the first images of a model that, suspiciously, looked very much like the Ford Bronco. Obviously it could not be the American all-rounder since its official presentation took place days ago. Specifically, we reveal the advancement of the new model that the Chinese manufacturer Wey has been developing. And we say "has been developing" in quotes because of the similarities between one and the other. So many that it seems they have waited for the Blue Oval to present the Bronco to copy the basic lines of its design. Be that as it may, the arrival of the Wey Tank 300, which is what this model will finally be called, is official and we want to tell you what secrets it hides. Yes, because we must all recognize something important to the brand: its bravery in copying a concept that was not known if it would succeed. Although the Wey Tank 300 copies the Bronco and Wrangler, it adds its own design elements At an aesthetic level, we already told you about the main characteristics days ago. Not surprisingly, we will review what elements maintain a closer air with the Ford model. Thus, we have the optical groups in a circular format crossed by an LED strip that, in this case, are oriented towards the outside. Secondly, the verticality and width of the grille dominate the front, although this element is interspersed with the brand's logo and disguises it. But best of all, there are design elements that come straight from the Jeep Wrangler. The most striking has to do with the black plastic wheel arches. Still the best combination is in its bodywork: here the lines intermingle, presenting features of the Bronco and Wrangler in equal parts. And so far, because if we go inside, we have a cabin and cabin of our own design that will convince the most skeptical. The dashboard of the Wey Tank 300 is simple and minimalist cut. Both adjectives perfectly define its essence, but its creators have not wanted to fall into the simplistic either. For this, it integrates a double front screen that serves as the instrument panel and controls the infotainment system. The air vents are circular and mimic the design of aircraft turbines, such as the circular climate control. At a technical level, the only thing known about the Wey Tank 300 is that it is based on the Haval H9 platform. Therefore, it includes elements such as reduction gear, differential lock and all-wheel drive. For now, there are no mechanical details, although there are some equipment items. Among the most prominent are LED headlights, a 360-degree vision camera, hands-free access and start, or dual-zone automatic climate control.
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  21. Effective ideas to introduce vegetables into our daily diet without even noticing The various health benefits of vegetables are known to everyone. They provide a large amount of nutrients, minerals, fiber and vitamins, among many other things, that contribute to improving the functioning of our body. That a diet rich in vegetables is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle is no secret. However, on many occasions it is difficult to resist temptations. Throughout the day, there are many advertising stimuli to which our brain is exposed and many times what we are offered is usually not the best option for our body. Therefore, the brain is in a constant struggle to choose between foods, for many, more appetizing, or healthier. Therefore, in this article we have put together a few tricks for your brain to fight against temptation with extra weapons. Add vegetables to your favorite dishes A good option to eat vegetables in a simple and tasty way. You can add vegetables to the dishes that you usually eat and that are to your liking. For example, if you usually cook meat lasagna, you can add carrot or a slice of zucchini. You can sprinkle the pasta with broccoli or add chopped squash to the Bolognese sauce. There are many formulas to make your favorite dishes healthier with vegetables. Pass the vegetables through the mixer Sometimes, what people do not like about the vegetable is the texture or the touch with the palate. To avoid this, a good idea may be to pass it through the mixer to eat it with a spoon. It is a simple way to get used to the flavor of, for example, pumpkin, and gradually add it to our diet. In the end, we may get used to the taste and end up making new ways to eat vegetables. The grill is a good option Grilled vegetables is a pleasant way to eat vegetables if they are not your favorite foods. It is a simple way to enjoy vegetables that does not require much preparation. If we are going to roast meat, we can also introduce some vegetables to accompany it. With cheese, everything goes better Although this trick should not be abused, we can also, at times, enjoy a vegetable dish with an irresistible cheese cream. The special touch that the cheese provides hides the flavor of the vegetables and makes it easier for people who do not like vegetables to eat this food that is so beneficial to health. Take advantage of eating vegetables in restaurants Eating away from home is usually a hobby with many followers in Spain. Not having to cook, preparing or clearing the table and washing all the cutlery is something that helps you be in a good mood. For this reason, we can use the good mood to ask the waiter for a rich and healthy dish that contains vegetables. It will be easier to eat something better elaborated than we could do in our kitchen. The name of the dish always helps Although it may seem like a minor thing, we eat with all five senses. Everything influences when it comes to tasting a meal, from taste to smell, through to texture or sound. Among all of them, we could include the name of the dish. And, it is not the same to eat a plate of artichokes, than a plate of artichokes in bloom with arbequina oil and a subtle lemon juice. The presentation of the dish and its name play a key role when facing the dish. A healthy pizza Pizza is usually the star dish of many children and not so children. Without a doubt, it is a simple food that is liked by a large part of the po[CENSORED]tion, which makes it an ideal dish to add vegetables to. Eggplant, cucumber or broccoli, among others, can go great on our pizza. Sauces are our friends Sauces and spices are great protagonists of kitchens. In a large number of dishes, the best is the sauce itself. Therefore, to trick our brains and eat more vegetables we can always play with the flavors and add some sauce of our liking to adapt the flavor of the vegetable to our liking. A dash of balsamic vinegar or honey and mustard juice can enhance the flavor of many dishes.
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  22. If you do a little memory you must remember the flirtatious and special Bugatti Baby II. We talked about it a little over a year ago, since it came to the world to celebrate the 110th birthday of the French firm. His presentation was unexpected since we all had the development of a special version on one of his street models. Be that as it may, the expectation it raised was so great that those responsible for the brand have decided to go one step further. The Bugatti Baby II is, at the base, designed as a scale toy of the Type 35 Grand Prix of 1924. However, between the conceptual model and the one we present today there is a small difference: size. Yes, the first Baby II was designed for children up to 8 years old, that is, it had a 1:50 scale. In this case, the scale is 1:75, allowing children up to 14 years old (or more) to be accommodated inside. The Bugatti Baby II has gone from being a concept to being a real toy But be careful, it is not the only novelty that it incorporates ... The range will be made up of three finishes and depending on the chosen one, its manufacture and composition will be different. The Baby II Base One features a body made of composite materials as well as a 1.4 kWh capacity battery. Plus, enjoy two driving modes that essentially alter the power delivery and top speed they can reach. The Baby II Vitesse version features a body made of carbon fiber. In this case, the motor has more power and the battery has a capacity of 2.8 kWh. Finally there is the most exclusive and personal finish: the Pur Sang. The powertrain is the same as the Vitesse, but its body is made of hand-modeled aluminum. The procedure for its manufacture is so laborious that it requires more than 200 hours of work. At a technical and performance level there are no differences that we have at the time. Among the items to note, we cannot overlook the limited slip differential or replaceable battery pack. As a curiosity, mention that although it is a faithful replica of the Type 35 Grand Prix, the fuel pressure gauge now measures the battery capacity and the oil gauge shows the power used. Regarding production, it is still limited to only 500 units so if you want one for your children (or for yourself), you will have to be very fast. Of course, go preparing the portfolio, because its official price exceeds 30 thousand euros and we do not believe that the brand will apply many discounts.
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