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  1. Nick Movie: Misterio a la vista Time: 2023 Netflix / Amazon / HBO?: Netflix Duration of the movie: 1 h 29 min Trailer:
  2. The ideal color of ripe avocado should be yellowish. The avocado or palta is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. The fruit has a pleasant aroma and flavor and also offers high nutritional value and various medicinal benefits. It presents dimensions of 5 to 6 cm in length. The normal weight ranges between 200-400 grams, although pieces weighing up to 2 kilos can be found. The bark is thick and hard, green in color, the tone of which depends on the variety. The flesh is oily, cream to yellowish-green in color, with a nut-like flavor. These fruits contain essential fatty acids and high-quality proteins that are easily digested. According to a study published by the American Heart Association, the fruit helps reduce cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease. Avocados, which belong to the Lauraceae family, have vitamins E, A, B1, B2, B3, D and, to a lesser extent, C. It is also rich in fourteen varieties of minerals, among which iron, phosphorus and magnesium stand out. . In addition, this fruit is a source of folic acid, niacin and biotin. This fruit is very common and can be eaten on its own but also with a variety of dishes, as well as in the form of salsa (guacamole). In any case, for many it is difficult to know the product is ripe. It is important to see the color of the avocado, because when it is completely green it means that it is not yet ripe, details Niusdiario. But, if it is very dark, it will probably be past. Ideally, the avocado should be somewhere in the middle: with a hue between green and purple, without going black. Ripening and techniques To know if an avocado is ripe, it is important to touch it, but it is recommended to do it at the ends, so as not to spoil it. If the skin or shell does not give way, it will be green, while if it sinks too much, it will be past. The sweet spot will be when it touches and sinks just a little. Another option is to remove the stem and check the color of the pulp. If it is deep green, it is not ripe and if it is brown, it is past. The ideal color of ripe avocado should be yellowish. Now, if what you want is to ripen the avocado _a climacteric fruit, like bananas or apples_, you can do it in different ways, although you must bear in mind that speeding up the ripening process could slightly alter its original flavor . One of the techniques to speed up ripening consists of wrapping the fruit in aluminum foil and taking it to the oven at 100 degrees Celsius. Later it will be left to cool and it will be ready for consumption. Another technique is to pierce the avocado with a fork, wrap it in plastic wrap, and microwave it for 30 seconds at full power. In addition, you can chop the avocado and put it in a covered jar, although in this case the ripening process will take longer, or you can also apply the most common technique: wrap it in newspaper. Paper technique Fruits have different maturation periods depending on the group to which they belong. Non-climacteric fruits, such as citrus, tend to ripen much more slowly since they stop developing when they are cut from the tree. But with climacteric fruits this does not happen, since their maturation never stops even if they have been cut from their tree. This is because they produce a gas called ethylene that accelerates the hydrolysis of starches and pectins. The biological process that makes the fruit softer and sweeter, details the Tekcrispy portal. In essence, ethylene is in charge of starting the ripening process and the higher its quantity, the faster the ripening will be. But keep in mind that this gas quickly flies into the atmosphere when the fruits are cut, so they will take time to ripen. For this reason, if the fruit is placed inside a piece of paper _which can be newspaper or any other type_, the ethylene will concentrate there and wrap it, which will speed up the ripening process of the enzymes inside the avocado. https://www.eluniverso.com/entretenimiento/gastronomia/sirve-el-periodico-para-madurar-aguacates-nota/
  3. Saving is a habit that is cultivated; There are several methods to do this depending on the amount of income, but it is important to start as soon as possible. Each month can be an opportunity to improve our personal finances and adopt a plan to avoid over-indebtedness that overwhelms us. César Coronel, general manager of Defense Debtors Ecuador, reaffirms four essential points to improve the management of the family economy. 1. Prepare a monthly budget It is essential that each person or family group make a budget in which they record all their income and fixed expenses in order to have control of the resources they will have. Having clear figures you could, for example, anticipate the percentage of indebtedness that you could have during the year. 2. Moderate the 'ant expenses' Daily expenses on snacks, coffee, among others, are enemies of the pocket, since they are expenses that we are not aware of because we often have them outside the budget. It is advisable to establish clear limits on the tastes that we can give ourselves to focus our expenses. There, the correct distribution of money can also help you, such as the envelope strategy. Thus, your 'ant expense' could be included in the money destined for fun. 3. Avoid going into debt It is always better to prefer cash payment, but if there is no alternative but to resort to debt, you must be prudent. “You must not get carried away by discounts, because there is always the risk of acquiring a debt that is difficult to pay due to the interest that can be generated. If you are going to use a credit card, try to make the purchase in as few installments as possible and without interest so that it does not become a burden in the future," says the counselor. 4. Always save The pandemic taught us that there are situations that we cannot foresee and that can often cause serious financial problems. Therefore, it is advisable to allocate a percentage of income to savings to create a fund that allows us to be prepared for any eventuality. There are several strategies to save, or you allocate a monthly amount and you must save it rigorously, or you can increase the amount of money for savings monthly. With discipline, planning and commitment, financial health can be improved and therefore the beginning of each month becomes a challenge. https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/economia/los-cuatro-pilares-de-las-finanzas-personales-para-mejorar-el-manejo-de-tu-dinero-nota/
  4. Deadly spores lurk in the water, infecting the skin of creatures they touch. Spreading on contact and then invading the body, this fungal disease causes ulcers and scaling, so that severe skin sloughs off in sheets. Joints in the leg begin to lock up, and soon after symptoms appear, the disorder can lead to cardiac arrest and death. The deadliest disease to affect vertebrates in recorded history, chytridiomycosis has wreaked havoc on amphibians for decades, including frogs, toads and salamanders. The disease is not known to infect humans, but scientists caution that these outbreaks are crucial to understanding how fungal pathogens spread and learning to understand a mass extinction event affecting our amphibian friends. The disease has already decimated amphibian po[CENSORED]tions in the Americas, Australia and parts of Europe, and the latest research has shown it may now be making its way across Africa. The disease may be killing animals in hordes without scientists realizing it, warned Dr. Vance Vredenburg, a professor of biology at San Francisco State University and a research associate at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley. . "There could be hundreds of species (in Africa) that could be endangered by this pathogen," said Vredenburg, co-author of a new study published March 15 in Frontiers in Conservation Science that reveals the pervasiveness of chytridiomycosis in Africa for the first time. . To amphibians, the disease is making the Black Death that ravaged Europe in the Middle Ages "seem like a drop in the ocean," Vredenburg said. Why does it matter Chytridiomycosis is caused by a pathogen called Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, or Bd for short. The disease was one of the main contributors to the threat of extinction facing amphibian species around the world. About 41% of amphibians are currently endangered, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species. Understanding Bd and how it spreads has been a major focus of Vredenburg's career. He began studying the pathogen in the late 1990s, tracking Bd around the world and observing its deadly impact. He recalled visiting the Sierra Nevada between 2004 and 2008, where he witnessed a particularly brutal outbreak and "watched thousands of frogs die in front of my eyes from this disease." "Scientists didn't believe that one fungal pathogen could (affect) hundreds of species. But, in fact, the nightmare story is true," said Dr. Vance Vredenburg, a professor of biology at San Francisco State University. "Honestly, before it happened, I didn't believe it," he said. Vredenburg said he has "changed the way scientists look at disease and their ability to really control wildlife po[CENSORED]tions." In places where scientists have taken a closer look at the devastating impact of Bd, the "disease has caused the decline or complete extinction of more than 200 species of frogs and other amphibians," according to the Wildlife Health Laboratory of the Cornell University. Scientists previously thought that amphibians in Africa were relatively spared from the scourge of Bd. But Vredenburg set out to see if the pathogen was present in museum specimens of amphibians from Africa and enlisted colleagues abroad to collect live samples in nature. He also analyzed previous studies of the continent. In total, more than 16,900 animals were analysed. Signs of Bd in Africa were low, below 5%, from the 1930s to the late 1990s, the study found. Then the cases exploded. Infection rates rose to more than 17% and again to nearly 22% in the 2010s. The most serious outbreaks appeared to be in places where scientists had the most data, including in countries like Burundi, where rates of infection exceeded 73%. Those rates are worrisome, Vredenburg added, because they could indicate that amphibian po[CENSORED]tions are going extinct en masse. "Unless you're really looking, you might not notice they're gone until they're gone," she said. “We really should understand why it is such a big problem in these vertebrates. They have been around for 400 million years.” The million dollar question for scientists is why there is such a sudden and dramatic threat to their existence, Vredenburg said. The hidden threat of the disease that affects frogs It's hard to pin down how amphibian po[CENSORED]tions are coping with the disease. Most frogs and their ilk are nocturnal, so humans don't always come into contact with them when they get sick. The pathogen is also fast, killing those infected soon after symptoms begin. And amphibian carcasses decompose rapidly, Vredenburg added, erasing evidence of mass die-off before scientists can discover the carcasses. However, Bd does not always trigger a deadly outbreak, a positive but puzzling fact that the researchers considered in the new study. The pathogen can be found in some frog po[CENSORED]tions that manage to survive, much like humans adapt to pandemics. The amphibians the study authors sampled in Africa, Vredenburg noted, didn't always show physical symptoms of the disease, even though they tested positive for Bd. Those po[CENSORED]tions could still end up dead, or they may have a natural defense against the disease. And that is part of the reason why Vredenburg urges to continue the study of the presence of the disease in the continent. The scientists were also able to treat and immunize frogs in captivity, Vredenburg added, although it would be virtually impossible to attempt to do so in the wild. Frogs, of course, cannot coordinate the global distribution of vaccines as humans can in times of pandemic. Spread and impact of the disease There are certain steps that scientists said humans should take to mitigate the spread of Bd. Vredenburg noted that the fungus can spread through the exotic animal trade if an amphibian is captured in one location and then returned to the wild. somewhere else. Stopping that type of trading can help thwart the spread of Bd. Once the Bd appears in a certain place, it spreads on contact. Frogs can contract chytridiomycosis from the pathogen by swimming in infested water, where the fungus lives, or by brushing against another infected animal. Amphibian po[CENSORED]tions are already at risk from habitat loss, said biologist Dr. JJ Apodaca, executive director of the US nonprofit Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy, who was not involved in the new study. Apodaca said the study offered a valuable new perspective on how such a devastating pathogen has spread. The disease is "the last straw" when it comes to amphibian conservation, he said. “When animals are stressed by habitat loss, all of those things come together, and then disease comes along and ends it.” Apodaca is focusing on po[CENSORED]tions of frogs and other amphibians in the United States, but knowing how Bd is spreading in Africa helps to understand the origins of the pathogen and the causes of the outbreaks. “My greatest wish would be for people to simply understand that these problems exist,” added Apodaca. Threats like Bd “will get a big flash on the bread news event and then the next day it's the next problem. …But in the meantime, our wildlife, our native amphibians and reptiles are being hit.” https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2023/03/25/una-aterradora-enfermedad-fungica-esta-infectando-a-las-ranas-en-africa-te-contamos-por-que-es-importante-trax/
  5. The C5 offers a 1.6 turbo gasoline engine combined with an ergonomic gearbox and 6-speed automatic e-Toggle. Grupo Mavesa bets with the new Citroën C5 Aircross, a model that makes a difference, both in its unmistakable design with essential aspects, as well as the comfort and modularity that characterizes the brand, becoming one of the most comfortable SUV in its category. The new Citroën C5 Aircross SUV, whose range is divided into two versions (Live and Feel) comes loaded with new and elegant personalization elements that clearly improve the premium appearance of the vehicle, with a ground clearance of 230 mm, roof bars that reinforce your identity and a solid and robust appearance; with fluid lines and elements of the brand's identity, such as the Airbump. In addition, it has a trunk volume of 580 L, folding seats, which allows creating a flat floor to provide more space. Seats with Advanced Comfort technology also play a key role in the experience on board the C5 Aircross, providing 100% comfort. In the rear row, it has three individual, sliding and reclining seats, which provide the same comfort to each of its occupants. This revolutionary SUV is the best ambassador of the Citroën program, thanks to the presence of equipment such as the suspension with hydraulic progressive shock absorbers, which offer a high level of safety by minimizing obstacles and defects on the road. It also has good technological equipment, with more than 15 driving assistance systems, which include systems that involve autonomous driving, flat tire detection with location, obstacle sensors, among others. "The new Citroën C5 Aircross is distinguished by the use of specific colors and materials. It will undoubtedly win you over with its exclusive design-oriented details, which together with the outstanding equipment that this new model incorporates, gives it a modern and comfortable look. The new C5 Aircross, is now available throughout our network of dealers nationwide." Carla Iglesias, commercial manager Citroën. https://www.eluniverso.com/entretenimiento/motores/llega-a-ecuador-el-citroen-c5-aircross-nota/
  6. It is one of the most used vitamins for hair. Some maintain excessive care, others do not spend much time on it, hair is one of the areas of the body that receives the most attention on an aesthetic level. Throughout our lives we make cuts, color changes and erasing the 'marks' of age. There are various mechanisms to strengthen and protect it, one of the most common compounds found for these purposes is vitamin E. According to the National Institute of Health of the United States, this vitamin is fat-soluble and is found in various foods. It also acts as an antioxidant since it protects cells "against damage caused by free radicals." It is also important for the stimulation of the immune system. At an aesthetic level it is used for both skin and hair, in this last part it stimulates the production of sebum, improves the absorption of nutrients, reduces dryness and prevents hair loss. This is how vitamin E can be used for hair nutrition: In oil: There are several products that are marketed that are sprayed on the hands and then massaged into the scalp for a certain time for absorption. In capsules: In specialized stores, this type of capsule is sold and the person applies it directly, although it can also be combined with a shampoo. You should take into account not being allergic to the substance. In masks: There are several combinations of foods that when applied improve dry hair. Among the most common are: avocado-banana, strawberries; Sometimes the liquid from a vitamin E capsule is added, although it is found in food. https://www.eluniverso.com/larevista/cuerpo-alma/como-usar-la-vitamina-e-para-nutrir-tu-cabello-nota/
  7. Chagas is also beginning to worry other parts of the world, such as the United States and Europe. For years it has been known that the native peoples of the Amazon suffer less from Chagas disease, an infection caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, a unicellular organism that is transmitted by the bite of a bedbug. Scientists have discovered that genetics is one of the possible explanations for this phenomenon: the po[CENSORED]tions that have inhabited the region for millennia have undergone DNA adaptations that allow them to "block" the entry of the pathogen into the cells where the disease develops. Geneticist Tábita Hünemeier, from the Department of Genetics and Evolutionary Biology of the Institute of Biosciences of the University of Sao Paulo (USP), stated that the work began about four years ago and, at first, she had nothing to do with Chagas. “We wanted to know if there was any indication of natural selection among the po[CENSORED]tions of the Amazon,” she recalled. “It should be remembered that this jungle is a hostile environment, in which it is difficult to survive. The vegetation is very tall, there is little light, we have circulation of various pathogens, that is, the first inhabitants of this region had to face a series of challenges,” she added. Did living in a place like this leave marks in the DNA of the Amazonians? The answer is yes, according to research recently published in the journal Science Advances, which has Hünemeier as one of the authors. About the study In the work, the group of scientists evaluated the genome of 118 people, who are part of 19 different native po[CENSORED]tions spread throughout the Amazon. This genetic information was compared with that of other peoples in the Americas and Asia. The results show that po[CENSORED]tions that have lived for millennia in the largest tropical forest in the world present variations in three specific genes capable of guaranteeing greater resistance to Chagas disease. But the researchers went further and decided to see how these DNA changes work in practice. To do so, they selected one of the adapted genes, PPP3CA. In the laboratory, the specialists inserted this common genetic section between the Amazonian po[CENSORED]tions into heart cells (which are the most affected by the Trypanosoma cruzi protozoan). “We saw a 25% reduction in the burden of parasites that managed to enter cardiac cells with the adapted PPP3CA gene,” Hünemeier said. That is, the genetic change allows fewer Chagas-causing pathogens to infiltrate heart cells, which, in turn, results in fewer health problems. It is worth remembering that Chagas is a disease that tends to remain "asleep" for a long period. A considerable part of those affected only develop the typical symptoms of the chronic phase, such as heart complications, years or even decades after being bitten by the insect. Hünemeier pointed out that the experiments carried out recently in the laboratory corroborate what was observed in the field. “When we looked at the data on Chagas disease, the Amazon was basically an epidemiological vacuum, with very few or no cases in some regions,” she said. “One of the hypotheses that tried to explain this is the type of common dwelling there, which would make contact with the insect difficult. But that didn't seem to be enough to fully understand the situation. Now we have detected a genetic association that seems to contribute to that greater protection, ”she noted. Unprecedented discovery The recently published research describes the first example in the Americas of pathogen-influenced natural selection among humans. In the world, the phenomenon was only observed in four other circumstances. The most famous of these is resistance to malaria among some African po[CENSORED]tions (who, by this same genetic adaptation, are more prone to developing sickle cell anemia, a disease that affects red blood cells). "We also have the example of African trypanosomiasis, as well as bubonic plague and tuberculosis, both in Europe," added Hünemeier. According to the geneticist, the genetic adaptation to Chagas disease began about 7,500 years ago, during the migratory waves that came from Central America and po[CENSORED]ted South America. “Part of the po[CENSORED]tion went to the Andes and the Pacific coast. The other part went to the Amazon, ”he explained. Currently, the changes in the genes that confer greater protection against Chagas are only observed among the Amazonians, and among the Andeans this disease is considered endemic and has a high frequency. Among the ancestral Amazonian po[CENSORED]tions, individuals who carried this genetic version capable of "blocking" Trypanosoma cruzi had an advantage over those who did not carry this information in their DNA. Due to this greater resistance to Chagas disease, these communities were able to survive and generate more offspring, and these adapted genes were passed from generation to generation for thousands of years, until today. Hope for the future Hünemeier believes that the discovery of all these biological mechanisms renews the prospects for modern treatments against Chagas disease. "When we understand the genetic basis of a disease, it becomes easier to think of different therapeutic strategies," he said. "By knowing how the pathogen enters the cells and what the resistance mechanisms are, it is possible to develop and test new solutions," he explained. The search for vaccines and remedies against Chagas disease is urgent and necessary: the Brazilian Ministry of Health estimates that between 1.9 and 4.6 million Brazilians are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. In Latin America, as a whole, there are more than 6 million estimated cases of the disease. And the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) estimates that every year this disease causes 14,000 deaths in the region. The geneticist stated that, in addition to the regions where the disease has been endemic for centuries, Chagas is also beginning to worry other parts of the world, such as the United States and Europe. And this is due to two main factors. First, climate change, which facilitates the spread of insects that transmit the protozoan to regions that were previously cold, but are now warmer. Second, immigration and ease of travel, since infected people can move to another country and establish transmission cycles in the new location without even knowing that they are carriers of the infectious agent. “We need to pay more and more attention to tropical diseases and develop solutions that serve not only North Americans and Europeans, but primarily historically underserved po[CENSORED]tions,” concluded Hünemeier. https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/internacional/el-gen-que-protege-a-los-pueblos-amazonicos-de-la-enfermedad-de-chagas-y-puede-inspirar-nuevos-tratamientos-contra-la-enfermedad-nota/
  8. Nickname: @#Steeven.™ Video author: Jairito Mapper Name of the game: Counter-Strike 1.6 Link video: Rate this video 1-10: 10/10
  9. With several decades of experience in driving titles, Gavin Raeburn looks to continue taking the genre to new heights of quality. It's not a secret. At 3DJuegos we love the Forza Horizon saga. There we have the masterpiece that we awarded to its latest installment, Forza Horizon 5. With this release, its authors once again demonstrated their mastery when it comes to offering worlds in which to get lost while driving. And possibly they will do it again in future developments, but one of the founders of the studio, Gavin Raeburn, who left the company in 2022 after staying there for 12 years, will no longer be there. But industry veterans like him don't sit still for long and Raeburn, as well as several former Playground and other UK studios, have founded Lighthouse Games. "I'm delighted that 30 colleagues and other industry heavyweights have chosen to join me at Lighthouse Games. With Horizon, Playground and I created one of the most successful Xbox franchises of all time. We've built on their marketing and commercial successes. critical installment to installment. [...] That DNA now lives on at Lighthouse, and with it we have the clear intention of making something truly special, where we can pour all of our experience into building a genre-defining franchise." Lighthouse Games is the second triple-A studio created by former Playground staff this year, VGC recalls. There are no more details about this video game, but based on his words, it seems clear that he will continue to bet on car culture as a base. However, before joining Playground Games, Gavin Raeburn had a long career at Codemasters, participating in different installments of DiRT, GRID and Formula 1. The analysis of Forza Horizon 5 FH5 hit the stores at the end of 2021 getting a huge po[CENSORED]r clamor from the audience very soon. This is how we value it in the analysis of Forza Horizon 5 by 3DJuegos: "The definitive Forza Horizon. The most complete of the entire franchise." A new Forza is expected for this season, but this time from the original saga. https://www.3djuegos.com/juegos/forza-horizon-5/noticias/forza-horizon-a-franquicia-que-vuelva-a-definir-genero-nuevo-estudio-cofundador-playground-games-apuesta-a-grande
  10. Candy Crush is on a list of recreational apps that French officials will be prohibited from installing on official mobile phones. The reason? That it presents 'cybersecurity risks'. The Government of France has warned its public employees that soon, immediately, it will be prohibited to install recreational applications on official mobile phones. It affects not only video games, but also social networks and messaging applications, but specifically mentions that "games like Candy Crush" will not be allowed on smartphones offered to French public employees. There is still no exact list of mobile games that have been banned, but King's hit puzzle game is mentioned among other applications such as TikTok, Twitter or Netflix, according to reports from LeMonde. It is estimated that the ban will affect 2.5 million public employees in France, although for the moment the sanctions that may be applied to those who break the rule have not been set. It has also been confirmed that there will be individual exceptions regarding favoring institutional communication. Why have these games and apps been banned in France? The curious thing about this decision is that it was not born to prevent French officials from being distracted, but rather as a barrier to possible attacks or breaches in the security of the administration. Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Public Function, assures that these applications present "risks in terms of cybersecurity and data protection of public officials and the administration", a conclusion drawn from an analysis carried out by the National Agency for Security of Information Systems. Information (Anssi) and the Interministerial Digital Department (Dinum). Candy Crush Saga was released more than 10 years ago on iOS and Android, platforms on which it has achieved enormous worldwide success. It is also available in compa since 2015. https://vandal.elespanol.com/noticia/1350761094/francia-prohibe-a-sus-funcionarios-instalar-juegos-como-candy-crush-en-sus-moviles/
  11. There is a desire among the community to see how Valve's multiplayer shooter evolves, but they don't even seem to want to wait for the launch of CS2. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has set a new activity record coinciding with the announcement of the release of Counter-Strike 2 in a few months. CS:GO has always accustomed us to being one of the most executed titles by users of the platform. Valve, but in recent days their numbers are reaching heights never seen before, thus reflecting the interest of the community in the veteran multiplayer action-shooter saga. What's more, he has broken his own record on three consecutive days. In total, during one point yesterday, it was possible to gather 1,519,457 police officers and terrorists. However, it seems that this data could fall short in the coming days. The question now is, how much higher can your activity go? With CS2 just around the corner, it seems clear that many former players of the saga will return to Assault, Dust, Italy, etc. However, CS:GO had already been improving its data week by week since Christmas. The growing po[CENSORED]rity of CS:GO isn't just a Steam thing. Another measure of success at the moment is Twitch, where the Valve video game reached a peak on Saturday of about 900,000 viewers. In this case we are not talking about a record, but the data is still significant. What do we know about Counter-Strike 2? After several weeks of hints and rumours, Counter-Strike 2 was finally presented on March 22 through three news videos. He did it with few details, although his announced changes already caused a lot of talk among the community, but with a very clear promise: to offer the user the most important technical advance in the history of Counter-Strike. https://www.3djuegos.com/juegos/counter-strike-global-offensive/noticias/anuncio-counter-strike-2-lleva-a-csgo-a-cifras-actividad-nunca-antes-vistas
  12. Name of the game: Days Gone Price: $16.49 USD Link Store: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1259420/Days_Gone/ Offer ends up after X hours: Ends March 30 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K@3.3GHz or AMD FX 6300@3.5GHz Memory: 8GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 (3 GB) or AMD Radeon R9 290 (4 GB) DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 70 GB of available space Additional Notes: Though not required, SSD for storage and 16 GB of memory is recommended RECOMMENDED: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i7-4770K@3.5GHz or Ryzen 5 1500X@3.5GHz Memory: 16GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 (6 GB) or AMD Radeon RX 580 (8 GB) DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 70 GB of available space Additional Notes: Though not required, SSD for storage is recommended
  13. Arduino is one of the pillars of the maker movement. If you like to play with electronics and create different types of devices or accessories using free hardware and software, you surely know this name. The Arduino Uno, one of the most po[CENSORED]r boards in the project, will be updated after a long time with major improvements. The announcement, which comes to us from Arduino Day 2023, is excellent news for the community. For more than a decade the Arduino Uno has served to bring countless electronic ideas to life, and now everything seems to indicate that it will continue to do so for a long time. The new Arduino Uno R4 improves in almost everything to the previous revision (the R3). A long-awaited update As we say, there are interesting changes to the po[CENSORED]r board, but also some elements have been kept intact to preserve hardware compatibility with existing projects and the functionality of Shields (Shields) or backpacks. In the case, the Arduino Uno R4 retains the form factor, the 5 V voltage and the pinout of the previous one. Now, in terms of news, we find a new 32-bit Renesas RA4M1 processor that runs at 48 MHz. This is a substantial improvement over the previous 8-bit, 16 MHz ATmega328P. There are also architecture changes: the heart of the Arduino Uno R4 is based on Arm Cortex M4 and the previous one on AVR RISC. At this point, Arduino assures that it has been working to guarantee the compatibility of the revision of the board at the software level. This is to keep both the code and the existing tutorials useful. Of course, it is possible that some of these stop working with the architecture change and need to be optimized. The Arduino Uno R4 will have 16 times more RAM than the R3 At the RAM memory level, the Arduino Uno R4 will have 32K of SRAM, which is 16 times more than the 2K of the R3. As for the NAND, it will arrive with 256K compared to the 32K of the existing model. Another good news is that it comes with a USB-C port with a maximum voltage of 24 V and, in case we opt for the WiFi version (there will be two versions), with an Espressif S3 WiFi module. There are some elements that have not been revealed. Arduino has decided to leave us in suspense until the end of May, when this version will be released. We'll also have to wait for pricing, but it should be around $25, which is what the Uno R3 costs. The latter, it should be noted, will not be discontinued and will continue to be sold. In the Arduino catalog we can find more than 20 proposals, the bases to give life to a wide range of projects. From a connected scale to a home access system using biometric identification or a BB8 robot like the one in Star Wars. In other words, a piece whose limits to create things are found in the imagination. https://www.xataka.com/makers/arduino-uno-r4-nueva-version-placa-llega-cpu-32-bits-usb-c-supera-casi-todo-a-anterior
  14. The arrival of Windows 11 has generated a lot of controversy, especially due to the increased requirements to be able to install the system. These incomprehensible requirements have left many users in a situation of planned obsolescence, since they cannot install the system. And if you thought that Windows 12 was going to remedy this and be more permissive, we have bad news. Without a doubt, one of the most criticized aspects of Windows 11 was the obligation to use a TPM 2.0 chip in the computer. Without this chip, or if it was disabled, it was not possible to install the system. In addition to this chip, the processor and memory requirements, the obligation to use Secure Boot, and even force the use of the Internet to configure Windows were also increased. Although Windows 11 is only a year and a half old, and Microsoft has not confirmed anything about its successor, there are many indications that it is already working on Windows 12, which will be the successor to this OS. At the moment we do not know anything about this new system beyond the fact that it will be closely related to Cloud PC and Windows 365, as well as that its possible release date will be at the end of 2024, leaving only one year until the end of Windows support. 10. However, today, by surprise, we have been able to learn of a new leak about the future Microsoft operating system. And, really, it's not very good news. Windows 12: interim minimum requirements The well-known Deskmodder portal claims to have received an internal Microsoft leak revealing what would be the possible requirements for the future Windows 12. Many of them will remain the same as in Windows 11, such as the CPU requirement , as well as the obligation to use TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot to be able to install the system. The storage, although not mentioned, is probably the same as Windows 11 (ie 64 GB). What still does change is that it requires SSD storage. What will increase is the RAM of the computer. While Windows 11 went from the 2 GB of Windows 10 to 4 GB of RAM, Windows 12 could ask for 8 GB of RAM. Just double. Also, Microsoft is still deciding whether to make the Pluton security chip mandatory or optional. It is probably the second option, since this chip has started to be sold in 2022 and it would be too abusive a change in order to promote planned obsolescence. But she's already starting to talk about him, which is not good. Will I be able to install Windows 12? After many years of maintaining the requirements, now Microsoft has decided that it's time to shoot them. Assuming these new leaked requirements are real, the only thing that will be increased is the required RAM, keeping everything else. And 8 GB of memory is not excessive, since any modern PC is the one that comes with it. In any case, this means that there will be users who were able to upgrade to Windows 11 just, but they will no longer be able to upgrade to Windows 12. But we don't have to worry. Surely there will be patches that allow us to bypass these restrictions. https://www.softzone.es/noticias/windows/supuestos-requisitos-windows-12/
  15. Recently, NVIDIA presented a variant of its RTX 4070 Ti, based on the AD104 chip, with a particularity, its consumption is much lower than the gaming version, being 70 W instead of 285 W. This model was presented in its latest GTC and it's about the RTX 4000 SFF, but the key question is: why such a difference in power between both graphics cards if they use the same GPU? Many of you will have seen NVIDIA's professional graphics cards and one thing you will have observed is that they are much thinner and their design is much more elegant and beautiful than those for gaming. This is because they have much lower power consumption than models that are sold for gaming. However, we are not talking about the exact same hardware. RTX 4000 SFF, a graphics card with a TDP of only 70 W We are dealing with a graphics card that is not designed to play games, in fact, it has been designed to be in a workstation or a server running 24 hours a day and 7 days a week without interruption, so it cannot be allowed continuous exercises of speed climbs. Typically, several of these graphics cards are connected to the same system, doing tasks such as: Rendering of 3D scenes for movies and series. For inference, Deep Learning applications such as ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Dall-E and others. For video transcoding in streaming movies and series. These graphics cards usually have an NVLink port, proprietary from NVIDIA, which allows them to synchronize their work, since many times not one, but several are used per system and the work is shared equally. What allows them to keep each one of them with little load and to be able to work uninterruptedly. Why do these types of graphics cards exist? We must start from the fact that the games are not designed to use more than one graphics card, on the other hand, many other applications are. For a gamer, having four graphics cards with a TDP of 70 W does not help him, since he will not be able to use more than the first one. But in other applications in terms of performance per watt yes and if you can add the power of all of them, well that is what you end up gaining in a workstation. The only application that the RTX 4000 SFF does not have, apart from gaming, where it performs less, is in scientific computing and learning for artificial intelligence. In that case, NVIDIA's H100 chip is much better prepared, but its price is much higher and it is not necessary for certain applications. The secret of its low consumption, its technical specifications To understand the reason why RTX 4000 SFF consumes so little, we have to look at its technical characteristics, because it is where the key to everything is located. Like the fact of having a 160-bit GDDR6 configuration, instead of 192-bit. Its bandwidth is 320 GB/s, which means that it uses memory at 16 Gbps, something that can be achieved with GDDR6. The RTX 4070 Ti, which is based on the same chip, uses 502.4 GB/s GDDR6X memory. However, the amount of memory in the RTX 4000 SFF Ada is 20 GB, this is because it uses clamshell mode where two memory chips can be used, sharing the data bus, but increasing capacity. The memory supports error correction. It has a configuration of 6144 "CUDA" drives and therefore 48 full or SM cores. This is less than the 60 SM of the RTX 4070 Ti. So the rest of its specifications translate into the following: 6144 CUDA Cores. 192 Tensor Cores. 48 RT Cores. Now, its power is 19.2 TFLOPS in 32-bit floating point, a figure that places it below the RTX 3070 and half that of an RTX 4070 Ti and that is that therein lies the secret of this graphics card. The RTX 4000 SFF consumes only 70 W due to the fact that its clock speed is much lower. Technically, we could consider it as a GPU for a laptop in the form of a graphics card and thanks to its low consumption it can be working uninterruptedly. https://hardzone.es/noticias/tarjetas-graficas/rtx-4000-sff/
  16. Live Performance Title: FERXXO ACUXTICO 2022 ( En vivo desde Medellin ) Signer Name: Feid Live Performance Location: Colombia Official YouTube Link: Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video): 9/10
  17. Music Title: Gorillaz - Tormenta ft. Bad Bunny (Official Visualiser) Signer: Gorillaz ft. Bad Bunny Release Date: 22/03/2023 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer: - Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video): 10/10
  18. Video title: 🤩 Nuevo Año 🤣 Nuevos Videos 😎 Mejores Animales Chistosos [2023] Content creator (Youtuber): Videos de Animales Graciosos Official YT video:
  19. Nick Movie: Chupa Time: 2023 Netflix / Amazon / HBO?: Netflix Duration of the movie: 1 h 38 min Trailer:
  20. Among the activities that had the highest growth in sales were commerce, manufacturing, mining and quarrying, agriculture and transportation. The increase in sales in January 2023, which reached $16,387 million, "allowed us to leverage" tax collection, the Internal Revenue Service (SRI) said in a statement. Until February 2023, $2,808 million were collected, which represents a growth of 8.3% (an additional $216 million) in relation to the same period in 2022. This result, according to the organization, also allowed us to exceed the expected collection goal for this first bimester; that is, 102.2% compliance. Among the activities that had the highest nominal growth in sales are commerce, manufacturing, mining and quarrying, agriculture and transportation, according to reports from the Guayaquil Chamber of Commerce. The provinces that grew the most in sales were Pichincha and Guayas with 7% and 6%, respectively, compared to January 2022; although if compared to January 2021 the growth is 29% and 28%. The general director of the SRI, Francisco Briones, said that he expects this growth to continue in March, mainly due to the activity of the tourism sector, which in February had sales of $575 million during the carnival holiday. According to SRI reports, in the first two months of 2023 the following items were collected: $1,491 million for value added tax (VAT). $838 million for income tax. $148 million for special consumption tax (ICE). Regarding this last tax, the ICE on firearms collected $485,000 in the first two months of 2023, which triples the amount collected in all of 2022 for this concept. The foreign currency outflow tax (ISD) had a contraction of 14% due to the reduction in the tax rate from 4.75% to 3.75% compared to February 2022, and less dynamism in imports. The SRI indicated in its statement that it will continue to execute actions derived from the 2023 Control Plan to achieve an expansion of the taxpayer base and a timely and orderly compliance with obligations. https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/economia/recaudaciones-tributarias-crecieron-83-en-enero-del-2023-segun-el-sri-nota/
  21. Humans have approximately five million hair follicles on the surface of the body. If aliens were to come to Earth and put humans in the same line with all other primates, one of the first differences they would notice, along with our upright posture and unique way of communicating, would be our seemingly hairless bodies. In fact, compared to most mammals, humans are remarkably sparse (with the exception of the occasional individual). A handful of other mammals share this quality, including naked mole-rats, rhinos, whales, and elephants. But how exactly did we end up in this state? Does it bring us any benefit today? And how do we explain the presence of thick and dense hair on some parts of our body? Of course, humans actually have a lot of hair: on average, we have approximately five million hair follicles on the surface of our bodies. But almost all of those hair follicles produce short, fine body hair that grows from superficial follicles, as opposed to the deeper, coarser hairs found only on the head and (after puberty) in the armpits, pubic areas. and, mainly in men, on the face. “Technically we have hair all over our bodies, they are just miniature hair follicles. But it is miniaturized to the point where it no longer functionally isolates us,” says Tina Lasasi, a biological anthropologist at the University of Southern California who specializes in hair and skin science. Hypothesis for all tastes Scientists don't know conclusively the reason behind this change from thicker, coarser fur to these softer downs, and they don't know exactly when it happened. Even so, several theories have been put forward as to what might have caused our loss of body hair. The most dominant opinion among scientists is the so-called “cooling of the body” hypothesis, also known as the “savanna” hypothesis. This points to a growing need for early humans to thermoregulate their bodies as a factor that led to hair loss. During the Pleistocene, Homo erectus and later hominids began to hunt persistently in the open savannah, pursuing their prey for many hours to exhaustion without the need for sophisticated hunting tools, which later appear in the fossil record. . This endurance exercise could have put them at risk of overheating, hence the hair loss, which would have allowed them to sweat more efficiently and cool down faster without the need for breaks. Evidence supporting this theory also comes from studies that have found switches for some genes responsible for determining whether certain cells become sweat glands or hair follicles. “So all of these things have a related development path. If we look at that in combination with some of the things we can infer about genes that increased human skin pigmentation, then basically we can confidently estimate that 1.5 to 2 million years ago humans probably lost body hair," says Lasasi. . A related theory elaborated in the 1980s suggested that switching to an upright bipedal position diminished the benefits of fur in reflecting radiation from our bodies (except for the tops of our heads). Since we can sweat better without hair, this became relatively more beneficial than having hair. But while the body-cooling hypothesis on the surface makes a lot of sense and may have some merit, it fails in some respects, argues Mark Pagal, a professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Reading in the UK. “When you study our body heat over a 24-hour period, [you notice that] we lose more heat at night than we want to, so the net effect of losing your fur is that we're in sort of an energy deficit. all the time,” says Pagal. He further highlights that there are many human po[CENSORED]tions that have not done endurance races for tens of thousands of years, yet none have grown their fur back, despite the fact that many now live in very cold regions of the world. Lasasi, however, says that hyperthermia, an abnormally high body temperature, would likely have been a much bigger problem than hypothermia in equatorial Africa, where humans evolved. “It seems to me that there's a little stronger pressure not to overheat, rather than one to stay warm,” she says. He also points out that many genetic traits can become channeled (difficult to re-evolve in different ways) and that when humans arrived in colder environments, they had developed other technologies to keep warm, such as fire and clothing. In addition, he adds, they probably developed other physiological adaptations to cold as well, such as the adaptation to brown fat. In 2003, Pagal and his colleague Walter Bodmer of the University of Oxford (UK) proposed another explanation for early fur loss in humans, which they called the ectoparasite hypothesis. They argued that a hairless ape would have suffered from fewer parasites, an important advantage. “If you look around the world, ectoparasites are [still] a huge problem in the form of biting flies that carry disease,” says Pagal. “And those flies are all specialized to land and live on the fur and lay their eggs on the fur. Parasites have probably been one of the strongest selective forces in our evolutionary history, and they still are,” he adds. Likewise, he assures that since he and Bodmer first proposed this hypothesis "nothing has appeared that makes us question it." Lasasi says he wouldn't rule out the possibility that other factors contribute to hair loss. But “you really have to ask yourself, well, why would this happen in humans and not chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas?” he says. “I am inclined to focus on hypotheses that may suggest behaviors or migrations to places that would have differentiated humans from other apes in a way that would have required hair loss,” he says. The aquatic ape hypothesis Another unlikely theory stems from the largely dismissed aquatic ape hypothesis first proposed in the 1960s. According to this theory, the apes that eventually became humans differed from other great apes by adapting to spend significant time in water. The adaptations that occurred because of this explained features of modern humans, such as our lack of hair and being bipedal. What would be the problem with this idea? “Anthropologically, there is simply not a shred of evidence that we evolved on beaches or near water, [or] we had an aquatic phase. It's unfortunate,” says Pagal. Other scientists have pointed out that semi-aquatic mammals like otters and water voles are extremely furry, so why would humans have lost their fur for this reason? One factor here might have been the development of clothing made from the skins of other animals, which could be removed and washed. This would date hair loss to as recently as one to two thousand years ago, much later than the body-cooling hypothesis suggests, based on when lice first appeared on the human body, which only They live in clothes. Pagal says that he is inclined to believe that this timeline is the most likely for most hair loss, although "nobody really knows" since hair rarely fossilizes. In 2003, Pagal and his colleague Walter Bodmer of the University of Oxford (UK) proposed another explanation for early fur loss in humans, which they called the ectoparasite hypothesis. They argued that a hairless ape would have suffered from fewer parasites, an important advantage. “If you look around the world, ectoparasites are [still] a huge problem in the form of biting flies that carry disease,” says Pagal. “And those flies are all specialized to land and live on the fur and lay their eggs on the fur. Parasites have probably been one of the strongest selective forces in our evolutionary history, and they still are,” he adds. Likewise, he assures that since he and Bodmer first proposed this hypothesis "nothing has appeared that makes us question it." Lasasi says he wouldn't rule out the possibility that other factors contribute to hair loss. But “you really have to ask yourself, well, why would this happen in humans and not chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas?” he says. “I am inclined to focus on hypotheses that may suggest behaviors or migrations to places that would have differentiated humans from other apes in a way that would have required hair loss,” he says. The aquatic ape hypothesis Another unlikely theory stems from the largely dismissed aquatic ape hypothesis first proposed in the 1960s. According to this theory, the apes that eventually became humans differed from other great apes by adapting to spend significant time in water. The adaptations that occurred because of this explained features of modern humans, such as our lack of hair and being bipedal. What would be the problem with this idea? “Anthropologically, there is simply not a shred of evidence that we evolved on beaches or near water, [or] we had an aquatic phase. It's unfortunate,” says Pagal. Other scientists have pointed out that semi-aquatic mammals like otters and water voles are extremely furry, so why would humans have lost their fur for this reason? One factor here might have been the development of clothing made from the skins of other animals, which could be removed and washed. This would date hair loss to as recently as one to two thousand years ago, much later than the body-cooling hypothesis suggests, based on when lice first appeared on the human body, which only They live in clothes. Pagal says that he is inclined to believe that this timeline is the most likely for most hair loss, although "nobody really knows" since hair rarely fossilizes. Regarding the pubic and armpit hair, Lasasi considers that it could be either what is known as adhesive tape -a by-product of the evolution of another characteristic- or a possible remnant of the primate ancestors that used pheromones to communicate with each other ( there is currently no convincing evidence that humans use pheromones). Less hair, more color Whatever the reason for the loss of human fur, one thing is highly likely: it coincided with the appearance of darker skin pigmentation in early humans, where body hair previously existed as necessary protection against UV radiation. "It's the logical deduction that we can make," says Lasasi. “It could be that some humans ended up being born without body hair and that became an adaptation and some of those humans acquired darker skin. Or it could be that there was a slightly more gradual reduction in hair along with a slightly more gradual increase in skin pigmentation,” he adds. Although it is interesting to consider how we lost our fur, it may seem irrelevant to our lives today. But research has indicated that a greater understanding could even have implications for people with unwanted hair loss today due to baldness, chemotherapy, or disorders that cause hair loss. In the US, in early 2023, Nathan Clark, a geneticist at the University of Utah, and his colleagues Amanda Kowalczyk and Maria Chikina, at the University of Pittsburgh, studied the genes of 62 mammals, including humans, to find the genetic changes that hairless mammals shared with each other, excluding their furry cousins. They also found that humans appear to have the genes for a full layer of body hair, but regulation of our genome currently prevents them from being expressed. They also found that when a species loses hair, it does so through repeated changes in the same set of genes, and discovered several new genes involved in this process. “Some of those [new] genes hadn't really been characterized at all, because people hadn't done a lot of genetic testing for the presence and absence of hair in the past,” Clark says. “They seem to be master controllers that could be mani[CENSORED]ted in the future if you wanted to stimulate hair growth,” he concludes. https://www.eluniverso.com/larevista/salud/por-que-los-humanos-a-diferencia-de-otros-primates-no-tenemos-el-cuerpo-completamete-cubierto-de-pelo-nota/
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