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Status Replies posted by FALLEN'

  1. which windows is better ? :reading:


    wind 10 or 7 ?


    i'm trying to change it 

    1. FALLEN'


      If Windows 7 is the best windows, why they made Windows 10 then? Think...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. which windows is better ? :reading:


    wind 10 or 7 ?


    i'm trying to change it 

    1. FALLEN'


      Windows 10 is better. It uses less space and its super fast!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. So yeah again CR7 stole the ballon d'or for his 5th time.
    Congrats mr.tapins / penalties 



    1. FALLEN'


      Loool asensio is the future of the football..
      Take a look at statistics to the age of 21. He is the best & most valuable Player in the world!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. So yeah again CR7 stole the ballon d'or for his 5th time.
    Congrats mr.tapins / penalties 



    1. FALLEN'


      And neymar, isco, mbappe, asensio and the rest are gonna play basketball in 2 years?


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. So yeah again CR7 stole the ballon d'or for his 5th time.
    Congrats mr.tapins / penalties 



  6. So yeah again CR7 stole the ballon d'or for his 5th time.
    Congrats mr.tapins / penalties 



  7. Yoooo maan, wsuuuup

  8. i miss you =(

  9. fal go ts3 dude , we have problem

  10. There are definitely people who want to see the world burn in flames :"v (SO SAD) 





  11. So guys, at least 5 times in 1 day i get a message from different persons how do i get Helper grade on Ts?
    Now i will explain to you some things!

    Beeing Helper on Ts for most of you means "Oh i have grade you dont", "I will be on top of the channel when i enter and you all below me", "Don't mess with me because i have Helper", "Ouu yeah i can take actions on others because i am Helper" and so on...

    If you want Helper for something like that, you will never get it mark my words.

    Beeing Helper on TeamSpeak means you are there on everyone's disposal, to offer them help and assist in everything. Means, when every part of the staff or guests no matter when asks you for help, you help them. Period. Whether that be 02:00 AM or 22:00 PM, you will be there to provide help and assistance. Beeing Helper means you need to be an example for everyone! Beeing Helper is based on activity, yes. But activity while beeing online. Not leaving your pc on ts for 5 days and saying "look what activity i have!!". That is not activity, every single person can do that. Activity is beeing active most of the time while you're online providing help. How can you provide help when you are afk? I will tell you, you can't. So, hours doesn't matter that much!


    I hope you all understood me and my point.

    1. FALLEN'


      He means, if you have friends which play CS 1.6, CS:GO etc some game, and you invite them on our Server to be active, you'll get Helper

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. Looking for a designer with artwork skills and i'm so ready to PAY.

    1. FALLEN'


      He lies guys, don't trust him =)
      If he has money he stole from Ze Tuna i am sureee!!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hilarious :’)

  14. Hello if you here please go ts3

  15. Damn , Congrats Brother , Deserved As Always , good luck mate with your new work ...

  16. Thank you everybody for your best wishes and thanks the ones who believed in me!!


  17. Dejavut WHy rejected? THIS SV BOOST

  18. nick===---suRvivoR---===



  19. <13:18:54> "Ze Tvv(I)n": thats true
    <13:18:56> "#SoRrY": xdddd
    <13:18:58> "[Ze Tvv(I)n] Ze Tvv(I)n": guys
    <13:19:01> "[Ze Tvv(I)n] Ze Tvv(I)n": im gay
    <13:19:13> "[Ze Tvv(I)n] Ze Tvv(I)n": OMG
    <13:19:13> "FAL": and the planet keeps on spinning...
    <13:19:17> "[Ze Tvv(I)n] Ze Tvv(I)n": im taling in public
    <13:19:22> "[Ze Tvv(I)n] Ze Tvv(I)n": talking
    <13:19:23> "[Ze Tvv(I)n] Ze Tvv(I)n": :P



    Hmm :mad:

  20. no voy a decir nombre pero como quisiera tener ese ctmr de frente y meterle un tiro por pendejo me cae malisimo no lo soporto hablando mal de las personas pero a la hora de la verdad es sendo cagao solo de verlo en ts3 repuna.

    ustedes saben quien es  @Sk1ZzZ1z@ENMANUEL EL MATDOR@Guns1JY#_.Safari

  21. In 2017 you get warned when you find a ripper. :)))))))))))))))))



  22. In 2017 you get warned when you find a ripper. :)))))))))))))))))



  23. congrats mr.legends

    but you still have many enemies :ashamed0004:

  24. Hello sir I am add my server here 


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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