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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by S!di.

  1. a597b65efd194680b40860ac83a7426d.png

    One of the updates :) warm up soon alot of things will come :D 



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CSBD Member 1

      CSBD Member 1

      give me god please S!di. friend ;3

    3. InfiNitY-™


      Yorman go away please (: 

    4. CSBD Member 1
  3. Leadership is born in war !

    1. CSBD Member 1

      CSBD Member 1

      Give Me An Admin Please In ShadowsZm old admin here i want moderator or semi-god S!di.

  4. V1 Good Text , Good Blur. And Sample
  5. I belive i can fly 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CSBD Member 1

      CSBD Member 1

      give me an admin please In ShadowsZm


    3. AFROJACK™


      Heren tjeter kur te ndrrosh pw e ftp mbaje mend re :mad:

    4. CSBD Member 1

      CSBD Member 1

      Twins Give Me An Admin Im Ftp :)

  6. For Admins who didn't understand it's simple.
    You have to send a message to Twins with these Things : 

    Nick on Server : 
    CSBD Account Link : 
    Grade on Server : 

    It's to help us for Metting i sended mine !

    1. Winder.


      dame administrator 

    2. CSBD Member 1

      CSBD Member 1

      give me an admin please S!di.

  7. ShadowsZM -

    • Multi jumps  
    • Free ammos & jetpack at night time  (01AM : to 07AM) Romanian Time
    • 32/32 every time

    We will be the best !

    For admin request : Click
    For tag request : Click
    For rules : Click

    If you can stay between 1:00 AM to 2:00 PM
    If you are From Venezuela we give you grade if you , stay from 17:00 until 23:00 To Server (Venezuela Time)

    Contact me and i will give you a good grade !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. *-Rin Okumura-*

      *-Rin Okumura-*

      I am from Venezuela and I can be connected that time :)

    3. InfiNitY-™


      @*-Rin Okumura-* Contact me or any manager !

    4. CSBD Member 1

      CSBD Member 1

      give me an admin please :( S!di.

  8. When a ignorants speak , just listen them. 

  9. Where did you find this song :YD:

    I'm dacing to work now :yuhu:

    1. AFROJACK™


      Hear on teamspeak then i asked for title and bum

    2. lconZ_


      wtfff all ramvoed 

  10. I need a partner :) for ShadowsZM

  11. Searching for full staff !

  12. Someone find me a GPS for CSBD becuase i lost :mad:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. S!di.


      At least i found the way. I'm back. 

      Sethhhh. Good work , and hope you win more and more in life and here too.

    3. Sethhh.


      Thank youuuuuuu :rambo:

    4. AFROJACK™


      Sid o kengtar :D 

  13. You have been banned !


    1. [P]Ablo [E]Scobar
    2. The cobra

      The cobra

      and me have ban in server

  14. This are the words , after banned.

    Dear S!di i took banned in the forum where i invested my time , my hours , my all work which i did on WTF & ShadowsZm. I know that i did bad for join to the other think that the Administrator here did not like. But i joined to speak with friends who left , and i from being acused for Advertisemt. I want that guy who tells that find me proof , becuase i got Banned just for going somewhere else and i was talking with my friends.
    I got banned becuase someone did not like that i was there , not for the advertisemt becuase i know the rules and i i know it all but all i don't understand is Why?
    This why made me think with myself for a hour and more Why? Since we joined here together in the start they trated us good , but in this last months they forgot us (WTFZM so called now SHADOWS) , i thought this too maybe we weren't good but there are others here who are worse.
    So why? The last think was i got banned for others who Advertisemt and now i eated the ban too without doing anything just staying afk and speaking with my friend. So S!di this post please write it on the CSBD Messages so those who see it just to know. That Edi was not the Advertismenter or anything he was like all people here. 

    Goodluck in ShadowsZM , and if Administratorin see's this i hope they Apply something...

    So now Administratrion waiting for a answer !!!!

    1. **Hero**


      My answer is the following, I know that you are a great administrator and manager, I was very surprised to see that you are banned, but if this is what you want, I as administrator and your friend,I promise that I will always do everything I can so that shadow i   always server number 1

      Good luck in what you want and you can always count on me

  15. CfyMi3l.jpg

    Cleaning the ftp from liers...

  16. ShadowsZM has a Devil^ now in Staff !

    Welcome boy :ghost-symbol:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #Speed


      Me Ramoved -_- Hazerd ramoved me 


    3. Love Pulse

      Love Pulse

      haha Thanks You ^^

      sidi I am honored you XD

      We met once again :v

    4. #Speed
  17. This is a annoucment for ShadowsZM. In the next day we will close all the offers for Admins.

    Only 20 Admins will have the chance to present us !

    Thanks Official Founder S!Di,

    1. © w!cKeD ®~™-., /D/*^
    2. AFROJACK™


      Let the admins of other server speak :yuhu:

  18. Some voices in my mind?

  19. It is good when the things go , as we think !

    1. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      It Is Good When We Think And That Things Doest Happend It Feels Good

  20. Founder SHADOWSZM.CsBlackDevil.com [Zombie Plague 6.2] 

  21. Look for some problems we Dns of WTFZM won't be changed till a unkown date.


    1. ™- HappY -™

      ™- HappY -™

      server is name chage ok 

      new name the server shaDowZm 


  22. http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/8571-request-admin/

    Apply for Admin because we are searching. Come on long time i don't see a post here :facebook-eyes-symbol::facebook-eyes-symbol::maniac:


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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