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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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Everything posted by S!di.

  1. did you know that someone you had before write me. im totaly bored for your luck hahaha :maniac:

    1. AFROJACK™


      Kush ashtu me ndrico njeher :/ ? kush ka qen ai/ajo qe me permend mu ne biseda me ty

    2. S!di.
    3. AFROJACK™


      Kryt e ropve ajo krv te shkrujti a. Ehh asaj ja qr shume ja patme lyp e lesht 

  2. Metting finished very good job to the in charge Manager who made the leader.

    New updates will happen

  3. I was totaly pleased when i saw Real Madrid offside goals. Respect to UEFA who always "Judge" the matches.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. greeNZ


      just 1 is offside

      accepte it simply

    3. InfiNitY-™


      @greeNZ Lol, this 1 offside which made the match go to extra time ...
      and it was offside means Bayern should win!

    4. greeNZ


      are u kidding

      1 goal in offside was in extra time

      and i didnt see bayern deserve win (penalty ,ramos (OG) )



  4. i'm, Fan of Twins and CR7 i hate Bayern Munchen 


    1. AFROJACK™


      Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss someone got his payback :yuhu: never forget this Robben can do whatever he want in the end Ronaldo is the guy who makes the mark

    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      we will wait what happen of BFC:P

  5. Go Bayern <3 

  6. Extra protections are addedd to the server. You can't do nothing :D

  7. two things you need to know about fotball.

    first : when a Juventus falls in ground it's a penalty.
    second : reapet the first :yuhu:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      i hope that bc lost match :P

    3. InfiNitY-™


      haahahahha true true 

    4. GUCCI™


      you forgot when pinaldo fall its a penalty too :) 

  8. O Ed me fol ne Whatsapp , se kam disa ndeshje per neser.

    A ke kap gje sot? 

    1. AFROJACK™


      po 30 mije i kapa ma lane vetem Vittese ja qr , per 140.

      Kapa Tottenham , Barcelonen , Realin me 4+ :) 10 mije per 35 mije e paten.

      Sot shko fute Chelsin 2,2,3+ 

  9. Play for 90 minutes more good than the other team. 
    And always they go loose or be even with goals. Manchester United -_-

    1. AFROJACK™


      Pres sonte me dal ndonje gje se robt u tham pa lek

  10. Hh then you tell my people stealer , when you are more bad than them :YD:

  11. Jam moti n'ket qim nane thirrem Oldschool

  12. Nobody will quit , we will strike again. 

    SHADOWSZM The Best 

    1. BhooTh



      we are best 

      no body quit our house menas our kingdom We will back our kingdom

    2. maykel.


      We are the best , we will be Number #1 !


  13. Mobilis in Mobili

  14. e6de657b-df53-469c-891a-0707c33d955b---0

    Shkodra <3 

    Thanks to my G , for the photo 

    1. AFROJACK™


      Ska problem vllai sa here te duash <3 

  15. Operation clean the ftp has , end now it's done and everyone will be replaced :) 

  16. Mireupafshim XD

  17. @Twins@baby™ @TalviNN' @CSBD♥♣ @Showt Time @InfiNitY-™ @Aries @Davidblack-

    Tonight at 21:30 Alll on Teamspeak 3 of CsBlackDevil.com = Reason is STAFF METTING

  18. I start where the last man left off. 

    1. AFROJACK™


      Da frate esti cel mai bun , singurul motiv pentru care te-am sprijini pentru că eu și tu sunt copii <3 

  19. To the players of the my server.

    [EN]Now you have the rules created in the English language please don't make any mistake. Thanks to him who create them.
    [AL] Tani keni rregullat te krijuar ne gjuhen tuaj ju lutem mos beni gabime. Faliminderit ati qe e krijoj :) 
    [RO]Acum aveți regulile create în limba Română vă rugăm să nu fac nici o greșeală. Datorită celui care le-au creat.
    [FR]Maintenant, vous avez les règles créées en langue Française, ne faites aucune erreur. Merci à celui qui les crée.


    1. baby™


      quand tu parle francais toi ? 

  20. White David !

    1. L1k3R
    2. InfiNitY-™


      hahahah no one didnt say this for him

    3. L1k3R
  21. This is for Pakistan Players.

    You will be able to join at SHADOWSZM becuase ive seen the proofs that your country was banned before.
    I will fix that thing just be patient please :) 

    Regards Founder !

    1. Sethhh.


      Can you show me these proofs?

    2. S!di.


      @Sethhh. see CSBD Server only my ip doesent take Pakistan :3 

  22. A Warn for the Staff who leave , you will be all removed one by one. Reasons i don't play for a grade or other lying things. 
    You can go where you want but , im not a kid to joke with me. 


    1. AFROJACK™


      Well as you say sir !

  23. Searching for Admins !


    1. CSBD Member 1

      CSBD Member 1

      give me an admin please :(


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