S!di.'s Achievements
Single Status Update
People who say that WTFZM is being closed , take care old fans off the server.
WTF will be closed when i say and i did not say something yet , about that server is failing no its not failing but you are so much blinded that u see one thing and say i hate i hate !
WTFZM is going to next generation and it is managed by Managers which know what they do about the grades that old dear Managers gave it was a failure better i have my server empty that a admin that speaks like a dog on someone else face bad for me , and under my back bad for me.
Hate me people , im not here to make friends im here to make my game with my money not to be friends with you.
Goodluck all is Managed by me and it will be for some time !!!!- Show previous comments 4 more
@kingcsbd po te kthej pergjigje une tani , si te duket ty ti japesh nje njeriu elder dhe aj te rri 100 minuta aktiv.
Dhe fillon dhe thote du ftp ose ika ? Ne paguajme 23 euro per hosting dhe lodhim mendjen tone per keta dhe shife ca bejne kjo eshte arsyeja pse kam bo remove tgjith sepse sme ka pelqy staffi qe kam ! -
i dont say that @-Skrillexx™ i want say just why remove me bcz im a legend of wtf