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Everything posted by d3v0uTT™

  1. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, In this section are posted only technical issues of editing softwares (After Effects / Photoshop / Illustrator / Etc.). TOPIC CLOSED!
  2. v1 - color, text
  3. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, Go at Topic Moderation (Near the Bump this topic) >> Lock. TOPIC CLOSED!
  4. d3v0uTT™


    5. Piracy (warez) 5.1 It's forbidden to open any topic about piracy (warez) The following topics will lead to permanent suspension without appeal right: Instructions, discussions and links how a pirated software runs, crack sites are also included. Request or publication serial numbers or cracks. Request or publication of DLCs. Request or publication of trackers. (torrent sources) Download link of some applications over which you have no copyright. (with exception of official websites who allow free software released / created by them) Various advertising of private servers or statements that support the free private. Example: statements like, let's play "free" on www.ewkew.ro than playing on the official with monthly fee. TOPIC CLOSED!
  5. Hello, The banner is not frozen, for example in your photo is map zm_fortuna and 30/32, now is zm_javed and 32/32, if your problem continues try to delete your history/chace/cookies. TOPIC CLOSED!
  6. Hello, You have to make a new layer -> put a soft brush 200px -> put the layer on Linear Dodge (Add) . P.S: Next time use the model. TOPIC CLOSED!
  7. v2 - text, border, sharpen
  8. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, Free up some disk space. Try to set the "Primary scratch disk" to a partition or disk where no OS is present. Eg: If your system is on C:, set the primary scratch to D: If you have only one disk (partition) than keep free at least 1-2 Gb free space. If you work in Windows, you can also check the virtual memory setting, it is best to be "System managed size".
  9. v1 - 7 votes v2 - 2 votes Winner d3v0uTT (v1) !
  10. Hello, You told him that you will give you a account with CS:GO, and he told you that his account is VAC Banned, you scammed him. ( http://postimg.org/image/bzjw7b1rn/ ) If you give his account back you will be deleted from the blacklist. TOPIC CLOSED!
  11. Buna ziua, Membrul in cauza a fost banat pe aceasta sectiune si adaugat in lista cu persoanele neserioase, ne cerem scuze pentru cele intamplate. Sfatul meu este ca pe viitor cand faci o tranzactie sa ai un intermediar. TOPIC CLOSED!
  12. Numele oponentului: IL PADRINO Tema de lucru: Tipul lucrari : Avatar Marime: 150x250 *Text: Change the world Watermark: CSBD / CSBLACKDEVIL Timp de lucru: 24h
  13. d3v0uTT™

    Help !

    Hello, Next time use the model. T/C
  14. Refuse. No time.
  15. v1 - 12 votes v2 - 1 vote Winner d3v0uTT (v1).
  16. World of Warcraft (MMORpg) si Gothic (RPG).
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