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Everything posted by d3v0uTT™

  1. d3v0uTT™


    Salutare, Descarca acest ghid in format .PDF, in el se afla raspunsul la problema ta: Click
  2. Salutare, Bine ai venit alaturi de noi. Pe unele lucrari ar trebui sa nu mai pui atata sharpen si focusezi mai mult renderul (nu prin sharpen). Cat despre acel layout/template, ar trebui sa il faci ceva mai complex, ori daca il lasi simplu, fa-l mai interesant.
  3. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, Go to Start -> RUN -> Type Regedit --> HKEY-CURRENT-USER --> SOFTWARE --> VALVE (Delete it)
  4. Hello, Follow these steps: 1. Download 7-Zip for Windows: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html 2. Install 7-Zip. 3. Run "7-Zip File Manager". 4. Open folder with client/patcher file. 5. Right click on file -> Open Inside (Ctrl + PgDn) 6. Select all files (Alt + A), Extract to any folder.
  5. Accept.
  6. d3v0uTT™

    Hello CSBD

    Hello, The staff didn't remove "Arabs", those members were removed for some reason that you are not interested. We do our job, and you don't have to worry, some of the members removed weren't arabs. Remove from your mind the think that we have something with Arabs. TOPIC CLOSED!
  7. You need to have a bigger rank than Member. TOPIC CLOSED!
  8. Hello, There is a tutorial that can helps you:http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/topic/95036-profile-customization/ .
  9. - DATE GENERALE DESPRE JOC - Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 a fost lansat in anul 2000 de catre Westwood Studios (Dezvoltator) si Electronic Arts (Editor). Pana acest moment, partea doua a jocului este cea cu cel mai mare succes, desi a fost lansat si Red Alert 3, ce este ceva mai avansat, jucatorii prefera tot Red Alert 2 datorita faptului ca este clasic si mult mai interesant, potrivit Wikipedia acesta are un rating de 86% din partea jucatorilor. - DESCRIEREA JOCULUI - Jocul este stabilit într-o lume în care Hitler a fost "eliminat" de actiunile lui Albert Einstein, cu ajutorul unui dispozitiv cunoscut sub numele de Chronosphere. Aceasta a împiedicat ca Al Doilea Razboi Mondial sa existe, dar în Red Alert a apărut un nou conflict între Rusia si SUA si aliatii săi europeni. Acum Rusia este condusă de premierul Romanov, acesta, cu ajutorul unui psihic puternic, denumit Yuri, el a construit în secret forte militare extinse pe care intentionează să le folosească pentru a invada Statele Unite. YURI -> <- ROMANOV Povestea se deschide cu fortele ruse ce aterizeaza pe malul SUA. Există două campanii single player, cate una pentru fiecare parte, si ambele armate (SUA/URSS) sunt disponibile în modul multiplayer. Pentru oricine ce este familiarizat cu genul de strategie în timp real, în general, ideea este de a "recolta" sau colectarea resurselor (minereu si pietre pretioase, în cazul Red Alert), care pot fi apoi folosite pentru a construi structuri pentru a-ti forma propria baza. - IMBUNATATIRI - Povestea în Red Alert 2 se spune printr-o serie de scene. Calitatea video a fost imbunatatita considerabil. Grafica din joc a fost, de asemenea, imbunatatita mult fata de primul joc Red Alert. Inca exista cateva mici probleme: cum ar fi tendinta unitătilor mici să se fuzioneze atunci când în picioare sunt puse în miscare împreună. Hărtile au fost, de asemenea, revizuite masiv, acum exista si orase distruse (dintre care multe au repere recognoscibile), precum si portiuni de gheată si terenuri agricole verzi. Aceste îmbunătătiri sunt mai mult decât cosmetice, cu toate acestea, trupele pot fi acum puse în clădiri, acestea avand un grad de protecție ridicat exista, si "clădiri tech" împrăstiate în jurul bazelor, acestea pot fi capturate pentru a oferi beneficii pentru proprietarul lor. De exemplu, sonde de petrol oferă un flux constant de venituri, fără a necesita colectoare de minereu sau rafinării. Fiecare structură de pe harta poate fi distrusa la fel de bine, cu bonusuri acordate, în unele cazuri. - CAMPANII - Camapniile singleplayer din Red Alert 2 sunt extrem de bune si echilibrate. Obiectivele misiunilor variază foarte mult de la misiune la misiune, si în timp ce toate sunt, în general, de-a lungul liniilor de "ucide totul" metodele prin care faci acest lucru variaza. De exemplu, un nivel implică utilizarea Turnului Eiffel ca bobina Tesla giganta, în timp ce un alt nivel, fortele trebuie să preia comanda unor de grupuri împrăstiate de trupe si de a monta o ofensiva pe mai multe fronturi. - UNITATI - Fiecare dintre unităti serveste un scop unic, si relatiile dintre ele înseamnă că nu există o strategie care nu poate fi contracarată cumva. Favoritul meu personal este "Cainele", acesta poate omora intr-o secunda orice unitate vie (Om / Animal), in acelasi timp poate depista intrusii. Acest lucru duce la unele tactici interesante, cum ar fi construirea unei haite de câini. Dezvoltatorii au prezentat in aceasta parte "armele super". Exista si ceva arme din jocul precendent, cum ar fi lansator de rachete nucleare si Chronosphere. S-au alăturat si nou-veniti, cum ar fi un dispozitiv de control de vreme. Acesta este coplesitor de puternic, dar ca sa echilibreze, acesta are nevoie de mult timp pentru a se încărca (până la zece minute, în unele cazuri), precum si faptul ca alt jucător primeste un avertisment (pe ecran numărătoarea inversă până la activare). - PARERE SUBIECTIVA - Red Alert 2 este cu siguranta cel mai bun joc pana in prezent in seria Command & Conquer. Campaniile singleplayer sunt foarte distractive, iar jocul multiplayer a fost foarte bine echilibrat si îmbunătătit, astfel încât cele mai multe dintre probleme au fost atenuate, rezultând un koc care este pur si simplu distractiv de a juca impreuna cu prietenii. - TRAILER - - SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - Recommended Requirements INTEL CPU - Pentium III AMD CPU - Athlon MP Nvidia GPU - GeForce 6200 LE AMD GPU - Radeon 7000 64mb Memorie RAM - 320 MB Spatiu HDD - 400 MB
  10. v1 - redimension, C4Ds
  11. Hello black devils, What can an accelerated program startup ? To reduce the time it can be used after pressing the Power. Disable or delay auto-start applications. Standard Startup Delayer is a free program that allows us to delay the execution of applications that are run on startup, depending on the activity level of the processor. Time passed by turning the button of the computer until it can be used not only dependent on hardware resources but also on the type and number of applications that were scheduled to run with the operating system. Even if the ideal would be that no application does not start automatically, there are situations where this is rendered unavoidable (for some security solutions) or is not desirable (for applications running in the background and which equips the system of some functions that you use often). In such circumstances, the only solution to accelerate stay late start running those applications to be automated (or want) to do so; Startup Delayer and Standard, as can be seen in the image above gives us this possibility. All you have to do is download and install the application and then, to change the startup type of applications that make it difficult startup. After taking relevant outcome measures, confirm the changes made by clicking Apply and Delay: Download the application from here: Click. d3v0uTT @ CSBLACKDEVIL
  12. Hello black devils, I make some points how to keep your PC clean. Let's beggin: 1. Clean frequently your PC, mouse and keyboard of dust. For example your coolers can broke from dust. 2. Delete the files you don't. Delete them from Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs . Or you can get a program that delete the file from your hard. An example is Eraser . 3. Follow “drive usage”. WinDirStat can help you to see what use so much space on your hard. 4. Organize your “My Documents”. A lot of people don't have much in this folder, but there can be a lot of hidden things or usefull folder, those must be in categories. 5. “Clean” the startup, the registries and cookies. You have to look what program works at the windows startup and those you don't need, disable them. After you uninstall a game or a program, go at Start -> Regedit at look for the registry of that program or game. CCleaner is a program that really can help you with these things. 6. Clear your desktop. Many people have the desktop almost full o icons, songs, folders and photos. Try to put just the most important, not many, and the rest put them in a folder and put it in your "My Computer", on the partition where is not the windows. 7. Try to keep your PC as simple as you can, don't install thousands of aplications for unusefull things, like the weather, shortcuts, etc. In the same time, try to keep your Recycle Bin empty. d3v0uTT @ CSBLACKDEVIL
  13. d3v0uTT™

    Help Me

    Hello, The problem is not from your PC, is from us. Until we solve this, you can use this romanian VPN (CyberGhost) and also to set the location to Romania (România). Your problem with connection to our problem will be inexistent, because the problem is about the external internet connection. Thanks to LOADING for this solution.
  14. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, We, the CSBD Staff, respect the members from all countries, from Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia and Antarctica. Here are no differences between the members, being romanians or arabs. In this community we are HUMANS not romanians or arabs! And the demonstration is the friendship between all members and CSBD Staff. You have to understand that this community is international, but the roots of this community are in Romania. We're trying to do the best to make the members from each country to understand our ideas and forum. Not to advantage or to protect members of certain countries. For example every announce by CSBD Staff have the version in english too. With much respect and esteem, CSBD STAFF
  15. Hello black devils, In this tutorial you can learn how to solve the error with "Commercial use suspected" of TeamViewer (Any version). As teamviewer (personal) free user, you are allowed to connect only minimum number instances with various computers in a specific time frame. If you are using the teamviewer to connect with various computers (your friends and relatives) in short span of time for educational or personal use, You might get pop-up warning such as “Commercial Use Suspected” and connectivity may slow down or connection will be terminated after some time. The instructions specified here, intended for educational purpose only. Never use teamviewer for commercial purposes without proper license. Step 1 : Close and exit your teamviewer application if it is running Step 2 : Click Windows Start > Run and search with %appdata% variable and find the teamviewer folder and delete it Step 3 : Beware, This step is very important and have to follow instructions with caution. Click Windows Start > Run and enter “regedit” and click OK. Find the registry entry located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > teamviewer and remove the teamviewerregistry folder. Step 4 : Change the MAC address (ID) of your Ethernet card and restart your computer. You can do this with MAC MakeUp . Once your restart the computer, run teamviewer and connect with anyone else remotely. There is no more pop-up of Commercial Use Suspected warning and its gone now. Enjoy your teamviewer session. If you have any questions about this tutorial don't be shy to reply. d3v0uTT @ CsBlackDevil
  16. Hello, In this forum you can trade only objects/games from STEAM ! TOPIC CLOSED!
  17. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, In this section are posted only technical issues of editing softwares (After Effects / Photoshop / Illustrator / Etc.). TOPIC CLOSED!
  18. d3v0uTT™

    Help Me plx

    5. Piracy (warez) 5.1 It's forbidden to open any topic about piracy (warez) The following topics will lead to permanent suspension without appeal right: Instructions, discussions and links how a pirated software runs, crack sites are also included. Request or publication serial numbers or cracks. Request or publication of DLCs. Request or publication of trackers. (torrent sources) Download link of some applications over which you have no copyright. (with exception of official websites who allow free software released / created by them) Various advertising of private servers or statements that support the free private. Example: statements like, let's play "free" on www.ewkew.ro than playing on the official with monthly fee. TOPIC CLOSED!
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