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Everything posted by d3v0uTT™

  1. Everything is possible in a match like this . The biggest derby on the planet, but in my opinion Real Madrid will win. HALA MADRID.
  2. This section is to relax and see more disscution topics , not to make a little battle . Topic Closed .
  3. Hello, What is the lie? How did he lied you? And what's the problem that he is Zawer Hassan, if thats is his name what's the problem? You should do some english lessons because I don't understand nothing from there. he leave with me in my same city What's the problem he live (not leave) with you in the same city, I live with many members from here in the same city. (Don't tell this to anyone)
  4. d3v0uTT™


    Salutare, Aceste lucruri trebuie vorbite cu un administrator , din cate am inteles acesta este contul tau vechi : http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/user/14012-zeth-x/ , trebuie sa clarifici cu administratorii de ce ai primit ban . O seara buna in continuare!
  5. Salutare, Imi cer scuze, nu am cercetat foarte bine acest caz. Dupa cum vezi acest server a primit unranked din cauza motivului spus si de colegul meu ,Adm- , mai sus . Nu cred ca trebuie sa facem scandal pentru asa ceva , fiecare are server-ul lui sa se ocupe de el, cat timp il plateste este exact treaba lui si el suporta consecintele , prin urmare nu avem ce dezbate aici.
  6. Welcome to our wonderful community! Enjoy your stay here.
  7. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, Try to wait 24 hours and see if it works then .
  8. v1 - 1 vot v2 - 16 voturi Winner d3v0uTT (v2) ! Felicitari weed pentru acest minunat battle.
  9. Accept. La multi ani 2016!
  10. Happy Birthday revo' , I hope you will acomplish all of your whises ! This day will be a Revolutionary day !
  11. d3v0uTT™

    Help [Ps] C4D

    Hello, If you want C4D you can search on DeviantArt , If you want to learn how to do C4D signatures you can search on our tutorials section.
  12. Salutare, Daca iti plac FPS-uri pe tema de razboi vechi , incearca Battlefield si sa nu uitam de Medal of Honor . Imi place sa vad pe cineva care a jucat Wolfestein si a inteles si povestea . Mai poti incerca si Far Cry.
  13. Hello, Every day we encounter a lot of strange eveniments, I saw more "scary" eveniments than this one , these are just strange things.The are many scary eveniments what apeears in each day of our lifes , we just see them, we don't do nothing about these.
  14. Salutare, Comunitate CSBLACKDEVIL nu incurajeaza niciun tip de piraterie sau warez! Prin urmare topic inchis !
  15. Salutare Pentru a redimensiona se foloseste doar tasta SHIFT , apesi de shift si tragi pe colturi.Shift + ctrl si shift + alt sunt pentru warping. Astept un raspuns !
  16. v2 - blur , luminozitate.
  17. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, Download these pixel patterns: Click , and put them on scale 1%.
  18. v1 - 2 votes v2 - 13 votes Winner v2 ( dev ) Congratulations MC'Art!
  19. Start battle. V1 V2
  20. Salutare, Ai programul QuickTime instalat?
  21. d3v0uTT™


    Comunitatea noastra nu incujareaza pirateria! T/C
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