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Everything posted by d3v0uTT™

  1. Start battle! v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9
  2. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, Reduce the Feather value in the Options bar before use that tool.Also make sure your targeting the right layer. Selection are made on layers if the layer contains transparent pixels or the layers opacity is set low you will not see where the selection is for Photoshop only places marching ants around pixels that have at lease 50% opacity.
  3. v1 - text ,blur ,pattern.
  4. Salutare, Citeste acest articol: Click .
  5. Accept.
  6. Name of the oponent: GFX Team Theme of work: Type of work : Signature Size: 450x225 *Text: - Watermark: CSBLACKDEVIL/CSBD Working time: 48h
  7. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, Go on your profile ->"Edit my profile" Press "Edit my About Me page".
  8. Hello, That depends on what do you want to do with the PC, I think this is a good one: http://www.alienware.com/Landings/desktops.aspx ( Alienware X51 ) .
  9. Hello, Here is a good tutorial for this effect: http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/topic/136932-pstutorial-sparks-photoshop-by-effect/ .
  10. d3v0uTT™


    Salutare, Windows-ul este 32 bit sau 64 bit? Photoshop CC nu suporta videoclipurile/gif-urile pe versiunile 32 bit ale fiecarui Windows.Incearca sa downloadezi PS CS3 sau PS CS5 sunt cele mai bune.
  11. Salutare, Aici se negociaza doar iteme de pe platforma STEAM. T/C
  12. Salutare, Aici se negociaza doar iteme de pe platforma STEAM. T/C
  13. Nick: d3v0uTT™ Tip resursa: Text gradients Marime*: 749 bytes Poze*: Download: Click .
      • 15
      • I love it
  14. d3v0uTT™

    Help ..

    Hello, try this: Go File -> Import -> Frames to layers -> write * in that case and pick the photo. Note: You need Quicktime for this.
  15. Welcome to our community, have fun!
  16. Welcome to our community!
  17. Nick: d3v0uTT Name of server:RESPAWN.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Picture Of Score :
  18. Salutare, Pe Photoshop CS6 au fost adauagate o multime de utilizari GPU si schimba foarte multe "task-uri" in procesorul GPU.Iti recomand sa utilizezi CS3 deoarece este cel mai eficient, bun si rapid pachet photoshop creat vreodata, nu sunt singurul care sustine acest lucru.
  19. 1. You have a model to respect! 2. Here:
  20. 1. Ai un model de respectat. 2. Cauta aici gradient-uri si pattern-uri si text-uri : http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/387-diverse/ .
  21. Hello, Here you can only sell/buy/trade steam items & games , you got the wrong section! T/C
  22. Salutare, Comunitatea noastra nu incurajeaza warez-ul si pirateria. T/C
  23. v1 - text , pattern
  24. v2 - colors, sharpen, pattern and flame effect.
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