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Everything posted by d3v0uTT™

  1. v1 - 2 votes v2 - 11 votes Winner V2 ( d3v0uTT) . Congrats. to ROUGE !
  2. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, You can use online convertors ,like : MakeAGif GifLike GifYoutube Or you can use a program like VideoPad Video Editor , but you need license for it .
  3. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, Go to Window -> Animations -> Animation (Frames) . TOPIC CLOSED
  4. Hello, The topic was moved to Disscusions because is not a suggestion . You can do that "Crew" and wait for members to reply if they play GTA V , then you can send them an invitation .
  5. Stop vote! Winner V2 (d3v0uTT) ! T/C
  6. v1 - blur , text
  7. v2 - text , blur
  8. Incearca sa faci o serie cu jocul MineCraft este foarte popular in toata lumea, cat si in Romania .
  9. d3v0uTT™


    Dupa cum ti-am spus , Du-te in tab-ul Windows -> Character , poftim si poza.
  10. Hello, Go File -> Import -> Video Frames to Layers -> Write * in the case and select the file.
  11. Salutare, Aici poti gasi destule tutoriale despre blur: http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/86-tutoriale/page-2?prune_day=100&sort_by=Z-A&sort_key=last_post&topicfilter=all .
  12. Salutare, Interesant channel, vad ca ai mijloacele necesare pentru asa ceva si cred ca poti reusi ceva foarte bun . Vad ca ai: 1,149 subscribers 613 views Si in trailer visul tau e sa ai 1000 de subscribers, cred ca ti s-a implinit . Te sfatuiesc sa te axezi pe jocuri mai cunoscute si interesante .
  13. La multi ani Mister Calin . Iti doresc un an scolar plin de performante , sa iei bac-ul cu brio !
  14. d3v0uTT™


    Salutare, Du-te in tab-ul Windows -> Character -> Si la AV pui 0 .
  15. Hello, Here is a topic with the same "theme" : http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/topic/147282-champions-league-europa-league-2015/ . Next time try to use the search function . T/C
  16. d3v0uTT™


    Hello, This happens because the edges of the image need to gently transition into the background colour. In this example Photoshop has assumed that the background will be white, so it has faded the edges towards white. To solve this you need to use the matte feature. When you select "Save As" you will see a window like the one on the bottom. Select the Matte drop-menu, then select Custom. A colour-picker window will appear — enter the colour of your background. In our example we will use the colour #292929 (for forum). Continue to save the file. If all goes well, it should now blend nicely into the background.
  17. Bun venit pe comunitatea noastra , Florin !
  18. In aceasta categorie se comercializeaza doar produse ce se afla pe platforma STEAM ! T/C
  19. v1 - text , mai scade din bright/contrast .
  20. v1 - 8 votes v2 - 5 votes Winner v1 (d3v0uTT) !
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