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  1. La mulţi ani!
  2. SERBIA NEEDS YOUR HELP We invite all of the civilized world to protect the Serbian cultural, religious and historical heritage in the Southern Serbian province of Kosovo and sign the petition against the separatist government in Pristina being granted membership in UNESCO. Nous appelons les citoyens du monde à défendre le patrimoine culturel, religieux et historique, de la province serbe du Kosovo et de la Métochie en signant la pétition Non à l'adhésion du pouvoir séparatiste à l'UNESCO. Ce dernier ayant organisé une destruction de ce même bien ne peut en aucun cas prétendre vouloir le défendre. Look what happened with our ORTODOX cathedrals from Kosovo: Look what barbars did with our ORTODOX symbol into catedrals: We all must to see this incredible video: #NoKosovoUnesco
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  3. Cu privire la o posibilă întâmplare, această rămâne doar un mister. Dar, sunt mult prea multe semne satanice vizibile. Nu am zis că a fost mâna umană cea care a cauzat acel incident, cel marcat cu trei de şase şi-a arătat colţii. Ora 22:00, ziua 30/10, peste doar două ore începea "sărbătoarea" împrumutată. Deci, teoretic acolo s-a sărbătorit acea "sărbătoare" a păgânilor. Deaceea patriarhia României nu a intervenit pe plan religios, deoarece acolo s-a sărbătorit împotriva Lui Dumnezeu. Oricum, Dumnezeu să-i odihnească! Sunt oameni nevinovaţi.
  4. RESPECT! Google este solidar cu România!
  5. All 224 passengers and crew on board a Russian passenger plane that crashed in Egypt's Sinai peninsula have died, Egyptian medical and security sources said. Search and rescue team members are still gathering the remains of victims after the crash on Saturday, the sources said. The plane was heading to St Petersburg, likely carrying tourists returning from holidays in Egypt's popular Sharm el-Sheikh resort. The Russian embassy confirmed there were no survivors. In a statement, Egypt's civil aviation ministry said the wreckage of the Russian passenger jet was found in the Hassana area, south of the city of el-Arish. It said the plane - a Metrojet Airbus A321 - took off from the Sinai Peninsula's Sharm el-Sheikh, a popular destination for Russian tourists, and disappeared from radar screens 23 minutes after takeoff. Germany's Lufthansa and Air France said they would halt flights over Sinai until the reasons behind the crash became clear. Day of mourning Among the passengers were 214 Russians and three Ukrainians, plus seven crew members, the Egyptian government said. At least 24 children were on board, the Association of Travel Operators of Russia said. Russian President Vladimir Putin declared a day of national mourning. Many bodies had already been found, said Mahmoud al-Zanati, head of the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority. "The search operation is still going on at the site of the accident. The wreckage is spread across a vast area," he added, according to state-run newspaper, al-Ahram. 'A tragic scene' Egyptian rescue team members earlier said they heard voices in a section of the plane, an officer on the scene told Reuters news agency. North Sinai security sources said a technical fault caused the crash. The flight recorder which contains the flight data was also found at the scene. An Egyptian security officer at the scene said: "A lot of the dead are on the ground, and many died whilst strapped to their seats. I now see a tragic scene. "The plane split into two, a small part on the tail end that burned and a larger part that crashed into a rock. We have extracted at least 100 bodies, and the rest are still inside." At a hotel near St Petersburg's Pulkovo airport, the friends and relatives of those on the flight gathered to grieve. Yulia Zaitseva said her friends, a newlywed couple named Elena Rodina and Alexqander Krotov, were on the flight. Both were 33 years old. Zaitseva said that her friend "really wanted to go to Egypt". She added: "We were friends for 20 years. She was a very good friend who was ready to give everything to other people. To lose such a friend is like having your hand cut off." Investigation launched Separately, Egypt's top prosecutor ordered an investigation into the cause of the crash. Nabil Sadek, the prosecutor general, ordered the formation of a team of prosecutors tasked with going to the site of the crash and investigating the debris. A centre to help relatives of the passengers has been set up at the Pulkovo airport, Tass news agency quoted St Petersburg city officials as saying. The Airbus A321 was at an altitude of 9,450m when it vanished from radar screens. Most of the passengers are said to be Russian tourists, according to reports. The plane was operated by the small Russian airline Kogalymavia, based in western Siberia. Technical malfunction The pilot reportedly requested clearance for an emergency landing at Cairo airport due to a technical malfunction. A senior Egyptian air traffic control official said the pilot told him in their last communication that he had radio trouble. Russian aviation official Sergei Izvolsky told Interfax news agency the aircraft took off from Sharm el-Sheikh at 5:51am (03:51 GMT). He said it did not make contact as expected with Cyprus air traffic control. "Communication was lost today with the Airbus A321 of Kogalymavia, which was carrying out flight 9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh to Saint Petersburg," Izvolsky told Russian television networks. "The plane departed Sharm el-Sheikh with 217 passengers and seven crew members. At 7:14am Moscow time, the crew was scheduled to make contact with ... Larnaca [Cyprus]. "However, this did not happen and the plane disappeared from the radar screens." Let's pray for our ORTHODOX brothers (Russia).
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  6. It was planned to happen like this, by a crazy mind.
  7. ENGLISH: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/30/world/bucharest-nightclub-fire/
  8. Halloween nu este o sărbătoare religioasă.
  9. Dumnezeu să-i odihnească în pace! Halloween este o sărbătoare satanică. Aceast Halloween de anul acesta, a fost numerotat ca fiind al 666-lea Halloween, foarte straniu. Cât şi numele formaţiei de rock (Goodbye) dar şi numele melodiei (Ziua când vom muri). God rest them in peace! Halloween is a satanic holiday. This Halloween this year was numbered as the 666 th Halloween, very strange. This rock band's name is (Goodbye) and song name was (Day when we die).
  10. I'm proud for what he did for us not for his genocide.
  11. We helped so much Germany in WW2, we have represented the source of fuel for Germany, and they have represented for us, armaments power. Hitler had not existed, Europe would be Russia.
  12. Remember you Hitler, our right-hand.
  13. Added on my iPod
  14. Noroc şi la mulţi ani! Frumoasă e vârsta de 18 ani, când le dai tuturor peste nas spunându-le că eşti major. )))
  15. Retired because you didn't get grade in ts3/forum. It is your problem, first time you must to do good things for our community. Every time you broken this important rule: - Access requests, grades on the forum is also prohibited. The persons who are part of the conduct of the community will select and contact potential members who participate in the selection and development of the administrative team. In any other unexpected situation which is not written in the rules, the conduct of the community has the final saying. Noroc!
  16. First time, control your language. Nothing is randomly, everything has a meaning.
  17. When the Coca-Cola logo is inversed it delivers an anti-Muslim message. Try to read reversed Coca Cola Coca Cola readed reversed means in arabic: La Mohammad, La Mecca = No Mohammad, No Mecca
  18. Guys, don't drink Coca Cola or Fanta, there was made by devil. Be careful!
  19. http://www.clipuri24.org/ce-face-taranul-cand-pierde-cheile-de-la-bmw-fi-84012.htm =))))))))))))))
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