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v Thousands of refugees from the Middle East and Northern Africa reach Europe every day. Reactions are quite diverse, not only from the European leaders, but also from the citizens of EU member states and they range from compassion and hospitality to concern, fear and hatred. The debate has also expanded in Romania, although our country is not exactly a top destination for the refugees. The financial effort for supporting the refugees and a so-called danger of Islamisation of Europe are the main fears in Romania. Stiripesurse.ro have asked the main Churches in Romania to state their positions. Religious leaders have been surveyed on the attitude of the Churches to the refugees and how they advised believers to deal with possible dangers coming from the current refugee crisis. The Romanian Orthodox Church is of the opinion that Romanian believers should act with love for their peers, according to the Christian belief and that Europe is not facing an Islamist threat. ‘It is easily understood that, when one of our peers is in difficulty, he/she should be helped and supported. I remind you that last year, the Romanian Patriarchy organised a fund rise in all Romanian churches and monasteries in the country and abroad and donated EUR 500,000 to the Patriarchy of Antiochia and the Whole East to help the victims of the bloody conflict in Syria. Naturally, anyone who needs help has to be helped’, said Father Constantin Stoica, spokesman for the Romanian Patriarchy. In the view of BOR officials, before speaking of a possible Islamisation, one needs to consider that an important share of those refugees are actually Christians. We have not the necessary elements to pass a judgement on such danger, the Patriarchy spokesman further says. ‘We have not picked up on a fear of an Islamisation threat. For the rest, it’s an issue Europe is facing and, normally, solutions will have to be identified’, Father Stoica added. The Patriarchy also envisages support for Romanian authorities should Romania need to host refugees. In fact, Bucharest already has a community of Arab Christians that BOR aids. ‘We have seen that the Romanian authorities are already making preparations. The authorities need to be supported in their effort of aiding these people of ours who are genuinely in a dramatic situation. What we have said pertains to our belief. Belief manifests itself through action. There is a connection between belief and love of one’s peers’, Father Constantin Stoica (photo) also said.
Allah y5alik a5oy
Slava Ţie Dumnezeul nostru pentru darul nostru, Sfântul Alexandru.
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KECSKEMET, Hungary — Three Bulgarians and an Afghan arrested in Hungary in connection with the deaths of 71 refugees found in a truck in Austria made their first appearance in court on Saturday, where they were given one month's detention to allow for an investigation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pC462bZsKw The arrests came as three young children suffering from dehydration and close to death were rescued from a van crammed with 26 refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, Austrian police said on Saturday. The two girls and a boy, ages 5 and 6, were found in a dire state when police stopped the vehicle after a chase near the Austrian town of St. Peter am Hart on the border with Germany, a police spokesman said. They are recovering in hospital. "The emergency doctor told us they would not have made it much longer — two, maybe three hours," said David Furtner, police spokesman for Upper Austria province. The discovery of the 71 refugees' bodies in a truck by an Austrian motorway on Thursday caused an international outcry. Europe is grappling with a surge in migrants arriving by land or sea, fleeing violence and poverty in the Middle East and Africa Along the way they face hardship and death. Calls are growing for a common European plan to prevent more tragedies. A man (center) accused of being involved in the trafficking of the 71 migrants found dead in a truck in Austria, is escorted by police officers at a court in Kecskemet, Hungary on Aug. 29, 2015. Bela Szandelszky / AP The handcuffed suspects were escorted by special police to the court house in the central Hungarian town of Kecskemet and given one month's detention by the court. This can be renewed monthly by the prosecution for up to a year, or by a court thereafter. No new court date was set. A prosecution spokesman told journalists the truck had left Kecskemet and picked up the migrants near the southern border with Serbia, before taking them through Hungary to Austria. "In this highly important case the investigation focuses on human trafficking committed in a crime syndicate, involving the torture of the trafficked persons and targeting financial gain," Gabor Schmidt said. RELATED: 71 Dead Refugees Found in Truck on Austria Highway: Officials Senior court official Ferenc Bicskei said the suspects face prison terms ranging from two to 16 years each if found guilty of human trafficking alone. They would not be charged with manslaughter in Hungary because they will face that charge separately in Austria, Schmidt said. "This horrible catastrophe was not without a forewarning," Bicskei told a press conference. "Its occurrence was a matter of time." A police officer walks by a truck that was discovered abandoned on an Austrian highway. It contained 71 bodies. HEINZ-PETER BADER / Reuters He said human trafficking cases had mushroomed in recent months, with 25-30 cases recorded monthly at the court in Kecskemet. Kecskemet lies halfway along a transit route between the Serbian border and the capital Budapest. Hungary's ruling center-right Fidesz party of Prime Minister Viktor Orban has toughened criminal laws associated with migration. The country is also building a fence along its border to stem the influx of migrants. The oldest suspect was a 50-year-old, heavy-set Bulgarian man, while the other two Bulgarians were aged 29 and 30, Bicskei said. One 28-year-old Afghan was also detained, he said. All four suspects appealed against their detention order, saying they had not committed any crimes, the court said. Austrian police said on Saturday they are hoping to help identify the dead in the truck by examining mobile phones found on some of them. Four children, including a baby girl, presumed from Syria and possibly Afghanistan, were among the dead. They arrested our brother to trying to do good things for the immigrants from Syria, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
North-West European countries have strengthened armed forces at the border, România didn't it.
You can see in this video a north american under isis mask, brain of isis is America it was proven. Listen his perfect accent in english language.
Acesta figurează pe bacnota de 5 lei, la valoarea pe care o are, ar fii trebuit să fie pus pe o bacnota cu o valoare mult mai mare.
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Revizuieşte-ţi comportamentul miez, în caz contrar voi fi nevoit să aplic sancţiuni pentru simplul fapt că vorbeşti cu disrespect cu o persoană din STAFFul CSBD. Nu mă oftic când văd că cineva îmi copiază stilul. Poţi face asta oriunde, dar nu aici. Dacă vei continua să-mi laşi reply, această faptă va fi catalogată ca fiind un mode de abuz (Off-Topic). O seară bună!
v2 - poziţionarea textului este mult mai bună faţă de restul, acesta fiind evidenţiat de o peliculă strălucitoare
I can't believe my eyes I won agaist the best gfx from CSBD
Bine ai venit! Ce ligă eşti la LOL ?
Allah y5alik Happy birthday Algeria!
Interesant mod de a iesi in evidenta, fiecare cu stilul sau. Cu privire la dezamagirea ta legata de grade, daca ai incerca sa renunti la limbajul de chat, la greselile gramaticale si la adoratia fata de grade, probabil ca ai avea o sansa sa te alaturi unui grup. Doua luni de activitate mi se pare o scofala, sunt persoane care au avut rabdare mult mai mare, devotament si seriozitate de respectat, care acum, au ajuns sa faca parte din STAFFul CSBD. P.S: Si lucifer a cerut sa i se dea putere mult mai mare, iar Dumnezeu l-a expulzat din casa Sa.
Happy birthday Mr.Love and Ana-Heek
Ramadan mubarak!
Romanian network =)